It might be too simplistic for your needs, but you could check our LibStats <>. It's not under further development, but it works for us.


- - - - -
Edward F Spodick, IT and Services Infrastructure Manager
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library   tel:852-2358-6743  fax:852-2358-1043

On 15/1/15 9:25 am, Stuart A. Yeates wrote:
I'm looking for recommendations for a structured help platform.

By that I mean a tool by which a broad range of staff can create,
edit, inter-link, classify and maintain a set of structured
documentation for fixing problems and resolving issues.

Open source, closed source and hosted solutions considered, but the
platform must enforce structure (i.e. not a wiki); do LDAP / SAML /
etc; decent reporting of high-use docs; and be easy to use for
literate non-techies.

It seems like there should be a drupal module or something for this,
but for the life of me I can't see it (but then there are a confusing

Pointers to accounts of other people doing similar things also readily accepted.

...let us be heard from red core to black sky

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