There is one more week left in which you can participate in this survey;  it 
closes next weekend.

If you've not already contributed your recommendations, guidance and horror 
stories, please do!

Thank you!


On 2016-05-17 16:36, Jody L. DeRidder wrote:

Do you manage the intake of digital content at your institution?  If so, we 
would like to learn from your experience. If not, please share this survey link 
with someone you know who does play this role!

We hope to uncover the selection of practical tools, the development of 
productive workflows, and recommendations that more experienced digital 
archivists have to share, and then to share the results of this survey widely 
to assist cultural heritage institutions to better handle born-digital content.

This survey should take 10-30 minutes to complete, dependent upon how much 
information you might be able to provide or wish to share. It is designed so 
that you may offer as much or as little information as you would like.  The 
survey closes June 18, 2016 at midnight.

Survey link:

PDF version for preview:

Thank you for your participation! 


Jody L. DeRidder 
Head, Metadata & Digital Services 
University Libraries 
The University of Alabama
213 Mary Harmon Bryant Hall
Box 870266 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 
Office 205-348-0511 |

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