Github user tliron commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: .travis.yml ---
    @@ -10,36 +10,55 @@
     # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     # limitations under the License.
    -sudo: false
    +# We need to set "sudo: true" in order to use a virtual machine instead of 
a container, because
    +# SSH tests fail in the container. See:
    +dist: trusty
    +sudo: true
     language: python
    -dist: precise
    +  apt:
    +    sources:
    +      - sourceline: 'ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes'
    +    packages:
    +      # Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) does not come with Python 2.6, so we will 
install it from Felix
    +      # Krull's PPA
    +      - python2.6
    +      - python2.6-dev
    +  # We handle Python 2.6 testing from within tox (see tox.ini); note that 
this means that we run
    +  # tox itself always from Python 2.7
       - '2.7'
    -  - TOX_ENV=pylint_code
    -  - TOX_ENV=pylint_tests
    -  - TOX_ENV=py27
    -  - TOX_ENV=py26
    -  - TOX_ENV=py27e2e
    -  - TOX_ENV=py26e2e
    -  - TOX_ENV=py27ssh
    -  - TOX_ENV=py26ssh
    -  - TOX_ENV=docs
    +  # The PYTEST_PROCESSES environment var is used in tox.ini to override 
the --numprocesses argument
    +  # for PyTest's xdist plugin. The reason this is necessary is that 
conventional Travis environments
    +  # may report a large amount of available CPUs, but they they are greatly 
restricted. Through trial
    +  # and error we found that more than 1 process may result in failures.
    +  - PYTEST_PROCESSES=1 TOX_ENV=pylint_code
    +  - PYTEST_PROCESSES=1 TOX_ENV=pylint_tests
    +  - PYTEST_PROCESSES=1 TOX_ENV=py27e2e
    +  - PYTEST_PROCESSES=1 TOX_ENV=py26e2e
    +  - PYTEST_PROCESSES=1 TOX_ENV=py27ssh
    +  - PYTEST_PROCESSES=1 TOX_ENV=py26ssh
    +  # Create SSH keys for SSH tests
    +  - ssh-keygen -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''
    --- End diff --
    As I mentioned in Slack, I added the use of keys during trying to fix the 
SSH tests, but when I managed to get them passing finally I decided to keep 
this change because I feel it tests more things: specifically the parts of 
Python cryptography support. Since using keys instead of passwords is by far 
more common in cloud platforms (it should be required, really!) I thought it 
would more sense to keep this test as is.
    Also not that our SSH tests are specifically designed for Travis, anyway, 
so I don't see a problem with the .travis.yml file corresponding to it.


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