Dear code4libbers

I am currently working towards a Master of Information Studies at
Aberystwyth University. As part of my course, *I am undertaking a research
project that explores how technology solutions in libraries are selected*.

I am now gathering examples of projects involving technology in libraries,
and I can't think of a better place to look than the code4lib community.

*If you have 15 minutes to spare*, I would be very grateful if you could
fill out this *short online questionnaire *:

*If you have more than 15 minutes*, I am also looking for *examples of
projects that went particularly well, or particularly badly.* If you have
been involved in such a project and would be ready to spend about 45
minutes telling me more about it, I would love to hear from you!

Thank you in advance for your help, and I welcome any comments or feedback
on my research topic or the questionnaire (or the meaning of life)...


Thomas Guignard

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