Dear colleagues,

We’re pleased to announce a stable release of Archivematica version 1.5 and
Storage Service version 0.8.

New features in the 1.5 release (as described in the QA release):


   Upload DIP metadata to ArchivesSpace (Sponsored by Rockefeller Archive
   Center). Similar to the Archivists’ Toolkit workflow
   this DIP upload functionality allows you to send technical metadata and
   rights metadata about your DIP objects from Archivematica to ArchivesSpace.
   Ticket #8413 <> ;

   AIP re-ingest for DIP generation and metadata updates (Sponsored by Zuse
   Institut of Berlin). Allows you to re-ingest an existing Archivematica AIP
   for the purpose of normalizing for access (DIP creation) or to update the
   Dublin Core and PREMIS rights metadata. Note that full AIP re-ingest,
   allowing for the re-running of all micro-services including
   re-normalization for preservation purposes, is currently under development
   and is targeted for the 1.6 release. Ticket #8679
   <> ; Documentation:

   Send a hierarchical DIP to AtoM (Sponsored by the National Library of
   Wales). Retrieves the Levels of Description taxonomy from an AtoM
   installation and allows you to apply them to directories and items in SIP
   arrange. Adds a logical structMap to the METS file, which when received by
   AtoM after DIP upload, automatically creates descriptions (information
   objects) in AtoM matching the names and levels of description you assigned
   in SIP arrange. Ticket #8678
   <> ; Documentation:

Newly added since the QA release!


   Move Store DIP to its own user choice (Sponsored by MIT Libraries).
   This feature moves the Store DIP option after the Upload DIP option
   (note that you’ll still be able to choose Store DIP as the first choice).
   This allows users to upload a DIP or DIP metadata to an access system
   (AtoM, ArchivesSpace or Archivists’ Toolkit) and easily keep a stored copy
   as well. Please refer to the diagram
   <> on
   our wiki. Ticket #8995 <> ;

   Storage Service API authorization: For added security, the Storage
   Service now requires an API key when called by Archivematica for AIP
   deletion requests, AIP download requests, etc. Ticket #9838

Back-end improvements:


   #7303 <> - Replace SQL with

   #8891 <> - Add connection
   pooling to django ORM (Note: this will improve scalability for processing
   transfers with many objects)

   #5673 <> - Update Tastypie
   to latest version

   #7305 <> - Update to Django

   #8974 <> - Use Django
   migrations instead of raw SQL

Bugs fixed in this release:


   #9080 <> - Cannot delete
   directory in SIP arrange

   #9590 <> - Remove tool
   version from file identification drop-down

   #9704 <> - Certain Latin
   characters break transfer user interface

   #8812 <> - Revert Dublin
   Core date field back to text string

   #9635 <> - UUIDs appended to
   filenames for normalized preservation files should be the file UUID

   #9155 <> - Duracloud
   chunking can exhaust available memory

   #8319 <> - PREMIS formatName
   value not taken from PRONOM (more info on this in FPR updates, below)

… and more! You can see a full list of changes made in this release in the

FPR updates:

The Format Policy Registry (FPR) is now updated to use version 84 of PRONOM
(released January 2016- see release notes
In addition to new formats, we have done some re-organization in the FPR so
that the data maps more cleanly to PRONOM. This helped to address Bug #8319
<> - formatName value not taken
from PRONOM. Now the format name written to the PREMIS object metadata in
the METS file will be the same as the format description in the FPR, rather
than the format version. The format descriptions for commonly used formats
have been checked to make sure they align with the PRONOM format name. To
summarize, the PREMIS/FPR mapping is as follows: PREMIS formatName is taken
from FPR Description; PREMIS formatVersion is taken from FPR Version; and
PREMIS formatRegistryKey is taken from FPR Pronom ID.

Additionally, we have added two new format group names, “Dataset,” and
“Modeling”, for formats that relate to 3D and architectural modeling.
Thanks to our colleagues at the Canadian Centre for Architecture for
suggesting the latter!

Please note that the PRONOM v.84 is not available to Archivematica versions
lower than 1.5, because the FPR updates include the new formats as well as
command changes for some tools, e.g. Siegfried, which are updated in the
1.5 release of Archivematica.

Updated tools:


   Fido version 1.3.4

   Siegfried version 1.5

   Imagemagick version 1.5

   Ffmpeg version 3.0.2

   Exiftool 10.10

   Has been tested with AtoM 2.2

   Now includes integration with ArchivesSpace

We’d like to give special mention to three community code contributions:

PR 331 <> : Add
configuration option to use a different database name. Contributed by Pieter
De Praetere <> .

PR 283 <> : Correct
dump file names (for use on Windows filesystems). Contributed by Michal
Ruzicka <>.

PR 432 <> : storage
setup/iso8601 small typos.  Contributed by Kieran O’Leary

Thank you very much Pieter, Michal and Kieran!

Installation/upgrade instructions are available here:

Note that 1.5 requires Ubuntu 14.04. We hope to make a 1.5.1 version
available on Ubuntu 12.04  and 16.04, and CentOS/Redhat 7 soon.

As always, please report any issues or bugs that you encounter to the user
group <!forum/archivematica>.

Sarah Romkey, MAS,MLIS
Archivematica Program Manager
Artefactual Systems <>
@archivematica <> / @accesstomemory

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