Repository: accumulo-website
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/asf-site f183655c2 -> 803c95d0c
  refs/heads/master 90a96b68e -> 5679ae1b7

Wrote blog post about security and performance.

Closes apache/accumulo-website#8

Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 5679ae1b760e4176b996d386472e4a4a9a50eddb
Parents: 90a96b6
Author: John Highcock <>
Authored: Thu Feb 23 13:10:01 2017 -0500
Committer: Josh Elser <>
Committed: Mon Mar 6 17:57:59 2017 -0500

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+The purpose of this two part series was to measure the performance impact of
+various security configurations on a cluster running Apache Accumulo’s
+continuous ingest suite. The tests were performed using Amazon Web
+Services (AWS), Hortonworks Data Platform 2.4 and Accumulo 1.7. Each of
+the five different security settings in Accumulo 1.7 was tested including 
+no security, SSL, and SASL with Kerberos authentication for the three quality 
+of protection levels (auth, auth-int, auth-conf).  KDC was MIT.  HDFS was 
+configured to use Kerberos for authentication and had service level 
+authorization on. Other than that, no other security settings (HTTPS, RPC 
+protection, data transfer encryption, etc) were enabled.  Timely was a 
+separate, single node HDFS/Zookeeper/Accumulo instance.
+## Intro
+All runs utilized the continuous ingest suite that ships with Accumulo (a
+standard method to measure performance in Accumulo).  It generates random 
+graph data and inserts it into Accumulo, creating
+a long linked list of entries.  Part 1 was run with just continuous ingest.  
+Based on the test results, there was a measurable performance impact as each 
additional security configuration was put in place. 
+## Methodology
+We ran 5 tests, one for each security configuration.  Each iteration of each 
test inserted 2 billion entries.  Batch writers were configured with 500K max 
+to artificially inflate the overall write overhead. This was performed on a
+small cluster on AWS.
+Each test used one of the following security configurations:
+* No security - Default
+* Two way SSL
+* Kerberos/SASL with auth
+  * auth is just Kerberos authentication between client and server.  Each end 
of the RPC definitively knows who the other is.
+* Kerberos/SASL with auth-int
+  * Builds on auth, also providing message integrity checks of the data going 
across the wire. You also know that the message you received was not altered.
+* Kerberos/SASL with auth-conf
+  * Builds on auth-int, also providing confidentiality of the message that was 
sent to prevent others from reading it (aka wire-encryption).
+For each test, five iterations were run to obtain a min, max, and median
+time elapsed at each security configuration. After each iteration,
+Hadoop, and Zookeeper processes were restarted, Accumulo tables are
+wiped clean and tables are recreated. In addition, pagecache, dentries
+and inodes are dropped by issuing a ‘3’ command on
+/proc/sys/vm/drop\_caches to ensure that the OS is not caching things to disk
+that might affect the benchmark. The following sequence was performed 
+between iterations:
+1.  Bring down Accumulo
+2.  Bring down Zookeeper
+3.  Bring down Hadoop
+4.  Run sync command
+5.  Drop OS cache
+6.  Bring up Hadoop
+7.  Bring up Zookeeper
+8.  Bring up Accumulo
+9.  Drop tables
+10. Create tables
+For each iteration, the results were stored, fed into 
[Timely](, and viewed with 
+Since the runs were executed sequentially, the start epochs for each run did 
not align.
+To mitigate, the entries for each run were inserted 
+with the same relative epoch for convenient comparison in Grafana.
+The table configurations for Accumulo remain the same throughout the
+different iterations and security levels. The Accumulo site
+configurations differ only due to the different settings for the
+security level configurations.
+## Environment
+In order to perform the testing, a small AWS cluster was setup using 14
+hosts on EC2. Two i2.xlarge instances were used as master nodes and eight
+d2.xlarge instances were used for workers. In addition, two c4.4xlarge
+instances were used for ingesters, one m4.2xlarge instance was used for
+Timely, and one m4.xlarge instance was used for Apache Ambari. A logical
+diagram of the setup is depicted below:
+![]({{ site.baseurl}}/images/blog/201702_security/figure1.png){:width="400px"}
+Figure 1 - Cluster Layout, Roles, and Instance Types on AWS.
+The types of nodes and their function are given below:
+{: #instance_types .table }
+|Node Type|AWS EC2 Type|EC2 Type Details|Quantity|
+|Ingest Nodes|c4.4xlarge|16 core, 30 GB RAM|2|
+|Worker Node|d2.xlarge|4 cores, 30.5 GB RAM, 3x2T GB HD|8|
+|Master Node|i2.xlarge|4 cores, 30.5 GB RAM, 1x800GB SSD|2|
+|Admin Node|m4.xlarge|4 cores, 16 GB RAM|1|
+|Timely Node|m4.2xlarge|8 cores, 32 GB RAM|1|
+Table 1 – AWS Instance Types, Role, Details, and Quantities
+## Results
+The median, max, and min of the milliseconds elapsed
+time of all iterations for each test is displayed below. The percentage change
+columns compare the Median, Max, and Min respectively from the no
+security level to each security configuration (e.g. no security Median
+vs. auth-int Median, no security Max vs. auth-int Max).
+{: #results .table }
+| Security Level |  Median  |  Standard Deviation  |  Max   |    Min   |    % 
Change (nosec Median vs. Median) |  % Change (nosec Max vs. Max) |  % Change 
(nosec Min vs. Min)  | Delta from Previous Level (Median)|
+| ---------------- |---------: |---------:|----------:| ---------:| 
------------------------------------: |------------------------------:| 
------------------------------:| ------------------------------------:|
+| no security  |    7829394  |  139340  | 8143035|   7764309  | 0.00%    |     
                       0.00%    |                      0.00%    |               
+|ssl        |      8292760  |     87012   |  8464060  | 8204955 |  5.92% |     
                          3.94%      |                    5.68%           |     
+| auth        |     8859552 |    134109    | 9047971|   8657618  | 13.16%    | 
                          11.11%           |              11.51%            |   
+| auth-int     |    9500737 |    155968    |   9753424  | 9282371  | 21.34%    
   |                        19.78%               |          19.55%         |    
+|auth-conf    |    9479635  |    170823   |  9776580  | 9282189  | 21.08%      
    |                     20.06%        |                 19.55%       |        
+Table 2 – Summarized Time Elapsed for Each Security Level
+## Plots
+Below are some snapshots of *stats.out elements via Grafana that were inserted
+into Timely with the same relative start time.  Each graph represents a field 
+in the output generated by 
+(Number of records in the continuous ingest table.  Down sample=1m, 
+(Ingest rate for Accumulo instance.  Down sample=5m, aggregate=avg)
+(Average number of files per Accumulo tablet.  Down sample=1m, aggregate=avg)
+(Total number of files for Accumulo.  Down sample=1m, aggregate=avg)
+As can be seen in the plots above, the different security settings have 
+relatively consistent, discernable median run characteristics.  The big
+dip in each TOTAL_INGEST coincides with a large number of major
+compactions, a rate decrease for TABLE_RECS, and a decrease in 
+## Final Thoughts
+The biggest performance 
+hits to run duration median (compared to default security) were ~21% for 
+auth-int and auth-conf.  Interesting to note that SSL's median run duration 
+lower than all SASL configs and that auth-conf's was lower than auth-int. 
+Initial  speculation for these oddities revolved around the 
+implementations, but the Thrift differences will not explain the auth-conf/int 
+disparity since both utilize TThreadPoolServer.  It was certainly unexpected 
that the 
+addition of wire encryption would yield a faster median run duration.  This 
+prompted, as a sanity check, sniffing the net traffic (in a contrived example 
+not during a timed run) in both auth-conf and auth-int to ensure that the 
+contents were actually obfuscated in auth-conf (they were) and not obfuscated 
+auth-int (they weren't).
+## Future Work
+Part 2 of this series will consist of the same continuous ingest loads and 
+configurations with the addition of a query load on the system.
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