Thank You!

On Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 8:49:29 AM UTC-5, 
> If you are experiencing an issue please mention the full platform your 
> issue applies to:
> IDE: NetBeans/Eclipse/IDEA NetBeans 8.2
> Desktop OS Windows 10 Pro
> Simulator  Latest
> Device PC, Android, IOS
> I have a BorderLayout Dialog, 2 com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout(rows, 
> 1) Containers
> First Container has 20 rows of Label("some text) and is set as 
>             dlg.add(BorderLayout.NORTH,ContainerDataBaseContainer);
> And An Options Container set as
>             dlg.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH,OptionsContainer);
> Scrolling is set true for ContainerDataBaseContainer
> When Running demo, ContainerDataBaseContainer consumes 100% of the frame 
> and overlaps OptionsContainer Container
> VS Always showing 
> OptionsContainer  at Bottom and the ContainerDataBaseContainer scrolls 
> between top and OptionsContainer 
> Please see attached pics BorderLayoutScrollPic1.JPG , 
> BorderLayoutScrollPic2.JPG& BorderLayoutScrollPic3.JPG
> Pic one shows when app first opened,
> Pic two shoes app when Top container is scrolled.
> Pic Three shows correct scrolling between Top header and bottom options 
> container
> Here is the demo code:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             Dialog dlg = new Dialog("A3-Tech Customer Search");
>             try {
>                 int rows = 20;
>                 dlg.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
>                 Container ContainerDataBaseContainer = new Container(new 
> com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout(rows, 1));
>                 ContainerDataBaseContainer.setScrollableY(true);
>                 for (int a = 0; a < rows; a++) {
>                     buildConstrantsGeneric(ContainerDataBaseContainer, new 
> Label("Label Row [" + (a + 1) + "]"), a, 0, 100);
>                 }
>                 Container OptionsContainer = new Container(new 
> com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout(1, 3));
>                 Button CmdCancel = new Button("Cancel", "Button");
>                 CmdCancel.addActionListener(e -> {
>                     dlg.dispose();
>                 });
>                 Button ExecSearch = new Button("Execute Search", "Button");
>                 ExecSearch.addActionListener(e -> {
>                     dlg.dispose();
>                 });
>                 Button OpenRos = new Button("Load Open Invoices", 
> "Button");
>                 OpenRos.addActionListener(e -> {
>                     dlg.dispose();
>                 });
>                 buildConstrantsGeneric(OptionsContainer, OpenRos, 0, 0, 
> 33);
>                 buildConstrantsGeneric(OptionsContainer, ExecSearch, 0, 1, 
> 33);
>                 buildConstrantsGeneric(OptionsContainer, CmdCancel, 0, 2, 
> 34);
>                 dlg.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, ContainerDataBaseContainer);
>                 dlg.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, OptionsContainer);
>             } catch (Exception e) {
>                 e.printStackTrace();
>             }
>   , 0, 0, 0);
>     public static TableLayout.Constraint buildConstrantsGeneric(Container 
> CTR, Component comp, int row, int col, int widthPercent) {
>         TableLayout.Constraint ConSt = ((TableLayout) 
> CTR.getLayout()).createConstraint(row, col);
>         ConSt.setWidthPercentage(widthPercent);
>         CTR.addComponent(ConSt, comp);
>         return ConSt;
>     }
> Regards

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