Hi Phil,

you could use my patch - see http://mailman.verplant.org/pipermail/collectd/2011-November/004810.html
This would solve your problem with device family 28 (had the same problem).
For the other device with 7E you can use the other option which offers the patch - to use "direct accss" by specifying the whole OWFS path (also documented in the patch).

Or just use it as an inspiration :-)

Best regards,

On 13/01/2012 14:55, Phil White wrote:
Hello all,

Long ago, I looked at collectd and 1-wire monitoring, and never progressed because I had problems with owfs, and because of the plugin's 'experimental' status (though I do use collectd for other monitoring).

I revisited the issue the other day, and still can't get things to work (though for different reasons).

I have DS18B20 as my temperature sensors, rather than the DS18S20 that the plugin appears to recognise. These report themselves as a device with the prefix '28', rather than 10 - therefore collectd does not record data from these sensors.

Now, I'd rather like to have a play with the plugin, and attempt to get this working. Rather than just submit a request, I'd rather like to get my hands dirty, and fix it myself. Just because I have never done any coding in C really shouldn't stop me, should it?! Another reason being that I also have a device prefix '7E', which is somewhat different, and I'd also like to see this one recognised.

Therefore, can someone offer some 'beginners tips' as to how I'm going to start on the '28' issue - advice & info? Which files, and what I need to do in order not to break anything?

Many thanks,


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