diff --git 
index ab038db..58fa7c4 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ limitations under the License.
 import os
 import socket
 import string
 from ambari_commons.exceptions import FatalException
 from ambari_commons.logging_utils import print_info_msg, print_warning_msg
 from ambari_commons.os_utils import search_file, run_os_command
 from ambari_commons.os_windows import WinServiceController
 from ambari_commons.str_utils import compress_backslashes, 
+from ambari_server.dbConfiguration import AMBARI_DATABASE_NAME, 
DEFAULT_USERNAME, DBMSConfig, DbPropKeys, DbAuthenticationKeys
 from ambari_server.serverConfiguration import JDBC_DRIVER_PROPERTY, 
@@ -35,59 +35,35 @@ from ambari_server.serverConfiguration import 
+  get_value_from_properties, configDefaults
 from ambari_server.setupSecurity import encrypt_password, store_password_file
-from dbConfiguration import DBMSConfig, DB_STATUS_RUNNING_DEFAULT
-from userInput import get_validated_string_input
+from ambari_server.userInput import get_validated_string_input
-#Import the SQL Server libraries
 # SQL Server settings
-DBPATH = 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL 
-# DBPATH = 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL 
-DATABASE_DBMS = "sqlserver"
-class DbPropKeys:
-  def __init__(self, i_dbms_key, i_driver_key, i_server_key, i_port_key, 
i_db_name_key, i_db_url_key):
-    self.reset(i_dbms_key, i_driver_key, i_server_key, i_port_key, 
i_db_name_key, i_db_url_key)
-    pass
-  def reset(self, i_dbms_key, i_driver_key, i_server_key, i_port_key, 
i_db_name_key, i_db_url_key):
-    self.dbms_key = i_dbms_key
-    self.driver_key = i_driver_key
-    self.server_key = i_server_key
-    self.port_key = i_port_key
-    self.db_name_key = i_db_name_key
-    self.db_url_key = i_db_url_key
-    pass
-class AuthenticationKeys:
+class SqlServerAuthenticationKeys(DbAuthenticationKeys):
   def __init__(self, i_integrated_auth_key, i_user_name_key, i_password_key, 
i_password_alias, i_password_filename):
-    self.reset(i_integrated_auth_key, i_user_name_key, i_password_key, 
i_password_alias, i_password_filename)
-    pass
-  def reset(self, i_integrated_auth_key, i_user_name_key, i_password_key, 
i_password_alias, i_password_filename):
     self.integrated_auth_key = i_integrated_auth_key
-    self.user_name_key = i_user_name_key
-    self.password_key = i_password_key
-    self.password_alias = i_password_alias
-    self.password_filename = i_password_filename
-    pass
+    DbAuthenticationKeys.__init__(self, i_user_name_key, i_password_key, 
i_password_alias, i_password_filename)
 # SQL Server configuration and setup
 class SQLServerConfig(DBMSConfig):
-  def __init__(self, options, properties):
-    super(SQLServerConfig, self).__init__(options, properties)
+  def __init__(self, options, properties, storage_type):
+    super(SQLServerConfig, self).__init__(options, properties, storage_type)
     #Just load the defaults. The derived classes will be able to modify them 
-    self.dbms = DATABASE_DBMS
-    self.driver_name = DATABASE_DRIVER_NAME
+    self.driver_class_name = DATABASE_DRIVER_NAME_SQLSERVER
+    self.JDBC_DRIVER_INSTALL_MSG = 'Before starting Ambari Server, you must 
install the SQL Server JDBC driver.'
     # The values from options supersede the values from properties
     self.database_host = options.database_host if options.database_host is not 
None and options.database_host is not "" else \
@@ -98,27 +74,26 @@ class SQLServerConfig(DBMSConfig):
         self.database_host = compress_backslashes(self.database_host)
-      self.database_host = "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS"
+      self.database_host = DATABASE_SERVER_SQLSERVER_DEFAULT
-    self.database_port = options.database_port if options.database_port is not 
None and options.database_port is not "" else \
-        properties.get_property(self.dbPropKeys.port_key)
-    self.database_name = options.database_name if options.database_name is not 
None and options.database_name is not "" else \
-        properties.get_property(self.dbPropKeys.db_name_key)
-    self.use_windows_authentication = options.database_windows_auth if 
options.database_windows_auth is True else \
-        properties.get_property(self.dbAuthKeys.integrated_auth_key)
-    self.database_username = options.database_username if 
options.database_username is not None and options.database_username is not "" \
-        else properties.get_property(self.dbAuthKeys.user_name_key)
+    self.database_port = DBMSConfig._init_member_with_prop_default(options, 
+                                                                   properties, 
self.dbPropKeys.port_key, "1433")
+    self.database_name = DBMSConfig._init_member_with_prop_default(options, 
+                                                                   properties, 
self.dbPropKeys.db_name_key, configDefaults.DEFAULT_DB_NAME)
+    self.use_windows_authentication = 
DBMSConfig._init_member_with_prop_default(options, "database_windows_auth",
+        properties, self.dbAuthKeys.integrated_auth_key, False)
+    self.database_username = 
DBMSConfig._init_member_with_prop_default(options, "database_username",
properties, self.dbAuthKeys.user_name_key, DEFAULT_USERNAME)
     self.database_password = options.database_password if 
options.database_password is not None and options.database_password is not "" \
-        else ""
-    self.password_file = properties[self.dbAuthKeys.password_key]
+      else ""
+    if not self.database_password:
+      self.database_password = 
     self.database_url = self._build_sql_server_connection_string()
     self.persistence_property = None
-    self.db_title = ""
     self.env_var_db_name = ""
     self.env_var_db_log_name = ""
     self.env_var_db_owner = ""
@@ -132,137 +107,113 @@ class SQLServerConfig(DBMSConfig):
   def _is_local_database(self):
     return False
-  def _is_jdbc_driver_installed(self, properties):
-    """
-    #Attempt to load the sqljdbc4.jar and sqljdbc_auth.dll. This will 
automatically scan the PATH.
-    :param None
-    :rtype : bool
-    """
-    paths = "." + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
-    # Find the jar by attempting to load it as a resource dll
-    driver_path = search_file("sqljdbc4.jar", paths)
-    if not driver_path:
-      return 0
-    auth_dll_path = search_file("sqljdbc_auth.dll", paths)
-    if not auth_dll_path:
-      return 0
-    try:
-      driver_path = properties[JDBC_DRIVER_PATH_PROPERTY]
-      if driver_path is None or driver_path is "":
-        return 0
-    except Exception:
-      # No such attribute set
-      return 0
-    return 1
-  def get_jdbc_driver_path(self):
-    paths = "." + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
-    # Find the jar by attempting to load it as a resource dll
-    driver_path = search_file("sqljdbc4.jar", paths)
-    return driver_path
-  def configure_database_password(showDefault=True):
+  def _configure_database_password(showDefault=True):
     #No password needed, using SQL Server integrated authentication
   def _prompt_db_properties(self):
-    if self.silent:
-      # All the settings are supposed to be retrieved from the command-line 
-      return True
-    #prompt for SQL Server host and instance name
-    hostname_prompt = "SQL Server host and instance for the {} database: ({}) 
".format(self.db_title, self.database_host)
-    self.database_host = get_validated_string_input(hostname_prompt, 
self.database_host, None, None, False, True)
-    #prompt for SQL Server authentication method
-    if (not self.use_windows_authentication is None and 
self.use_windows_authentication.lower() == "true") or \
-            self.database_username is None or self.database_username == "":
-      auth_option_default = '1'
-    else:
-      auth_option_default = '2'
-    user_prompt = \
-      "[1] - Use SQL Server integrated authentication\n[2] - Use 
username+password authentication\n" \
-      "Enter choice ({}): ".format(auth_option_default)
-    auth_option = get_validated_string_input(user_prompt,
-                                             auth_option_default,
-                                             "^[12]$",
-                                             "Invalid number.",
-                                             False
-    )
-    if str(auth_option) == '1':
-      self.use_windows_authentication = True
-      self.database_password = None
-    else:
-      self.use_windows_authentication = False
+    if self.must_set_database_options:
+      #prompt for SQL Server host and instance name
+      hostname_prompt = "SQL Server host and instance for the {0} database: 
({1}) ".format(self.db_title, self.database_host)
+      self.database_host = get_validated_string_input(hostname_prompt, 
self.database_host, None, None, False, True)
+      #prompt for SQL Server authentication method
+      if (not self.use_windows_authentication is None and 
self.use_windows_authentication.lower() == "true") or \
+              self.database_username is None or self.database_username == "":
+        auth_option_default = '1'
+      else:
+        auth_option_default = '2'
+      user_prompt = \
+        "[1] - Use SQL Server integrated authentication\n[2] - Use 
username+password authentication\n" \
+        "Enter choice ({0}): ".format(auth_option_default)
+      auth_option = get_validated_string_input(user_prompt,
+                                               auth_option_default,
+                                               "^[12]$",
+                                               "Invalid number.",
+                                               False
+      )
+      if str(auth_option) == '1':
+        self.use_windows_authentication = True
+        self.database_password = None
+      else:
+        self.use_windows_authentication = False
-      user_prompt = "SQL Server user name for the {} database: ({}) 
".format(self.db_title, self.database_username)
-      username = get_validated_string_input(user_prompt, 
self.database_username, None, "User name", False,
-                                            False)
-      self.database_username = username
+        user_prompt = "SQL Server user name for the {0} database: ({1}) 
".format(self.db_title, self.database_username)
+        username = get_validated_string_input(user_prompt, 
self.database_username, None, "User name", False,
+                                              False)
+        self.database_username = username
-      user_prompt = "SQL Server password for the {} database: 
-      password = get_validated_string_input(user_prompt, "", None, "Password", 
True, False)
-      self.database_password = password
+        user_prompt = "SQL Server password for the {0} database: 
+        password = get_validated_string_input(user_prompt, "", None, 
"Password", True, False)
+        self.database_password = password
     self.database_url = self._build_sql_server_connection_string()
     return True
   def _setup_remote_server(self, properties):
-    properties.removeOldProp(self.dbPropKeys.port_key)
-    properties.removeOldProp(self.dbAuthKeys.integrated_auth_key)
-    properties.removeOldProp(self.dbAuthKeys.user_name_key)
-    properties.removeOldProp(self.dbAuthKeys.password_key)
+    if self.ensure_jdbc_driver_installed(properties):
+      properties.removeOldProp(self.dbPropKeys.port_key)
+      properties.removeOldProp(self.dbAuthKeys.integrated_auth_key)
+      properties.removeOldProp(self.dbAuthKeys.user_name_key)
+      properties.removeOldProp(self.dbAuthKeys.password_key)
-    properties.process_pair(self.persistence_property, 'remote')
+      properties.process_pair(self.persistence_property, 'remote')
-    properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.dbms_key, self.dbms)
-    properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.driver_key, self.driver_name)
-    properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.server_key, 
-    if self.database_port is not None and self.database_port != "":
-      properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.port_key, self.database_port)
-    properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.db_name_key, self.database_name)
+      properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.dbms_key, self.dbms)
+      properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.driver_key, 
+      properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.server_key, 
+      if self.database_port is not None and self.database_port != "":
+        properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.port_key, self.database_port)
+      properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.db_name_key, self.database_name)
-    self._store_db_auth_config(properties, self.dbAuthKeys)
+      self._store_db_auth_config(properties, self.dbAuthKeys)
-    properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.db_url_key, self.database_url)
+      properties.process_pair(self.dbPropKeys.db_url_key, self.database_url)
   def _setup_remote_database(self):
-    print 'Populating {} database structure...'.format(self.db_title)
+    print 'Populating the {0} database structure...'.format(self.db_title)
   def _reset_remote_database(self):
-    print 'Resetting {} database structure...'.format(self.db_title)
+    print 'Resetting the {0} database structure...'.format(self.db_title)
-  def _prompt_jdbc_driver_install(self, properties):
-    result = False
-    msg = 'Before starting Ambari Server, you must install the SQL Server JDBC 
+  def _is_jdbc_driver_installed(self, properties):
+    """
+    #Attempt to find the sqljdbc4.jar and sqljdbc_auth.dll by scanning the 
+    :param None
+    :rtype : bool
+    """
+    paths = "." + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
-    if not self.silent:
-      print_warning_msg(msg)
-      raw_input(PRESS_ENTER_MSG)
-      result = self._is_jdbc_driver_installed(properties)
-    return (result, msg)
+    # Find the jar by attempting to load it as a resource dll
+    driver_path = search_file("sqljdbc4.jar", paths)
+    if not driver_path:
+      return 0
+    auth_dll_path = search_file("sqljdbc_auth.dll", paths)
+    if not auth_dll_path:
+      return 0
-  def _install_jdbc_driver(self, options, properties):
       driver_path = properties[JDBC_DRIVER_PATH_PROPERTY]
+      if driver_path is None or driver_path is "":
+        return 0
     except Exception:
       # No such attribute set
-      driver_path = None
+      return 0
+    return 1
+  def _install_jdbc_driver(self, properties, files_list):
+    driver_path = get_value_from_properties(properties, 
     if driver_path is None or driver_path == "":
-      driver_path = self.get_jdbc_driver_path()
+      driver_path = self._get_jdbc_driver_path()
       properties.process_pair(JDBC_DRIVER_PATH_PROPERTY, driver_path)
       return True
@@ -283,7 +234,7 @@ class SQLServerConfig(DBMSConfig):
       sql_svc_name = "MSSQL$" + db_host_components[1]
     if db_machine == "localhost" or db_machine.lower() == 
os.getenv("COMPUTERNAME").lower() or \
-      db_machine.lower() == socket.getfqdn().lower():
+            db_machine.lower() == socket.getfqdn().lower():
       #TODO: Configure the SQL Server service name in
       ret = WinServiceController.EnsureServiceIsStarted(sql_svc_name)
       if 0 != ret:
@@ -298,11 +249,18 @@ class SQLServerConfig(DBMSConfig):
+  def _get_jdbc_driver_path(self):
+    paths = "." + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
+    # Find the jar in the PATH
+    driver_path = search_file("sqljdbc4.jar", paths)
+    return driver_path
   def _build_sql_server_connection_string(self):
-    databaseUrl = 
+    databaseUrl = 
     if self.database_port is not None and self.database_port != "":
-      databaseUrl += ":{}".format(self.database_port)
-    databaseUrl += ";databaseName={}".format(self.database_name)
+      databaseUrl += ":{0}".format(self.database_port)
+    databaseUrl += ";databaseName={0}".format(self.database_name)
       databaseUrl += ";integratedSecurity=true"
     #No need to append the username and password, the Ambari server adds them 
by itself when connecting to the database
@@ -340,18 +298,20 @@ class SQLServerConfig(DBMSConfig):
   def _execute_db_script(databaseHost, databaseScript):
-    dbCmd = 'sqlcmd -S {} -i {}'.format(databaseHost, databaseScript)
+    dbCmd = 'sqlcmd -S {0} -i {1}'.format(databaseHost, databaseScript)
     retCode, outData, errData = run_os_command(['cmd', '/C', dbCmd])
     if not retCode == 0:
-      err = 'Running database create script failed. Error output: {} Output: 
{} Exiting.'.format(errData, outData)
+      err = 'Running database create script failed. Error output: {0} Output: 
{1} Exiting.'.format(errData, outData)
       raise FatalException(retCode, err)
     print_info_msg("sqlcmd output:")
 # SQL Server Ambari database configuration and setup
 class SQLServerAmbariDBConfig(SQLServerConfig):
-  def __init__(self, options, properties):
+  def __init__(self, options, properties, storage_type):
     self.dbPropKeys = DbPropKeys(
@@ -359,7 +319,7 @@ class SQLServerAmbariDBConfig(SQLServerConfig):
-    self.dbAuthKeys = AuthenticationKeys(
+    self.dbAuthKeys = SqlServerAuthenticationKeys(
@@ -367,15 +327,13 @@ class SQLServerAmbariDBConfig(SQLServerConfig):
-    super(SQLServerAmbariDBConfig, self).__init__(options, properties)
+    super(SQLServerAmbariDBConfig, self).__init__(options, properties, 
     if self.database_name is None or self.database_name is "":
       self.database_name = AMBARI_DATABASE_NAME
     self.persistence_property = PERSISTENCE_TYPE_PROPERTY
-    self.db_title = "ambari"
     self.env_var_db_name ='AMBARIDBNAME'
     self.env_var_db_log_name = 'AMBARIDBLOGNAME'
     self.env_var_db_owner = 'AMBARIDBOWNER'
@@ -394,13 +352,12 @@ class SQLServerAmbariDBConfig(SQLServerConfig):
   def _setup_remote_server(self, properties):
     super(SQLServerAmbariDBConfig, self)._setup_remote_server(properties)
-    properties.process_pair(JDBC_RCA_DRIVER_PROPERTY, self.driver_name)
+    properties.process_pair(JDBC_RCA_DRIVER_PROPERTY, self.driver_class_name)
     if self.database_port is not None and self.database_port != "":
       properties.process_pair(JDBC_RCA_PORT_PROPERTY, self.database_port)
-    properties.process_pair(JDBC_RCA_SCHEMA_PROPERTY, self.database_name)
-    authKeys = AuthenticationKeys(
+    authKeys = SqlServerAuthenticationKeys(
@@ -412,13 +369,6 @@ class SQLServerAmbariDBConfig(SQLServerConfig):
     properties.process_pair(JDBC_RCA_URL_PROPERTY, self.database_url)
-# SQL Server database
-class SQLServerDatabase:
-  def __init__(self):
-    #Init the database connection here
-    pass
-  def get_running_status(self):
-    #if the connection is active, return running
-    #else return stopped
+def createSQLServerConfig(options, properties, storage_type, dbId):
+  return SQLServerAmbariDBConfig(options, properties, storage_type)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ 
index 5547e44..6b3f350 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -23,21 +23,27 @@ import glob
 import os
 import re
 import shutil
+import stat
 import string
+import sys
 import tempfile
 from ambari_commons.exceptions import FatalException
 from ambari_commons.os_check import OSCheck, OSConst
 from ambari_commons.os_family_impl import OsFamilyImpl
 from ambari_commons.os_utils import run_os_command, search_file
-from ambari_commons.logging_utils import print_warning_msg, print_info_msg, 
-from properties import Properties
+from ambari_commons.logging_utils import get_debug_mode, print_info_msg, 
print_warning_msg, print_error_msg, \
+  set_debug_mode
+from import Properties
+from ambari_server.userInput import get_validated_string_input
+from ambari_server.utils import compare_versions, locate_file
 OS_VERSION = OSCheck().get_os_major_version()
 OS_TYPE = OSCheck.get_os_type()
 OS_FAMILY = OSCheck.get_os_family()
+PID_NAME = ""
 # Non-root user setup commands
 NR_USER_PROPERTY = "ambari-server.user"
@@ -56,10 +62,6 @@ BOOTSTRAP_DIR_PROPERTY = "bootstrap.dir"
-if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
 GET_FQDN_SERVICE_URL = "server.fqdn.service.url"
@@ -85,10 +87,10 @@ JDK_NAMES = ["jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz", 
 #JCE Policy files
-JCE_DOWNLOAD_CMD = "curl -o {0} {1}"
+JDBC_PATTERNS = {"oracle": "*ojdbc*.jar", "mysql": "*mysql*.jar"}
 #TODO property used incorrectly in local case, it was meant to be dbms name, 
not postgres database name,
 # has workaround for now, as we don't need dbms name if persistence_type=local
 JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY = "server.jdbc.database"                 # E.g., 
@@ -105,6 +107,8 @@ JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_FILENAME = "rca_password.dat"
 CLIENT_API_PORT_PROPERTY = "client.api.port"
+SERVER_VERSION_FILE_PATH = "server.version.file"
 PERSISTENCE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "server.persistence.type"
 JDBC_DRIVER_PROPERTY = "server.jdbc.driver"
 JDBC_DRIVER_PATH_PROPERTY = "server.jdbc.driver.path"
@@ -122,12 +126,16 @@ JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_FILE_PROPERTY = 
 JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.db.password"
-#Windows-specific settings
+### # Windows-specific # ###
 JDBC_USE_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PROPERTY = "server.jdbc.use.integrated.auth"
 JDBC_RCA_USE_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PROPERTY = "server.jdbc.rca.use.integrated.auth"
+### # End Windows-specific # ###
 # resources repo configuration
 RESOURCES_DIR_PROPERTY = "resources.dir"
@@ -135,11 +143,26 @@ RESOURCES_DIR_DEFAULT = "resources"
 # stack repo upgrade
 STACK_LOCATION_KEY = 'metadata.path'
-STACK_LOCATION_DEFAULT = "resources" + os.sep + "stacks"
+# LDAP security
+IS_LDAP_CONFIGURED = "ambari.ldap.isConfigured"
+LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.ldap.manager.password"
+LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.managerPassword"
+LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_FILENAME = "ldap-password.dat"
+LDAP_MGR_USERNAME_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.managerDn"
+LDAP_PRIMARY_URL_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.primaryUrl"
+# SSL truststore
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.ssl.trustStore.password"
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.path"
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.password"
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.type"
 # JDK
+VIEWS_DIR_PROPERTY = "views.dir"
 #Common setup or upgrade message
 SETUP_OR_UPGRADE_MSG = "- If this is a new setup, then run the \"ambari-server 
setup\" command to create the user\n" \
                        "- If this is an upgrade of an existing setup, run the 
\"ambari-server upgrade\" command.\n" \
@@ -147,7 +170,6 @@ SETUP_OR_UPGRADE_MSG = "- If this is a new setup, then run 
the \"ambari-server s
 DEFAULT_DB_NAME = "ambari"
 class ServerConfigDefaults(object):
   def __init__(self):
     self.JAVA_SHARE_PATH = "/usr/share/java"
@@ -165,11 +187,14 @@ class ServerConfigDefaults(object):
     self.PID_DIR = os.sep + os.path.join("var", "run", "ambari-server")
     self.DEFAULT_LIBS_DIR = ""
     # ownership/permissions mapping
     # path - permissions - user - group - recursive
     # Rules are executed in the same order as they are listed
     # {0} in user/group will be replaced by customized ambari-server username
+    self.NR_USERADD_CMD = ""
@@ -177,11 +202,19 @@ class ServerConfigDefaults(object):
     self.DEFAULT_DB_NAME = "ambari"
     self.DEFAULT_VIEWS_DIR = ""
     #keytool commands
     self.keytool_bin = ""
+    #Standard messages
 class ServerConfigDefaultsWindows(ServerConfigDefaults):
   def __init__(self):
@@ -194,6 +227,8 @@ class ServerConfigDefaultsWindows(ServerConfigDefaults):
     self.DEFAULT_CONF_DIR = "conf"
     self.DEFAULT_LIBS_DIR = "lib"
     # ownership/permissions mapping
     # path - permissions - user - group - recursive
     # Rules are executed in the same order as they are listed
@@ -218,12 +253,21 @@ class ServerConfigDefaultsWindows(ServerConfigDefaults):
       # Also, /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat
       # is generated later at store_password_file
+    self.NR_USERADD_CMD = "cmd /C net user {0} {1} /ADD"
+    self.STACK_LOCATION_DEFAULT = "resources\\stacks"
     self.DEFAULT_VIEWS_DIR = "resources\\views"
     #keytool commands
     self.keytool_bin = "keytool.exe"
+    #Standard messages
+    self.MESSAGE_ERROR_SETUP_NOT_ROOT = "Ambari-server setup must be run with 
administrator-level privileges"
+    self.MESSAGE_ERROR_RESET_NOT_ROOT = "Ambari-server reset must be run with 
administrator-level privileges"
+    self.MESSAGE_ERROR_UPGRADE_NOT_ROOT = "Ambari-server upgrade must be run 
with administrator-level privileges"
+    self.MESSAGE_CHECK_FIREWALL = "Checking firewall status..."
 class ServerConfigDefaultsLinux(ServerConfigDefaults):
   def __init__(self):
@@ -237,6 +281,8 @@ class ServerConfigDefaultsLinux(ServerConfigDefaults):
     self.DEFAULT_CONF_DIR = "/etc/ambari-server/conf"
     self.DEFAULT_LIBS_DIR = "/usr/lib/ambari-server"
     # ownership/permissions mapping
     # path - permissions - user - group - recursive
     # Rules are executed in the same order as they are listed
@@ -271,18 +317,48 @@ class ServerConfigDefaultsLinux(ServerConfigDefaults):
       # Also, /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat
       # is generated later at store_password_file
+    self.NR_USERADD_CMD = 'useradd -M --comment "{1}" ' \
+                 '--shell %s -d /var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ {0}' % 
locate_file('nologin', '/sbin')
+    self.STACK_LOCATION_DEFAULT = "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks"
     self.DEFAULT_VIEWS_DIR = "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views"
     #keytool commands
     self.keytool_bin = "keytool"
+    #Standard messages
+    self.MESSAGE_ERROR_SETUP_NOT_ROOT = "Ambari-server setup should be run 
with root-level privileges"
+    self.MESSAGE_ERROR_RESET_NOT_ROOT = "Ambari-server reset should be run 
with root-level privileges"
+    self.MESSAGE_ERROR_UPGRADE_NOT_ROOT = "Ambari-server upgrade must be run 
with root-level privileges"
+    self.MESSAGE_CHECK_FIREWALL = "Checking iptables..."
 configDefaults = ServerConfigDefaults()
+# Security
+SECURITY_KEYS_DIR = "security.server.keys_dir"
+SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_LOCATION = "security.master.key.location"
+SECURITY_KEY_IS_PERSISTED = "security.master.key.ispersisted"
+SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED = "security.passwords.encryption.enabled"
+SECURITY_PROVIDER_GET_CMD = "{0} -cp {1}" + \
+                            "" + \
+                            ".CredentialProvider GET {2} {3} {4} " + \
+                            "> " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+SECURITY_PROVIDER_PUT_CMD = "{0} -cp {1}" + \
+                            "" + \
+                            ".CredentialProvider PUT {2} {3} {4} " + \
+                            "> " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+SECURITY_PROVIDER_KEY_CMD = "{0} -cp {1}" + \
+                            "" + \
+                            ".MasterKeyServiceImpl {2} {3} {4} " + \
+                            "> " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
-SCHEMA_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD = "{0} -cp {1} " + \
"org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade.SchemaUpgradeHelper" + \
-                            " > " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
 def get_conf_dir():
@@ -322,18 +398,12 @@ def read_ambari_user():
   Reads ambari user from properties file
-  conf_file = find_properties_file()
-  try:
-    properties = Properties()
-    properties.load(open(conf_file))
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties != -1:
     user = properties[NR_USER_PROPERTY]
     if user:
       return user
-    else:
-      return None
-  except Exception, e:
-    print_error_msg('Could not read "%s": %s' % (conf_file, e))
-    return None
+  return None
 def get_value_from_properties(properties, key, default=""):
@@ -344,6 +414,32 @@ def get_value_from_properties(properties, key, default=""):
     return default
   return value
+def get_is_secure(properties):
+  isSecure = properties.get_property(SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED)
+  isSecure = True if isSecure and isSecure.lower() == 'true' else False
+  return isSecure
+def get_is_persisted(properties):
+  keyLocation = get_master_key_location(properties)
+  masterKeyFile = search_file(SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_FILENAME, keyLocation)
+  isPersisted = True if masterKeyFile else False
+  return (isPersisted, masterKeyFile)
+def get_credential_store_location(properties):
+  store_loc = properties[SECURITY_KEYS_DIR]
+  if store_loc is None or store_loc == "":
+    store_loc = "/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/credentials.jceks"
+  else:
+    store_loc += os.sep + "credentials.jceks"
+  return store_loc
+def get_master_key_location(properties):
+  keyLocation = properties[SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_LOCATION]
+  if keyLocation is None or keyLocation == "":
+    keyLocation = properties[SECURITY_KEYS_DIR]
+  return keyLocation
 # Copy file to /tmp and save with file.# (largest # is latest file)
 def backup_file_in_temp(filePath):
   if filePath is not None:
@@ -353,10 +449,99 @@ def backup_file_in_temp(filePath):
       shutil.copyfile(filePath, tmpDir + os.sep +
                       AMBARI_PROPERTIES_FILE + "." + str(back_up_file_count + 
     except (Exception), e:
-      print_error_msg('Could not backup file in temp "%s": %s' % (str(
-        back_up_file_count, e)))
+      print_error_msg('Could not backup file in temp "%s": %s' % (
+        back_up_file_count, str(e)))
   return 0
+def get_ambari_version(properties):
+  """
+  :param properties: Ambari properties
+  :return: Return a string of the ambari version. When comparing versions, 
please use "compare_versions" function.
+  """
+  version = None
+  try:
+    server_version_file_path = properties[SERVER_VERSION_FILE_PATH]
+    if server_version_file_path and os.path.exists(server_version_file_path):
+      with open(server_version_file_path, 'r') as file:
+        version =
+  except:
+    print_error_msg("Error getting ambari version")
+  return version
+def get_db_type(properties):
+  db_type = None
+  if properties[JDBC_URL_PROPERTY]:
+    jdbc_url = properties[JDBC_URL_PROPERTY].lower()
+    if "postgres" in jdbc_url:
+      db_type = "postgres"
+    elif "oracle" in jdbc_url:
+      db_type = "oracle"
+    elif "mysql" in jdbc_url:
+      db_type = "mysql"
+    elif "derby" in jdbc_url:
+      db_type = "derby"
+  return db_type
+def check_database_name_property(upgrade=False):
+  """
+  :param upgrade: If Ambari is being upgraded.
+  :return:
+  """
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    print_error_msg("Error getting ambari properties")
+    return -1
+  version = get_ambari_version(properties)
+  if upgrade and compare_versions(version, "1.7.0") == 0:
+    # This code exists for historic reasons in which property names changed 
from Ambari 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
+    persistence_type = properties[PERSISTENCE_TYPE_PROPERTY]
+    if persistence_type == "remote":
+      db_name = properties["server.jdbc.schema"]  # this was a property in 
Ambari 1.6.1, but not after 1.7.0
+      if db_name:
+        write_property(JDBC_DATABASE_NAME_PROPERTY, db_name)
+      # If DB type is missing, attempt to reconstruct it from the JDBC URL
+      db_type = properties[JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY]
+      if db_type is None or db_type.strip().lower() not in ["postgres", 
"oracle", "mysql", "derby"]:
+        db_type = get_db_type(properties)
+        if db_type:
+          write_property(JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY, db_type)
+      properties = get_ambari_properties()
+    elif persistence_type == "local":
+      # Ambari 1.6.1, had "server.jdbc.database" as the DB name, and the
+      # DB type was assumed to be "postgres" if was embedded ("local")
+      db_name = properties[JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY]
+      if db_name:
+        write_property(JDBC_DATABASE_NAME_PROPERTY, db_name)
+        write_property(JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY, "postgres")
+        properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  dbname = properties[JDBC_DATABASE_NAME_PROPERTY]
+  if dbname is None or dbname == "":
+    err = "DB Name property not set in config file.\n" + SETUP_OR_UPGRADE_MSG
+    raise FatalException(-1, err)
+def update_database_name_property(upgrade=False):
+  try:
+    check_database_name_property(upgrade)
+  except FatalException:
+    properties = get_ambari_properties()
+    if properties == -1:
+      err = "Error getting ambari properties"
+      raise FatalException(-1, err)
+    print_warning_msg(JDBC_DATABASE_NAME_PROPERTY + " property isn't set in " +
+                      AMBARI_PROPERTIES_FILE + ". Setting it to default value 
- " + configDefaults.DEFAULT_DB_NAME)
+    properties.process_pair(JDBC_DATABASE_NAME_PROPERTY, 
+    conf_file = find_properties_file()
+    try:
+, "w"))
+    except Exception, e:
+      err = 'Could not write ambari config file "%s": %s' % (conf_file, e)
+      raise FatalException(-1, err)
 def is_alias_string(passwdStr):
   regex = re.compile("\$\{alias=[\w\.]+\}")
@@ -367,9 +552,127 @@ def is_alias_string(passwdStr):
     return False
+def read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey=""):
+  if alias:
+    jdk_path = find_jdk()
+    if jdk_path is None:
+      print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                      "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                      "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+      return 1
+    tempFileName = "ambari.passwd"
+    passwd = ""
+    tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+    #create temporary file for writing
+    tempFilePath = tempDir + os.sep + tempFileName
+    file = open(tempFilePath, 'w+')
+    os.chmod(tempFilePath, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+    file.close()
+    if masterKey is None or masterKey == "":
+      masterKey = "None"
+    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_GET_CMD.format(get_java_exe_path(),
+                                               get_full_ambari_classpath(), 
alias, tempFilePath, masterKey)
+    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+    print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider get passwd: " +
+                   str(retcode))
+    if retcode != 0:
+      print 'ERROR: Unable to read password from store. alias = ' + alias
+    else:
+      passwd = open(tempFilePath, 'r').read()
+      # Remove temporary file
+    os.remove(tempFilePath)
+    return passwd
+  else:
+    print_error_msg("Alias is unreadable.")
+def decrypt_password_for_alias(properties, alias):
+  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
+  if isSecure:
+    masterKey = None
+    (isPersisted, masterKeyFile) = get_is_persisted(properties)
+    if not masterKeyFile:
+      # Encryption enabled but no master key file found
+      masterKey = get_original_master_key(properties)
+    return read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey)
+  else:
+    return alias
+def get_original_master_key(properties):
+  input = True
+  while(input):
+    try:
+      masterKey = get_validated_string_input('Enter current Master Key: ',
+                                             "", ".*", "", True, False)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+      print 'Exiting...'
+      sys.exit(1)
+    # Find an alias that exists
+    alias = None
+    property = properties.get_property(JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+    if property and is_alias_string(property):
+    if not alias:
+      property = properties.get_property(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+      if property and is_alias_string(property):
+        alias = LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS
+    if not alias:
+      property = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+      if property and is_alias_string(property):
+    # Decrypt alias with master to validate it, if no master return
+    if alias and masterKey:
+      password = read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey)
+      if not password:
+        print "ERROR: Master key does not match."
+        continue
+    input = False
+  return masterKey
+# Load database connection properties from conf file
+def parse_properties_file(args):
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    print_error_msg("Error getting ambari properties")
+    return -1
+  args.server_version_file_path = properties[SERVER_VERSION_FILE_PATH]
+  args.persistence_type = properties[PERSISTENCE_TYPE_PROPERTY]
+  args.jdbc_url = properties[JDBC_URL_PROPERTY]
+  args.dbms = properties[JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY]
+  if not args.persistence_type:
+    args.persistence_type = "local"
+  if args.persistence_type == 'remote':
+    args.database_host = properties[JDBC_HOSTNAME_PROPERTY]
+    args.database_port = properties[JDBC_PORT_PROPERTY]
+  args.database_name = properties[JDBC_DATABASE_NAME_PROPERTY]
+  args.database_username = properties[JDBC_USER_NAME_PROPERTY]
+  args.postgres_schema = properties[JDBC_POSTGRES_SCHEMA_PROPERTY] \
+    if JDBC_POSTGRES_SCHEMA_PROPERTY in properties.propertyNames() else None
+  args.database_password_file = properties[JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY]
+  if args.database_password_file:
+    if not is_alias_string(args.database_password_file):
+      args.database_password = open(properties[JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY]).read()
+    else:
+      args.database_password = args.database_password_file
+  return 0
 def update_ambari_properties():
-  prev_conf_file = search_file(AMBARI_PROPERTIES_BACKUP_FILE, get_conf_dir())
+  prev_conf_file = search_file(configDefaults.AMBARI_PROPERTIES_BACKUP_FILE, 
   conf_file = search_file(AMBARI_PROPERTIES_FILE, get_conf_dir())
   # Previous config file does not exist
@@ -482,27 +785,31 @@ def write_property(key, value):
     return -1
   return 0
-def remove_property(key):
-  conf_file = find_properties_file()
-  properties = Properties()
-  try:
-    properties.load(open(conf_file))
-  except Exception, e:
-    print_error_msg('Could not read ambari config file "%s": %s' % (conf_file, 
-    return -1
-  properties.removeOldProp(key)
-  try:
-, "w"))
-  except Exception, e:
-    print_error_msg('Could not write ambari config file "%s": %s' % 
(conf_file, e))
-    return -1
-  return 0
 # Checks if options determine local DB configuration
 def is_local_database(args):
-  return hasattr(args, 'persistence_type') and args.persistence_type == 'local'
+  try:
+    return args.persistence_type == 'local'
+  except AttributeError:
+    return False
+def update_debug_mode():
+  debug_mode = get_debug_mode()
+  # The command-line settings supersede the ones in
+  if not debug_mode & 1:
+    properties = get_ambari_properties()
+    if properties == -1:
+      print_error_msg("Error getting ambari properties")
+      return -1
+    if get_value_from_properties(properties, DEBUG_MODE_KEY, False):
+      debug_mode = debug_mode | 1
+    if get_value_from_properties(properties, SUSPEND_START_MODE_KEY, False):
+      debug_mode = debug_mode | 2
+    set_debug_mode(debug_mode)
 ### JDK ###
@@ -520,7 +827,7 @@ class JDKRelease:
   dest_jcpol_file = ""
   inst_dir = ""
-  def __init__(self, i_name, i_desc, i_url, i_dest_file, i_jcpol_url, 
i_dest_jcpol_file, i_inst_dir):
+  def __init__(self, i_name, i_desc, i_url, i_dest_file, i_jcpol_url, 
i_dest_jcpol_file, i_inst_dir, i_reg_exp):
     if i_name is None or i_name is "":
       raise FatalException(-1, "Invalid JDK name: " + (i_desc or "")) = i_name
@@ -542,14 +849,17 @@ class JDKRelease:
       self.dest_jcpol_file = i_dest_jcpol_file
     if i_inst_dir is None or i_inst_dir is "":
-      self.inst_dir = "C:\\" + i_desc
+      self.inst_dir = os.path.join(configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR, i_desc)
       self.inst_dir = i_inst_dir
+    if i_reg_exp is None or i_reg_exp is "":
+      raise FatalException(-1, "Invalid output parsing regular expression for 
JDK " + i_name)
+    self.reg_exp = i_reg_exp
   def from_properties(cls, properties, section_name):
-    (desc, url, dest_file, jcpol_url, jcpol_file, inst_dir) = 
JDKRelease.__load_properties(properties, section_name)
-    cls = JDKRelease(section_name, desc, url, dest_file, jcpol_url, 
jcpol_file, inst_dir)
+    (desc, url, dest_file, jcpol_url, jcpol_file, inst_dir, reg_exp) = 
JDKRelease.__load_properties(properties, section_name)
+    cls = JDKRelease(section_name, desc, url, dest_file, jcpol_url, 
jcpol_file, inst_dir, reg_exp)
     return cls
@@ -563,6 +873,9 @@ class JDKRelease:
     if not properties.has_key(section_name + ".url"):
       raise FatalException(-1, "Invalid JDK URL in the properties section: " + 
     url = properties[section_name + ".url"]      #Required
+    if not properties.has_key(section_name + ".re"):
+      raise FatalException(-1, "Invalid JDK output parsing regular expression 
in the properties section: " + section_name)
+    reg_exp = properties[section_name + ".re"]      #Required
     if(properties.has_key(section_name + ".dest-file")):   #Not critical
       dest_file = properties[section_name + ".dest-file"]
@@ -579,7 +892,7 @@ class JDKRelease:
       inst_dir = properties[section_name + ".home"]
       inst_dir = "C:\\" + section_name
-    return (desc, url, dest_file, jcpol_url, jcpol_file, inst_dir)
+    return (desc, url, dest_file, jcpol_url, jcpol_file, inst_dir, reg_exp)
 def get_ambari_jars():
@@ -618,6 +931,14 @@ def get_ambari_classpath():
     ambari_cp = ambari_cp + os.pathsep + share_cp
   return ambari_cp
+def get_full_ambari_classpath(conf_dir = None):
+  if conf_dir is None:
+    conf_dir = get_conf_dir()
+  cp = conf_dir + os.pathsep + get_ambari_classpath()
+  if cp.find(' ') != -1:
+    cp = '"' + cp + '"'
+  return cp
 def get_JAVA_HOME():
   properties = get_ambari_properties()
   if properties == -1:
@@ -665,3 +986,35 @@ def find_jdk():
       print "JDK {0} is invalid".format(jdkPath)
+def get_java_exe_path():
+  jdkPath = find_jdk()
+  if jdkPath:
+    java_exe = os.path.join(jdkPath, configDefaults.JAVA_EXE_SUBPATH)
+    return java_exe
+  return
+#Check if required jdbc drivers present
+def find_jdbc_driver(args):
+  if args.dbms in JDBC_PATTERNS.keys():
+    drivers = []
+    drivers.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(configDefaults.JAVA_SHARE_PATH, 
+    if drivers:
+      return drivers
+    return -1
+  return 0
+# Stack upgrade
+def get_stack_location(properties):
+  stack_location = properties[STACK_LOCATION_KEY]
+  if stack_location is None:
+    stack_location = configDefaults.STACK_LOCATION_DEFAULT
+  return stack_location

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