
I finally got the chance of developing a Haskell based web-service at
the company where I'm working. The service involves some interface
with a Postgres database and an MQTT broker, for which Haskell seems
to have some supporting libraries. To be able to make this service
usable I need to place it in a docker container during the "deploy"
stage of our Jenkins pipeline.

I've made a preliminary experiment using stack's docker support:
building a docker container can be readily achieved by `stack image
container`, and I've plugged the generated container into our
`docker-compose.yml` file, which describes the docker containers used
in our local development environment. So far the relevant setup looks
as follows:


    resolver: lts-8.5

    auto-pull: false

        name: my-service
        base: fpco/stack-run


      container_name: my-service
      image: my-service
        - my-service-db
        - /usr/local/bin/my-service-exe

I have some concerns with the setup above:
    0. I'm using a no longer maintained image, namely fpco/stack-run.
    1. I cannot specify the generated container image name based on
the `version` field in the .cabal file.
    2. I have to specify an entry point in the generated container
(could I just use `entrypoints` in the `stack.yaml` configuration?)

Based on these concerns I wanted to ask you how would you address it,
or whether you have better suggestions for dockerizing your Haskell

The second question relates to the "deploy from Jenkins" requirement.
In our current setup, every build step is executed from within a
container, so installing stack in Jenkins is not a possibility. So
this means that I'd have to run the `stack image container` from
within a docker container (fpco/stack-build most likely), which in
turn will spawn another fpco/stack-build container inside the first
one to start the creation of the container. This is quite cumbersome,
but I see no better alternative given the constraint mentioned above.
Do you have any suggestions?

Finally, the resulting image will have to be pushed to a docker
registry hosted on AWS. For this the best I have now is to do it via a
shell script (or Turtle) since as far as I can see stack has no
support for publishing images. How do you publish your containers to
private registries?

Thanks in advance

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