seanxwzhang commented on a change in pull request #8545:

File path: airflow/models/
@@ -392,10 +442,79 @@ def __init__(
                                    % (self.task_id, dag.dag_id))
         self.sla = sla
         self.execution_timeout = execution_timeout
+        # Warn about use of the deprecated SLA parameter
+        if sla and expected_finish:
+            warnings.warn(
+                "Both sla and expected_finish provided as task "
+                "parameters to {}; using expected_finish and ignoring "
+                "deprecated sla parameter.".format(self),
+                category=PendingDeprecationWarning
+            )
+        elif sla:
+            warnings.warn(
+                "sla is deprecated as a task parameter for {}; converting to "
+                "expected_finish instead.".format(self),
+                category=PendingDeprecationWarning
+            )
+            expected_finish = sla
+        # Set SLA parameters, batching invalid type messages into a
+        # single exception.
+        sla_param_errs: List = []
+        if expected_duration and not isinstance(expected_duration, timedelta):
+            sla_param_errs.append("expected_duration must be a timedelta, "
+                                  "got: {}".format(expected_duration))
+        if expected_start and not isinstance(expected_start, timedelta):
+            sla_param_errs.append("expected_start must be a timedelta, "
+                                  "got: {}".format(expected_start))
+        if expected_finish and not isinstance(expected_finish, timedelta):
+            sla_param_errs.append("expected_finish must be a timedelta, "
+                                  "got: {}".format(expected_finish))
+        if sla_param_errs:
+            raise AirflowException("Invalid SLA params were set! {}".format(
+                "; ".join(sla_param_errs)))
+        # If no exception has been raised, go ahead and set these.
+        self.expected_duration = expected_duration
+        self.expected_start = expected_start
+        self.expected_finish = expected_finish
+        # Warn the user if they've set any non-sensical parameter combinations
+        if self.expected_start and self.expected_finish \
+                and self.expected_start >= self.expected_finish:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Task %s has an expected_start (%s) that occurs after its "
+                "expected_finish (%s), so it will always send an SLA "
+                "notification.",
+                self, self.expected_start, self.expected_finish
+            )
+            if self.expected_duration and self.expected_start \

Review comment:
       good catch!

File path: airflow/models/
@@ -1582,6 +1580,196 @@ def sync_to_db(self, sync_time=None, session=None):
         self.bulk_sync_to_db([self], sync_time, session)
+    @provide_session
+    def manage_slas(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Helper function to encapsulate the sequence of SLA operations.
+        """
+        # Create SlaMiss objects for the various types of SLA misses.
+        self.record_sla_misses(session=session)
+        # Collect pending SLA miss callbacks, either created immediately above
+        # or previously failed.
+        unsent_sla_misses = self.get_unsent_sla_notifications(session=session)
+        self.log.debug("Found %s unsent SLA miss notifications",
+                       len(unsent_sla_misses))
+        # Trigger the SLA miss callbacks.
+        if unsent_sla_misses:
+            self.send_sla_notifications(unsent_sla_misses, session=session)
+    @provide_session
+    def record_sla_misses(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Create SLAMiss records for task instances associated with tasks in this
+        DAG. This involves walking forward to address potentially unscheduled
+        but expected executions, since new DAG runs may not get created if
+        there are concurrency restrictions on the scheduler. We still want to
+        receive SLA notifications in that scenario!
+        In the future, it would be preferable to have an SLA monitoring service
+        that runs independently from the scheduler, so that the service
+        responsible for scheduling work is not also responsible for determining
+        whether work is being scheduled.
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Checking for SLA misses for DAG %s", self.dag_id)
+        # Get all current DagRuns.
+        scheduled_dagruns = DagRun.find(
+            dag_id=self.dag_id,
+            # TODO related to AIRFLOW-2236: determine how SLA misses should
+            # work for backfills and externally triggered
+            # DAG runs. At minimum they could have duration SLA misses.
+            external_trigger=False,
+            no_backfills=True,
+            # We aren't passing in the "state" parameter because we care about
+            # checking for SLAs whether the DAG run has failed, succeeded, or
+            # is still running.
+            session=session
+        )
+        # TODO: Is there a better limit here than "look at most recent 100"?
+        # Perhaps there should be a configurable lookback window on the DAG,
+        # for how many runs to consider SLA violations for.
+        scheduled_dagruns = scheduled_dagruns[-100:]
+        scheduled_dagrun_ids = [ for d in scheduled_dagruns]
+        TI = TaskInstance
+        DR = DagRun
+        if scheduled_dagrun_ids:
+            # Find full, existing TIs for these DagRuns.
+            scheduled_tis = (
+                session.query(TI)
+                .outerjoin(DR, and_(
+                    DR.dag_id == TI.dag_id,
+                    DR.execution_date == TI.execution_date))
+                # Only look at TIs for this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+                # Only look at TIs that *still* exist in this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.task_id.in_(self.task_ids))
+                # Don't look for success/skip TIs. We check SLAs often, so
+                # there's little chance that a TI switches to successful
+                # after an SLA miss but before we notice; and this should
+                # be a major perf boost (since most TIs are successful or
+                # skipped).
+                .filter(or_(
+                    # has to be written this way to account for sql nulls
+                    TI.state == None, # noqa E711
+                    not_(TI.state.in_((State.SUCCESS, State.SKIPPED)))
+                ))
+                # Only look at specified DagRuns
+                .filter(
+                # If the DAGRun is SUCCEEDED, then everything has gone
+                # according to plan. But if it's FAILED, someone may be
+                # coming to fix it, and SLAs for tasks in it will still
+                # matter.
+                .filter(DR.state != State.SUCCESS)
+                .order_by(asc(DR.execution_date))
+                .all()
+            )
+        else:
+            scheduled_tis = []
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Found {} outstanding TIs across {} dagruns for DAG {}".format(
+                len(scheduled_tis), len(scheduled_dagruns), self.dag_id))
+        # We need to examine unscheduled DAGRuns, too. If there are concurrency
+        # limitations, it's possible that a task instance will miss its SLA
+        # before its corresponding DAGRun even gets created.
+        last_dagrun = scheduled_dagruns[-1] if scheduled_dagruns else None
+        def unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun):
+            for dag_run in yield_unscheduled_runs(self, last_dagrun, ts):
+                for ti in yield_unscheduled_tis(dag_run, ts):
+                    yield ti
+        # Snapshot the time to check SLAs against.
+        ts = timezone.utcnow()
+        for ti in itertools.chain(scheduled_tis, unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun)):
+            ti.task = self.task_dict[ti.task_id]
+            # Ignore tasks that don't have SLAs, saving most calculation of
+            # future task instances.
+            if ti.task.has_slas():
+                create_sla_misses(ti, ts, session=session)
+        # Save any SlaMisses that were created in `create_sla_misses()`
+        session.commit()
+    @provide_session
+    def get_unsent_sla_notifications(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Find all SlaMisses for this DAG that haven't yet been notified.
+        """
+        return (
+            session
+            .query(SlaMiss)
+            .filter(SlaMiss.notification_sent == False)  # noqa
+            .filter(SlaMiss.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+            .all()
+        )
+    @provide_session
+    def send_sla_notifications(self, sla_misses, session=None):

Review comment:

File path: airflow/models/
@@ -1582,6 +1580,196 @@ def sync_to_db(self, sync_time=None, session=None):
         self.bulk_sync_to_db([self], sync_time, session)
+    @provide_session
+    def manage_slas(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Helper function to encapsulate the sequence of SLA operations.
+        """
+        # Create SlaMiss objects for the various types of SLA misses.
+        self.record_sla_misses(session=session)
+        # Collect pending SLA miss callbacks, either created immediately above
+        # or previously failed.
+        unsent_sla_misses = self.get_unsent_sla_notifications(session=session)
+        self.log.debug("Found %s unsent SLA miss notifications",
+                       len(unsent_sla_misses))
+        # Trigger the SLA miss callbacks.
+        if unsent_sla_misses:
+            self.send_sla_notifications(unsent_sla_misses, session=session)
+    @provide_session
+    def record_sla_misses(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Create SLAMiss records for task instances associated with tasks in this
+        DAG. This involves walking forward to address potentially unscheduled
+        but expected executions, since new DAG runs may not get created if
+        there are concurrency restrictions on the scheduler. We still want to
+        receive SLA notifications in that scenario!
+        In the future, it would be preferable to have an SLA monitoring service
+        that runs independently from the scheduler, so that the service
+        responsible for scheduling work is not also responsible for determining
+        whether work is being scheduled.
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Checking for SLA misses for DAG %s", self.dag_id)
+        # Get all current DagRuns.
+        scheduled_dagruns = DagRun.find(
+            dag_id=self.dag_id,
+            # TODO related to AIRFLOW-2236: determine how SLA misses should
+            # work for backfills and externally triggered
+            # DAG runs. At minimum they could have duration SLA misses.
+            external_trigger=False,
+            no_backfills=True,
+            # We aren't passing in the "state" parameter because we care about
+            # checking for SLAs whether the DAG run has failed, succeeded, or
+            # is still running.
+            session=session
+        )
+        # TODO: Is there a better limit here than "look at most recent 100"?
+        # Perhaps there should be a configurable lookback window on the DAG,
+        # for how many runs to consider SLA violations for.
+        scheduled_dagruns = scheduled_dagruns[-100:]
+        scheduled_dagrun_ids = [ for d in scheduled_dagruns]
+        TI = TaskInstance
+        DR = DagRun
+        if scheduled_dagrun_ids:
+            # Find full, existing TIs for these DagRuns.

Review comment:
       not sure what that means either, I'll remove it.

File path: airflow/models/
@@ -1582,6 +1580,196 @@ def sync_to_db(self, sync_time=None, session=None):
         self.bulk_sync_to_db([self], sync_time, session)
+    @provide_session
+    def manage_slas(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Helper function to encapsulate the sequence of SLA operations.
+        """
+        # Create SlaMiss objects for the various types of SLA misses.
+        self.record_sla_misses(session=session)
+        # Collect pending SLA miss callbacks, either created immediately above
+        # or previously failed.
+        unsent_sla_misses = self.get_unsent_sla_notifications(session=session)
+        self.log.debug("Found %s unsent SLA miss notifications",
+                       len(unsent_sla_misses))
+        # Trigger the SLA miss callbacks.
+        if unsent_sla_misses:
+            self.send_sla_notifications(unsent_sla_misses, session=session)
+    @provide_session
+    def record_sla_misses(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Create SLAMiss records for task instances associated with tasks in this
+        DAG. This involves walking forward to address potentially unscheduled
+        but expected executions, since new DAG runs may not get created if
+        there are concurrency restrictions on the scheduler. We still want to
+        receive SLA notifications in that scenario!
+        In the future, it would be preferable to have an SLA monitoring service
+        that runs independently from the scheduler, so that the service
+        responsible for scheduling work is not also responsible for determining
+        whether work is being scheduled.
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Checking for SLA misses for DAG %s", self.dag_id)
+        # Get all current DagRuns.
+        scheduled_dagruns = DagRun.find(
+            dag_id=self.dag_id,
+            # TODO related to AIRFLOW-2236: determine how SLA misses should
+            # work for backfills and externally triggered
+            # DAG runs. At minimum they could have duration SLA misses.
+            external_trigger=False,
+            no_backfills=True,
+            # We aren't passing in the "state" parameter because we care about
+            # checking for SLAs whether the DAG run has failed, succeeded, or
+            # is still running.
+            session=session
+        )
+        # TODO: Is there a better limit here than "look at most recent 100"?
+        # Perhaps there should be a configurable lookback window on the DAG,
+        # for how many runs to consider SLA violations for.
+        scheduled_dagruns = scheduled_dagruns[-100:]
+        scheduled_dagrun_ids = [ for d in scheduled_dagruns]
+        TI = TaskInstance
+        DR = DagRun
+        if scheduled_dagrun_ids:
+            # Find full, existing TIs for these DagRuns.
+            scheduled_tis = (
+                session.query(TI)
+                .outerjoin(DR, and_(
+                    DR.dag_id == TI.dag_id,
+                    DR.execution_date == TI.execution_date))
+                # Only look at TIs for this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+                # Only look at TIs that *still* exist in this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.task_id.in_(self.task_ids))
+                # Don't look for success/skip TIs. We check SLAs often, so
+                # there's little chance that a TI switches to successful
+                # after an SLA miss but before we notice; and this should
+                # be a major perf boost (since most TIs are successful or
+                # skipped).
+                .filter(or_(
+                    # has to be written this way to account for sql nulls
+                    TI.state == None, # noqa E711
+                    not_(TI.state.in_((State.SUCCESS, State.SKIPPED)))
+                ))
+                # Only look at specified DagRuns
+                .filter(
+                # If the DAGRun is SUCCEEDED, then everything has gone
+                # according to plan. But if it's FAILED, someone may be
+                # coming to fix it, and SLAs for tasks in it will still
+                # matter.
+                .filter(DR.state != State.SUCCESS)
+                .order_by(asc(DR.execution_date))
+                .all()
+            )
+        else:
+            scheduled_tis = []
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Found {} outstanding TIs across {} dagruns for DAG {}".format(
+                len(scheduled_tis), len(scheduled_dagruns), self.dag_id))
+        # We need to examine unscheduled DAGRuns, too. If there are concurrency
+        # limitations, it's possible that a task instance will miss its SLA
+        # before its corresponding DAGRun even gets created.
+        last_dagrun = scheduled_dagruns[-1] if scheduled_dagruns else None
+        def unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun):
+            for dag_run in yield_unscheduled_runs(self, last_dagrun, ts):

Review comment:
       it's created in line 1688, the idea is to take a snapshot of the current 
time and use that for comparison, as opposed to getting timestamp on the go. 
I'm indifferent of these 2 approaches, happy to change it if there's a valid 
reason for either one.

File path: airflow/models/
@@ -1582,6 +1580,196 @@ def sync_to_db(self, sync_time=None, session=None):
         self.bulk_sync_to_db([self], sync_time, session)
+    @provide_session
+    def manage_slas(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Helper function to encapsulate the sequence of SLA operations.
+        """
+        # Create SlaMiss objects for the various types of SLA misses.
+        self.record_sla_misses(session=session)
+        # Collect pending SLA miss callbacks, either created immediately above
+        # or previously failed.
+        unsent_sla_misses = self.get_unsent_sla_notifications(session=session)
+        self.log.debug("Found %s unsent SLA miss notifications",
+                       len(unsent_sla_misses))
+        # Trigger the SLA miss callbacks.
+        if unsent_sla_misses:
+            self.send_sla_notifications(unsent_sla_misses, session=session)
+    @provide_session
+    def record_sla_misses(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Create SLAMiss records for task instances associated with tasks in this
+        DAG. This involves walking forward to address potentially unscheduled
+        but expected executions, since new DAG runs may not get created if
+        there are concurrency restrictions on the scheduler. We still want to
+        receive SLA notifications in that scenario!
+        In the future, it would be preferable to have an SLA monitoring service
+        that runs independently from the scheduler, so that the service
+        responsible for scheduling work is not also responsible for determining
+        whether work is being scheduled.
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Checking for SLA misses for DAG %s", self.dag_id)
+        # Get all current DagRuns.
+        scheduled_dagruns = DagRun.find(
+            dag_id=self.dag_id,
+            # TODO related to AIRFLOW-2236: determine how SLA misses should
+            # work for backfills and externally triggered
+            # DAG runs. At minimum they could have duration SLA misses.
+            external_trigger=False,
+            no_backfills=True,
+            # We aren't passing in the "state" parameter because we care about
+            # checking for SLAs whether the DAG run has failed, succeeded, or
+            # is still running.
+            session=session
+        )
+        # TODO: Is there a better limit here than "look at most recent 100"?
+        # Perhaps there should be a configurable lookback window on the DAG,
+        # for how many runs to consider SLA violations for.
+        scheduled_dagruns = scheduled_dagruns[-100:]
+        scheduled_dagrun_ids = [ for d in scheduled_dagruns]
+        TI = TaskInstance
+        DR = DagRun
+        if scheduled_dagrun_ids:
+            # Find full, existing TIs for these DagRuns.
+            scheduled_tis = (
+                session.query(TI)
+                .outerjoin(DR, and_(
+                    DR.dag_id == TI.dag_id,
+                    DR.execution_date == TI.execution_date))
+                # Only look at TIs for this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+                # Only look at TIs that *still* exist in this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.task_id.in_(self.task_ids))
+                # Don't look for success/skip TIs. We check SLAs often, so
+                # there's little chance that a TI switches to successful
+                # after an SLA miss but before we notice; and this should
+                # be a major perf boost (since most TIs are successful or
+                # skipped).
+                .filter(or_(
+                    # has to be written this way to account for sql nulls
+                    TI.state == None, # noqa E711
+                    not_(TI.state.in_((State.SUCCESS, State.SKIPPED)))
+                ))
+                # Only look at specified DagRuns
+                .filter(
+                # If the DAGRun is SUCCEEDED, then everything has gone
+                # according to plan. But if it's FAILED, someone may be
+                # coming to fix it, and SLAs for tasks in it will still
+                # matter.
+                .filter(DR.state != State.SUCCESS)
+                .order_by(asc(DR.execution_date))
+                .all()
+            )
+        else:
+            scheduled_tis = []
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Found {} outstanding TIs across {} dagruns for DAG {}".format(
+                len(scheduled_tis), len(scheduled_dagruns), self.dag_id))
+        # We need to examine unscheduled DAGRuns, too. If there are concurrency
+        # limitations, it's possible that a task instance will miss its SLA
+        # before its corresponding DAGRun even gets created.
+        last_dagrun = scheduled_dagruns[-1] if scheduled_dagruns else None
+        def unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun):
+            for dag_run in yield_unscheduled_runs(self, last_dagrun, ts):
+                for ti in yield_unscheduled_tis(dag_run, ts):
+                    yield ti
+        # Snapshot the time to check SLAs against.
+        ts = timezone.utcnow()
+        for ti in itertools.chain(scheduled_tis, unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun)):
+            ti.task = self.task_dict[ti.task_id]
+            # Ignore tasks that don't have SLAs, saving most calculation of
+            # future task instances.
+            if ti.task.has_slas():
+                create_sla_misses(ti, ts, session=session)
+        # Save any SlaMisses that were created in `create_sla_misses()`
+        session.commit()
+    @provide_session
+    def get_unsent_sla_notifications(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Find all SlaMisses for this DAG that haven't yet been notified.
+        """
+        return (
+            session
+            .query(SlaMiss)
+            .filter(SlaMiss.notification_sent == False)  # noqa
+            .filter(SlaMiss.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+            .all()
+        )
+    @provide_session
+    def send_sla_notifications(self, sla_misses, session=None):
+        """
+        Given a list of SLA misses, send emails and/or do SLA miss callback.
+        """
+        if not sla_misses:
+            self.log.warning("send_sla_notifications was called without any "
+                             "SLA notifications to send!")
+            return
+        # Retrieve the context for this TI, but patch in the SLA miss object.
+        for sla_miss in sla_misses:
+            if sla_miss.notification_sent:
+                self.log.debug("SLA miss %s has already had a notification 
sent, "
+                               "ignoring.", sla_miss)
+            TI = TaskInstance
+            ti = session.query(TI).filter(
+                TI.dag_id == sla_miss.dag_id,
+                TI.task_id == sla_miss.task_id,
+                TI.execution_date == sla_miss.execution_date,
+            ).all()
+            # Use the TI if found
+            task = self.get_task(sla_miss.task_id)
+            if ti:
+                ti = ti.pop()
+                ti.task = task
+            # Else make a temporary one.
+            else:
+                ti = TaskInstance(task, sla_miss.execution_date)
+                ti.task = task

Review comment:
       I believe this is for cases where SLAMiss is triggered on task instances 
that are yet to be scheduled. For example, since a TI has never been scheduled 
due to concurrency limits and the task has `expected_start` set, then there 
will be an SLAMiss created but there won't be a corresponding TI in database.

File path: airflow/models/
@@ -1582,6 +1580,196 @@ def sync_to_db(self, sync_time=None, session=None):
         self.bulk_sync_to_db([self], sync_time, session)
+    @provide_session
+    def manage_slas(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Helper function to encapsulate the sequence of SLA operations.
+        """
+        # Create SlaMiss objects for the various types of SLA misses.
+        self.record_sla_misses(session=session)
+        # Collect pending SLA miss callbacks, either created immediately above
+        # or previously failed.
+        unsent_sla_misses = self.get_unsent_sla_notifications(session=session)
+        self.log.debug("Found %s unsent SLA miss notifications",
+                       len(unsent_sla_misses))
+        # Trigger the SLA miss callbacks.
+        if unsent_sla_misses:
+            self.send_sla_notifications(unsent_sla_misses, session=session)
+    @provide_session
+    def record_sla_misses(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Create SLAMiss records for task instances associated with tasks in this
+        DAG. This involves walking forward to address potentially unscheduled
+        but expected executions, since new DAG runs may not get created if
+        there are concurrency restrictions on the scheduler. We still want to
+        receive SLA notifications in that scenario!
+        In the future, it would be preferable to have an SLA monitoring service
+        that runs independently from the scheduler, so that the service
+        responsible for scheduling work is not also responsible for determining
+        whether work is being scheduled.
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Checking for SLA misses for DAG %s", self.dag_id)
+        # Get all current DagRuns.
+        scheduled_dagruns = DagRun.find(
+            dag_id=self.dag_id,
+            # TODO related to AIRFLOW-2236: determine how SLA misses should
+            # work for backfills and externally triggered
+            # DAG runs. At minimum they could have duration SLA misses.
+            external_trigger=False,
+            no_backfills=True,
+            # We aren't passing in the "state" parameter because we care about
+            # checking for SLAs whether the DAG run has failed, succeeded, or
+            # is still running.
+            session=session
+        )
+        # TODO: Is there a better limit here than "look at most recent 100"?
+        # Perhaps there should be a configurable lookback window on the DAG,
+        # for how many runs to consider SLA violations for.
+        scheduled_dagruns = scheduled_dagruns[-100:]
+        scheduled_dagrun_ids = [ for d in scheduled_dagruns]
+        TI = TaskInstance
+        DR = DagRun
+        if scheduled_dagrun_ids:
+            # Find full, existing TIs for these DagRuns.
+            scheduled_tis = (
+                session.query(TI)
+                .outerjoin(DR, and_(
+                    DR.dag_id == TI.dag_id,
+                    DR.execution_date == TI.execution_date))
+                # Only look at TIs for this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+                # Only look at TIs that *still* exist in this DAG.
+                .filter(TI.task_id.in_(self.task_ids))
+                # Don't look for success/skip TIs. We check SLAs often, so
+                # there's little chance that a TI switches to successful
+                # after an SLA miss but before we notice; and this should
+                # be a major perf boost (since most TIs are successful or
+                # skipped).
+                .filter(or_(
+                    # has to be written this way to account for sql nulls
+                    TI.state == None, # noqa E711
+                    not_(TI.state.in_((State.SUCCESS, State.SKIPPED)))
+                ))
+                # Only look at specified DagRuns
+                .filter(
+                # If the DAGRun is SUCCEEDED, then everything has gone
+                # according to plan. But if it's FAILED, someone may be
+                # coming to fix it, and SLAs for tasks in it will still
+                # matter.
+                .filter(DR.state != State.SUCCESS)
+                .order_by(asc(DR.execution_date))
+                .all()
+            )
+        else:
+            scheduled_tis = []
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Found {} outstanding TIs across {} dagruns for DAG {}".format(
+                len(scheduled_tis), len(scheduled_dagruns), self.dag_id))
+        # We need to examine unscheduled DAGRuns, too. If there are concurrency
+        # limitations, it's possible that a task instance will miss its SLA
+        # before its corresponding DAGRun even gets created.
+        last_dagrun = scheduled_dagruns[-1] if scheduled_dagruns else None
+        def unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun):
+            for dag_run in yield_unscheduled_runs(self, last_dagrun, ts):
+                for ti in yield_unscheduled_tis(dag_run, ts):
+                    yield ti
+        # Snapshot the time to check SLAs against.
+        ts = timezone.utcnow()
+        for ti in itertools.chain(scheduled_tis, unscheduled_tis(last_dagrun)):
+            ti.task = self.task_dict[ti.task_id]
+            # Ignore tasks that don't have SLAs, saving most calculation of
+            # future task instances.
+            if ti.task.has_slas():
+                create_sla_misses(ti, ts, session=session)
+        # Save any SlaMisses that were created in `create_sla_misses()`
+        session.commit()
+    @provide_session
+    def get_unsent_sla_notifications(self, session=None):
+        """
+        Find all SlaMisses for this DAG that haven't yet been notified.
+        """
+        return (
+            session
+            .query(SlaMiss)
+            .filter(SlaMiss.notification_sent == False)  # noqa
+            .filter(SlaMiss.dag_id == self.dag_id)
+            .all()
+        )
+    @provide_session
+    def send_sla_notifications(self, sla_misses, session=None):
+        """
+        Given a list of SLA misses, send emails and/or do SLA miss callback.
+        """
+        if not sla_misses:
+            self.log.warning("send_sla_notifications was called without any "
+                             "SLA notifications to send!")
+            return
+        # Retrieve the context for this TI, but patch in the SLA miss object.
+        for sla_miss in sla_misses:
+            if sla_miss.notification_sent:
+                self.log.debug("SLA miss %s has already had a notification 
sent, "
+                               "ignoring.", sla_miss)
+            TI = TaskInstance
+            ti = session.query(TI).filter(
+                TI.dag_id == sla_miss.dag_id,
+                TI.task_id == sla_miss.task_id,
+                TI.execution_date == sla_miss.execution_date,
+            ).all()
+            # Use the TI if found
+            task = self.get_task(sla_miss.task_id)
+            if ti:
+                ti = ti.pop()
+                ti.task = task
+            # Else make a temporary one.
+            else:
+                ti = TaskInstance(task, sla_miss.execution_date)
+                ti.task = task
+            notification_sent = False
+            # If no callback exists, we don't want to send any notification;
+            # but we do want to update the SlaMiss in the database so that it
+            # doesn't keep looping.
+            if not task.sla_miss_callback:
+                notification_sent = True
+            else:
+      "Calling sla_miss_callback for %s", sla_miss)
+                try:
+                    # Patch context with the current SLA miss.
+                    context = ti.get_template_context()
+                    context["sla_miss"] = sla_miss
+                    task.sla_miss_callback(context)
+                    notification_sent = True

Review comment:
       I'm not sure either, setting it directly makes more sense to me

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