In case anyone with the same problem comes across this thread, I figured out 
the problem. Very simple, stupid stuff.

Problem 1: When I reinstalled Apache, the 
/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf file reverted the DocumentRoot to 
/var/www, when it was supposed to be /var/www/html.

Problem 2: There was an additional and nearly identical .htaccess file in 
/var/www/html/omeka that had a typo. It was missing the ^ before install/.*$

Also, the IT department who set up the cloud server for me installed 2 
instances of Omeka (who knows why), one under /var/www and one under 
/var/www/html, so this whole problem most likely would have been averted (or at 
least easier to solve) if that wasn't the case.

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