jscheffl commented on code in PR #44427:
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/44427#discussion_r1861212992

@@ -83,88 +75,47 @@ def _run_worker(
-        if item is None:
+        if workload is None:
             # Received poison pill, no more tasks to run
         # Decrement this as soon as we pick up a message off the queue
         with unread_messages:
             unread_messages.value -= 1
+        key = None
+        if ti := getattr(workload, "ti", None):
+            key = ti.key
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to get ti key from 
-        (key, command) = item
-            state = _execute_work(log, key, command)
+            _execute_work(log, workload)
-            output.put((key, state, None))
+            output.put((key, TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS, None))
         except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("uhoh")
             output.put((key, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, e))
-def _execute_work(log: logging.Logger, key: TaskInstanceKey, command: 
CommandType) -> TaskInstanceState:
+def _execute_work(log: logging.Logger, workload: workloads.ExecuteTask) -> 
     Execute command received and stores result state in queue.
     :param key: the key to identify the task instance
     :param command: the command to execute
-    setproctitle(f"airflow worker -- LocalExecutor: {command}")
-    dag_id, task_id = BaseExecutor.validate_airflow_tasks_run_command(command)
-    try:
-        with _airflow_parsing_context_manager(dag_id=dag_id, task_id=task_id):
-                return _execute_work_in_subprocess(log, command)
-            else:
-                return _execute_work_in_fork(log, command)
-    finally:
-        # Remove the command since the worker is done executing the task
-        setproctitle("airflow worker -- LocalExecutor: <idle>")
-def _execute_work_in_subprocess(log: logging.Logger, command: CommandType) -> 
-    try:
-        subprocess.check_call(command, close_fds=True)
-        return TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-        log.error("Failed to execute task %s.", e)
-        return TaskInstanceState.FAILED
-def _execute_work_in_fork(log: logging.Logger, command: CommandType) -> 
-    pid = os.fork()
-    if pid:
-        # In parent, wait for the child
-        pid, ret = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
-        return TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS if ret == 0 else 
-    from airflow.sentry import Sentry
-    ret = 1
-    try:
-        import signal
-        from airflow.cli.cli_parser import get_parser
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, signal.SIG_DFL)
+    from airflow.sdk.execution_time.supervisor import supervise
-        parser = get_parser()
-        # [1:] - remove "airflow" from the start of the command
-        args = parser.parse_args(command[1:])
-        args.shut_down_logging = False
-        setproctitle(f"airflow task supervisor: {command}")
-        args.func(args)
-        ret = 0
-        return TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS
-    except Exception as e:
-        log.exception("Failed to execute task %s.", e)
-        return TaskInstanceState.FAILED
-    finally:
-        Sentry.flush()
-        logging.shutdown()
-        os._exit(ret)
+    setproctitle(f"airflow worker -- LocalExecutor: {workload.ti.id}")
+    # This will return the exit code of the task process, but we don't care 
about that, just if the
+    # _supervisor_ had an error reporting the state back (which will result in 
an exception.)
+    supervise(
+        ti=workload.ti,
+        dag_path=workload.dag_path,
+        token=workload.token,
+        server="http://localhost:9091/execution/";,

Review Comment:
   Is `conf.getint()` not suiteable for this?

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