AfroCROWD Project Manager Job Description
New York metropolitan area

AfroCROWD Project Manager Job Description

Title: AfroCROWD Project Manager (New York City)

Type: Part-time Independent Contractor

Compensation: $25/hr

Cycle: July to December 2015 (Start date: Early August)


  * Outreach to female Afrodescendant scholars to increase their awareness of 
the gender and multicultural gaps in Wikipedia and of the benefits of teaching 
with Wikipedia.


  * Organize 2 workshops in NYCfor female academics, including collaborating 
with project ExecutiveDirector ("E.D.")training them into Wikipedia.This will 
be done with the support of members of the Wiki Education Foundation who are 
part of Wikimedia NYC.
  * Organize and collaborate with project E.D. onorganizing and training 
participants of2 edit-a-thons in the period July-December ensuring that female 
participation is at least 50%.
  * Support edit-a-thons organized by community at community/cultural groups' 
    * Make community aware of this service.
    * Deliverables: 3-4 editathons
  * Organize outreach campaign to make sure that Afrodescendant women are aware 
of the gender gap in Wikipedia and the need to come up with creative ideas to 
involve women.
  * Campaign outreach activities: 
    * Timely announcements email, social media and flyer circulation for public 
    * Update AfroCROWDwebsite with blog posts about gender related issues;
    * Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia page updating for AfroCROWD 
and the project;
    * Project mailing list update and maintenance;
    * Various in person meetings with target subgroup leaders as needed;
    * Attend events related to the International Decade for People of African 
Descent as needed;
    * Identify and attend events by technology oriented Afrodescendants
  * Recruit and supervise babysitter for editathons and trainings of female 
  * Project bookkeeping: keep track of project expenses, receipts and 
collaborate with fiscal sponsor board treasurer and AfroCROWDE.D. in project 
accounting and reporting.
  * Collaborate with project E.D. in final cycle report to Wikimedia Foundation 
due February 30, 2016.

**Desired Qualifications**(if you possess most but not all of these 
qualifications, please apply anyway):

  * Demonstrated social media, web design and flyer design skills;
  * Demonstrated ability to edit Wikipedia 
    * Past attendance at one or more Wikipedia editathons or attendance at June 
20th Wikipedia Training the Trainers a plus;
  * Experience with technical or other community training or experience with 
teaching a plus;
  * Enthusiasm for Wikipedia, free culture or free knowledge movements;
  * Familiar with the concept of gender equality (experience in work on gender 
equality issues a plus);
  * Demonstrated familiarity with issues affecting Afrodescendants;
  * Experience with creating presentations (PowerPoint or Google Presentations) 
a plus;
  * Experiencewith Benchmark, Constant Contact or other similar email service a 
  * Knowledge of a language other than English spoken in the African Diaspora a 

**To Apply:**  
Submit resume, statement of purpose with links of social media or online
presence work and languages spoken other than English to
Feel free to integrate creative visuals in your application materials,
including your resume.

**About Afrocrowd:**  
**Afro Free Culture Crowdsourcing Wikimedia (AfroCROWD)** is a new initiative 
which seeks to increase the number of people of African Descent who actively 
partake in the Wikimedia and free knowledge, culture and software movements. 
The events are open to all Afrodescendants including but not limited to 
individuals who self-identify as **African, African-American, Afro-Latino, 
Biracial, Black, Black-American, Caribbean, Garifuna, Haitian or West Indian.** 

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