Apologies for the spam. Uninstalling Samsung Browser fixed Chrome's
performance, but not so for BrowserComponent. Weird. I won't spam anymore,

On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 21:35, Marisole Aromatherapy <javierant...@gmail.com>

> Perhaps there won't be an easy answer to this. I ran some more tests that
> have just made this even trickier to understand. Current hypothesis is that
> Samsung is messing with Chrome on purpose to make its browser stand out.
> But this in turn seems to affect BrowserComponents too. I might be wrong. I
> wish I had a non-Samsung device to test with
> On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 21:00, Marisole Aromatherapy <javierant...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As you may be aware, Chrome on Android has lowered its bar with each
>> consecutive update in the past few weeks
>> A look at its store page reviews will reveal the extent of this
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.android.chrome&hl=en_GB&showAllReviews=true
>> The last update (25th of August) made it so that my BrowserComponent that
>> hosts a D3 V3 canvas becomes extremely unresponsive. I have tested updating
>> from the previous Chrome version to this one and so I am sure that this is
>> the cause
>> Funny enough, the same thing occurred to my Samsung browser after the
>> update. Which seems logical given that it probably runs on chromium.
>> However, after contacting Samsung, they told me to clear the cache and that
>> fixed it. Applying the same solution to Chrome doesn't solve the issue
>> My app's BrowserComponent seems to be tied to Chrome for rendering. This
>> is a kind of desperate attempt at getting help. I know that it's not
>> CN1-related at all. But if anyone can offer any help or a tip I'd greatly
>> appreciated
>> Thanks
>> Javier
>> PS: to test this "bug", you can try opening the below with Android Chrome
>> and then with a different browser. On Chrome, the dragging should be really
>> slow. If it isn't and you've got the latest update, please let me know
>> https://bl.ocks.org/willzjc/a11626a31c65ba5d319fcf8b8870f281

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