Help us make 2016 the year that the library world switches to using HTTPS to 
make all our digital library services secure and private.

The Library Freedom Project will be publishing the initial list of pledges next 
week to encourage everyone to include reader privacy and digital security in 
their New Year's resolutions. The "Library Digital Privacy Pledge" is at

Over the past few months, I've talked to all sorts of people about switching to 
HTTPS. Librarians, publishers, technologists. Library directors, CEOs, 
executive editors, engineering managers. Everyone wants to do it, but there are 
difficulties and complications, many of them small and some of them sticky. 
It's clear that we all have to work together to make this transition happen.

In addition to our list of pledges, we want to help publicise what you've done 
and what you're doing to make the switch. If you have a web page or blog post 
describing your use of HTTPS or your implementation plans, let us know and 
we'll add it to our list.

Email us at

Eric Hellman
President, Free Ebook Foundation (and volunteer for the Library Freedom Project)
twitter: @gluejar

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