Digital Humanities Coordinator
University of Georgia

The University of Georgia Libraries invites applications for the position of
Digital Humanities Coordinator. The successful candidate
will be responsible to the Deputy University Librarian for helping to
administer and coordinate the diverse activities and programs of the Willson
Center Digital Humanities Lab (DigiLab) of the University of Georgia in
support of faculty and student projects and the undergraduate digital
humanities certificate program (DIGI). This is a non-
tenured track faculty position. Duties include
collaborating with the other departments within the University Libraries, UGA
Press, Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, New Georgia Encyclopedia and
other project partners, as well as working closely with the DigiLab Steering
Committee Chair.

Duties associated with coordination of the DIGI program include establishing a
relationship with academic departments and support units in the Franklin
College of Arts and Sciences and other colleges and units; supporting the work
of the DigiLab Steering Committee Chair, and maintaining the DigiLab website
and social media presence. The position will also participate in and
coordinate training activities in digital humanities for faculty, graduate,
and undergraduate students, as well as plan campus activities and events
designed to increase interest and involvement in digital humanities across the
campus in cooperation with other university units.

This position will have a competitive salary and an attractive benefits
program, which includes a choice of health and retirement plans, dental plan,
vision plan, tuition remission, and paid relocation.

To view a full description of duties, qualifications and application procedure
please go

The University of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender
identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status.

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