On 03/06/2014 09:34 AM, Daniel Hilst Selli wrote:
Hi, I came across a problem while crosscompiling java plugin, I'm using
arm architeture..

Here is the thing, since I'm targeting an arm, I need an arm libjvm.so,
found on EJRE, to compile java.so plugin. OK, no problem so far..

The problem comes here, since Java plugins like GenericJMX has to be
compiled too I need a JDK.. There is no JDK for embedded, not one that I
know, so I need an target JRE (libjvm.so) and a host JDK (jar, javac, ...)

AFAIK current building process has no way to setup target JRE and host
JDK, so what I did -- is ugly -- I replace x86 libjvm.so on
JDK_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server/ for the one that comes on EJRE.

Is an error prone procedure and is ugly, I'm not really an autotools
hacker, but it should detect cross compiling, can we take advantage of
this to setup target JRE?


Also would be nice if I can set rpath for java.so plugin since JAVA_HOME will change on target :-)

I'll take a look on "how to do it" soon, just poping up the ideas,


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