What I'd done for torrent was to rely on either a l7 classifier or the
user to mark packets as CS1, (background), and have a 3 level shaper
like yours that distinguished between diffserv classes.
Obviously you can't rely on users marking their traffic
appropriately... and yes, per dest fairness
is often a good idea. I've asked brahm to make CS1 the default rather
than optional.

Secondly, at higher rates, I generally found torrent and web traffic
co-existed pretty well, stuff in
slow start mode (web) blasting stuff in congestion avoidance out of
the way. However ledbat behaves
like reno with low delays on the link, and gets reprioritized to have
the same priority as other flows

This is universal - aqm (red) - or FQ (sfq) do this to torrent, also.


(a mitigating fact is latencies stay low for everybody, even with 25
torrent flows going
full blast at 20mbit I hardly notice)

Some comments on your script.

0) Yes, getting the ppoe and atm framing calculation correct for htb
is a PITA. (see tons
of traffic on it on the cerowrt-devel list)

1) a problem in your script is that it only applies to ipv4 rather
than ipv6 traffic. You should have
at least a filter that sends that to a good bucket (htb default 13 is
sending ipv6 to the last bucket)

2) A feature of the native fq_codel hash is that it is unique per
instance, by applying a random
number to the derived hash. I'd like to see syntax added to tc get the
same random number
from custom hashes (and also hashing on mac address) .

eg, dst-mac,random

2a) An error, if you were using this filter, is the divisor has to be
equal to or less than the number of
flows defined in the qdisc.

#$tc filter add dev $ext prio 1 protocol ip parent 1: handle 100 flow
hash keys nfct-src,dst divisor 2048 baseclass 1:11

3) Running at slow rates is a PITA, as is framing compensation.

$tc class add dev $ext parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb rate 300kbit ceil
$ext_up overhead 40 mtu 1492 mpu 53 linklayer atm

4) Running any qdisc at a very low rate is problematic. Here, I don't
think this is very correct.

$tc qdisc add dev $ext parent 1:11 handle 11: fq_codel noecn target
25ms interval 75ms quantum 512 flows 512 limit 300

limit 300 # Unless you are running with very low memory or at very low
rates it's best to leave this higher. You ARE running at a very low

quantum 512 # generally I've settled on quantum 300 as a good value
for low rates.

flows 512 # to maximize  aqm behavior, flows 16 works pretty good. to
minimize the birthday problem, 1024
works pretty good. And in either case it needs to match the custom
filter you are using's divisor.

target 25ms, interval 75ms. # The overall recomendation in the draft
is that target be set to 5-10% of interval, and that interval
correspond to the typical path length. If you are on dsl, that initial
path length
can be quite large....

In practice, with htb, the path length seems to get much larger at low
rates (htb & codel each buffers up a packet), so I THINK (but this
would need some testing) a more correct value for 300kbit interval is
and target should account for a MTU's worth of packets, or 40ms or so....

BUT, as we are now combining multiple qdiscs in parallel in this
script, it's feasible your target is correct *compared to your overall
900kbit bandwidth*

we definately need to do more work at really low speeds.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 3:16 AM, Andrew McGregor <andrewm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's about what constitutes a flow.  fq_codel as implemented in linux
> works per (source ip, dest ip, protocol, source port, dest port) 5-tuple.
> Linux should probably support multiple flow hashing algorithms in the
> kernel.
> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Richard Edmands <thesir...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> In my environment we've got a fair chunk of torrent usage happening (+
>> gaming) and with fq_codel giving the advantage to whichever individual could
>> open up as many connections as possible the entire situation imploded very
>> quickly.
>> So to balance this out I used htb to implement the IP part of this
>> (actually not really, i made groups of ip's which belonged to individuals)
>> and stuck fq_codel on top of the divided setup.
>> With this system what now happens is each IP now gets equal utilization of
>> the link (actually, i'm a lazy hack. I only implemented the uplink section)
>> which prevents the advantage of opening up as many connections as possible.
>> Now when an individual decides to go nuts, they're limited to what is
>> available to them without harming everyone else, without compromising
>> maximum possible speed.
>> I have had this running in my environment for the past month and WOW.
>> See pastebin'd implementation.
>> http://pastebin.com/hXtzFL9f
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