Hi all!

A new version of go-collectd is available. "go-collectd" refers to the
packages supporting Go programmers in interacting with the collectd

The primary change in this version is that support for config callbacks
has been added to "collectd.org/plugin", the package that allows to
write collectd plugins in Go and compile them into a shared object, i.e.
a "native plugin". With this infrastructure in place, Go-based plugins
can be configured through collectd's config file, just like C-based

Thanks to Ashley Lowde who did most of the work in this release!

Change log: https://github.com/collectd/go-collectd/releases/tag/v0.5.0
Documentation: https://godoc.org/collectd.org/plugin

Best regards,
collectd – The system statistics collection daemon
Website: http://collectd.org
GitHub:  https://github.com/collectd
Twitter: http://twitter.com/collectd

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