Call for Papers for VISART: Where Computer Vision Meets Art (extended to June 

3rd Workshop on Computer Vision for Art Analysis
October 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Following the success of the previous editions of the Workshop on Computer 
VISion for ART Analysis held in 2012 and 2014, we present the VISART III 
workshop, in conjunction with the European Conference on Computer Vision 2016.
There is no doubt that Computer Vision benefits from analysis of Art, not only 
for applications such as indexing into databases of paintings and drawings but 
also to move towards a deeper understanding of images in general. Historians of 
art and culture benefit from Computer Vision and related technologies via the 
automatic tools for assisting in the analysis of artefacts of all kinds.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading researches in the 
fields of computer vision and art & cultural history to promote 
interdisciplinary collaborations and expose the audience to current results and 
open problems on both sides of this fascinating area of study.
This one-day workshop in conjunction with ECCV 2016, calls for high-quality, 
previously unpublished, works related to Computer Vision and Cultural History. 
Submissions should conform to the ECCV 2016 proceedings style. Papers must be 
submitted online through the submission system that will be announced from this 
page and will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.


* 3D reconstruction and image metrology from paintings
* Large scale 3D reconstruction of Historical sites
* Object and people detection in art
* Authentication and Forensics
* Image representation in art
* Visualisation and Interaction
* Computer Vision and Cultural Heritage
* Painting style analysis and transfer
* Application of learning methods to art analysis
* Interactive 3D media and immersive environments
* Multi-modal multimedia computing systems and human machine interaction
* Multimedia databases and digital libraries
* Multimedia applications and services
* Media content analysis and search
* Multimedia and augmented reality systems, also in mobile scenarios
* Security issues in the presentation and distribution of cultural information
* Crowdsearching and interaction for cultural heritage

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