Dear Code4Libbers,

We have a new developer starting soon that’s coming from industry with no 
experience in libraries. We're interested in hearing about any strategies or 
training methods you’ve found successful in introducing developers from other 
areas to the quirkiness of library tech – things like MARC, proxy servers, 
Z39.50, catalogue knowledgebases, e-resources access, etc. Do you have any 
successes or advice to share?

For those of you in academic libraries, we also are interested in strategies 
for getting someone new oriented to the academic environment.

Thanks so much!


Jenn Riley
Associate Dean, Digital Initiatives | Vice Doyenne, Initiatives numériques

McGill University Library | Bibliothèque Université McGill
3459 McTavish Street | 3459, rue McTavish
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 0C9 | Montréal (QC) Canada  H3A 0C9

(514) 398-3642

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