On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 01:33:25PM -0500, Azade Khaladj wrote:
> I have a problem in installing the collectd with libvirt pulgin. The dependecy
> packages, i.e. libvirt and libxml2 are already installed. Though, after
> configuring the collectd it says "libvirt . . . . . . . no (pkg-config doesn't
> know libvirt)".
> I'm wondering that what's the problem. What other packages should be 
> installed?
> Or how I can make the configure to find the libvirt.

You've probably figured this out a month and a half later, but you need the
development packages installed as well. Usually, these will be called
something like libvirt-dev or libvirt-devel.  Among other things, these will
install the libvirt.pc file that pkg-config is looking for.

>>> Dan

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