Hi Denys,

On 2020-04-23 12:14, Denys Fedoryshchenko wrote:
I can try to write patch, for example:

that'd great!

Extending sockent_t by adding there uint8_t (or int) "options" parameter,
where certain optional bits can be set.
So, for example bit 0 will be "ZERO_AS_CURRENT_TIME"

Then, maybe, it can be set in config as optional, third parameter for
"Listen" socket.
Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "ZeroAsCurrentTime"

I think this should be a named ("child") parameter, instead of a positional ("value") parameter. The configuration could look like this:

  <Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826">
    ZeroAsCurrentTime true

To implement this, I'd extend `struct sockent_server` to add a boolean, e.g.:

  struct sockent_server {
    // …
    _Bool accept_zero_time;

This is more readable than using flags / a bitfield.

Populate this field in `network_config_add_listen()`. The helper function `cf_util_get_boolean()` (from "configfile.h") is probably useful here.

Then, in `parse_packet()`, pass the boolean on to `network_dispatch_values()`.

Last step would be to document the new config option in src/collectd.conf.pod (source of the manpage) and src/collectd.conf.in (default config).

HTH; if you have any questions or run into issues, feel free to ask :)
Best regards,
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