Revert "[RTC-136620]: Update contrib/stack-select content and version number"

This reverts commit 5dc6eb8d323708ff2010c7098f741c1509636484.


Branch: refs/heads/branch-2.4
Commit: 4cb89dbfaafd3572b8949a050af750121b8c9569
Parents: 01a5367
Author: Mahadev Konar <>
Authored: Tue Aug 16 22:38:11 2016 -0700
Committer: Mahadev Konar <>
Committed: Tue Aug 16 22:38:11 2016 -0700

 contrib/stack-select/pom.xml                 | 131 -------
 contrib/stack-select/src/main/py/conf-select | 184 ----------
 contrib/stack-select/src/main/py/iop-select  | 408 ----------------------
 3 files changed, 723 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/stack-select/pom.xml b/contrib/stack-select/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 22bd646..0000000
--- a/contrib/stack-select/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
-<project xmlns=""; 
-  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-  <groupId>org.apache.ambari.iop-select</groupId>
-  <artifactId>iop-select</artifactId>
-  <version></version>
-  <packaging>rpm</packaging>
-  <name>Distribution Select</name>
-  <description>Utility for Distribution Selection</description>
-  <properties>
-    <>iop-select</>
-    <>conf-select</>
-  </properties>
-  <!-- scm connection to git repository for component -->
-  <scm>
-       <connection></connection>
-       <tag></tag>
-  </scm>
-  <!-- distribution management definition for open-source snapshot and release 
repositories -->
-  <distributionManagement>
-       <repository>
-               <id>sdi-biginsights-oss</id>
-               <url>${biginsights.opensource.maven.release.repo}</url>
-               <name>BigInsights open-source releases repository</name>
-       </repository>
-       <snapshotRepository>
-               <id>sdi-biginsights-oss-snapshot</id>
-               <url>${biginsights.opensource.maven.snapshot.repo}</url>
-               <name>BigInsights open-source snapshots repository</name>
-       </snapshotRepository>
-  </distributionManagement>
-  <dependencies>
-  </dependencies>
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>rpm-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>2.1.2</version>
-        <extensions>true</extensions>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <id>generate-rpm</id>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>rpm</goal>
-            </goals>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-        <configuration>
-          <distribution>BigInsights Ambari</distribution>
-          <group>Application/Collectors</group>
-          <packager>BIGroup</packager>
-          <sourceEncoding>UTF-8</sourceEncoding>
-          <defineStatements>
-            <defineStatement>_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 
-          </defineStatements>
-          <mappings>
-            <mapping>
-              <directory>/usr/bin</directory>
-              <filemode>755</filemode>
-              <directoryIncluded>false</directoryIncluded>
-              <sources>
-                <source>
-                  <location>src/main/py/${}</location>
-                </source>
-                <source>
-                  <location>src/main/py/${}</location>
-                </source>
-              </sources>
-            </mapping>
-          </mappings>
-          <preinstallScriptlet>
-            <script>echo "installing now"</script>
-          </preinstallScriptlet>
-          <postinstallScriptlet>
-            <script>
-              cd /usr/bin; \
-              ln -sf ${} dist-select; \
-              ln -sf dist-select hdp-select; \
-              echo "created link for dist-select to ${}, 
finished script"
-            </script>
-          </postinstallScriptlet>
-          <preremoveScriptlet>
-            <!--scriptFile>src/main/scripts/preremove</scriptFile>
-            <fileEncoding>utf-8</fileEncoding-->
-          </preremoveScriptlet>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>2.3.2</version>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <id>default</id>
-              <goals>
-                <goal>perform</goal>
-              </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <pomFileName>contrib/stack-select/pom.xml</pomFileName>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
diff --git a/contrib/stack-select/src/main/py/conf-select 
deleted file mode 100755
index e3f47a2..0000000
--- a/contrib/stack-select/src/main/py/conf-select
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import optparse
-import copy
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import errno
-# The global prefix and current directory
-root = "/usr/iop"
-current = root + "/current"
-packages = ( "accumulo", "atlas", "flume", "falcon", "hadoop",
-             "hbase", "hive", "hive-hcatalog",
-             "kafka", "knox", "mahout", "oozie",
-             "pig", "ranger-admin",
-             "ranger-kms", "ranger-usersync", "ranger-tagsync",
-             "slider", "spark", "spark2", "sqoop", "storm",
-             "storm-slider-client",
-             "tez", "livy", "zookeeper", "zeppelin",
-             "hive2", "tez_hive2")
-def printHelp():
-    print """
-usage: conf-select [-h] [<command>] package --stack-version --conf-version
-  <command>          One of create-conf-dir, set-conf-dir
-  <--package>        package name to set
-  <--stack-version>  stack version number
-  <--conf-version>   conf version to set
-optional arguments:
-  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
-  set-conf-dir      : set the conf to a specified version
-  create-conf-dir   : create the specified conf directory
-  dry-run-set       : dry run for set conf
-  dry-run-create    : dry run for create conf
-def chkPkg(sver, pname):
-    '''checks package name against the package tuple,
-    check if the package directory exists and returns True
-    '''
-    pkgdir = os.path.join(root,sver,pname)
-    if not os.path.isdir(pkgdir) or pname not in packages:
-        print(pname +" not installed or incorrect package name")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return True
-def chksVer(sver):
-    '''returns True if the stack version number
-    exists'''
-    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root,sver)):
-        print (sver +" Incorrect stack version")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return True
-def chkPath(pname, sver, cver, method):
-    confpath = os.path.join(vconfroot,pname,sver,cver)
-    if method == "create" and os.path.exists(confpath):
-        print (confpath+" exist already")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if method == "set" and not os.path.exists(confpath):
-        print (confpath+" does not exist")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return True
-def check(sver, pname, cver, method):
-    '''Aggregates chksVer, chkPkg and checks if path exits.
-    Returns True if all the conditions are met'''
-    chksVer(sver)
-    chkPkg(sver, pname)
-    chkPath(pname, sver, cver, method)
-def drcrtConfDir(pname, sver, cver):
-    chksVer(sver)
-    chkPkg(sver, pname)
-    for confmapkey,confmapval in confmap.items():
-        path = os.path.join(vconfroot,confmapkey,sver,cver)
-        print(path)
-def crtConfDir(pname, sver, cver):
-    path = os.path.join(vconfroot,pname,sver,cver)
-    check(sver, pname, cver, "create")
-    for confmapkey,confmapval in confmap.items():
-        path = os.path.join(vconfroot,confmapkey,sver,cver)
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(path)
-            print(path)
-        except OSError as exc:
-            if exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                print ("Permission denied")
-def drsetConfDir(pname, sver):
-    chksVer(sver)
-    chkPkg(sver, pname)
-    for confmapkey,confmapval in confmap.items():
-        confdir = os.path.join(root,sver,pname,confmapval)
-        if os.path.exists(confdir) and os.path.islink(confdir):
-            print(confdir)
-        else:
-            print(confdir+" does not exist")
-            sys.exit(1)
-def setConfDir(pname, sver, cver):
-    check(sver, pname, cver, "set")
-    for confmapkey,confmapval in confmap.items():
-        path = os.path.join(vconfroot,confmapkey,sver,cver)
-        confdir = os.path.join(root,sver,pname,confmapval)
-        if os.path.exists(confdir) and not os.path.islink(confdir):
-            raise Exception("Expected confdir %s to be a symlink." % confdir)
-        if os.path.islink(confdir) and not os.path.exists(confdir):
-            os.remove(confdir)
-        if os.path.exists(confdir):
-            if path == os.readlink(confdir):
-                return
-            else:
-                os.remove(confdir)
-        os.symlink(path, confdir)
-        print(confdir + " -> " + path)
-# Start of main
-parser = optparse.OptionParser(add_help_option=False)
-parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help",
-                  help="print help")
-parser.add_option("-p", "--package", action="store", dest="pname",
-                  help="package name")
-parser.add_option("-s", "--stack-version", action="store", dest="sver",
-                  help="stack verison number")
-parser.add_option("-c", "--conf-version", action="store", dest="cver",
-                  help="conf verison number", default = '0' )
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-'''default conf mapping'''
-confmap = {options.pname : "conf"}
-'''conf mapping if the pkg name is hive-hcatalog'''
-if options.pname == "hive-hcatalog":
-    confmap = {"hive-hcatalog":"etc/hcatalog",
-               "hive-webhcat":"etc/webhcat"}
-if or len(args) == 0:
-    printHelp()
-elif not options.pname or not options.sver:
-    parser.error("Invalid option")
-    printHelp()
-elif args[0] == 'create-conf-dir':
-    crtConfDir(options.pname, options.sver, options.cver)
-elif args[0] == 'set-conf-dir':
-    setConfDir(options.pname, options.sver, options.cver)
-elif args[0] == 'dry-run-set':
-    drsetConfDir(options.pname, options.sver)
-elif args[0] == 'dry-run-create':
-    drcrtConfDir(options.pname, options.sver, options.cver)
-    printHelp()
diff --git a/contrib/stack-select/src/main/py/iop-select 
deleted file mode 100755
index 2e3486a..0000000
--- a/contrib/stack-select/src/main/py/iop-select
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import optparse
-import copy
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-# The global prefix and current directory
-root = "/usr/iop"
-current = root + "/current"
-versionRegex = re.compile('[-.]')
-# The packages and where in the release they should point to
-leaves = {
-           "accumulo-client": "accumulo",
-           "accumulo-gc": "accumulo",
-           "accumulo-master": "accumulo",
-           "accumulo-monitor": "accumulo",
-           "accumulo-tablet": "accumulo",
-           "accumulo-tracer": "accumulo",
-           "atlas-server": "atlas",
-           "atlas-client": "atlas",
-           "falcon-client": "falcon",
-           "falcon-server": "falcon",
-           "flume-server": "flume",
-           "hadoop-client": "hadoop",
-           "hadoop-hdfs-datanode": "hadoop-hdfs",
-           "hadoop-hdfs-journalnode": "hadoop-hdfs",
-           "hadoop-hdfs-nfs3": "hadoop-hdfs",
-           "hadoop-hdfs-namenode": "hadoop-hdfs",
-           "hadoop-hdfs-portmap": "hadoop-hdfs",
-           "hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode": "hadoop-hdfs",
-           "hadoop-httpfs": "hadoop-httpfs",
-           "hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver": "hadoop-mapreduce",
-           "hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager": "hadoop-yarn",
-           "hadoop-yarn-nodemanager": "hadoop-yarn",
-           "hadoop-yarn-timelineserver": "hadoop-yarn",
-           "hbase-client": "hbase",
-           "hbase-master": "hbase",
-           "hbase-regionserver": "hbase",
-           "hive-metastore": "hive",
-           "hive-server2": "hive",
-           "hive-webhcat": "hive-hcatalog",
-           "hive-server2-hive2": "hive2",
-           "kafka-broker": "kafka",
-           "knox-server": "knox",
-           "livy-server": "livy",
-           "mahout-client": "mahout",
-           "oozie-client": "oozie",
-           "oozie-server": "oozie",
-           "phoenix-client": "phoenix",
-           "phoenix-server": "phoenix",
-           "slider-client": "slider",
-           "sqoop-client": "sqoop",
-           "sqoop-server": "sqoop",
-           "storm-client": "storm",
-           "storm-nimbus": "storm",
-           "storm-supervisor": "storm",
-           "storm-slider-client": "storm-slider-client",
-           "zeppelin-server": "zeppelin",
-           "zookeeper-client": "zookeeper",
-           "zookeeper-server": "zookeeper",
-           "ranger-admin" : "ranger-admin",
-           "ranger-kms" : "ranger-kms",
-           "ranger-usersync" : "ranger-usersync",
-           "ranger-tagsync" : "ranger-tagsync",
-           "spark-client" : "spark",
-           "spark-thriftserver" : "spark",
-           "spark-historyserver" : "spark",
-           "spark2-client" : "spark2",
-           "spark2-thriftserver" : "spark2",
-           "spark2-historyserver" : "spark2",
-# Define the aliases and the list of leaves they correspond to
-aliases = {
-  "accumulo-server": ["accumulo-gc",
-                      "accumulo-master",
-                      "accumulo-monitor",
-                      "accumulo-tablet",
-                      "accumulo-tracer"],
-  "all": leaves.keys(),
-  "client" : ["accumulo-client",
-              "atlas-client",
-              "falcon-client",
-              "hadoop-client",
-              "hbase-client",
-              "mahout-client",
-              "oozie-client",
-              "phoenix-client",
-              "slider-client",
-              "sqoop-client",
-              "storm-client",
-              "zookeeper-client",
-              "spark2-client",
-              "spark-client"],
-  "hadoop-hdfs-server": ["hadoop-hdfs-datanode",
-                         "hadoop-hdfs-journalnode",
-                         "hadoop-hdfs-nfs3",
-                         "hadoop-hdfs-namenode",
-                         "hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode"],
-  "hadoop-mapreduce-server": ["hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver"],
-  "hadoop-yarn-server": ["hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager",
-                         "hadoop-yarn-nodemanager",
-                         "hadoop-yarn-timelineserver"],
-  "hive-server": ["hive-metastore",
-                  "hive-server2",
-                  "hive-webhcat"],
-locked_contexts = {
-  "hadoop-client": [("hadoop-hdfs-client", "hadoop-hdfs"),
-                    ("hadoop-httpfs", "hadoop-httpfs"),
-                    ("hadoop-yarn-client", "hadoop-yarn"),
-                    ("hadoop-mapreduce-client", "hadoop-mapreduce"),
-                    ("hive-client", "hive"),
-                    ("pig-client", "pig"),
-                    ("tez-client", "tez"),
-                    ("livy-client", "livy"),
-                    ("spark2-client", "spark2"),
-                    ("spark-client", "spark")]
-command_symlinks = {
-  "accumulo" : "accumulo-client/bin/accumulo",
-  "atlas-start" : "atlas-server/bin/",
-  "atlas-stop" : "atlas-server/bin/",
-  "beeline" : "hive-client/bin/beeline",
-  "falcon" : "falcon-client/bin/falcon",
-  "flume-ng"  : "flume-server/bin/flume-ng",
-  "hadoop" : "hadoop-client/bin/hadoop",
-  "hbase" : "hbase-client/bin/hbase",
-  "phoenix-sqlline" : "phoenix-client/bin/",
-  "phoenix-sqlline-thin" : "phoenix-client/bin/",
-  "phoenix-psql" : "phoenix-client/bin/",
-  "phoenix-queryserver" : "phoenix-server/bin/",
-  "hcat" : "hive-client/../hive-hcatalog/bin/hcat",
-  "hdfs" : "hadoop-hdfs-client/bin/hdfs",
-  "hive" : "hive-client/bin/hive",
-  "hiveserver2" : "hive-server2/bin/hiveserver2",
-  "mahout" : "mahout-client/bin/mahout",
-  "mapred" : "hadoop-mapreduce-client/bin/mapred",
-  "oozie" : "oozie-client/bin/oozie",
-  "" : "oozie-server/bin/",
-  "pig" : "pig-client/bin/pig",
-  "slider": "slider-client/bin/slider",
-  "sqoop" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop",
-  "sqoop-codegen" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-codegen",
-  "sqoop-create-hive-table" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-create-hive-table",
-  "sqoop-eval" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-eval",
-  "sqoop-export" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-export",
-  "sqoop-help" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-help",
-  "sqoop-import" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-import",
-  "sqoop-import-all-tables" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-import-all-tables",
-  "sqoop-job" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-job",
-  "sqoop-list-databases" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-list-databases",
-  "sqoop-list-tables" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-list-tables",
-  "sqoop-merge" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-merge",
-  "sqoop-metastore" : "sqoop-server/bin/sqoop-metastore",
-  "sqoop-version" : "sqoop-client/bin/sqoop-version",
-  "storm" : "storm-client/bin/storm",
-  "worker-lanucher": "storm-client/bin/worker-launcher",
-  "storm-slider": "storm-slider-client/bin/storm-slider",
-  "kafka" : "kafka-broker/bin/kafka",
-  "yarn" : "hadoop-yarn-client/bin/yarn",
-  "zookeeper-client" : "zookeeper-client/bin/zookeeper-client",
-  "zookeeper-server" : "zookeeper-server/bin/zookeeper-server",
-  "zookeeper-server-cleanup" : "zookeeper-server/bin/zookeeper-server-cleanup",
-  "ranger-admin-start" : "ranger-admin/ews/ranger-admin-start",
-  "ranger-admin-stop" : "ranger-admin/ews/ranger-admin-stop",
-  "ranger-kms" : "ranger-kms/ranger-kms",
-  "ranger-usersync-start" : "ranger-usersync/ranger-usersync-start",
-  "ranger-usersync-stop" : "ranger-usersync/ranger-usersync-stop",
-  "run-example" : "spark-client/bin/run-example",
-  "sparkR" : "spark-client/bin/sparkR",
-  "spark-class" : "spark-client/bin/spark-class",
-  "spark-shell" : "spark-client/bin/spark-shell",
-  "spark-sql" : "spark-client/bin/spark-sql",
-  "spark-submit" : "spark-client/bin/spark-submit",
-  "pyspark" : "spark-client/bin/pyspark", 
-bin_directory = "/usr/bin"
-# Given a package or alias name, get the full list of packages
-def getPackages( name ):
-  if name == None:
-    return leaves.keys()
-  if name in aliases:
-    return aliases[name]
-  if name in leaves:
-    return [ name ]
-  print "ERROR: Invalid package - " + name
-  print
-  printPackages()
-  sys.exit(1)
-# Print the status of each of the given packages
-def listPackages( packages ):
-  if packages == None:
-    packages = leaves
-  packages.sort()
-  for pkg in packages:
-    linkname = current + "/" + pkg
-    if os.path.isdir(linkname):
-      print (pkg + " - " +
-             os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.readlink(linkname))))
-    else:
-      print pkg + " - None"
-# Print the avaialable package names
-def printPackages():
-  packages = leaves.keys()
-  packages.sort()
-  print "Packages:"
-  for pkg in packages:
-     print " ", pkg
-  groups = aliases.keys()
-  groups.sort()
-  print "Aliases:"
-  for pkg in groups:
-    print " ", pkg
-# Print the installed packages
-def printVersions():
-  result = {}
-  for f in os.listdir(root):
-    if f not in [".", "..", "current", "share", "lost+found"]:
-      try:
-        result[tuple(map(int, versionRegex.split(f)))] = f
-      except ValueError:
-        print ("ERROR: Unexpected file/directory found in %s: %s" % (root, f))
-        sys.exit(1)
-  keys = result.keys()
-  keys.sort()
-  for k in keys:
-     print result[k]
-# Set the list of packages to the given version
-def setPackages(packages, version, rpm_mode):
-  if packages == None or version == None:
-    print "ERROR: 'set' command must give both package and version"
-    print
-    printHelp()
-    sys.exit(1)
-  target = root + "/" + version
-  if not os.path.isdir(target):
-    print "ERROR: Invalid version " + version
-    print
-    print "Valid choices:"
-    printVersions()
-    sys.exit(1)
-  if not os.path.isdir(current):
-    os.mkdir(current, 0755)
-  packages.sort()
-  for pkg in packages:
-    linkname = current + "/" + pkg
-    if os.path.islink(linkname) and rpm_mode:
-      continue
-    elif os.path.islink(linkname):
-      os.remove(linkname)
-    if os.path.exists(linkname):
-      print("symlink target %s for %s already exists and it is not a symlink." 
% (linkname, leaves[pkg]))
-      sys.exit(1)
-    os.symlink(target + "/" + leaves[pkg], linkname)
-    if pkg in locked_contexts:
-      for (kid, dir) in locked_contexts[pkg]:
-        linkname = current + "/" + kid
-        if os.path.islink(linkname):
-          os.remove(linkname)
-        os.symlink(target + "/" + dir, linkname)
-# Create command symlinks
-def createCommandSymlinks(packages, rpm_mode):
-  work_packages = copy.copy(packages)
-  for pkg in packages:
-    if pkg in locked_contexts:
-      for (child, dir) in locked_contexts[pkg]:
-        work_packages.append(child)
-  for symlink in command_symlinks:
-    pkg = command_symlinks[symlink].split('/')[0]
-    filename = bin_directory + "/" + symlink
-    target = current + "/" + command_symlinks[symlink]
-    if rpm_mode and os.path.lexists(filename):
-      continue
-    if pkg in work_packages:
-      if not os.path.lexists(filename):
-        os.symlink(target, filename)
-      elif os.path.islink(filename):
-        old_value = os.readlink(filename)
-        if old_value != target:
-          print "WARNING: Replacing link", filename, "from", old_value
-          os.remove(filename)
-          os.symlink(target, filename)
-      else:
-        print "ERROR:", filename, "is a regular file instead of symlink."
-        print
-        print "Please ensure that the IOP 4.0 (and earlier) packages are"
-        print "removed."
-# Do a sanity check on the tables
-def sanityCheckTables():
-  for alias in aliases:
-    for child in aliases[alias]:
-      if not child in leaves:
-        print "ERROR: Alias", alias, "has bad child", child
-        sys.exit(1)
-  locked = set()
-  for parent in locked_contexts:
-    for (kid, dir) in locked_contexts[parent]:
-      locked.add(kid)
-  for symlink in command_symlinks:
-    parts = command_symlinks[symlink].split('/')
-    if not parts[0] in leaves and not parts[0] in locked:
-      print "ERROR: command symlink", symlink, "points to an invalid package",\
-            parts[0]
-      sys.exit(1)
-def printHelp():
-  print """
-usage: distro-select [-h] [<command>] [<package>] [<version>]
-Set the selected version of HDP.
-positional arguments:
-  <command>   One of set, status, versions, or packages
-  <package>   the package name to set
-  <version>   the HDP version to set
-optional arguments:
-  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
-  -r, --rpm-mode  if true checks if there is symlink exists and creates the 
symlink if it doesn't
-  set      : set the package to a specified version
-  status   : show the version of the package
-  versions : show the currently installed versions
-  packages : show the individual package names
-def checkCommandParameters(cmd, realLen, rightLen):
-  if realLen != rightLen:
-    print "ERROR:", cmd, "command takes", rightLen - 1,\
-          "parameters, instead of", realLen - 1
-    printHelp()
-    sys.exit(1)
- ############################
- #
- # Start of main
-parser = optparse.OptionParser(add_help_option=False)
-parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help",
-                  help="print help")
-parser.add_option("-r", "--rpm-mode", action="store_true", dest="rpm_mode", 
-                  help="if true checks if there is symlink exists and creates 
the symlink if it doesn't")
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  printHelp()
-  if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == 'status':
-    if len(args) > 1:
-      listPackages(getPackages(args[1]))
-    else:
-      listPackages(getPackages("all"))
-  elif args[0] == "set":
-    checkCommandParameters('set', len(args), 3)
-    pkgs = getPackages(args[1])
-    setPackages(pkgs, args[2], options.rpm_mode)
-    createCommandSymlinks(pkgs, options.rpm_mode)
-  elif args[0] == "versions":
-    checkCommandParameters('versions', len(args), 1)
-    printVersions()
-  elif args[0] == "packages":
-    checkCommandParameters('packages', len(args), 1)
-    printPackages()
-  else:
-    print "ERROR: Unknown command -", args[0]
-    printHelp()
-    sys.exit(1)

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