casassg commented on a change in pull request #8962:

File path: tests/operators/
@@ -311,6 +315,350 @@ def func(**context):, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE)
+class TestAirflowTask(unittest.TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super().setUpClass()
+        with create_session() as session:
+            session.query(DagRun).delete()
+            session.query(TI).delete()
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        self.dag = DAG(
+            'test_dag',
+            default_args={
+                'owner': 'airflow',
+                'start_date': DEFAULT_DATE})
+        self.addCleanup(self.dag.clear)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super().tearDown()
+        with create_session() as session:
+            session.query(DagRun).delete()
+            session.query(TI).delete()
+    def _assert_calls_equal(self, first, second):
+        assert isinstance(first, Call)
+        assert isinstance(second, Call)
+        assert first.args == second.args
+        # eliminate context (conf, dag_run, task_instance, etc.)
+        test_args = ["an_int", "a_date", "a_templated_string"]
+        first.kwargs = {
+            key: value
+            for (key, value) in first.kwargs.items()
+            if key in test_args
+        }
+        second.kwargs = {
+            key: value
+            for (key, value) in second.kwargs.items()
+            if key in test_args
+        }
+        assert first.kwargs == second.kwargs
+    def test_python_operator_python_callable_is_callable(self):
+        """Tests that @task will only instantiate if
+        the python_callable argument is callable."""
+        not_callable = {}
+        with pytest.raises(AirflowException):
+            task_decorator(not_callable, dag=self.dag)
+    def test_python_callable_arguments_are_templatized(self):
+        """Test @task op_args are templatized"""
+        recorded_calls = []
+        # Create a named tuple and ensure it is still preserved
+        # after the rendering is done
+        Named = namedtuple('Named', ['var1', 'var2'])
+        named_tuple = Named('{{ ds }}', 'unchanged')
+        task = task_decorator(
+            # a Mock instance cannot be used as a callable function or test 
fails with a
+            # TypeError: Object of type Mock is not JSON serializable
+            build_recording_function(recorded_calls),
+            dag=self.dag)
+        task(4, date(2019, 1, 1), "dag {{dag.dag_id}} ran on {{ds}}.", 
+        self.dag.create_dagrun(
+            run_id=DagRunType.MANUAL.value,
+            execution_date=DEFAULT_DATE,
+            start_date=DEFAULT_DATE,
+            state=State.RUNNING
+        )
+, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE)
+        ds_templated =
+        assert len(recorded_calls) == 1
+        self._assert_calls_equal(
+            recorded_calls[0],
+            Call(4,
+                 date(2019, 1, 1),
+                 "dag {} ran on {}.".format(self.dag.dag_id, ds_templated),
+                 Named(ds_templated, 'unchanged'))
+        )
+    def test_python_callable_keyword_arguments_are_templatized(self):
+        """Test PythonOperator op_kwargs are templatized"""
+        recorded_calls = []
+        task = task_decorator(
+            # a Mock instance cannot be used as a callable function or test 
fails with a
+            # TypeError: Object of type Mock is not JSON serializable
+            build_recording_function(recorded_calls),
+            dag=self.dag
+        )
+        task(an_int=4, a_date=date(2019, 1, 1), a_templated_string="dag 
{{dag.dag_id}} ran on {{ds}}.")
+        self.dag.create_dagrun(
+            run_id=DagRunType.MANUAL.value,
+            execution_date=DEFAULT_DATE,
+            start_date=DEFAULT_DATE,
+            state=State.RUNNING
+        )
+, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE)
+        assert len(recorded_calls) == 1
+        self._assert_calls_equal(
+            recorded_calls[0],
+            Call(an_int=4,
+                 a_date=date(2019, 1, 1),
+                 a_templated_string="dag {} ran on {}.".format(
+                     self.dag.dag_id,
+        )
+    def test_copy_in_dag(self):
+        """Test copy method to reuse tasks in a DAG"""
+        @task_decorator
+        def do_run():
+            return 4
+        with self.dag:
+            do_run()
+            assert ['do_run'] == self.dag.task_ids
+            do_run_1 = do_run.copy()
+            do_run_2 = do_run.copy()
+        assert do_run_1.task_id == 'do_run__1'
+        assert do_run_2.task_id == 'do_run__2'
+    def test_copy(self):
+        """Test copy method outside of a DAG"""
+        @task_decorator
+        def do_run():
+            return 4
+        @task_decorator
+        def do__run():
+            return 4
+        do_run_1 = do_run.copy()
+        do_run_2 = do_run.copy()
+        do__run_1 = do__run.copy()
+        do__run_2 = do__run.copy()
+        with self.dag:
+            do_run()
+            assert ['do_run'] == self.dag.task_ids
+            do_run_1()
+            do_run_2()
+            do__run()
+            do__run_1()
+            do__run_2()
+        assert do_run_1.task_id == 'do_run__1'
+        assert do_run_2.task_id == 'do_run__2'
+        assert do__run_1.task_id == 'do__run__1'
+        assert do__run_2.task_id == 'do__run__2'
+    def test_copy_10(self):
+        """Test copy method outside of a DAG"""
+        @task_decorator
+        def __do_run():
+            return 4
+        with self.dag:
+            __do_run()
+            do_runs = [__do_run.copy() for _ in range(20)]
+        assert do_runs[-1].task_id == '__do_run__20'
+    def test_dict_outputs(self):
+        """Tests pushing multiple outputs as a dictionary"""
+        @task_decorator(multiple_outputs=True)
+        def return_dict(number: int):
+            return {
+                'number': number + 1,
+                43: 43

Review comment:
       Ooh I see, sorry did not fully understand the issue. Not sure what the 
best path for this may be. We can raise an exception (not great) or log weird 

File path: airflow/operators/
@@ -145,6 +147,141 @@ def execute_callable(self):
         return self.python_callable(*self.op_args, **self.op_kwargs)
+class _PythonFunctionalOperator(BaseOperator):
+    """
+    Wraps a Python callable and captures args/kwargs when called for execution.
+    :param python_callable: A reference to an object that is callable
+    :type python_callable: python callable
+    :param multiple_outputs: if set, function return value will be
+        unrolled to multiple XCom values. List/Tuples will unroll to xcom 
+        with index as key. Dict will unroll to xcom values with keys as keys.
+        Defaults to False.
+    :type multiple_outputs: bool
+    """
+    template_fields = ('_op_args', '_op_kwargs')
+    ui_color = '#ffefeb'
+    # since we won't mutate the arguments, we should just do the shallow copy
+    # there are some cases we can't deepcopy the objects(e.g protobuf).
+    shallow_copy_attrs = ('python_callable',)
+    @apply_defaults
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        python_callable: Callable,
+        multiple_outputs: bool = False,
+        *args,
+        **kwargs
+    ) -> None:
+        # Check if we need to generate a new task_id
+        task_id = kwargs.get('task_id', None)
+        dag = kwargs.get('dag', None) or DagContext.get_current_dag()
+        if task_id and dag and task_id in dag.task_ids:
+            prefix = task_id.rsplit("__", 1)[0]
+            task_id = sorted(
+                filter(lambda x: x.startswith(prefix), dag.task_ids),
+                reverse=True
+            )[0]
+            num = int(task_id[-1] if '__' in task_id else '0') + 1
+            kwargs['task_id'] = f'{prefix}__{num}'
+        if not kwargs.get('do_xcom_push', True) and not multiple_outputs:
+            raise AirflowException('@task needs to have either 
do_xcom_push=True or '
+                                   'multiple_outputs=True.')
+        if not callable(python_callable):
+            raise AirflowException('`python_callable` param must be callable')
+        self._fail_if_method(python_callable)
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.python_callable = python_callable
+        self.multiple_outputs = multiple_outputs
+        self._kwargs = kwargs

Review comment:
       Not sure what you mean here. How then is the operator supposed to pass 
down kwargs like `owner` that is a BaseOperator valid kwarg? If I remove kwargs 
here, then I won't be able to set owner in this operator.

File path: docs/concepts.rst
@@ -116,6 +116,47 @@ DAGs can be used as context managers to automatically 
assign new operators to th
     op.dag is dag # True
+.. _concepts:functional_dags:
+Functional DAGs
+*Added in Airflow 1.10.11*
+DAGs can be defined using functional abstractions. Outputs and inputs are sent 
between tasks using
+:ref:`XComs <concepts:xcom>` values. In addition, you can wrap functions as 
tasks using the
+:ref:`task decorator <concepts:task_decorator>`. Dependencies are 
automatically inferred from
+the message dependencies.
+Example DAG with functional abstraction
+.. code:: python
+  with DAG(
+      'send_server_ip', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None
+  ) as dag:
+    # Using default connection as it's set to by default
+    get_ip = SimpleHttpOperator(
+        task_id='get_ip', endpoint='get', method='GET', xcom_push=True
+    )
+    @dag.task(multiple_outputs=True)
+    def prepare_email(raw_json: str) -> str:
+      external_ip = json.loads(raw_json)['origin']
+      return {
+        'subject':f'Server connected from {external_ip}',
+        'body': f'Seems like today your server executing Airflow is connected 
from the external IP {external_ip}<br>'

Review comment:
       Given this is an example DAG on a document, I don't think it really 
matters that much. If users want to use it on python 2 (which btw is already 
deprecated) they can change it to format. But I think we should adapt to use 
py3 examples better.

File path: airflow/operators/
@@ -145,6 +148,144 @@ def execute_callable(self):
         return self.python_callable(*self.op_args, **self.op_kwargs)
+class _PythonFunctionalOperator(BaseOperator):
+    """
+    Wraps a Python callable and captures args/kwargs when called for execution.
+    :param python_callable: A reference to an object that is callable
+    :type python_callable: python callable
+    :param multiple_outputs: if set, function return value will be
+        unrolled to multiple XCom values. Dict will unroll to xcom values with 
keys as keys.
+        Defaults to False.
+    :type multiple_outputs: bool
+    """
+    template_fields = ('_op_args', '_op_kwargs')
+    ui_color = '#ffefeb'
+    # since we won't mutate the arguments, we should just do the shallow copy
+    # there are some cases we can't deepcopy the objects(e.g protobuf).
+    shallow_copy_attrs = ('python_callable',)
+    @apply_defaults
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        python_callable: Callable,
+        multiple_outputs: bool = False,
+        *args,
+        **kwargs
+    ) -> None:
+        self._validate_python_callable(python_callable)
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.python_callable = python_callable
+        self.multiple_outputs = multiple_outputs
+        self._kwargs = kwargs
+        self._op_args: List[Any] = []
+        self._called = False
+        self._op_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_unique_task_id(task_id: str, dag: Optional[DAG]) -> str:
+        dag = dag or DagContext.get_current_dag()
+        if not dag or task_id not in dag.task_ids:
+            return task_id
+        core = re.split(r'__\d+$', task_id)[0]
+        suffixes = sorted(
+            [int(re.split(r'^.+__', task_id)[1])
+             for task_id in dag.task_ids
+             if re.match(rf'^{core}__\d+$', task_id)]
+        )
+        if not suffixes:
+            return f'{core}__1'
+        return f'{core}__{suffixes[-1] + 1}'
+    @staticmethod
+    def _validate_python_callable(python_callable):
+        if not callable(python_callable):
+            raise TypeError('`python_callable` param must be callable')
+        if 'self' in signature(python_callable).parameters.keys():
+            raise AirflowException('@task does not support methods')
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # If args/kwargs are set, then operator has been called. Raise 
+        if self._called:
+            raise AirflowException('@task decorated functions can only be 
called once. If you need to reuse '
+                                   'it several times in a DAG, use the `copy` 
+        # If we have no DAG, reinitialize class to capture DAGContext and DAG 
default args.
+        if not self.has_dag():
+            self.__init__(python_callable=self.python_callable,
+                          multiple_outputs=self.multiple_outputs,
+                          **self._kwargs)
+        # Capture args/kwargs
+        self._op_args = args
+        self._op_kwargs = kwargs
+        self._called = True
+        return XComArg(self)
+    def copy(self, task_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Create a copy of the task, allow to overwrite ctor kwargs if needed.
+        If alias is created a new DAGContext, apply defaults and set new DAG 
as the operator DAG.
+        :param task_id: Task id for the new operator
+        :type task_id: Optional[str]
+        """
+        _old_kwargs = self._kwargs
+        if task_id:
+            _old_kwargs['task_id'] = task_id

Review comment:
       Updated, this should not change `self._kwargs` and it works (check 

File path: tests/operators/
@@ -311,6 +315,350 @@ def func(**context):, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE)
+class TestAirflowTask(unittest.TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super().setUpClass()
+        with create_session() as session:
+            session.query(DagRun).delete()
+            session.query(TI).delete()
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        self.dag = DAG(
+            'test_dag',
+            default_args={
+                'owner': 'airflow',
+                'start_date': DEFAULT_DATE})
+        self.addCleanup(self.dag.clear)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super().tearDown()
+        with create_session() as session:
+            session.query(DagRun).delete()
+            session.query(TI).delete()
+    def _assert_calls_equal(self, first, second):
+        assert isinstance(first, Call)
+        assert isinstance(second, Call)
+        assert first.args == second.args
+        # eliminate context (conf, dag_run, task_instance, etc.)

Review comment:
       thought Airflow was using pytest for testing, can't seem to find an 
equivalent for ANY there. Btw, this is copied from PythonTest. Mostly copied 
the exact same code as proposed by @turbaszek to avoid weird side effects when 
inheriting TestCases.

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