ACCUMULO-2239 reformat test README files to Markdown

Signed-off-by: Bill Havanki <>


Branch: refs/heads/1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
Commit: 4fdefd783e0709dcdcb57157a36cfaeb272c599b
Parents: 0753a75
Author: Alex Moundalexis <>
Authored: Fri Mar 21 11:19:41 2014 -0400
Committer: Bill Havanki <>
Committed: Fri Mar 21 13:54:00 2014 -0400

 test/system/auto/README           | 104 -------------------------------
 test/system/auto/        | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/system/bench/README          |  44 -------------
 test/system/bench/       |  45 ++++++++++++++
 test/system/continuous/README     |  71 ---------------------
 test/system/continuous/  |  72 +++++++++++++++++++++
 test/system/randomwalk/README     |  62 -------------------
 test/system/randomwalk/  |  69 +++++++++++++++++++++
 test/system/scalability/README    |  38 ------------
 test/system/scalability/ |  40 ++++++++++++
 test/system/test1/README          |  26 --------
 test/system/test1/       |  29 +++++++++
 test/system/test2/README          |   6 --
 test/system/test2/       |   9 +++
 test/system/test3/README          |   2 -
 test/system/test3/       |   5 ++
 test/system/test4/README          |   6 --
 test/system/test4/       |   9 +++
 18 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 359 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/system/auto/README b/test/system/auto/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7722c63..0000000
--- a/test/system/auto/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-Apache Accumulo Functional Tests
-These scripts run a series of tests against a small local accumulo instance.
-To run these scripts, you must have Hadoop and Zookeeper installed and running.
-You will need a functioning C compiler to build a shared library needed for
-one of the tests.  The test suite is known to run on Linux RedHat Enterprise
-version 5, and Mac OS X 10.5.
-How to Run
-The tests are shown as being run from the ACCUMULO_HOME directory, but they
-should run from any directory. Make sure to create "logs" and "walogs"
-directories in ACCUMULO_HOME.  Also, ensure that specifies its
-ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR in the following way:
-test -z "$ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR"      && export ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR=$ACCUMULO_HOME/logs
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -l
-will list all the test names.  You can run the suite like this:
- $ ./test/system/auto/
-You can select tests using a case-insensitive regular expression:
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -t simple
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -t SunnyDay
-To run tests repeatedly:
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -r 3
-If you are attempting to debug what is causing a test to fail, you can run the
-tests in "verbose" mode:
- $ python test/system/auto/ -t SunnyDay -v 10
-If a test is failing, and you would like to examine logs from the run, you can
-run the test in "dirty" mode which will keep the test from cleaning up all the
-logs at the end of the run:
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -t some.failing.test -d
-If the test suite hangs, and you would like to re-run the tests starting with
-the last test that failed:
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -s start.over.test
-If tests tend to time out (on slower hardware, for example), you can scale up
-the timeout values by a multiplier. This example triples timeouts:
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -f 3
-Test results are normally printed to the console, but you can send them to XML
-files compatible with Jenkins:
- $ ./test/system/auto/ -x
-Running under MapReduce
-The full test suite can take nearly an hour.  If you have a larger Hadoop
-cluster at your disposal, you can run the tests as a MapReduce job:
- $ python test/system/auto/ -l > tests
- $ hadoop fs -put tests /user/hadoop/tests
- $ ./bin/accumulo org.apache.accumulo.server.test.functional.RunTests \
-   /user/hadoop/tests /user/hadoop/results
-The example above runs every test. You can trim the tests file to include
-only the tests you wish to run.
-You may specify a 'timeout factor' via an optional integer as a third argument:
- $ ./bin/accumulo org.apache.accumulo.server.test.functional.RunTests \
-   /user/hadoop/tests /user/hadoop/results timeout_factor
-Where 'timeout_factor' indicates how much we should scale up timeouts. It will
-be used to set both mapred.task.timeout and the "-f" flag used by If
-not given, 'timeout_factor' defaults to 1, which corresponds to a
-mapred.task.timeout of 480 seconds.
-In some clusters, the user under which MR jobs run is different from the user
-under which Accumulo is installed, and this can cause failures running the
-tests. Various configuration and permission changes can be made to help the
-tests run, including the following:
-* Opening up directory and file permissions on each cluster node so that the MR
-  user has the same read/write privileges as the Accumulo user. Adding the MR
-  user to a shared group is one easy way to accomplish this. Access is required
-  to the Accumulo installation, log, write-ahead log, and configuration
-  directories.
-* Creating a user directory in HDFS, named after and owned by the MR user,
-  e.g., /user/mruser.
-* Setting the ZOOKEEPER_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variables for the
-  MR user. These can be set using the mapred.child.env property in
-  mapred-site.xml, e.g.:
-  <property>
-    <name>mapred.child.env</name>
-  </property>
-Each functional test is run by a mapper, and so you can check the mapper logs
-to see any error messages tests produce.
diff --git a/test/system/auto/ b/test/system/auto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb9531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/auto/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Apache Accumulo Functional Tests
+These scripts run a series of tests against a small local accumulo instance.
+To run these scripts, you must have Hadoop and Zookeeper installed and running.
+You will need a functioning C compiler to build a shared library needed for
+one of the tests.  The test suite is known to run on Linux RedHat Enterprise
+version 5, and Mac OS X 10.5.
+How to Run
+The tests are shown as being run from the `ACCUMULO_HOME` directory, but they
+should run from any directory. Make sure to create "logs" and "walogs"
+directories in `ACCUMULO_HOME`.  Also, ensure that `` specifies 
+`ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR` in the following way:
+> `$ test -z "$ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR" && export 
+To list all the test names:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -l`
+You can run the suite like this:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/`
+You can select tests using a case-insensitive regular expression:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -t simple`  
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -t SunnyDay`
+To run tests repeatedly:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -r 3`
+If you are attempting to debug what is causing a test to fail, you can run the
+tests in "verbose" mode:
+> `$ python test/system/auto/ -t SunnyDay -v 10`
+If a test is failing, and you would like to examine logs from the run, you can
+run the test in "dirty" mode which will keep the test from cleaning up all the
+logs at the end of the run:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -t some.failing.test -d`
+If the test suite hangs, and you would like to re-run the tests starting with
+the last test that failed:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -s start.over.test`
+If tests tend to time out (on slower hardware, for example), you can scale up
+the timeout values by a multiplier. This example triples timeouts:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -f 3`
+Test results are normally printed to the console, but you can send them to XML
+files compatible with Jenkins:
+> `$ ./test/system/auto/ -x`
+Running under MapReduce
+The full test suite can take nearly an hour.  If you have a larger Hadoop
+cluster at your disposal, you can run the tests as a MapReduce job:
+> `$ python test/system/auto/ -l > tests  
+$ hadoop fs -put tests /user/hadoop/tests  
+$ ./bin/accumulo org.apache.accumulo.server.test.functional.RunTests \  
+    /user/hadoop/tests /user/hadoop/results`
+The example above runs every test. You can trim the tests file to include
+only the tests you wish to run.
+You may specify a 'timeout factor' via an optional integer as a third argument:
+> `$ ./bin/accumulo org.apache.accumulo.server.test.functional.RunTests \  
+/user/hadoop/tests /user/hadoop/results timeout_factor`
+Where `timeout_factor` indicates how much we should scale up timeouts. It will
+be used to set both `mapred.task.timeout` and the "-f" flag used by ``. 
+not given, `timeout_factor` defaults to 1, which corresponds to a
+`mapred.task.timeout` of 480 seconds.
+In some clusters, the user under which MR jobs run is different from the user
+under which Accumulo is installed, and this can cause failures running the
+tests. Various configuration and permission changes can be made to help the
+tests run, including the following:
+* Opening up directory and file permissions on each cluster node so that the MR
+  user has the same read/write privileges as the Accumulo user. Adding the MR
+  user to a shared group is one easy way to accomplish this. Access is required
+  to the Accumulo installation, log, write-ahead log, and configuration
+  directories.
+* Creating a user directory in HDFS, named after and owned by the MR user,
+  e.g., `/user/mruser`.
+* Setting the `ZOOKEEPER_HOME` and `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` environment variables for 
+  MR user. These can be set using the `mapred.child.env` property in
+  `mapred-site.xml`, e.g.:
+  `<property>  
+    <name>mapred.child.env</name>  
+  </property>`
+Each functional test is run by a mapper, and so you can check the mapper logs
+to see any error messages tests produce.
diff --git a/test/system/bench/README b/test/system/bench/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e174b..0000000
--- a/test/system/bench/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-1. Running the Benchmarks
-Syntax for running
-./ [-l -v <log_level> -s <run_speed> -u <user> -p <password> -i 
<instance>] [Benchmark1 ... BenchmarkN]
-Specifying a specific benchmark or set of benchmarks runs only those, while 
-not specifying any runs all benchmarks.
--l Lists the benchmarks that will be run
--v <run_speed> can either be slow, medium or fast
--s <log_level> is a number representing the verbosity of the debugging output: 
10 is debug, 20 is info, 30 is warning, etc.
--u <user> user to use when connecting with accumulo.  If not set you will be 
prompted to input it.
--p <password> password to use when connecting with accumulo.  If not set you 
will be prompted to input it.
--z <zookeepers> comma delimited lit of zookeeper host:port pairs to use when 
connecting with accumulo.  If not set you will be prompted to input it.
--i <instance> instance to use when connecting with accumulo.  If not set you 
will be prompted to input it.
-2. The Benchmarks
-Values in a 3-tuple are the slow,medium,fast speeds at which you can run the 
-CloudStone1: Test the speed at which we can check that accumulo is up and we
-             can reach all the slaves. Lower is better.
-CloudStone2: Ingest 10000,100000,1000000 rows of values 50 bytes on every 
slave.  Higher is better.
-CloudStone3: Ingest 1000,5000,10000 rows of values 1024,8192,65535 bytes on 
every slave.  Higher is better.
-CloudStone4 (TeraSort): Ingests 10000,10000000,10000000000 rows. Lower score 
is better.
-CloudStone5: Creates 100,500,1000 tables named TestTableX and then deletes 
them. Lower is better.
-CloudStone6: Creates a table with 400, 800, 1000 splits.  Lower is better
-3. Terasort
-The 4th Benchmark is Terasort.  Run the benchmarks with speed 'slow' to do a 
full terasort.
-4. Misc
-These benchmarks create tables in accumulo named 'test_ingest' and 
'CloudIngestTest'.  These tables are deleted
-at the end of the benchmarks. The benchmarks will also alter user auths while 
it runs. It is recommended that
-a benchmark user is created.
diff --git a/test/system/bench/ b/test/system/bench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bdf4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/bench/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Benchmark Tests
+Running the Benchmarks
+Syntax for running
+> `$ ./ [-l -v <log_level> -s <run_speed> -u <user> -p <password> -i 
<instance>] [Benchmark1 ... BenchmarkN]`
+Specifying a specific benchmark or set of benchmarks runs only those, while
+not specifying any runs all benchmarks.
+`-l` lists the benchmarks that will be run  
+`-v <run_speed>` can either be slow, medium or fast  
+`-s <log_level>` is a number representing the verbosity of the debugging 
output: 10 is debug, 20 is info, 30 is warning, etc.  
+`-u <user>` user to use when connecting with accumulo.  If not set you will be 
prompted to input it.  
+`-p <password>` password to use when connecting with accumulo.  If not set you 
will be prompted to input it.  
+`-z <zookeepers>` comma delimited lit of zookeeper host:port pairs to use when 
connecting with accumulo.  If not set you will be prompted to input it.  
+`-i <instance>` instance to use when connecting with accumulo.  If not set you 
will be prompted to input it.  
+The Benchmarks
+Values in a 3-tuple are the slow,medium,fast speeds at which you can run the 
+* CloudStone1: Test the speed at which we can check that accumulo is up and we 
can reach all the slaves. Lower is better.  
+* CloudStone2: Ingest 10000,100000,1000000 rows of values 50 bytes on every 
slave.  Higher is better.  
+* CloudStone3: Ingest 1000,5000,10000 rows of values 1024,8192,65535 bytes on 
every slave.  Higher is better.  
+* CloudStone4 (TeraSort): Ingests 10000,10000000,10000000000 rows. Lower score 
is better.  
+* CloudStone5: Creates 100,500,1000 tables named TestTableX and then deletes 
them. Lower is better.  
+* CloudStone6: Creates a table with 400, 800, 1000 splits.  Lower is better.  
+The 4th Benchmark is Terasort.  Run the benchmarks with speed 'slow' to do a 
full terasort.
+These benchmarks create tables in accumulo named 'test_ingest' and 
'CloudIngestTest'.  These tables are deleted
+at the end of the benchmarks. The benchmarks will also alter user auths while 
it runs. It is recommended that
+a benchmark user is created.
diff --git a/test/system/continuous/README b/test/system/continuous/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee5bf0..0000000
--- a/test/system/continuous/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains a suite of scripts for placing continuous query and
-ingest load on accumulo.  The purpose of these script is two fold. First,
-place continuous load on accumulo to see if breaks.  Second, collect
-statistics in order to understand how accumulo behaves .  To run these script
-copy all of the .example files and modify them.   You can put these scripts in 
-the current directory or define a CONTINUOUS_CONF_DIR where the files will be
-read from. These scripts rely on pssh. Before running any script you may need
-to use pssh to create the log directory on each machine if you want it local.
-Also, create the table "ci" before running.
-The following ingest scripts inserts data into accumulo that will form a random
-The following query scripts randomly walk the graph created by the ingesters.
-Each walker produce detailed statistics on query/scan times.
-The following scripts start and stop batch walkers.
-In addition to placing continuous load, the following scripts start and stop a
-service that continually collect statistics about accumulo and HDFS. 
-Optionally, start the agitator to periodically kill random servers.  
-Start all three of these services and let them run for a few hours. Then run to generate an simple html report containing plots and histograms
-showing what has transpired. 
-A map reduce job to verify all data created by continuous ingest can be run
-with the following command.  Before running the command modify the VERIFY_*
-variables in if needed.  Do not run ingest while running this
-command, this will cause erroneous reporting of UNDEFINED nodes. The map reduce
-job will scan a reference after it has scanned the definition.
-Each entry, except for the first batch of entries, inserted by continuous
-ingest references a previously flushed entry.  Since we are referencing flushed
-entries, they should always exist.  The map reduce job checks that all
-referenced entries exist.  If it finds any that do not exist it will increment
-the UNDEFINED counter and emit the referenced but undefined node.  The map
-reduce job produces two other counts : REFERENCED and UNREFERENCED.  It is
-expected that these two counts are non zero.  REFERENCED counts nodes that are
-defined and referenced.  UNREFERENCED counts nodes that defined and
-unreferenced, these are the latest nodes inserted.
-To stress accumulo, run the following script which starts a map reduce job
-that reads and writes to your continuous ingest table.  This map reduce job
-will write out an entry for every entry in the table (except for ones created
-by the map reduce job itself). Stop ingest before running this map reduce job.
-Do not run more than one instance of this map reduce job concurrently against a
diff --git a/test/system/continuous/ b/test/system/continuous/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cf5d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/continuous/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Continuous Query and Ingest
+This directory contains a suite of scripts for placing continuous query and
+ingest load on accumulo.  The purpose of these script is two-fold. First,
+place continuous load on accumulo to see if breaks.  Second, collect
+statistics in order to understand how accumulo behaves.  To run these scripts
+copy all of the `.example` files and modify them.  You can put these scripts in
+the current directory or define a `CONTINUOUS_CONF_DIR` where the files will be
+read from. These scripts rely on `pssh`. Before running any script you may need
+to use `pssh` to create the log directory on each machine (if you want it 
+Also, create the table "ci" before running.
+The following ingest scripts insert data into accumulo that will form a random
+> `$  
+The following query scripts randomly walk the graph created by the ingesters.
+Each walker produce detailed statistics on query/scan times.
+> `$  
+The following scripts start and stop batch walkers.
+> `$  
+In addition to placing continuous load, the following scripts start and stop a
+service that continually collect statistics about accumulo and HDFS.
+> `$  
+Optionally, start the agitator to periodically kill random servers.
+> `$  
+Start all three of these services and let them run for a few hours. Then run
+`` to generate a simple HTML report containing plots and histograms
+showing what has transpired.
+A MapReduce job to verify all data created by continuous ingest can be run
+with the following command.  Before running the command modify the `VERIFY_*`
+variables in `` if needed.  Do not run ingest while running 
+command, this will cause erroneous reporting of UNDEFINED nodes. The MapReduce
+job will scan a reference after it has scanned the definition.
+> `$`
+Each entry, except for the first batch of entries, inserted by continuous
+ingest references a previously flushed entry.  Since we are referencing flushed
+entries, they should always exist.  The MapReduce job checks that all
+referenced entries exist.  If it finds any that do not exist it will increment
+the UNDEFINED counter and emit the referenced but undefined node.  The 
+job produces two other counts : REFERENCED and UNREFERENCED.  It is
+expected that these two counts are non zero.  REFERENCED counts nodes that are
+defined and referenced.  UNREFERENCED counts nodes that defined and
+unreferenced, these are the latest nodes inserted.
+To stress accumulo, run the following script which starts a MapReduce job
+that reads and writes to your continuous ingest table.  This MapReduce job
+will write out an entry for every entry in the table (except for ones created
+by the MapReduce job itself). Stop ingest before running this MapReduce job.
+Do not run more than one instance of this MapReduce job concurrently against a
+> `$`
diff --git a/test/system/randomwalk/README b/test/system/randomwalk/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c50f790..0000000
--- a/test/system/randomwalk/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Apache Accumulo Random Walk Tests
-The randomwalk framework needs to be configured for your Accumulo instance by
-doing the following steps:
-1.  Make sure you have both ACCUMULO_HOME and HADOOP_HOME set in your 
-2.  Create 'randomwalk.conf' file in the conf directory containing settings
-    needed by walkers to connect to Accumulo.
-3.  Create a 'walkers' file in the conf directory containing the hostnames of
-    the machines where you want random walkers to run.
-3.  Create a 'logger.xml' file in the conf directory from logger.xml.example
-The command below starts random walkers on all machines listed in 'walkers'.
-The argument Image.xml indicates the module to use (which is located at 
-./bin/ Image.xml
-All modules must be in conf/modules and can be referenced without this prefix. 
-For example, a module located at conf/modules/foo/bar.xml is started as
-the following:
-./bin/ foo/bar.xml
-This command will load all configuration in the conf directory to HDFS and
-start identical random walkers on each node.  These random walkers will
-download the current configuration from HDFS and place them in the tmp/
-Random walkers will drop their logs in the logs/ directory.  If you are running
-multiple walkers and want error/warns dropped to a NFS hosted logs, please set
-NFS_LOGPATH to a NFS-mounted directory and uncomment the NFS appender in 
-You can kill all walkers on the machines listed in the 'walkers' file using
-the following command:
-Other useful commands:
-             Copies configuration in conf/ to HDFS
- All.xml     Copies configuration from HDFS into tmp/ and
-                           and starts only one local random walker.
-pkill -f randomwalk.Framework  Stops all local random walkers
-If you are running randomwalk tests while exercising Hadoop's high availability
-(HA) failover capabilities, you should use Hadoop version 2.1.0 or later.
-Failover scenarios are more likely to cause randomwalk test failures under
-earlier Hadoop versions. See the following issue reports for more details.
diff --git a/test/system/randomwalk/ b/test/system/randomwalk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f766f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/randomwalk/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Apache Accumulo Random Walk Tests
+The randomwalk framework needs to be configured for your Accumulo instance by
+doing the following steps:
+1.  Make sure you have both `ACCUMULO_HOME` and `HADOOP_HOME` set in your
+2.  Create 'randomwalk.conf' file in the `conf` directory containing settings
+    needed by walkers to connect to Accumulo.
+3.  Create a 'walkers' file in the `conf` directory containing the hostnames of
+    the machines where you want random walkers to run.
+3.  Create a 'logger.xml' file in the `conf` directory from 
+The command below starts random walkers on all machines listed in 'walkers'.
+The argument `Image.xml` indicates the module to use (which is located at
+> `$ ./bin/ Image.xml`
+All modules must be in `conf/modules` and can be referenced without this 
+For example, a module located at `conf/modules/foo/bar.xml` is started as
+the following:
+> `$ ./bin/ foo/bar.xml`
+This command will load all configuration in the `conf` directory to HDFS and
+start identical random walkers on each node.  These random walkers will
+download the current configuration from HDFS and place them in the `tmp/`
+Random walkers will drop their logs in the `logs/` directory.  If you are 
+multiple walkers and want ERROR/WARNs dropped to an NFS-hosted log, please set
+`NFS_LOGPATH` to a NFS-mounted directory and uncomment the NFS appender in 
+You can kill all walkers on the machines listed in the 'walkers' file using
+the following command:
+> `$ ./bin/`
+Other Useful Commands
+Copies configuration in `conf/` to HDFS:
+> `$`
+Copies configuration from HDFS into `tmp/` and starts only one local random 
+> `$ All.xml`
+Stops all local random walkers:
+> `$ pkill -f randomwalk.Framework`
+Known Issues
+If you are running randomwalk tests while exercising Hadoop's high availability
+(HA) failover capabilities, you should use Hadoop version 2.1.0 or later.
+Failover scenarios are more likely to cause randomwalk test failures under
+earlier Hadoop versions. See the following issue reports for more details.
+* [HDFS-4404](
+* [HADOOP-9792](
diff --git a/test/system/scalability/README b/test/system/scalability/README
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7440c..0000000
--- a/test/system/scalability/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Apache Accumulo Scalability Tests
-The scalability test framework needs to be configured for your Accumulo
-instance by performing the following steps.
-WARNING: Each scalability test rewrites your conf/slaves file and reinitializes
-your Accumulo instance. Do not run these tests on a cluster holding essential
-1.  Make sure you have both ACCUMULO_HOME and HADOOP_HOME set in your
-2.  Create a 'site.conf' file in the conf directory containing settings
-    needed by test nodes to connect to Accumulo, and to guide the tests.
-    cp conf/site.conf.example conf/site.conf
-3.  Create an 'Ingest.conf' file in the conf directory containing performance
-    settings for the Ingest test. (This test is currently the only scalability
-    test available.)
-    cp conf/Ingest.conf.example conf/Ingest.conf
-    Each test has a unique ID (e.g., "Ingest") which correlates with its test
-    code in:
-    org.apache.accumulo.server.test.scalability.tests.<ID>
-    This ID correlates with a config file:
-    conf/<ID>.conf
-To run the test, specify its ID to the script.
-    nohup ./ Ingest > test1.log 2>&1 &
-A timestamped directory will be created, and results are placed in it as each
-test completes.
diff --git a/test/system/scalability/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a5772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/scalability/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Apache Accumulo Scalability Tests
+The scalability test framework needs to be configured for your Accumulo
+instance by performing the following steps.
+WARNING: Each scalability test rewrites your `conf/slaves` file and 
+your Accumulo instance. Do not run these tests on a cluster holding essential
+1.  Make sure you have both `ACCUMULO_HOME` and `HADOOP_HOME` set in your
+2.  Create a 'site.conf' file in the `conf` directory containing settings
+    needed by test nodes to connect to Accumulo, and to guide the tests.
+    `$ cp conf/site.conf.example conf/site.conf`
+3.  Create an 'Ingest.conf' file in the `conf` directory containing performance
+    settings for the Ingest test. (This test is currently the only scalability
+    test available.)
+    `$ cp conf/Ingest.conf.example conf/Ingest.conf`
+    Each test has a unique ID (e.g., "Ingest") which correlates with its test
+    code in:
+    `org.apache.accumulo.server.test.scalability.tests.<ID>`
+    This ID correlates with a config file:
+    `conf/<ID>.conf`
+To run the test, specify its ID to the script.
+> `$ nohup ./ Ingest > test1.log 2>&1 &`
+A timestamped directory will be created, and results are placed in it as each
+test completes.
diff --git a/test/system/test1/README b/test/system/test1/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 8003b3d..0000000
--- a/test/system/test1/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Command to run from command line
-#Can run this test with pre-existing splits... use the following command to 
create the table with
-#100 pre-existing splits 
'org.apache.accumulo.server.test.TestIngest$CreateTable' 0 5000000 100 <user> 
-#could try running verify commands after stopping and restarting accumulo
-#when write ahead log is implemented can try killing tablet server in middle 
of ingest
-#run 5 parallel ingesters and verify
-#overwrite previous ingest
-#delete what was previously ingested
diff --git a/test/system/test1/ b/test/system/test1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2de5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/test1/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Command to run from command line
+Can run this test with pre-existing splits; use the following command to 
create the table with
+100 pre-existing splits 
+> `$ ../../../bin/accumulo 
'org.apache.accumulo.server.test.TestIngest$CreateTable' \  
+0 5000000 100 <user> <pw>`
+Could try running verify commands after stopping and restarting accumulo
+When write ahead log is implemented can try killing tablet server in middle of 
+Run 5 parallel ingesters and verify:
+> `$ .`  
+`$ .`  
+Overwrite previous ingest:
+> `$ .`  
+`$ .`  
+Delete what was previously ingested:
+> `$ .`  
diff --git a/test/system/test2/README b/test/system/test2/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 0994068..0000000
--- a/test/system/test2/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-this test concurrently reads and writes data to accumulo...
-Can run this test with pre-existing splits... use the following command to 
create the table with
-100 pre-existing splits 
-hadoop jar ../../../lib/accumulo.jar 
'org.apache.accumulo.server.test.TestIngest$CreateTable' 0 5000000 100
diff --git a/test/system/test2/ b/test/system/test2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09cbc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/test2/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Test Concurrent Read/Write
+Can run this test with pre-existing splits; use the following command to 
create the table with
+100 pre-existing splits:
+> `$ hadoop jar ../../../lib/accumulo.jar \   
+'org.apache.accumulo.server.test.TestIngest$CreateTable' 0 5000000 100`
diff --git a/test/system/test3/README b/test/system/test3/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 569b92e..0000000
--- a/test/system/test3/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Test creating a big row that will not split
diff --git a/test/system/test3/ b/test/system/test3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aaff23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/test3/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Test Creating Big Non-Splittable Row
diff --git a/test/system/test4/README b/test/system/test4/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a87842..0000000
--- a/test/system/test4/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Test bulk importing data
-Can run this test with pre-existing splits... use the following command to 
create the table with
-100 pre-existing splits 
-hadoop jar ../../../lib/accumulo.jar 
'org.apache.accumulo.server.test.TestIngest$CreateTable' 0 5000000 100
diff --git a/test/system/test4/ b/test/system/test4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f03fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/test4/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Test Bulk Importing Data
+Can run this test with pre-existing splits... use the following command to 
create the table with
+100 pre-existing splits 
+> `$ hadoop jar ../../../lib/accumulo.jar \   
+'org.apache.accumulo.server.test.TestIngest$CreateTable' 0 5000000 100`

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