Hello ,

Please i tried to integrate clustering of markers on Google maps on IOS , 
the clustering is working well but the problem is that when I click over 
the marker my dialog is not displayed ,that marker can show just the title 
and the snippet, I did not add the marker from the function addMarker but 
using the render :

-(long long)addMarker:(NSData*)param param1:(double)param1 
param3:(NSString*)param3 param4:(NSString*)param4 param5:(BOOL)param5{

    __block Person *person = nil;

    dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

        NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

        person = [[Person alloc] init];


        person.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(param1, param2);




        [_clusterManager addItem:person];


        [person retain];

        [pool release];



    return person;


- (void)renderer:(id<GMUClusterRenderer>)renderer willRenderMarker:(
GMSMarker *)marker {



  if ([marker.userData isKindOfClass:[Person class]]) {

   Person *person = (Person *)marker.userData;

        marker.position = person.position;

        marker.title = nil;

        marker.snippet = nil;

        if(person.param != nil) {

            UIImage* img = nil;

            if ([[UIImage class] respondsToSelector:@selector

                // If we are on retina we need to provide scale, or the 
images will be too big and 

                // blurry.

                // Scale version available only in iOS 6 and later so check 

                img = [UIImage imageWithData:person.param scale:scaleValue];

            } else {

                img = [UIImage imageWithData:person.param];


            marker.icon = img;



      marker.tappable = YES;






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