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I am looking at the Validator framework and ask is it possible to add 
multiple constraints to a Text Component?

            TextModeLayout tl = new TextModeLayout(1, 1);
            String phoneRegex = "((\\(\\d{3}\\))|(\\d{3}-))\\d{3}-\\d{4}";
            Form f = new Form("Test Validation", tl);
            TextComponent phone = new TextComponent().label("Home Phone");
            Validator val = new Validator();
            val.addConstraint(phone, new NumericConstraint(true));
            val.addConstraint(phone, new RegexConstraint(phoneRegex, "Must 
be valid phone number"));
            f.add(tl.createConstraint().widthPercentage(50), phone);

Appears only the             val.addConstraint(phone, new 
RegexConstraint(phoneRegex, "Must be valid phone number")); is registered.
Although the Validator complains, I would prefer the Keyboard "Numeric" 
constrain were honored.

Can we register multiple Constraints in Validator class?

Thanks in Advance

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