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"books/acm/kim95/OzsuB95", "title": "Query Processing in Object-Oriented 
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"conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with 
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"Alistair Moffat Tadao Takaoka", "misc": "2002-01-03 1023-1031 1987 16 SIAM J. 
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"conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX  Video Retrieval and Tracking from 
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Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 
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"conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) 
Probabilistic Isomorphism Test for Trivalent Graphs", "authors": "Zvi Galil 
Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
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"misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http 
// db/journals/jacm/jacm35.html#GalilT88" }, 
"right": { "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n 
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"misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS 
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"misc": "2002-01-03 551-572 1995 Modern Database Systems 
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"books/acm/kim95/OzsuB95", "title": "Query Processing in Object-Oriented 
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"Randomized Consensus in Expected O(n log² n) Operations Per Processor.", 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
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"journals/siamcomp/MoffatT87", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
db/conf/stoc/stoc80.html#Bloniarz80" }, "right": { "id": 88, "dblpid": 
"conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with 
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Takaoka", "misc": "2006-04-25 101-105 conf/focs/FOCS26 1985 FOCS 
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"Linear-Time Algorithms for Linear Programming in R³ and Related Problems.", 
"authors": "Nimrod Megiddo", "misc": "2002-01-03 759-776 1983 12 SIAM J. 
Comput. 4 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Megiddo83a" }, "right": { "id": 
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"Alistair Moffat Tadao Takaoka", "misc": "2002-01-03 1023-1031 1987 16 SIAM J. 
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88, "dblpid": "conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path 
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"conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX  Video Retrieval and Tracking from 
Compressed Multimedia Databases ¾ Visual Search Engine.", "authors": "Dan 
Schonfeld Dan Lelescu", "misc": "2002-01-03 1999 HICSS http 
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"Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-03 http // 2008 CoRR 
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"Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in R³.", "authors": 
"Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-04 2008 STACS 479-490 http 
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graphs.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks 
Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 
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"conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) 
Probabilistic Isomorphism Test for Trivalent Graphs", "authors": "Zvi Galil 
Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
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+ n log n)log n) min-cost flow algorithm.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", 
"misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http 
// db/journals/jacm/jacm35.html#GalilT88" }, 
"right": { "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n 
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"misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS 
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"books/acm/kim95/OzsuB95", "title": "Query Processing in Object-Oriented 
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"Randomized Consensus in Expected O(n log² n) Operations Per Processor.", 
"authors": "James Aspnes Orli Waarts", "misc": "2002-01-03 1024-1044 1996 25 
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db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Bloniarz83" }, "right": { "id": 84, 
"dblpid": "conf/stoc/Bloniarz80", "title": "A Shortest-Path Algorithm with 
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"journals/siamcomp/MoffatT87", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm 
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"conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX  Video Retrieval and Tracking from 
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Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 
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"conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) 
Probabilistic Isomorphism Test for Trivalent Graphs", "authors": "Zvi Galil 
Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
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"misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http 
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"right": { "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n 
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"misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS 
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"books/acm/kim95/OzsuB95", "title": "Query Processing in Object-Oriented 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
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"journals/siamcomp/MoffatT87", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
db/conf/stoc/stoc80.html#Bloniarz80" }, "right": { "id": 88, "dblpid": 
"conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with 
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"conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX  Video Retrieval and Tracking from 
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Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 
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"conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) 
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Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
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"misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http 
// db/journals/jacm/jacm35.html#GalilT88" }, 
"right": { "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n 
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"misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
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"conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with 
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"conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX  Video Retrieval and Tracking from 
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"Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-03 http // 2008 CoRR 
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"Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in R³.", "authors": 
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Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 
3 http // 
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"conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) 
Probabilistic Isomorphism Test for Trivalent Graphs", "authors": "Zvi Galil 
Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
db/conf/focs/focs82.html#GalilHLSW82" }, "sim": 0.54545456f }
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+ n log n)log n) min-cost flow algorithm.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", 
"misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http 
// db/journals/jacm/jacm35.html#GalilT88" }, 
"right": { "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n 
log n) log n) Min-Cost Flow Algorithm", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS 
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"misc": "2002-01-03 551-572 1995 Modern Database Systems 
db/books/collections/kim95.html#MengY95" }, "right": { "id": 24, "dblpid": 
"books/acm/kim95/OzsuB95", "title": "Query Processing in Object-Oriented 
Database Systems.", "authors": "M. Tamer Özsu José A. Blakeley", "misc": 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2002-01-03 588-600 1983 12 SIAM J. Comput. 3 
db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Bloniarz83" }, "right": { "id": 87, 
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Algorithm with Expected Time O(n² log n).", "authors": "Alistair Moffat Tadao 
Takaoka", "misc": "2002-01-03 1023-1031 1987 16 SIAM J. Comput. 6 
db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp16.html#MoffatT87" }, "sim": 0.625 }
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Shortest-Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n² log n log* n).", "authors": 
"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2002-01-03 588-600 1983 12 SIAM J. Comput. 3 
db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Bloniarz83" }, "right": { "id": 88, 
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with Expected Running Time O(n^2 log n)", "authors": "Alistair Moffat Tadao 
Takaoka", "misc": "2006-04-25 101-105 conf/focs/FOCS26 1985 FOCS 
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"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
db/conf/stoc/stoc80.html#Bloniarz80" }, "right": { "id": 87, "dblpid": 
"journals/siamcomp/MoffatT87", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm 
with Expected Time O(n² log n).", "authors": "Alistair Moffat Tadao Takaoka", 
"misc": "2002-01-03 1023-1031 1987 16 SIAM J. Comput. 6 
db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp16.html#MoffatT87" }, "sim": 0.5 }
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Shortest-Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n^2 log n log ^* n)", "authors": 
"Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC 
db/conf/stoc/stoc80.html#Bloniarz80" }, "right": { "id": 88, "dblpid": 
"conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with 
Expected Running Time O(n^2 log n)", "authors": "Alistair Moffat Tadao 
Takaoka", "misc": "2006-04-25 101-105 conf/focs/FOCS26 1985 FOCS 
db/conf/focs/focs85.html#MoffatT85" }, "sim": 0.6111111 }
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"Linear-Time Algorithms for Linear Programming in R³ and Related Problems.", 
"authors": "Nimrod Megiddo", "misc": "2002-01-03 759-776 1983 12 SIAM J. 
Comput. 4 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Megiddo83a" }, "right": { "id": 
86, "dblpid": "conf/focs/Megiddo82", "title": "Linear-Time Algorithms for 
Linear Programming in R^3 and Related Problems", "authors": "Nimrod Megiddo", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 329-338 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
db/conf/focs/focs82.html#Megiddo82" }, "sim": 0.7692308 }
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All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n² log n).", "authors": 
"Alistair Moffat Tadao Takaoka", "misc": "2002-01-03 1023-1031 1987 16 SIAM J. 
Comput. 6 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp16.html#MoffatT87" }, "right": { "id": 
88, "dblpid": "conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path 
Algorithm with Expected Running Time O(n^2 log n)", "authors": "Alistair Moffat 
Tadao Takaoka", "misc": "2006-04-25 101-105 conf/focs/FOCS26 1985 FOCS 
db/conf/focs/focs85.html#MoffatT85" }, "sim": 0.75 }
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Video Retrieval and Tracking from Compressed Multimedia Databases.", "authors": 
"Dan Schonfeld Dan Lelescu", "misc": "2002-11-05 123-127 1998 ICIP (3) 
db/conf/icip/icip1998-3.html#SchonfeldL98" }, "right": { "id": 90, "dblpid": 
"conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX  Video Retrieval and Tracking from 
Compressed Multimedia Databases ¾ Visual Search Engine.", "authors": "Dan 
Schonfeld Dan Lelescu", "misc": "2002-01-03 1999 HICSS http 
db/conf/hicss/hicss1999-3.html#SchonfeldL99" }, "sim": 0.6923077 }
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"Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in $R^3$", "authors": 
"Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-03 http // 2008 CoRR 
abs/0802.2861 db/journals/corr/corr0802.html#abs-0802-2861 informal 
publication" }, "right": { "id": 92, "dblpid": "conf/stacs/Laue08", "title": 
"Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in R³.", "authors": 
"Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-04 2008 STACS 479-490 http 
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db/conf/stacs/stacs2008.html#Laue08" }, "sim": 0.75 }
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O(n³log n) deterministic and an O(n³) Las Vegs isomorphism test for trivalent 
graphs.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks 
Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 
3 http // 
db/journals/jacm/jacm34.html#GalilHLSW87" }, "right": { "id": 96, "dblpid": 
"conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) 
Probabilistic Isomorphism Test for Trivalent Graphs", "authors": "Zvi Galil 
Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS 
db/conf/focs/focs82.html#GalilHLSW82" }, "sim": 0.54545456 }
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+ n log n)log n) min-cost flow algorithm.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", 
"misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http 
// db/journals/jacm/jacm35.html#GalilT88" }, 
"right": { "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n 
log n) log n) Min-Cost Flow Algorithm", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", 
"misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS 
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