Device: ios 13.1
our app need a scan qr code in ios device,so we tried to use this code to 
scan qr-code but that does not work for both package (codescan&ext.codescan)

import com.codename1.codescan.CodeScanner;
import com.codename1.codescan.ScanResult;
 if (CodeScanner.getInstance() != null) {
                CodeScanner.getInstance().scanQRCode(new ScanResult() {
                    public void scanCompleted(String contents, String 
formatName, byte[] rawBytes) {
              "Completed", contents, "OK", null);

                    public void scanCanceled() {
              "Cancelled", "Scan Cancelled", "OK", 
                    public void scanError(int errorCode, String message) {
              "Error", message, "OK", null);
            } else {
      "Wearing", "CodeScanner == null", "OK", null);
the result when run on ios(13.1): app does not do anything and scan does 
not be started

we know the above code was deprecated, so we tried add cn1-codescan.cn1lib 
with same above code just change imports to
import com.codename1.ext.codescan.CodeScanner;
import com.codename1.ext.codescan.ScanResult;
the result when run on ios(13.1): app was closed like is a pretty crash
we also tried *ZXing-cn1.cn1lib* but also there's no any doing. 

*how we can scan qr code in ios with easy way?*

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