***Cross-posted to multiple lists; please excuse duplication.***
publish! with ALCTSPublication Topics

*ALCTS Publications** (**http://www.ala.org/alcts/resources*
ALCTS seeks authors for its publications, which include the well-respected,
peer-reviewed journal, *Library Resources & Technical Services*
News*; *ALCTS Monographs*; *Sudden Selector’s Guides *(*SSG*)*; *and white
papers and “think pieces” for *ALCTS News*.  Authors are needed for topics
suggested by ALCTS members.  The full list of suggested topics may be found
at http://www.ala.org/alcts/resources/info/topics.  The broad topical
categories are listed below:

*AcquisitionsAltmetricsAuthority ControlCatalogingCollection
AssessmentCollection Development/ManagementCollaboration*

*CommunicationConsortial Purchasing, E-books, and DatabasesContinuing
ResourcesData CurationData SetsDigital Projects and MetadataDisaster and
Emergency PlansDiscovery LayerElectronic ResourcesGifts*

*ILLILSInstitutional RepositoriesMetadataOpen Access ResourcesPatron/Demand
Driven AcquisitionsPerpetual Access IssuesPredatory
PublishingPreservationScholarly Communications and the Role of Technical
ServicesShared Print Collections/RepositoriesTechnical Services Departments
and Organization Tools and StandardsTraining and Continuing Education,
*Editors of ALCTS Division* *Publications*

*Library Resources & Technical Services*: Mary Beth Weber,
*ALCTS News*: Rebecca Mugridge, alctsn...@lists.ala.org
*ALCTS Monographs*: Susan Thomas, alctsmonogra...@lists.ala.org
*Sudden Selector’s Guides*: Helene Williams, alcts-...@lists.ala.org
Additional contact: Mary Miller, Chair, ALCTS Publications Committee,

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
a division of the American Library Association

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