On 17/12/14 04:23, Tania Fersenheim wrote:
I have some staff interested in a pilot of Open Journal Systems.

Anyone here have experiences with the software they'd like to share, either
installed locally or hosted by the OJS folks?

I'm especially interested in how responsive the developers and the user
community are.

The software is OJS and can be found at https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/

The link you used points to an third-party hoster of that software.

My experience with locally-installed OJS installed 'out-of-the-box' with half a dozen journals (some doing retrospective digitalisation, so reasonably large) has been great. Two upgrades have gone very painlessly.

As with most open source software, most of the development is left to individual users to do (or to pay third parties to do). For example I reported that the MARCXML output is completely useless and got this response: http://pkp.sfu.ca/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9019 On the positive side, I have the tools to provide better MARCXML, on the downside, I have to wrangle the time to do that.


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