potiuk commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r337393115

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
            libssl-dev \
            locales  \
            netcat \
-           nodejs \
            rsync \
            sasl2-bin \
            sudo \
+           libmariadb-dev-compat \
     && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
     && apt-get clean \
     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-           graphviz \
-    && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-    && apt-get clean \
-    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-    && GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-    && export GNUPGHOME \
-    && for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-            ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-            hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-            keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-            hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-            pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-          gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-       done \
-    && gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-    && gpgconf --kill all \
-    rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-    apt-key list > /dev/null \
-    && echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-    && apt-get update \
-    && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-        libmysqlclient-dev \
-        mysql-client \
-    && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-    && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
     && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
     && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow
-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-#     airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image
-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+    && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+         apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+    && curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+    && curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
 Review comment:
   I checked it and it makes more sense to use the recommended setup method for 
NPM: https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-npm-on-debian/  -> installing 
it this way provides latest LTS release including newer version of npm (node: 
10.16.3. npm 6.9.0 comparing to node 10.15.2, npm 5.8.0 with standard debian 
buster packages). 
   Also when you install nodejs/npm using standard buster packages, you get to 
install a lot more (you need to install both npm and nodejs,  and install npm 
downloads a looooot of extra packages). 
   `The following NEW packages will be installed:
     gyp javascript-common libjs-inherits libjs-is-typedarray libnode-dev 
libuv1-dev node-abbrev node-ajv node-ansi node-ansi-align node-ansi-regex 
node-ansi-styles node-ansistyles node-aproba node-archy node-are-we-there-yet 
node-asn1 node-assert-plus node-asynckit
     node-aws-sign2 node-aws4 node-balanced-match node-bcrypt-pbkdf 
node-bluebird node-boxen node-brace-expansion node-builtin-modules 
node-builtins node-cacache node-call-limit node-camelcase node-caseless 
node-chalk node-chownr node-cli-boxes node-cliui node-clone
     node-co node-color-convert node-color-name node-combined-stream 
node-concat-map node-concat-stream node-config-chain 
node-console-control-strings node-copy-concurrently node-core-util-is 
node-cross-spawn node-cyclist node-dashdash node-decamelize
     node-decompress-response node-deep-extend node-defaults 
node-delayed-stream node-delegates node-detect-indent node-detect-newline 
node-duplexer3 node-duplexify node-ecc-jsbn node-editor node-encoding 
node-end-of-stream node-errno node-escape-string-regexp node-execa
     node-extend node-extsprintf node-find-up node-flush-write-stream 
node-forever-agent node-form-data node-from2 node-fs-vacuum 
node-fs-write-stream-atomic node-fs.realpath node-gauge node-get-caller-file 
node-get-stream node-getpass node-glob node-got node-graceful-fs
     node-gyp node-har-schema node-har-validator node-has-flag 
node-has-symbol-support-x node-has-to-string-tag-x node-has-unicode 
node-hosted-git-info node-http-signature node-iconv-lite node-iferr 
node-import-lazy node-imurmurhash node-inflight node-inherits node-ini
     node-invert-kv node-is-builtin-module node-is-npm node-is-object 
node-is-plain-obj node-is-retry-allowed node-is-stream node-is-typedarray 
node-isarray node-isexe node-isstream node-isurl node-jsbn 
node-json-parse-better-errors node-json-schema
     node-json-stable-stringify node-json-stringify-safe node-jsonify 
node-jsonparse node-jsonstream node-jsprim node-latest-version 
node-lazy-property node-lcid node-libnpx node-locate-path node-lockfile 
node-lowercase-keys node-lru-cache node-mem node-mime-types
     node-mimic-fn node-mimic-response node-minimatch node-minimist 
node-mississippi node-mkdirp node-move-concurrently node-mute-stream 
node-node-uuid node-nopt node-normalize-package-data node-npm-package-arg 
node-npm-run-path node-npmlog node-oauth-sign
     node-object-assign node-once node-opener node-os-locale node-osenv 
node-p-cancelable node-p-finally node-p-limit node-p-locate node-p-timeout 
node-package-json node-parallel-transform node-path-exists 
node-path-is-absolute node-path-is-inside node-performance-now
     node-prepend-http node-process-nextick-args node-promise-inflight 
node-promzard node-proto-list node-prr node-pump node-pumpify node-punycode 
node-qs node-qw node-rc node-read node-read-package-json node-readable-stream 
node-registry-auth-token node-registry-url
     node-request node-require-directory node-require-main-filename 
node-resolve-from node-retry node-rimraf node-run-queue node-safe-buffer 
node-semver node-semver-diff node-set-blocking node-sha node-shebang-command 
node-shebang-regex node-signal-exit node-slash
     node-slide node-sorted-object node-spdx-correct node-spdx-expression-parse 
node-spdx-license-ids node-sshpk node-ssri node-stream-each node-stream-iterate 
node-stream-shift node-string-decoder node-string-width node-strip-ansi 
node-strip-eof node-strip-json-comments
     node-supports-color node-tar node-term-size node-text-table node-through 
node-through2 node-timed-out node-tough-cookie node-tunnel-agent node-tweetnacl 
node-typedarray node-uid-number node-unique-filename node-unpipe 
node-url-parse-lax node-url-to-options
     node-util-deprecate node-uuid node-validate-npm-package-license 
node-validate-npm-package-name node-verror node-wcwidth.js node-which 
node-which-module node-wide-align node-widest-line node-wrap-ansi node-wrappy 
node-write-file-atomic node-xdg-basedir node-xtend
     node-y18n node-yallist node-yargs node-yargs-parser npm 

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