Call for Lightning Talk Proposals

Do you and your library have a new project, program, partnership, or tool that 
you would like to share with your fellow Science Boot Camp attendees? If so, 
please propose a Lightning Talk! The Lightning Talks will last 5 minutes per 
presenter and a laptop with a projector will be provided.  The deadline for 
proposals is Monday, April 11, 2016.

Submit your proposals at

See below for more information on Science Boot Camp for Librarians Southeast.

Dear Science Librarians,

Registration for Science Boot Camp for Librarians Southeast is now open! Please 
go here to register:

The Boot Camp is from July 6-8 in Athens, Georgia. Registration is limited to 
175 attendees.

This conference provides an affordable and immersive opportunity for librarians 
to learn and explore current science research with expert presenters. The theme 
of the conference is global change, and the daily sessions will focus on 
climate change, public health, marine science, science education, and a panel 
discussion with librarians who work outside of traditional academic settings. 
The conference includes 18 lightning talks presented by conference attendees 
and a gala at the UGA Special Collections Library. There will be six 
scholarships available for library students or recent library school graduates. 
This event will qualify for 8 CEUs from the Georgia Public Library Service.

If you would like to learn more about the conference, the lightning talks, or 
scholarships, please visit the website:

$275 includes:
All conference sessions
2 nights' hotel accommodation
2 Breakfasts
1 Lunch
2 Dinners
1 Gala reception
Free Parking

$115 commuter pricing includes:
All conference sessions
2 Breakfasts
1 Lunch
2 Dinners
1 Gala reception

For more information, please contact Diana Hartle 

Chandler Christoffel
Instruction Coordinator
UGA Science Library<>

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