Digging this list for sure.

One that hasn't been mentioned I read this year was the Last Policeman
Trilogy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Policeman). The final book
came out this summer, dark with a sense of hope amidst apocalypse. The
other that really took me away was The Buddha in the Attic (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Buddha_in_the_Attic), such a strong sense
of liberating unheard voices.


On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Paula Gray-Overtoom <
pgray...@monroe.lib.in.us> wrote:

> Fables by Bill Willingham is my very favorite graphic novel series.  It's
> an entirely new take on all your favorite storybook characters.  If you
> watch Once Upon a Time, note that Fables is better.  Fables helped me find
> my way the The Unwritten series by Mike Carey.  There's a Fables/Unwritten
> crossover comic that just came out this year.  In the Unwritten, characters
> from books spill out into the real world and people from the real world get
> sucked into books.
> In a completely other place for graphic novels, check out American Vampire
> by Scott Snyder.  These vampires most definitely do not sparkle in the sun.
> I have also truly enjoyed reading the Library Wars manga series by Kiiro
> Yumi.  I couldn't resist a series about military librarians protecting
> libraries and books from government forces.
> Finally, one TV recommend, Adventure Time.  This cartoon has a lot of
> grown-up humor and themes (Lady Rainicorn was pregnant and had
> puppies/unicorn-rainbowish babies with Jake the dog a season or so ago) and
> BMO, the cute, talking computer/game is irresistible.
> I am really enjoying reading everyone else's posts.  I probably already
> have enough reading, watching and gaming options to last the next couple of
> years.
> ~ Paula

Jimmy Ghaphery
Head, Digital Technologies
VCU Libraries

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