IDE: Eclipse
Desktop OS : WIndows
Device  iOS 7 and higher

Good morning,

I have a huge problem with my iOS App.
After a few month I've done a change and build the app new with codename 
The android app works fine but the iOS app crashes directly after start.

The problem has nothing to do with my changes. I've only changes some 
visibility stuff.
The app runs a background service which is developed as native code for 
android and iOS.

In the app I save some internal information with

Storage.getInstance().writeObject("mobile.ID", "123");

In the past it was no problem to read this data in the native iOS code with

NSData *data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:storagePathForName(filename) 
options: 0 error: &error];

where filename = "com.timeentry/mobile.ID"

Now I've got the error message

Oct 28 08:54:07 myPhone TimeEntry[183] <Warning>: Failed to read file, 
error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The operation couldn’t be 
completed. (Cocoa error 260.)" UserInfo=0x15c136f0 
NSUnderlyingError=0x15c14ee0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such 
file or directory"}

An output at start of the app shows as full path of the file


It's completely the same as the path where the background service is 
looking for the file.

Do you have any ideas or explanations for me ?

best regards,

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