uitimer fixes it!.. 

        new UITimer(new Runnable() { //use this to fix the bug where it 
goes to a white screen when initialised.
                public void run()
                    if (USE_BLUETOOTH)
                        _("##### kicking off the bluetooth party! a #####");
                        //we want to show a dialog spinning while this 
                        //its already doing that from the form we made in 
the ui builder
        }).schedule(1000, false, f);

On Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 7:27:31 PM UTC+8, Gareth Murfin wrote:
> The Bluetooth library leaves app on white screen when it turns on 
> bluetooth, there seems to be no way to get around this, I need to quit app 
> and reload to get past it. Has anyone managed to get around this?

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