Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

There are two things that are being vastly overdone in the media this week.
One is the 25th anniversary of some rock star popping a can of pills and
then going tango uniform while straining on the Great White Buddha.  The
other is the big scare over the West Nile Virus.

Now - let it be said that there is something comforting in the Centers for
Disease Control actually getting worked up over an actual disease instead of
damming urban sprawl and private firearm ownership.  Maybe someone over
there has finally figured out that "disease" control doesn't mean "gun"
control or "sprawl" control.

Look.  I don't enjoy being bitten by mosquitoes.  When I work around the
yard (a task I am growing to hate) it's long-sleeved shirts, long pants and
DEET.  Yeah - I might get bitten by some mosquito that is carrying this Nile
thing . chances aren't all that great too.  If I am nailed by one of these
bugs there is about a one in one hundred chance that I'm going to develop
any serious symptoms.

I'm not saying this Egyptian thing isn't a threat.  It's just that there are
so many more serious threats out there that we can handle a lot more easily
than some mosquitos.  Number one on that list?  Sixteen-year-old drivers.

While we gnashing our teeth and wailing over the West Nile Virus,
16-year-old drivers are going to continue to scatter their teeth, hair and
eyeballs all over the concrete with regularity.  Not only their teeth, hair
and eyeballs --- but the body parts of hundreds, maybe thousands of other
innocent people in the process.  We sit around worrying about the
one-in-a-million chance that an infected mosquito is going to bit us - thus
producing a one-in-a-million chance we're going to get sick --- while our
wives, husbands, parents and children, not to mention ourselves, are faced
with a daily onslaught of hoards of ill-mannered, un-skilled immature
children racing up and down our roads with daddy-bought cars powered by
gasoline and bad judgment.  It would be a lot easier to save lives by
clearing our roads of child-drivers than it would by clearing our back yards
of mosquitoes.

But - I forgot.  Mosquitoes don't vote.  Soccer moms who are tired of
chauffeuring their rugrats to and from after-school activities do.  And so
it goes.



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