Mark branch as 1.3.0 RC


Branch: refs/heads/1.3.x
Commit: 027ae9a523e93b78a2bc2f238052d91cdca3be4a
Parents: 26c0552
Author: Timothy A. Bish <>
Authored: Mon May 10 13:26:30 2010 +0000
Committer: Timothy A. Bish <>
Committed: Mon May 10 13:26:30 2010 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------  | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 package.ps1 |  58 +++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index d8e4b64..6d09831 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,82 +17,82 @@
 <project name="Apache.NMS" default="default" 
-       <!-- 
-       <!--      I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N                                   
-       <!-- 
-       <property name="basedir" value="${project::get-base-directory()}" />
-       <property name="" value="Apache.NMS" />
-       <property name="" value="org.apache.activemq" />
-       <property name="project.version" value="1.3.0" 
unless="${property::exists('project.version')}" />
-       <property name="project.release.type" value="SNAPSHOT" 
unless="${property::exists('project.release.type')}" />
-       <property name="project.short_description" value="Apache NMS Class 
Library" />
-       <property name="project.description" value="Apache NMS (.Net Messaging 
Library): An abstract interface to Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) providers" 
-       <property name="project.cls.compliant" value="true" />
-       <property name="nunit.dll" 
dynamic="true" />
-       <property name="nunit.extensions.dll" 
 dynamic="true" />
+    <!-- 
+    <!--      I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N                                      
+    <!-- 
+    <property name="basedir" value="${project::get-base-directory()}" />
+    <property name="" value="Apache.NMS" />
+    <property name="" value="org.apache.activemq" />
+    <property name="project.version" value="1.3.0" 
unless="${property::exists('project.version')}" />
+    <property name="project.release.type" value="RC" 
unless="${property::exists('project.release.type')}" />
+    <property name="project.short_description" value="Apache NMS Class 
Library" />
+    <property name="project.description" value="Apache NMS (.Net Messaging 
Library): An abstract interface to Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) providers" 
+    <property name="project.cls.compliant" value="true" />
+    <property name="nunit.dll" 
dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="nunit.extensions.dll" 
 dynamic="true" />
-       <target name="vendor-init" description="Initializes Vendor library from 
local repository.">
-               <!--
-                    Vendor specific info.  The prefix of '' 
is taken from the property
-                    vendor.fileset.names'.  This comma-delimited list is 
iterated, and properties with
-                    well-known suffixes are used to access and copy down 
vendor file dependencies.
-               -->
-               <property name="vendor.fileset.names" value="" 
+    <target name="vendor-init" description="Initializes Vendor library from 
local repository.">
+        <!--
+             Vendor specific info.  The prefix of '' is taken 
from the property
+             vendor.fileset.names'.  This comma-delimited list is iterated, 
and properties with
+             well-known suffixes are used to access and copy down vendor file 
+        -->
+        <property name="vendor.fileset.names" value="" />
-               <!-- Property grouping for '' -->
-               <property name="" value="NUnit" />
-               <property name="" value="org.nunit" />
-               <property name="" value="2.4.8" />
-               <property name="" 
value="nunit.framework.dll,nunit.framework.extensions.dll" />
-       </target>
+        <!-- Property grouping for '' -->
+        <property name="" value="NUnit" />
+        <property name="" value="org.nunit" />
+        <property name="" value="2.4.8" />
+        <property name="" 
value="nunit.framework.dll,nunit.framework.extensions.dll" />
+    </target>
-       <target name="dependency-init" description="Initializes build 
-               <if test="${ == 'net-3.5' or == 'mono-2.0'}">
-                       <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="dependencies">
-                               <include 
name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.Core.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.Web.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
-                       </assemblyfileset>
-               </if>
-               <if test="${ != 'net-3.5'}">
-                       <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="dependencies">
-                               <include 
name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.Web.dll" />
-                               <include 
name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
-                       </assemblyfileset>
-               </if>
+    <target name="dependency-init" description="Initializes build 
+        <if test="${ == 'net-3.5' or == 'mono-2.0'}">
+            <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="dependencies">
+                <include 
name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.Core.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.Web.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
+            </assemblyfileset>
+        </if>
+        <if test="${ != 'net-3.5'}">
+            <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="dependencies">
+                <include 
name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.Web.dll" />
+                <include 
name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
+            </assemblyfileset>
+        </if>
-               <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="test.dependencies">
-                       <include 
name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
-                       <include 
name="${}/System.dll" />
-                       <include 
name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
-                       <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" />
-                       <include name="${nunit.dll}" />
-                       <include name="${nunit.extensions.dll}" />
-               </assemblyfileset>
+        <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="test.dependencies">
+            <include 
name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
+            <include name="${}/System.dll" 
+            <include 
name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" />
+            <include name="${nunit.dll}" />
+            <include name="${nunit.extensions.dll}" />
+        </assemblyfileset>
-               <fileset id="content.filenames">
-                       <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
-                       <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
-               </fileset>
+        <fileset id="content.filenames">
+            <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
+            <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
+        </fileset>
-               <fileset id="install.filenames">
-                       <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
-                       <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
-                       <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" />
-                       <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.pdb" />
-                       <include 
name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll.mdb" />
-                       <include 
name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.dll" />
-                       <include 
name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.pdb" />
-                       <include 
name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.dll.mdb" />
-               </fileset>
-       </target>
+        <fileset id="install.filenames">
+            <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
+            <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.pdb" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll.mdb" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.dll" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.pdb" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.dll.mdb" />
+        </fileset>
+    </target>
-       <target name="default" depends="install-all" />
+    <target name="default" depends="install-all" />
-       <!-- Load the common target definitions  -->
-       <include buildfile="${basedir}/nant-common.xml" />
+    <!-- Load the common target definitions  -->
+    <include buildfile="${basedir}/nant-common.xml" />
diff --git a/package.ps1 b/package.ps1
index b412796..2532ad5 100644
--- a/package.ps1
+++ b/package.ps1
@@ -14,48 +14,48 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 $pkgname = "Apache.NMS"
-$pkgver = "1.3-SNAPSHOT"
+$pkgver = "1.3-RC1"
 $configurations = "release", "debug"
 $frameworks = "mono-2.0", "net-2.0", "net-3.5", "netcf-2.0", "netcf-3.5"
 write-progress "Creating package directory." "Initializing..."
 if(!(test-path package))
-       md package
+    md package
 if(test-path build)
-       pushd build
+    pushd build
-       $pkgdir = "..\package"
+    $pkgdir = "..\package"
-       write-progress "Packaging Application files." "Scanning..."
-       $zipfile = "$pkgdir\$pkgname-$"
-       zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\LICENSE.txt
-       zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\NOTICE.txt
-       foreach($configuration in $configurations)
-       {
-               foreach($framework in $frameworks)
-               {
-                       zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                       zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                       zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                       zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                       if($framework -ieq "mono-2.0")
-                       {
-                               zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                               zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                               zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
-                       }
-               }
-       }
+    write-progress "Packaging Application files." "Scanning..."
+    $zipfile = "$pkgdir\$pkgname-$"
+    zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\LICENSE.txt
+    zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\NOTICE.txt
+    foreach($configuration in $configurations)
+    {
+        foreach($framework in $frameworks)
+        {
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.dll"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.xml"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.Test.dll"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.Test.xml"
+            if($framework -ieq "mono-2.0")
+            {
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.pdb"
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" 
+            }
+        }
+    }
-       popd
+    popd
 write-progress "Packaging Source code files." "Scanning..."

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