actually unzip and parse takes only 3 seconds on my device! so might be 
just fine! 

On Friday, April 19, 2019 at 8:31:15 PM UTC+8, Gareth Murfin wrote:
> Im not sure exactly what I want here, but basically I have to read in a 
> .txt file with 164,000 entries, each line needs to be string-tokenized. So 
> the code is easy but it obviously takes a loooong time to do this in Java 
> on a phone or desktop even. So I was wondering is there some other way to 
> do it, like do it once and save it as some sort of binary file that can be 
> loaded back into the ram at highspeed? Its probably a silly question really 
> but I am looking for ways to speed this up because this stuff is used as a 
> "realtime" search within the app so I cant exactly force the user to wait 
> 10 minutes everytime they load the app just to prepare the search data. 
>       hi.add(new Label("START"));
>       List<LangHolder> allLineObjects = new ArrayList<LangHolder>();
>       long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
>         try
>         {
>             //The format of the comma-delimited data 
> is:{romaji},{kanji},{kana},{English gloss}
>             //eg                                        doujou,   仝,    
>  どうじょう, 1. "as above" mark. 
>             _("Reading in search data now!");
>             final String fileName = "/searchdata.txt";
>             InputStream in = 
> Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(Form.class, fileName);
>             String fileContents = 
>;// efficient
>             _("Finished reading ("+fileContents.length()+"), now parse");
>            List<String> lines_ = StringUtil.tokenize(fileContents, '\n');
>            for (int x=0; x<lines_.size(); x++)
>            {
>                 StringTokenizer st = new 
> StringTokenizer(lines_.get(x),",");
>                 int i=0;
>                 String romaji = "";
>                 String kanji = "";
>                 String kana = "";
>                 String english = "";
>                 while (st.hasMoreElements())
>                 {
>                     String token = (String) st.nextElement();
>                     switch (i)
>                     {
>                         case 0:romaji=token;break;
>                         case 1:kanji=token;break;
>                         case 2:kana=token;break;
>                         case 3:english=token;break;
>                         default:_("UNKNOWN STATE HERE PARSING CVS "+i);
>                     }
>                     i++;
>                     if (i>3)
>                     {
>                         _(""+x+" ROMANJI: "+romaji+" KANJI: "+kanji+" 
> KANA:"+kana+" ENGLISH:"+english);
>                         LangHolder lh = new 
> LangHolder(romaji,kanji,kana,english);
>                         allLineObjects.add(lh);
>                         romaji = "";
>                         kanji = "";
>                         kana = "";
>                         english = "";
>                         i=0;
>                     }
>                 }
>            }
>            _("finished making search data, there are 
> "+allLineObjects.size()+" objects holding the info");
>            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
>            _("time took "+((end-start)/1000)/60+" mins.");
>            hi.add(new Label("finished making search data, there are 
> "+allLineObjects.size()+" objects holding the info"));
>            hi.invalidate();
>            hi.add(new Label("time took "+((end-start)/1000)/60+" mins."));
> doujou,仝,どうじょう,1. "as above" mark. 
> kansuujizero,漢数字ゼロ,かんすうじゼロ,1. "kanji" zero. 
> maru,○/〇,まる,1. circle (sometimes used for zero). 2. 'correct' (when 
> marking). 3. symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other 
> words could be used in that position, or because of censorship). 4. period. 
> 5. full stop. 6. maru mark. 7. semivoiced sound. 8. p-sound. 
> e-bi-shi-jixyun,ABC順,エービーシーじゅん,1. alphabetical order. 
> shi-dyi-pure-ya-,CDプレーヤー/CDプレイヤー,シーディープレイヤーシーディープレーヤー/シーディープレイヤー,1. CD 
> player. 
> shi-dyi-pureiya-,CDプレーヤー/CDプレイヤー,シーディープレイヤーシーディープレーヤー/シーディープレイヤー,1. CD 
> player. 
> enukixyou,N響,エヌきょう,1. NHK Symphony Orchestra. 
> o-bakku,Oバック,オーバック,1. O-back. 2. skirt with peek-a-boo hole in rump. 
> a-ruesunisannike-buru,RS232ケーブル,アールエスにさんにケーブル,1. rs232 cable. 
> texi-shatsu,Tシャツ,ティーシャツ,1. T-shirt. 
> texi-bakku,Tバック,ティーバック,1. T-back. 2. bikini thong. 
> aun'nokokyuu,あうんの呼吸/阿吽の呼吸,あうんのこきゅう,1. the harmonizing, mentally and 
> physically, of two parties engaged in an activity. 2. singing from the same 
> hymn-sheet. 3. dancing to the same beat. 
> meihaku,明白,めいはく,1. obvious. 2. clear. 3. plain. 4. evident. 5. apparent. 
> 6. explicit. 7. overt. 
> akarasama,明白/偸閑/白地,あからさま,1. plain. 2. frank. 3. candid. 4. open. 5. 
> direct. 6. straightforward. 7. unabashed. 8. blatant. 9. flagrant. 
> akudoi,悪どい,あくどい,1. gaudy. 2. showy. 3. excessive. 4. crooked. 5. vicious. 
> agetsurau,論う,あげつらう,1. to discuss. 2. to find fault with. 3. to criticize. 
> 4. to criticise. 
> asoko,彼処/彼所,あこあそこ/あすこ/かしこ/アソコ/あしこ/あこ,1. there (place physically distant 
> from both speaker and listener). 2. over there. 3. that place. 4. yonder. 
> 5. you-know-where. 6. genitals. 7. private parts. 8. nether regions. 9. 
> that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and 
> listener). 10. that much. 11. that point. 
> ashiko,彼処/彼所,あこあそこ/あすこ/かしこ/アソコ/あしこ/あこ,1. there (place physically distant 
> from both speaker and listener). 2. over there. 3. that place. 4. yonder. 
> 5. you-know-where. 6. genitals. 7. private parts. 8. nether regions. 9. 
> that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and 
> listener). 10. that much. 11. that point. 
> ako,彼処/彼所,あこあそこ/あすこ/かしこ/アソコ/あしこ/あこ,1. there (place physically distant from 
> both speaker and listener). 2. over there. 3. that place. 4. yonder. 5. 
> you-know-where. 6. genitals. 7. private parts. 8. nether regions. 9. that 
> far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener). 10. 
> that much. 11. that point. 
> asuko,彼処/彼所,あこあそこ/あすこ/かしこ/アソコ/あしこ/あこ,1. there (place physically distant 
> from both speaker and listener). 2. over there. 3. that place. 4. yonder. 
> 5. you-know-where. 6. genitals. 7. private parts. 8. nether regions. 9. 
> that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and 
> listener). 10. that much. 11. that point. 
> kashiko,彼処/彼所,あこあそこ/あすこ/かしこ/アソコ/あしこ/あこ,1. there (place physically distant 
> from both speaker and listener). 2. over there. 3. that place. 4. yonder. 
> 5. you-know-where. 6. genitals. 7. private parts. 8. nether regions. 9. 
> that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and 
> listener). 10. that much. 11. that point. 
> axtsutoiumani,あっという間に/あっと言う間に/あっとゆう間に/アッという間に/アッと言う間に/アッとゆう間に,アッとゆうまにあっというまに/あっとゆうまに/アッというまに/アッとゆうまに,1.
> just like that. 2. in the twinkling of an eye. 3. in the blink of an eye. 
> 4. in the time it takes to say "ah!". 
> attoyuumani,あっという間に/あっと言う間に/あっとゆう間に/アッという間に/アッと言う間に/アッとゆう間に,アッとゆうまにあっというまに/あっとゆうまに/アッというまに/アッとゆうまに,1.
> just like that. 2. in the twinkling of an eye. 3. in the blink of an eye. 
> 4. in the time it takes to say "ah!". 
> axtsutoyuumani,あっという間に/あっと言う間に/あっとゆう間に/アッという間に/アッと言う間に/アッとゆう間に,アッとゆうまにあっというまに/あっとゆうまに/アッというまに/アッとゆうまに,1.
> just like that. 2. in the twinkling of an eye. 3. in the blink of an eye. 
> 4. in the time it takes to say "ah!". 
> attoiumani,あっという間に/あっと言う間に/あっとゆう間に/アッという間に/アッと言う間に/アッとゆう間に,アッとゆうまにあっというまに/あっとゆうまに/アッというまに/アッとゆうまに,1.
> just like that. 2. in the twinkling of an eye. 3. in the blink of an eye. 
> 4. in the time it takes to say "ah!". 
> anou,,あのう/あの/あのー,1. say. 2. well. 3. errr .... 
> ano,,あのう/あの/あのー,1. say. 2. well. 3. errr .... 
> ano-,,あのう/あの/あのー,1. say. 2. well. 3. errr .... 

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