diff --git a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index d1848e4..0000000
--- a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    jinja2.filters
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Bundled jinja filters.
-    :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
-import re
-import math
-from random import choice
-from operator import itemgetter
-from itertools import imap, groupby
-from jinja2.utils import Markup, escape, pformat, urlize, soft_unicode
-from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
-from jinja2.exceptions import FilterArgumentError, SecurityError
-_word_re = re.compile(r'\w+(?u)')
-def contextfilter(f):
-    """Decorator for marking context dependent filters. The current
-    :class:`Context` will be passed as first argument.
-    """
-    f.contextfilter = True
-    return f
-def evalcontextfilter(f):
-    """Decorator for marking eval-context dependent filters.  An eval
-    context object is passed as first argument.  For more information
-    about the eval context, see :ref:`eval-context`.
-    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-    """
-    f.evalcontextfilter = True
-    return f
-def environmentfilter(f):
-    """Decorator for marking evironment dependent filters.  The current
-    :class:`Environment` is passed to the filter as first argument.
-    """
-    f.environmentfilter = True
-    return f
-def do_forceescape(value):
-    """Enforce HTML escaping.  This will probably double escape variables."""
-    if hasattr(value, '__html__'):
-        value = value.__html__()
-    return escape(unicode(value))
-def do_replace(eval_ctx, s, old, new, count=None):
-    """Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring
-    replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring
-    that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string.
-    If the optional third argument ``count`` is given, only the first
-    ``count`` occurrences are replaced:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }}
-            -> Goodbye World
-        {{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d'oh, ", 2) }}
-            -> d'oh, d'oh, aaargh
-    """
-    if count is None:
-        count = -1
-    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
-        return unicode(s).replace(unicode(old), unicode(new), count)
-    if hasattr(old, '__html__') or hasattr(new, '__html__') and \
-       not hasattr(s, '__html__'):
-        s = escape(s)
-    else:
-        s = soft_unicode(s)
-    return s.replace(soft_unicode(old), soft_unicode(new), count)
-def do_upper(s):
-    """Convert a value to uppercase."""
-    return soft_unicode(s).upper()
-def do_lower(s):
-    """Convert a value to lowercase."""
-    return soft_unicode(s).lower()
-def do_xmlattr(_eval_ctx, d, autospace=True):
-    """Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict.
-    All values that are neither `none` nor `undefined` are automatically
-    escaped:
-    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
-        <ul{{ {'class': 'my_list', 'missing': none,
-                'id': 'list-%d'|format(variable)}|xmlattr }}>
-        ...
-        </ul>
-    Results in something like this:
-    .. sourcecode:: html
-        <ul class="my_list" id="list-42">
-        ...
-        </ul>
-    As you can see it automatically prepends a space in front of the item
-    if the filter returned something unless the second parameter is false.
-    """
-    rv = u' '.join(
-        u'%s="%s"' % (escape(key), escape(value))
-        for key, value in d.iteritems()
-        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Undefined)
-    )
-    if autospace and rv:
-        rv = u' ' + rv
-    if _eval_ctx.autoescape:
-        rv = Markup(rv)
-    return rv
-def do_capitalize(s):
-    """Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others
-    lowercase.
-    """
-    return soft_unicode(s).capitalize()
-def do_title(s):
-    """Return a titlecased version of the value. I.e. words will start with
-    uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase.
-    """
-    return soft_unicode(s).title()
-def do_dictsort(value, case_sensitive=False, by='key'):
-    """Sort a dict and yield (key, value) pairs. Because python dicts are
-    unsorted you may want to use this function to order them by either
-    key or value:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {% for item in mydict|dictsort %}
-            sort the dict by key, case insensitive
-        {% for item in mydict|dicsort(true) %}
-            sort the dict by key, case sensitive
-        {% for item in mydict|dictsort(false, 'value') %}
-            sort the dict by key, case insensitive, sorted
-            normally and ordered by value.
-    """
-    if by == 'key':
-        pos = 0
-    elif by == 'value':
-        pos = 1
-    else:
-        raise FilterArgumentError('You can only sort by either '
-                                  '"key" or "value"')
-    def sort_func(item):
-        value = item[pos]
-        if isinstance(value, basestring) and not case_sensitive:
-            value = value.lower()
-        return value
-    return sorted(value.items(), key=sort_func)
-def do_sort(value, reverse=False, case_sensitive=False):
-    """Sort an iterable.  Per default it sorts ascending, if you pass it
-    true as first argument it will reverse the sorting.
-    If the iterable is made of strings the third parameter can be used to
-    control the case sensitiveness of the comparison which is disabled by
-    default.
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {% for item in iterable|sort %}
-            ...
-        {% endfor %}
-    """
-    if not case_sensitive:
-        def sort_func(item):
-            if isinstance(item, basestring):
-                item = item.lower()
-            return item
-    else:
-        sort_func = None
-    return sorted(value, key=sort_func, reverse=reverse)
-def do_default(value, default_value=u'', boolean=False):
-    """If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value,
-    otherwise the value of the variable:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ my_variable|default('my_variable is not defined') }}
-    This will output the value of ``my_variable`` if the variable was
-    defined, otherwise ``'my_variable is not defined'``. If you want
-    to use default with variables that evaluate to false you have to
-    set the second parameter to `true`:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ ''|default('the string was empty', true) }}
-    """
-    if (boolean and not value) or isinstance(value, Undefined):
-        return default_value
-    return value
-def do_join(eval_ctx, value, d=u''):
-    """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the
-    sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per
-    default, you can define it with the optional parameter:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
-            -> 1|2|3
-        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
-            -> 123
-    """
-    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot eaiser then
-    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
-        return unicode(d).join(imap(unicode, value))
-    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
-    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
-    if not hasattr(d, '__html__'):
-        value = list(value)
-        do_escape = False
-        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
-            if hasattr(item, '__html__'):
-                do_escape = True
-            else:
-                value[idx] = unicode(item)
-        if do_escape:
-            d = escape(d)
-        else:
-            d = unicode(d)
-        return d.join(value)
-    # no html involved, to normal joining
-    return soft_unicode(d).join(imap(soft_unicode, value))
-def do_center(value, width=80):
-    """Centers the value in a field of a given width."""
-    return unicode(value).center(width)
-def do_first(environment, seq):
-    """Return the first item of a sequence."""
-    try:
-        return iter(seq).next()
-    except StopIteration:
-        return environment.undefined('No first item, sequence was empty.')
-def do_last(environment, seq):
-    """Return the last item of a sequence."""
-    try:
-        return iter(reversed(seq)).next()
-    except StopIteration:
-        return environment.undefined('No last item, sequence was empty.')
-def do_random(environment, seq):
-    """Return a random item from the sequence."""
-    try:
-        return choice(seq)
-    except IndexError:
-        return environment.undefined('No random item, sequence was empty.')
-def do_filesizeformat(value, binary=False):
-    """Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 KB,
-    4.1 MB, 102 bytes, etc).  Per default decimal prefixes are used (mega,
-    giga, etc.), if the second parameter is set to `True` the binary
-    prefixes are used (mebi, gibi).
-    """
-    bytes = float(value)
-    base = binary and 1024 or 1000
-    middle = binary and 'i' or ''
-    if bytes < base:
-        return "%d Byte%s" % (bytes, bytes != 1 and 's' or '')
-    elif bytes < base * base:
-        return "%.1f K%sB" % (bytes / base, middle)
-    elif bytes < base * base * base:
-        return "%.1f M%sB" % (bytes / (base * base), middle)
-    return "%.1f G%sB" % (bytes / (base * base * base), middle)
-def do_pprint(value, verbose=False):
-    """Pretty print a variable. Useful for debugging.
-    With Jinja 1.2 onwards you can pass it a parameter.  If this parameter
-    is truthy the output will be more verbose (this requires `pretty`)
-    """
-    return pformat(value, verbose=verbose)
-def do_urlize(eval_ctx, value, trim_url_limit=None, nofollow=False):
-    """Converts URLs in plain text into clickable links.
-    If you pass the filter an additional integer it will shorten the urls
-    to that number. Also a third argument exists that makes the urls
-    "nofollow":
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ mytext|urlize(40, true) }}
-            links are shortened to 40 chars and defined with rel="nofollow"
-    """
-    rv = urlize(value, trim_url_limit, nofollow)
-    if eval_ctx.autoescape:
-        rv = Markup(rv)
-    return rv
-def do_indent(s, width=4, indentfirst=False):
-    """Return a copy of the passed string, each line indented by
-    4 spaces. The first line is not indented. If you want to
-    change the number of spaces or indent the first line too
-    you can pass additional parameters to the filter:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ mytext|indent(2, true) }}
-            indent by two spaces and indent the first line too.
-    """
-    indention = u' ' * width
-    rv = (u'\n' + indention).join(s.splitlines())
-    if indentfirst:
-        rv = indention + rv
-    return rv
-def do_truncate(s, length=255, killwords=False, end='...'):
-    """Return a truncated copy of the string. The length is specified
-    with the first parameter which defaults to ``255``. If the second
-    parameter is ``true`` the filter will cut the text at length. Otherwise
-    it will try to save the last word. If the text was in fact
-    truncated it will append an ellipsis sign (``"..."``). If you want a
-    different ellipsis sign than ``"..."`` you can specify it using the
-    third parameter.
-    .. sourcecode jinja::
-        {{ mytext|truncate(300, false, '&raquo;') }}
-            truncate mytext to 300 chars, don't split up words, use a
-            right pointing double arrow as ellipsis sign.
-    """
-    if len(s) <= length:
-        return s
-    elif killwords:
-        return s[:length] + end
-    words = s.split(' ')
-    result = []
-    m = 0
-    for word in words:
-        m += len(word) + 1
-        if m > length:
-            break
-        result.append(word)
-    result.append(end)
-    return u' '.join(result)
-def do_wordwrap(s, width=79, break_long_words=True):
-    """
-    Return a copy of the string passed to the filter wrapped after
-    ``79`` characters.  You can override this default using the first
-    parameter.  If you set the second parameter to `false` Jinja will not
-    split words apart if they are longer than `width`.
-    """
-    import textwrap
-    return u'\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(s, width=width, expand_tabs=False,
-                                   replace_whitespace=False,
-                                   break_long_words=break_long_words))
-def do_wordcount(s):
-    """Count the words in that string."""
-    return len(_word_re.findall(s))
-def do_int(value, default=0):
-    """Convert the value into an integer. If the
-    conversion doesn't work it will return ``0``. You can
-    override this default using the first parameter.
-    """
-    try:
-        return int(value)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        # this quirk is necessary so that "42.23"|int gives 42.
-        try:
-            return int(float(value))
-        except (TypeError, ValueError):
-            return default
-def do_float(value, default=0.0):
-    """Convert the value into a floating point number. If the
-    conversion doesn't work it will return ``0.0``. You can
-    override this default using the first parameter.
-    """
-    try:
-        return float(value)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        return default
-def do_format(value, *args, **kwargs):
-    """
-    Apply python string formatting on an object:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ "%s - %s"|format("Hello?", "Foo!") }}
-            -> Hello? - Foo!
-    """
-    if args and kwargs:
-        raise FilterArgumentError('can\'t handle positional and keyword '
-                                  'arguments at the same time')
-    return soft_unicode(value) % (kwargs or args)
-def do_trim(value):
-    """Strip leading and trailing whitespace."""
-    return soft_unicode(value).strip()
-def do_striptags(value):
-    """Strip SGML/XML tags and replace adjacent whitespace by one space.
-    """
-    if hasattr(value, '__html__'):
-        value = value.__html__()
-    return Markup(unicode(value)).striptags()
-def do_slice(value, slices, fill_with=None):
-    """Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing
-    those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing
-    three ul tags that represent columns:
-    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
-        <div class="columwrapper">
-          {%- for column in items|slice(3) %}
-            <ul class="column-{{ loop.index }}">
-            {%- for item in column %}
-              <li>{{ item }}</li>
-            {%- endfor %}
-            </ul>
-          {%- endfor %}
-        </div>
-    If you pass it a second argument it's used to fill missing
-    values on the last iteration.
-    """
-    seq = list(value)
-    length = len(seq)
-    items_per_slice = length // slices
-    slices_with_extra = length % slices
-    offset = 0
-    for slice_number in xrange(slices):
-        start = offset + slice_number * items_per_slice
-        if slice_number < slices_with_extra:
-            offset += 1
-        end = offset + (slice_number + 1) * items_per_slice
-        tmp = seq[start:end]
-        if fill_with is not None and slice_number >= slices_with_extra:
-            tmp.append(fill_with)
-        yield tmp
-def do_batch(value, linecount, fill_with=None):
-    """
-    A filter that batches items. It works pretty much like `slice`
-    just the other way round. It returns a list of lists with the
-    given number of items. If you provide a second parameter this
-    is used to fill missing items. See this example:
-    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
-        <table>
-        {%- for row in items|batch(3, '&nbsp;') %}
-          <tr>
-          {%- for column in row %}
-            <td>{{ column }}</td>
-          {%- endfor %}
-          </tr>
-        {%- endfor %}
-        </table>
-    """
-    result = []
-    tmp = []
-    for item in value:
-        if len(tmp) == linecount:
-            yield tmp
-            tmp = []
-        tmp.append(item)
-    if tmp:
-        if fill_with is not None and len(tmp) < linecount:
-            tmp += [fill_with] * (linecount - len(tmp))
-        yield tmp
-def do_round(value, precision=0, method='common'):
-    """Round the number to a given precision. The first
-    parameter specifies the precision (default is ``0``), the
-    second the rounding method:
-    - ``'common'`` rounds either up or down
-    - ``'ceil'`` always rounds up
-    - ``'floor'`` always rounds down
-    If you don't specify a method ``'common'`` is used.
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ 42.55|round }}
-            -> 43.0
-        {{ 42.55|round(1, 'floor') }}
-            -> 42.5
-    Note that even if rounded to 0 precision, a float is returned.  If
-    you need a real integer, pipe it through `int`:
-    .. sourcecode:: jinja
-        {{ 42.55|round|int }}
-            -> 43
-    """
-    if not method in ('common', 'ceil', 'floor'):
-        raise FilterArgumentError('method must be common, ceil or floor')
-    if method == 'common':
-        return round(value, precision)
-    func = getattr(math, method)
-    return func(value * (10 ** precision)) / (10 ** precision)
-def do_groupby(environment, value, attribute):
-    """Group a sequence of objects by a common attribute.
-    If you for example have a list of dicts or objects that represent persons
-    with `gender`, `first_name` and `last_name` attributes and you want to
-    group all users by genders you can do something like the following
-    snippet:
-    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
-        <ul>
-        {% for group in persons|groupby('gender') %}
-            <li>{{ group.grouper }}<ul>
-            {% for person in group.list %}
-                <li>{{ person.first_name }} {{ person.last_name }}</li>
-            {% endfor %}</ul></li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-    Additionally it's possible to use tuple unpacking for the grouper and
-    list:
-    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
-        <ul>
-        {% for grouper, list in persons|groupby('gender') %}
-            ...
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-    As you can see the item we're grouping by is stored in the `grouper`
-    attribute and the `list` contains all the objects that have this grouper
-    in common.
-    """
-    expr = lambda x: environment.getitem(x, attribute)
-    return sorted(map(_GroupTuple, groupby(sorted(value, key=expr), expr)))
-class _GroupTuple(tuple):
-    __slots__ = ()
-    grouper = property(itemgetter(0))
-    list = property(itemgetter(1))
-    def __new__(cls, (key, value)):
-        return tuple.__new__(cls, (key, list(value)))
-def do_list(value):
-    """Convert the value into a list.  If it was a string the returned list
-    will be a list of characters.
-    """
-    return list(value)
-def do_mark_safe(value):
-    """Mark the value as safe which means that in an environment with automatic
-    escaping enabled this variable will not be escaped.
-    """
-    return Markup(value)
-def do_mark_unsafe(value):
-    """Mark a value as unsafe.  This is the reverse operation for 
-    return unicode(value)
-def do_reverse(value):
-    """Reverse the object or return an iterator the iterates over it the other
-    way round.
-    """
-    if isinstance(value, basestring):
-        return value[::-1]
-    try:
-        return reversed(value)
-    except TypeError:
-        try:
-            rv = list(value)
-            rv.reverse()
-            return rv
-        except TypeError:
-            raise FilterArgumentError('argument must be iterable')
-def do_attr(environment, obj, name):
-    """Get an attribute of an object.  ``foo|attr("bar")`` works like
-    ``foo["bar"]`` just that always an attribute is returned and items are not
-    looked up.
-    See :ref:`Notes on subscriptions <notes-on-subscriptions>` for more 
-    """
-    try:
-        name = str(name)
-    except UnicodeError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        try:
-            value = getattr(obj, name)
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            if environment.sandboxed and not \
-               environment.is_safe_attribute(obj, name, value):
-                return environment.unsafe_undefined(obj, name)
-            return value
-    return environment.undefined(obj=obj, name=name)
-    'attr':                 do_attr,
-    'replace':              do_replace,
-    'upper':                do_upper,
-    'lower':                do_lower,
-    'escape':               escape,
-    'e':                    escape,
-    'forceescape':          do_forceescape,
-    'capitalize':           do_capitalize,
-    'title':                do_title,
-    'default':              do_default,
-    'd':                    do_default,
-    'join':                 do_join,
-    'count':                len,
-    'dictsort':             do_dictsort,
-    'sort':                 do_sort,
-    'length':               len,
-    'reverse':              do_reverse,
-    'center':               do_center,
-    'indent':               do_indent,
-    'title':                do_title,
-    'capitalize':           do_capitalize,
-    'first':                do_first,
-    'last':                 do_last,
-    'random':               do_random,
-    'filesizeformat':       do_filesizeformat,
-    'pprint':               do_pprint,
-    'truncate':             do_truncate,
-    'wordwrap':             do_wordwrap,
-    'wordcount':            do_wordcount,
-    'int':                  do_int,
-    'float':                do_float,
-    'string':               soft_unicode,
-    'list':                 do_list,
-    'urlize':               do_urlize,
-    'format':               do_format,
-    'trim':                 do_trim,
-    'striptags':            do_striptags,
-    'slice':                do_slice,
-    'batch':                do_batch,
-    'sum':                  sum,
-    'abs':                  abs,
-    'round':                do_round,
-    'groupby':              do_groupby,
-    'safe':                 do_mark_safe,
-    'xmlattr':              do_xmlattr
diff --git a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d3f696..0000000
--- a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    jinja2.lexer
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    This module implements a Jinja / Python combination lexer. The
-    `Lexer` class provided by this module is used to do some preprocessing
-    for Jinja.
-    On the one hand it filters out invalid operators like the bitshift
-    operators we don't allow in templates. On the other hand it separates
-    template code and python code in expressions.
-    :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
-import re
-from operator import itemgetter
-from collections import deque
-from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError
-from jinja2.utils import LRUCache, next
-# cache for the lexers. Exists in order to be able to have multiple
-# environments with the same lexer
-_lexer_cache = LRUCache(50)
-# static regular expressions
-whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+', re.U)
-string_re = re.compile(r"('([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'"
-                       r'|"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)")', re.S)
-integer_re = re.compile(r'\d+')
-# we use the unicode identifier rule if this python version is able
-# to handle unicode identifiers, otherwise the standard ASCII one.
-    compile('föö', '<unknown>', 'eval')
-except SyntaxError:
-    name_re = re.compile(r'\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\b')
-    from jinja2 import _stringdefs
-    name_re = re.compile(r'[%s][%s]*' % (_stringdefs.xid_start,
-                                         _stringdefs.xid_continue))
-float_re = re.compile(r'(?<!\.)\d+\.\d+')
-newline_re = re.compile(r'(\r\n|\r|\n)')
-# internal the tokens and keep references to them
-TOKEN_ADD = intern('add')
-TOKEN_ASSIGN = intern('assign')
-TOKEN_COLON = intern('colon')
-TOKEN_COMMA = intern('comma')
-TOKEN_DIV = intern('div')
-TOKEN_DOT = intern('dot')
-TOKEN_EQ = intern('eq')
-TOKEN_FLOORDIV = intern('floordiv')
-TOKEN_GT = intern('gt')
-TOKEN_GTEQ = intern('gteq')
-TOKEN_LBRACE = intern('lbrace')
-TOKEN_LBRACKET = intern('lbracket')
-TOKEN_LPAREN = intern('lparen')
-TOKEN_LT = intern('lt')
-TOKEN_LTEQ = intern('lteq')
-TOKEN_MOD = intern('mod')
-TOKEN_MUL = intern('mul')
-TOKEN_NE = intern('ne')
-TOKEN_PIPE = intern('pipe')
-TOKEN_POW = intern('pow')
-TOKEN_RBRACE = intern('rbrace')
-TOKEN_RBRACKET = intern('rbracket')
-TOKEN_RPAREN = intern('rparen')
-TOKEN_SEMICOLON = intern('semicolon')
-TOKEN_SUB = intern('sub')
-TOKEN_TILDE = intern('tilde')
-TOKEN_WHITESPACE = intern('whitespace')
-TOKEN_FLOAT = intern('float')
-TOKEN_INTEGER = intern('integer')
-TOKEN_NAME = intern('name')
-TOKEN_STRING = intern('string')
-TOKEN_OPERATOR = intern('operator')
-TOKEN_BLOCK_BEGIN = intern('block_begin')
-TOKEN_BLOCK_END = intern('block_end')
-TOKEN_VARIABLE_BEGIN = intern('variable_begin')
-TOKEN_VARIABLE_END = intern('variable_end')
-TOKEN_RAW_BEGIN = intern('raw_begin')
-TOKEN_RAW_END = intern('raw_end')
-TOKEN_COMMENT_BEGIN = intern('comment_begin')
-TOKEN_COMMENT_END = intern('comment_end')
-TOKEN_COMMENT = intern('comment')
-TOKEN_LINESTATEMENT_BEGIN = intern('linestatement_begin')
-TOKEN_LINESTATEMENT_END = intern('linestatement_end')
-TOKEN_LINECOMMENT_BEGIN = intern('linecomment_begin')
-TOKEN_LINECOMMENT_END = intern('linecomment_end')
-TOKEN_LINECOMMENT = intern('linecomment')
-TOKEN_DATA = intern('data')
-TOKEN_INITIAL = intern('initial')
-TOKEN_EOF = intern('eof')
-# bind operators to token types
-operators = {
-    '+':            TOKEN_ADD,
-    '-':            TOKEN_SUB,
-    '/':            TOKEN_DIV,
-    '//':           TOKEN_FLOORDIV,
-    '*':            TOKEN_MUL,
-    '%':            TOKEN_MOD,
-    '**':           TOKEN_POW,
-    '~':            TOKEN_TILDE,
-    '[':            TOKEN_LBRACKET,
-    ']':            TOKEN_RBRACKET,
-    '(':            TOKEN_LPAREN,
-    ')':            TOKEN_RPAREN,
-    '{':            TOKEN_LBRACE,
-    '}':            TOKEN_RBRACE,
-    '==':           TOKEN_EQ,
-    '!=':           TOKEN_NE,
-    '>':            TOKEN_GT,
-    '>=':           TOKEN_GTEQ,
-    '<':            TOKEN_LT,
-    '<=':           TOKEN_LTEQ,
-    '=':            TOKEN_ASSIGN,
-    '.':            TOKEN_DOT,
-    ':':            TOKEN_COLON,
-    '|':            TOKEN_PIPE,
-    ',':            TOKEN_COMMA,
-    ';':            TOKEN_SEMICOLON
-reverse_operators = dict([(v, k) for k, v in operators.iteritems()])
-assert len(operators) == len(reverse_operators), 'operators dropped'
-operator_re = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in
-                         sorted(operators, key=lambda x: -len(x))))
-ignored_tokens = frozenset([TOKEN_COMMENT_BEGIN, TOKEN_COMMENT,
-                            TOKEN_COMMENT_END, TOKEN_WHITESPACE,
-                            TOKEN_LINECOMMENT_END, TOKEN_LINECOMMENT])
-ignore_if_empty = frozenset([TOKEN_WHITESPACE, TOKEN_DATA,
-                             TOKEN_COMMENT, TOKEN_LINECOMMENT])
-def _describe_token_type(token_type):
-    if token_type in reverse_operators:
-        return reverse_operators[token_type]
-    return {
-        TOKEN_COMMENT_BEGIN:        'begin of comment',
-        TOKEN_COMMENT_END:          'end of comment',
-        TOKEN_COMMENT:              'comment',
-        TOKEN_LINECOMMENT:          'comment',
-        TOKEN_BLOCK_BEGIN:          'begin of statement block',
-        TOKEN_BLOCK_END:            'end of statement block',
-        TOKEN_VARIABLE_BEGIN:       'begin of print statement',
-        TOKEN_VARIABLE_END:         'end of print statement',
-        TOKEN_LINESTATEMENT_BEGIN:  'begin of line statement',
-        TOKEN_LINESTATEMENT_END:    'end of line statement',
-        TOKEN_DATA:                 'template data / text',
-        TOKEN_EOF:                  'end of template'
-    }.get(token_type, token_type)
-def describe_token(token):
-    """Returns a description of the token."""
-    if token.type == 'name':
-        return token.value
-    return _describe_token_type(token.type)
-def describe_token_expr(expr):
-    """Like `describe_token` but for token expressions."""
-    if ':' in expr:
-        type, value = expr.split(':', 1)
-        if type == 'name':
-            return value
-    else:
-        type = expr
-    return _describe_token_type(type)
-def count_newlines(value):
-    """Count the number of newline characters in the string.  This is
-    useful for extensions that filter a stream.
-    """
-    return len(newline_re.findall(value))
-def compile_rules(environment):
-    """Compiles all the rules from the environment into a list of rules."""
-    e = re.escape
-    rules = [
-        (len(environment.comment_start_string), 'comment',
-         e(environment.comment_start_string)),
-        (len(environment.block_start_string), 'block',
-         e(environment.block_start_string)),
-        (len(environment.variable_start_string), 'variable',
-         e(environment.variable_start_string))
-    ]
-    if environment.line_statement_prefix is not None:
-        rules.append((len(environment.line_statement_prefix), 'linestatement',
-                      r'^\s*' + e(environment.line_statement_prefix)))
-    if environment.line_comment_prefix is not None:
-        rules.append((len(environment.line_comment_prefix), 'linecomment',
-                      r'(?:^|(?<=\S))[^\S\r\n]*' +
-                      e(environment.line_comment_prefix)))
-    return [x[1:] for x in sorted(rules, reverse=True)]
-class Failure(object):
-    """Class that raises a `TemplateSyntaxError` if called.
-    Used by the `Lexer` to specify known errors.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, message, cls=TemplateSyntaxError):
-        self.message = message
-        self.error_class = cls
-    def __call__(self, lineno, filename):
-        raise self.error_class(self.message, lineno, filename)
-class Token(tuple):
-    """Token class."""
-    __slots__ = ()
-    lineno, type, value = (property(itemgetter(x)) for x in range(3))
-    def __new__(cls, lineno, type, value):
-        return tuple.__new__(cls, (lineno, intern(str(type)), value))
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.type in reverse_operators:
-            return reverse_operators[self.type]
-        elif self.type == 'name':
-            return self.value
-        return self.type
-    def test(self, expr):
-        """Test a token against a token expression.  This can either be a
-        token type or ``'token_type:token_value'``.  This can only test
-        against string values and types.
-        """
-        # here we do a regular string equality check as test_any is usually
-        # passed an iterable of not interned strings.
-        if self.type == expr:
-            return True
-        elif ':' in expr:
-            return expr.split(':', 1) == [self.type, self.value]
-        return False
-    def test_any(self, *iterable):
-        """Test against multiple token expressions."""
-        for expr in iterable:
-            if self.test(expr):
-                return True
-        return False
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Token(%r, %r, %r)' % (
-            self.lineno,
-            self.type,
-            self.value
-        )
-class TokenStreamIterator(object):
-    """The iterator for tokenstreams.  Iterate over the stream
-    until the eof token is reached.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, stream):
- = stream
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def next(self):
-        token =
-        if token.type is TOKEN_EOF:
-            raise StopIteration()
-        next(
-        return token
-class TokenStream(object):
-    """A token stream is an iterable that yields :class:`Token`\s.  The
-    parser however does not iterate over it but calls :meth:`next` to go
-    one token ahead.  The current active token is stored as :attr:`current`.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, generator, name, filename):
-        self._next = iter(generator).next
-        self._pushed = deque()
- = name
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.closed = False
-        self.current = Token(1, TOKEN_INITIAL, '')
-        next(self)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return TokenStreamIterator(self)
-    def __nonzero__(self):
-        return bool(self._pushed) or self.current.type is not TOKEN_EOF
-    eos = property(lambda x: not x, doc="Are we at the end of the stream?")
-    def push(self, token):
-        """Push a token back to the stream."""
-        self._pushed.append(token)
-    def look(self):
-        """Look at the next token."""
-        old_token = next(self)
-        result = self.current
-        self.push(result)
-        self.current = old_token
-        return result
-    def skip(self, n=1):
-        """Got n tokens ahead."""
-        for x in xrange(n):
-            next(self)
-    def next_if(self, expr):
-        """Perform the token test and return the token if it matched.
-        Otherwise the return value is `None`.
-        """
-        if self.current.test(expr):
-            return next(self)
-    def skip_if(self, expr):
-        """Like :meth:`next_if` but only returns `True` or `False`."""
-        return self.next_if(expr) is not None
-    def next(self):
-        """Go one token ahead and return the old one"""
-        rv = self.current
-        if self._pushed:
-            self.current = self._pushed.popleft()
-        elif self.current.type is not TOKEN_EOF:
-            try:
-                self.current = self._next()
-            except StopIteration:
-                self.close()
-        return rv
-    def close(self):
-        """Close the stream."""
-        self.current = Token(self.current.lineno, TOKEN_EOF, '')
-        self._next = None
-        self.closed = True
-    def expect(self, expr):
-        """Expect a given token type and return it.  This accepts the same
-        argument as :meth:`jinja2.lexer.Token.test`.
-        """
-        if not self.current.test(expr):
-            expr = describe_token_expr(expr)
-            if self.current.type is TOKEN_EOF:
-                raise TemplateSyntaxError('unexpected end of template, '
-                                          'expected %r.' % expr,
-                                          self.current.lineno,
-                                , self.filename)
-            raise TemplateSyntaxError("expected token %r, got %r" %
-                                      (expr, describe_token(self.current)),
-                                      self.current.lineno,
-                            , self.filename)
-        try:
-            return self.current
-        finally:
-            next(self)
-def get_lexer(environment):
-    """Return a lexer which is probably cached."""
-    key = (environment.block_start_string,
-           environment.block_end_string,
-           environment.variable_start_string,
-           environment.variable_end_string,
-           environment.comment_start_string,
-           environment.comment_end_string,
-           environment.line_statement_prefix,
-           environment.line_comment_prefix,
-           environment.trim_blocks,
-           environment.newline_sequence)
-    lexer = _lexer_cache.get(key)
-    if lexer is None:
-        lexer = Lexer(environment)
-        _lexer_cache[key] = lexer
-    return lexer
-class Lexer(object):
-    """Class that implements a lexer for a given environment. Automatically
-    created by the environment class, usually you don't have to do that.
-    Note that the lexer is not automatically bound to an environment.
-    Multiple environments can share the same lexer.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, environment):
-        # shortcuts
-        c = lambda x: re.compile(x, re.M | re.S)
-        e = re.escape
-        # lexing rules for tags
-        tag_rules = [
-            (whitespace_re, TOKEN_WHITESPACE, None),
-            (float_re, TOKEN_FLOAT, None),
-            (integer_re, TOKEN_INTEGER, None),
-            (name_re, TOKEN_NAME, None),
-            (string_re, TOKEN_STRING, None),
-            (operator_re, TOKEN_OPERATOR, None)
-        ]
-        # assamble the root lexing rule. because "|" is ungreedy
-        # we have to sort by length so that the lexer continues working
-        # as expected when we have parsing rules like <% for block and
-        # <%= for variables. (if someone wants asp like syntax)
-        # variables are just part of the rules if variable processing
-        # is required.
-        root_tag_rules = compile_rules(environment)
-        # block suffix if trimming is enabled
-        block_suffix_re = environment.trim_blocks and '\\n?' or ''
-        self.newline_sequence = environment.newline_sequence
-        # global lexing rules
-        self.rules = {
-            'root': [
-                # directives
-                (c('(.*?)(?:%s)' % '|'.join(
-                    [r'(?P<raw_begin>(?:\s*%s\-|%s)\s*raw\s*(?:\-%s\s*|%s))' % 
-                        e(environment.block_start_string),
-                        e(environment.block_start_string),
-                        e(environment.block_end_string),
-                        e(environment.block_end_string)
-                    )] + [
-                        r'(?P<%s_begin>\s*%s\-|%s)' % (n, r, r)
-                        for n, r in root_tag_rules
-                    ])), (TOKEN_DATA, '#bygroup'), '#bygroup'),
-                # data
-                (c('.+'), TOKEN_DATA, None)
-            ],
-            # comments
-            TOKEN_COMMENT_BEGIN: [
-                (c(r'(.*?)((?:\-%s\s*|%s)%s)' % (
-                    e(environment.comment_end_string),
-                    e(environment.comment_end_string),
-                    block_suffix_re
-                )), (TOKEN_COMMENT, TOKEN_COMMENT_END), '#pop'),
-                (c('(.)'), (Failure('Missing end of comment tag'),), None)
-            ],
-            # blocks
-            TOKEN_BLOCK_BEGIN: [
-                (c('(?:\-%s\s*|%s)%s' % (
-                    e(environment.block_end_string),
-                    e(environment.block_end_string),
-                    block_suffix_re
-                )), TOKEN_BLOCK_END, '#pop'),
-            ] + tag_rules,
-            # variables
-            TOKEN_VARIABLE_BEGIN: [
-                (c('\-%s\s*|%s' % (
-                    e(environment.variable_end_string),
-                    e(environment.variable_end_string)
-                )), TOKEN_VARIABLE_END, '#pop')
-            ] + tag_rules,
-            # raw block
-            TOKEN_RAW_BEGIN: [
-                (c('(.*?)((?:\s*%s\-|%s)\s*endraw\s*(?:\-%s\s*|%s%s))' % (
-                    e(environment.block_start_string),
-                    e(environment.block_start_string),
-                    e(environment.block_end_string),
-                    e(environment.block_end_string),
-                    block_suffix_re
-                )), (TOKEN_DATA, TOKEN_RAW_END), '#pop'),
-                (c('(.)'), (Failure('Missing end of raw directive'),), None)
-            ],
-            # line statements
-                (c(r'\s*(\n|$)'), TOKEN_LINESTATEMENT_END, '#pop')
-            ] + tag_rules,
-            # line comments
-                (c(r'(.*?)()(?=\n|$)'), (TOKEN_LINECOMMENT,
-                 TOKEN_LINECOMMENT_END), '#pop')
-            ]
-        }
-    def _normalize_newlines(self, value):
-        """Called for strings and template data to normlize it to unicode."""
-        return newline_re.sub(self.newline_sequence, value)
-    def tokenize(self, source, name=None, filename=None, state=None):
-        """Calls tokeniter + tokenize and wraps it in a token stream.
-        """
-        stream = self.tokeniter(source, name, filename, state)
-        return TokenStream(self.wrap(stream, name, filename), name, filename)
-    def wrap(self, stream, name=None, filename=None):
-        """This is called with the stream as returned by `tokenize` and wraps
-        every token in a :class:`Token` and converts the value.
-        """
-        for lineno, token, value in stream:
-            if token in ignored_tokens:
-                continue
-            elif token == 'linestatement_begin':
-                token = 'block_begin'
-            elif token == 'linestatement_end':
-                token = 'block_end'
-            # we are not interested in those tokens in the parser
-            elif token in ('raw_begin', 'raw_end'):
-                continue
-            elif token == 'data':
-                value = self._normalize_newlines(value)
-            elif token == 'keyword':
-                token = value
-            elif token == 'name':
-                value = str(value)
-            elif token == 'string':
-                # try to unescape string
-                try:
-                    value = self._normalize_newlines(value[1:-1]) \
-                        .encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') \
-                        .decode('unicode-escape')
-                except Exception, e:
-                    msg = str(e).split(':')[-1].strip()
-                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(msg, lineno, name, filename)
-                # if we can express it as bytestring (ascii only)
-                # we do that for support of semi broken APIs
-                # as datetime.datetime.strftime.  On python 3 this
-                # call becomes a noop thanks to 2to3
-                try:
-                    value = str(value)
-                except UnicodeError:
-                    pass
-            elif token == 'integer':
-                value = int(value)
-            elif token == 'float':
-                value = float(value)
-            elif token == 'operator':
-                token = operators[value]
-            yield Token(lineno, token, value)
-    def tokeniter(self, source, name, filename=None, state=None):
-        """This method tokenizes the text and returns the tokens in a
-        generator.  Use this method if you just want to tokenize a template.
-        """
-        source = '\n'.join(unicode(source).splitlines())
-        pos = 0
-        lineno = 1
-        stack = ['root']
-        if state is not None and state != 'root':
-            assert state in ('variable', 'block'), 'invalid state'
-            stack.append(state + '_begin')
-        else:
-            state = 'root'
-        statetokens = self.rules[stack[-1]]
-        source_length = len(source)
-        balancing_stack = []
-        while 1:
-            # tokenizer loop
-            for regex, tokens, new_state in statetokens:
-                m = regex.match(source, pos)
-                # if no match we try again with the next rule
-                if m is None:
-                    continue
-                # we only match blocks and variables if brances / parentheses
-                # are balanced. continue parsing with the lower rule which
-                # is the operator rule. do this only if the end tags look
-                # like operators
-                if balancing_stack and \
-                   tokens in ('variable_end', 'block_end',
-                              'linestatement_end'):
-                    continue
-                # tuples support more options
-                if isinstance(tokens, tuple):
-                    for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
-                        # failure group
-                        if token.__class__ is Failure:
-                            raise token(lineno, filename)
-                        # bygroup is a bit more complex, in that case we
-                        # yield for the current token the first named
-                        # group that matched
-                        elif token == '#bygroup':
-                            for key, value in m.groupdict().iteritems():
-                                if value is not None:
-                                    yield lineno, key, value
-                                    lineno += value.count('\n')
-                                    break
-                            else:
-                                raise RuntimeError('%r wanted to resolve '
-                                                   'the token dynamically'
-                                                   ' but no group matched'
-                                                   % regex)
-                        # normal group
-                        else:
-                            data = + 1)
-                            if data or token not in ignore_if_empty:
-                                yield lineno, token, data
-                            lineno += data.count('\n')
-                # strings as token just are yielded as it.
-                else:
-                    data =
-                    # update brace/parentheses balance
-                    if tokens == 'operator':
-                        if data == '{':
-                            balancing_stack.append('}')
-                        elif data == '(':
-                            balancing_stack.append(')')
-                        elif data == '[':
-                            balancing_stack.append(']')
-                        elif data in ('}', ')', ']'):
-                            if not balancing_stack:
-                                raise TemplateSyntaxError('unexpected \'%s\'' %
-                                                          data, lineno, name,
-                                                          filename)
-                            expected_op = balancing_stack.pop()
-                            if expected_op != data:
-                                raise TemplateSyntaxError('unexpected \'%s\', '
-                                                          'expected \'%s\'' %
-                                                          (data, expected_op),
-                                                          lineno, name,
-                                                          filename)
-                    # yield items
-                    if data or tokens not in ignore_if_empty:
-                        yield lineno, tokens, data
-                    lineno += data.count('\n')
-                # fetch new position into new variable so that we can check
-                # if there is a internal parsing error which would result
-                # in an infinite loop
-                pos2 = m.end()
-                # handle state changes
-                if new_state is not None:
-                    # remove the uppermost state
-                    if new_state == '#pop':
-                        stack.pop()
-                    # resolve the new state by group checking
-                    elif new_state == '#bygroup':
-                        for key, value in m.groupdict().iteritems():
-                            if value is not None:
-                                stack.append(key)
-                                break
-                        else:
-                            raise RuntimeError('%r wanted to resolve the '
-                                               'new state dynamically but'
-                                               ' no group matched' %
-                                               regex)
-                    # direct state name given
-                    else:
-                        stack.append(new_state)
-                    statetokens = self.rules[stack[-1]]
-                # we are still at the same position and no stack change.
-                # this means a loop without break condition, avoid that and
-                # raise error
-                elif pos2 == pos:
-                    raise RuntimeError('%r yielded empty string without '
-                                       'stack change' % regex)
-                # publish new function and start again
-                pos = pos2
-                break
-            # if loop terminated without break we havn't found a single match
-            # either we are at the end of the file or we have a problem
-            else:
-                # end of text
-                if pos >= source_length:
-                    return
-                # something went wrong
-                raise TemplateSyntaxError('unexpected char %r at %d' %
-                                          (source[pos], pos), lineno,
-                                          name, filename)
diff --git a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index bd435e8..0000000
--- a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    jinja2.loaders
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Jinja loader classes.
-    :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
-import os
-import sys
-import weakref
-from types import ModuleType
-from os import path
-    from hashlib import sha1
-except ImportError:
-    from sha import new as sha1
-from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
-from jinja2.utils import LRUCache, open_if_exists, internalcode
-def split_template_path(template):
-    """Split a path into segments and perform a sanity check.  If it detects
-    '..' in the path it will raise a `TemplateNotFound` error.
-    """
-    pieces = []
-    for piece in template.split('/'):
-        if path.sep in piece \
-           or (path.altsep and path.altsep in piece) or \
-           piece == path.pardir:
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        elif piece and piece != '.':
-            pieces.append(piece)
-    return pieces
-class BaseLoader(object):
-    """Baseclass for all loaders.  Subclass this and override `get_source` to
-    implement a custom loading mechanism.  The environment provides a
-    `get_template` method that calls the loader's `load` method to get the
-    :class:`Template` object.
-    A very basic example for a loader that looks up templates on the file
-    system could look like this::
-        from jinja2 import BaseLoader, TemplateNotFound
-        from os.path import join, exists, getmtime
-        class MyLoader(BaseLoader):
-            def __init__(self, path):
-                self.path = path
-            def get_source(self, environment, template):
-                path = join(self.path, template)
-                if not exists(path):
-                    raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-                mtime = getmtime(path)
-                with file(path) as f:
-                    source ='utf-8')
-                return source, path, lambda: mtime == getmtime(path)
-    """
-    #: if set to `False` it indicates that the loader cannot provide access
-    #: to the source of templates.
-    #:
-    #: .. versionadded:: 2.4
-    has_source_access = True
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        """Get the template source, filename and reload helper for a template.
-        It's passed the environment and template name and has to return a
-        tuple in the form ``(source, filename, uptodate)`` or raise a
-        `TemplateNotFound` error if it can't locate the template.
-        The source part of the returned tuple must be the source of the
-        template as unicode string or a ASCII bytestring.  The filename should
-        be the name of the file on the filesystem if it was loaded from there,
-        otherwise `None`.  The filename is used by python for the tracebacks
-        if no loader extension is used.
-        The last item in the tuple is the `uptodate` function.  If auto
-        reloading is enabled it's always called to check if the template
-        changed.  No arguments are passed so the function must store the
-        old state somewhere (for example in a closure).  If it returns `False`
-        the template will be reloaded.
-        """
-        if not self.has_source_access:
-            raise RuntimeError('%s cannot provide access to the source' %
-                               self.__class__.__name__)
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        """Iterates over all templates.  If the loader does not support that
-        it should raise a :exc:`TypeError` which is the default behavior.
-        """
-        raise TypeError('this loader cannot iterate over all templates')
-    @internalcode
-    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
-        """Loads a template.  This method looks up the template in the cache
-        or loads one by calling :meth:`get_source`.  Subclasses should not
-        override this method as loaders working on collections of other
-        loaders (such as :class:`PrefixLoader` or :class:`ChoiceLoader`)
-        will not call this method but `get_source` directly.
-        """
-        code = None
-        if globals is None:
-            globals = {}
-        # first we try to get the source for this template together
-        # with the filename and the uptodate function.
-        source, filename, uptodate = self.get_source(environment, name)
-        # try to load the code from the bytecode cache if there is a
-        # bytecode cache configured.
-        bcc = environment.bytecode_cache
-        if bcc is not None:
-            bucket = bcc.get_bucket(environment, name, filename, source)
-            code = bucket.code
-        # if we don't have code so far (not cached, no longer up to
-        # date) etc. we compile the template
-        if code is None:
-            code = environment.compile(source, name, filename)
-        # if the bytecode cache is available and the bucket doesn't
-        # have a code so far, we give the bucket the new code and put
-        # it back to the bytecode cache.
-        if bcc is not None and bucket.code is None:
-            bucket.code = code
-            bcc.set_bucket(bucket)
-        return environment.template_class.from_code(environment, code,
-                                                    globals, uptodate)
-class FileSystemLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """Loads templates from the file system.  This loader can find templates
-    in folders on the file system and is the preferred way to load them.
-    The loader takes the path to the templates as string, or if multiple
-    locations are wanted a list of them which is then looked up in the
-    given order:
-    >>> loader = FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates')
-    >>> loader = FileSystemLoader(['/path/to/templates', '/other/path'])
-    Per default the template encoding is ``'utf-8'`` which can be changed
-    by setting the `encoding` parameter to something else.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, searchpath, encoding='utf-8'):
-        if isinstance(searchpath, basestring):
-            searchpath = [searchpath]
-        self.searchpath = list(searchpath)
-        self.encoding = encoding
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        pieces = split_template_path(template)
-        for searchpath in self.searchpath:
-            filename = path.join(searchpath, *pieces)
-            f = open_if_exists(filename)
-            if f is None:
-                continue
-            try:
-                contents =
-            finally:
-                f.close()
-            mtime = path.getmtime(filename)
-            def uptodate():
-                try:
-                    return path.getmtime(filename) == mtime
-                except OSError:
-                    return False
-            return contents, filename, uptodate
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        found = set()
-        for searchpath in self.searchpath:
-            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(searchpath):
-                for filename in filenames:
-                    template = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) \
-                        [len(searchpath):].strip(os.path.sep) \
-                                          .replace(os.path.sep, '/')
-                    if template[:2] == './':
-                        template = template[2:]
-                    if template not in found:
-                        found.add(template)
-        return sorted(found)
-class PackageLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """Load templates from python eggs or packages.  It is constructed with
-    the name of the python package and the path to the templates in that
-    package::
-        loader = PackageLoader('mypackage', 'views')
-    If the package path is not given, ``'templates'`` is assumed.
-    Per default the template encoding is ``'utf-8'`` which can be changed
-    by setting the `encoding` parameter to something else.  Due to the nature
-    of eggs it's only possible to reload templates if the package was loaded
-    from the file system and not a zip file.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, package_name, package_path='templates',
-                 encoding='utf-8'):
-        from pkg_resources import DefaultProvider, ResourceManager, \
-                                  get_provider
-        provider = get_provider(package_name)
-        self.encoding = encoding
-        self.manager = ResourceManager()
-        self.filesystem_bound = isinstance(provider, DefaultProvider)
-        self.provider = provider
-        self.package_path = package_path
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        pieces = split_template_path(template)
-        p = '/'.join((self.package_path,) + tuple(pieces))
-        if not self.provider.has_resource(p):
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        filename = uptodate = None
-        if self.filesystem_bound:
-            filename = self.provider.get_resource_filename(self.manager, p)
-            mtime = path.getmtime(filename)
-            def uptodate():
-                try:
-                    return path.getmtime(filename) == mtime
-                except OSError:
-                    return False
-        source = self.provider.get_resource_string(self.manager, p)
-        return source.decode(self.encoding), filename, uptodate
-    def list_templates(self):
-        path = self.package_path
-        if path[:2] == './':
-            path = path[2:]
-        elif path == '.':
-            path = ''
-        offset = len(path)
-        results = []
-        def _walk(path):
-            for filename in self.provider.resource_listdir(path):
-                fullname = path + '/' + filename
-                if self.provider.resource_isdir(fullname):
-                    for item in _walk(fullname):
-                        results.append(item)
-                else:
-                    results.append(fullname[offset:].lstrip('/'))
-        _walk(path)
-        results.sort()
-        return results
-class DictLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """Loads a template from a python dict.  It's passed a dict of unicode
-    strings bound to template names.  This loader is useful for unittesting:
-    >>> loader = DictLoader({'index.html': 'source here'})
-    Because auto reloading is rarely useful this is disabled per default.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mapping):
-        self.mapping = mapping
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        if template in self.mapping:
-            source = self.mapping[template]
-            return source, None, lambda: source != self.mapping.get(template)
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        return sorted(self.mapping)
-class FunctionLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """A loader that is passed a function which does the loading.  The
-    function becomes the name of the template passed and has to return either
-    an unicode string with the template source, a tuple in the form ``(source,
-    filename, uptodatefunc)`` or `None` if the template does not exist.
-    >>> def load_template(name):
-    ...     if name == 'index.html':
-    ...         return '...'
-    ...
-    >>> loader = FunctionLoader(load_template)
-    The `uptodatefunc` is a function that is called if autoreload is enabled
-    and has to return `True` if the template is still up to date.  For more
-    details have a look at :meth:`BaseLoader.get_source` which has the same
-    return value.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, load_func):
-        self.load_func = load_func
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        rv = self.load_func(template)
-        if rv is None:
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        elif isinstance(rv, basestring):
-            return rv, None, None
-        return rv
-class PrefixLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """A loader that is passed a dict of loaders where each loader is bound
-    to a prefix.  The prefix is delimited from the template by a slash per
-    default, which can be changed by setting the `delimiter` argument to
-    something else::
-        loader = PrefixLoader({
-            'app1':     PackageLoader('mypackage.app1'),
-            'app2':     PackageLoader('mypackage.app2')
-        })
-    By loading ``'app1/index.html'`` the file from the app1 package is loaded,
-    by loading ``'app2/index.html'`` the file from the second.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mapping, delimiter='/'):
-        self.mapping = mapping
-        self.delimiter = delimiter
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        try:
-            prefix, name = template.split(self.delimiter, 1)
-            loader = self.mapping[prefix]
-        except (ValueError, KeyError):
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        try:
-            return loader.get_source(environment, name)
-        except TemplateNotFound:
-            # re-raise the exception with the correct fileame here.
-            # (the one that includes the prefix)
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        result = []
-        for prefix, loader in self.mapping.iteritems():
-            for template in loader.list_templates():
-                result.append(prefix + self.delimiter + template)
-        return result
-class ChoiceLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """This loader works like the `PrefixLoader` just that no prefix is
-    specified.  If a template could not be found by one loader the next one
-    is tried.
-    >>> loader = ChoiceLoader([
-    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/user/templates'),
-    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/system/templates')
-    ... ])
-    This is useful if you want to allow users to override builtin templates
-    from a different location.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, loaders):
-        self.loaders = loaders
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        for loader in self.loaders:
-            try:
-                return loader.get_source(environment, template)
-            except TemplateNotFound:
-                pass
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        found = set()
-        for loader in self.loaders:
-            found.update(loader.list_templates())
-        return sorted(found)
-class _TemplateModule(ModuleType):
-    """Like a normal module but with support for weak references"""
-class ModuleLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """This loader loads templates from precompiled templates.
-    Example usage:
-    >>> loader = ChoiceLoader([
-    ...     ModuleLoader('/path/to/compiled/templates'),
-    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates')
-    ... ])
-    """
-    has_source_access = False
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        package_name = '_jinja2_module_templates_%x' % id(self)
-        # create a fake module that looks for the templates in the
-        # path given.
-        mod = _TemplateModule(package_name)
-        if isinstance(path, basestring):
-            path = [path]
-        else:
-            path = list(path)
-        mod.__path__ = path
-        sys.modules[package_name] = weakref.proxy(mod,
-            lambda x: sys.modules.pop(package_name, None))
-        # the only strong reference, the sys.modules entry is weak
-        # so that the garbage collector can remove it once the
-        # loader that created it goes out of business.
-        self.module = mod
-        self.package_name = package_name
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_template_key(name):
-        return 'tmpl_' + sha1(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_module_filename(name):
-        return ModuleLoader.get_template_key(name) + '.py'
-    @internalcode
-    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
-        key = self.get_template_key(name)
-        module = '%s.%s' % (self.package_name, key)
-        mod = getattr(self.module, module, None)
-        if mod is None:
-            try:
-                mod = __import__(module, None, None, ['root'])
-            except ImportError:
-                raise TemplateNotFound(name)
-            # remove the entry from sys.modules, we only want the attribute
-            # on the module object we have stored on the loader.
-            sys.modules.pop(module, None)
-        return environment.template_class.from_module_dict(
-            environment, mod.__dict__, globals)
diff --git a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a779a5..0000000
--- a/ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2/jinja2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    jinja2.meta
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~
-    This module implements various functions that exposes information about
-    templates that might be interesting for various kinds of applications.
-    :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
-from jinja2 import nodes
-from jinja2.compiler import CodeGenerator
-class TrackingCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator):
-    """We abuse the code generator for introspection."""
-    def __init__(self, environment):
-        CodeGenerator.__init__(self, environment, '<introspection>',
-                               '<introspection>')
-        self.undeclared_identifiers = set()
-    def write(self, x):
-        """Don't write."""
-    def pull_locals(self, frame):
-        """Remember all undeclared identifiers."""
-        self.undeclared_identifiers.update(frame.identifiers.undeclared)
-def find_undeclared_variables(ast):
-    """Returns a set of all variables in the AST that will be looked up from
-    the context at runtime.  Because at compile time it's not known which
-    variables will be used depending on the path the execution takes at
-    runtime, all variables are returned.
-    >>> from jinja2 import Environment, meta
-    >>> env = Environment()
-    >>> ast = env.parse('{% set foo = 42 %}{{ bar + foo }}')
-    >>> meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
-    set(['bar'])
-    .. admonition:: Implementation
-       Internally the code generator is used for finding undeclared variables.
-       This is good to know because the code generator might raise a
-       :exc:`TemplateAssertionError` during compilation and as a matter of
-       fact this function can currently raise that exception as well.
-    """
-    codegen = TrackingCodeGenerator(ast.environment)
-    codegen.visit(ast)
-    return codegen.undeclared_identifiers
-def find_referenced_templates(ast):
-    """Finds all the referenced templates from the AST.  This will return an
-    iterator over all the hardcoded template extensions, inclusions and
-    imports.  If dynamic inheritance or inclusion is used, `None` will be
-    yielded.
-    >>> from jinja2 import Environment, meta
-    >>> env = Environment()
-    >>> ast = env.parse('{% extends "layout.html" %}{% include helper %}')
-    >>> list(meta.find_referenced_templates(ast))
-    ['layout.html', None]
-    This function is useful for dependency tracking.  For example if you want
-    to rebuild parts of the website after a layout template has changed.
-    """
-    for node in ast.find_all((nodes.Extends, nodes.FromImport, nodes.Import,
-                              nodes.Include)):
-        if not isinstance(node.template, nodes.Const):
-            # a tuple with some non consts in there
-            if isinstance(node.template, (nodes.Tuple, nodes.List)):
-                for template_name in node.template.items:
-                    # something const, only yield the strings and ignore
-                    # non-string consts that really just make no sense
-                    if isinstance(template_name, nodes.Const):
-                        if isinstance(template_name.value, basestring):
-                            yield template_name.value
-                    # something dynamic in there
-                    else:
-                        yield None
-            # something dynamic we don't know about here
-            else:
-                yield None
-            continue
-        # constant is a basestring, direct template name
-        if isinstance(node.template.value, basestring):
-            yield node.template.value
-        # a tuple or list (latter *should* not happen) made of consts,
-        # yield the consts that are strings.  We could warn here for
-        # non string values
-        elif isinstance(node, nodes.Include) and \
-             isinstance(node.template.value, (tuple, list)):
-            for template_name in node.template.value:
-                if isinstance(template_name, basestring):
-                    yield template_name
-        # something else we don't care about, we could warn here
-        else:
-            yield None

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