diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/ 
index 35c870d..e07edb6 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ As you read through this document, you should try each step 
for yourself on your
 Once you have reached the end, you will be fully armed and dangerous, with all 
the basic AsterixDB knowledge
 that you'll need to start down the path of modeling, storing, and querying 
your own semistructured data.
 ## ADM: Modeling Semistructed Data in AsterixDB ##
 In this section you will learn all about modeling Big Data using
 ADM, the data model of the AsterixDB BDMS.
@@ -74,13 +73,13 @@ that have extra data in them.
 Datatypes are open by default unless you tell AsterixDB otherwise.
 Let's put these concepts to work
-Our little sample scenario involves hypothetical information about users of 
two popular social networks,
-Facebook and Twitter, and their messages.
+Our little sample scenario involves information about users of two 
hypothetical social networks,
+Gleambook and Chirp, and their messages.
 We'll start by defining a dataverse called "TinySocial" to hold our datatypes 
and datasets.
 The AsterixDB data model (ADM) is essentially a superset of JSON---it's what 
you get by extending
 JSON with more data types and additional data modeling constructs borrowed 
from object databases.
-The following is how we can create the TinySocial dataverse plus a set of ADM 
types for modeling
-Twitter users, their Tweets, Facebook users, their users' employment 
information, and their messages.
+The following shows how we can create the TinySocial dataverse plus a set of 
ADM types for modeling
+Chirp users, their Chirps, Gleambook users, their users' employment 
information, and their messages.
 (Note: Keep in mind that this is just a tiny and somewhat silly example 
intended for illustrating
 some of the key features of AsterixDB. :-))
@@ -89,85 +88,82 @@ some of the key features of AsterixDB. :-))
         create dataverse TinySocial;
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        create type TwitterUserType as open {
-            screen-name: string,
+        create type ChirpUserType as {
+            screenName: string,
             lang: string,
-            friends_count: int64,
-            statuses_count: int64,
+            friendsCount: int,
+            statusesCount: int,
             name: string,
-            followers_count: int64
-        }
-        create type TweetMessageType as closed {
-            tweetid: string,
-            user: TwitterUserType,
-            sender-location: point?,
-            send-time: datetime,
-            referred-topics: {{ string }},
-            message-text: string
-        }
-        create type EmploymentType as open {
-            organization-name: string,
-            start-date: date,
-            end-date: date?
-        }
-        create type FacebookUserType as closed {
-            id: int64,
+            followersCount: int
+        };
+        create type ChirpMessageType as closed {
+            chirpId: string,
+            user: ChirpUserType,
+            senderLocation: point?,
+            sendTime: datetime,
+            referredTopics: {{ string }},
+            messageText: string
+        };
+        create type EmploymentType as {
+            organizationName: string,
+            startDate: date,
+            endDate: date?
+        };
+        create type GleambookUserType as {
+            id: int,
             alias: string,
             name: string,
-            user-since: datetime,
-            friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
+            userSince: datetime,
+            friendIds: {{ int }},
             employment: [EmploymentType]
-        }
+        };
-        create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
-            message-id: int64,
-            author-id: int64,
-            in-response-to: int64?,
-            sender-location: point?,
+        create type GleambookMessageType as {
+            messageId: int,
+            authorId: int,
+            inResponseTo: int?,
+            senderLocation: point?,
             message: string
-        }
+        };
 The first three lines above tell AsterixDB to drop the old TinySocial 
dataverse, if one already
 exists, and then to create a brand new one and make it the focus of the 
statements that follow.
-The first type creation statement creates a datatype for holding information 
about Twitter users.
+The first _create type_ statement creates a datatype for holding information 
about Chirp users.
 It is a record type with a mix of integer and string data, very much like a 
(flat) relational tuple.
 The indicated fields are all mandatory, but because the type is open, 
additional fields are welcome.
-The second statement creates a datatype for Twitter messages; this shows how 
to specify a closed type.
-Interestingly (based on one of Twitter's APIs), each Twitter message actually 
embeds an instance of the
+The second statement creates a datatype for Chirp messages; this shows how to 
specify a closed type.
+Interestingly (based on one of Chirp's APIs), each Chirp message actually 
embeds an instance of the
 sending user's information (current as of when the message was sent), so this 
is an example of a nested
 record in ADM.
-Twitter messages can optionally contain the sender's location, which is 
modeled via the sender-location
+Chirp messages can optionally contain the sender's location, which is modeled 
via the senderLocation
 field of spatial type _point_; the question mark following the field type 
indicates its optionality.
 An optional field is like a nullable field in SQL---it may be present or 
missing, but when it's present,
-its data type will conform to the datatype's specification.
-The send-time field illustrates the use of a temporal primitive type, 
-Lastly, the referred-topics field illustrates another way that ADM is richer 
than the relational model;
-this field holds a bag (a.k.a. an unordered list) of strings.
-Since the overall datatype definition for Twitter messages says "closed", the 
fields that it lists are
+its value's data type will conform to the datatype's specification.
+The sendTime field illustrates the use of a temporal primitive type, 
+Lastly, the referredTopics field illustrates another way that ADM is richer 
than the relational model;
+this field holds a bag (*a.k.a.* an unordered list) of strings.
+Since the overall datatype definition for Chirp messages says "closed", the 
fields that it lists are
 the only fields that instances of this type will be allowed to contain.
-The next two create type statements create a record type for holding 
information about one component of
-the employment history of a Facebook user and then a record type for holding 
the user information itself.
-The Facebook user type highlights a few additional ADM data model features.
-Its friend-ids field is a bag of integers, presumably the Facebook user ids 
for this user's friends,
+The next two _create type_ statements create a record type for holding 
information about one component of
+the employment history of a Gleambook user and then a record type for holding 
the user information itself.
+The Gleambook user type highlights a few additional ADM data model features.
+Its friendIds field is a bag of integers, presumably the Gleambook user ids 
for this user's friends,
 and its employment field is an ordered list of employment records.
-The final create type statement defines a type for handling the content of a 
Facebook message in our
+The final _create type_ statement defines a type for handling the content of a 
Gleambook message in our
 hypothetical social data storage scenario.
 Before going on, we need to once again emphasize the idea that AsterixDB is 
aimed at storing
 and querying not just Big Data, but Big _Semistructured_ Data.
-This means that most of the fields listed in the create type statements above 
could have been
+This means that most of the fields listed in the _create type_ statements 
above could have been
 omitted without changing anything other than the resulting size of stored data 
instances on disk.
 AsterixDB stores its information about the fields defined a priori as separate 
metadata, whereas
 the information about other fields that are "just there" in instances of open 
datatypes is stored
 with each instance---making for more bits on disk and longer times for 
operations affected by
 data size (e.g., dataset scans).
-The only fields that _must_ be specified a priori are the primary key.
-Indexes can be built on fields that don't belong to the pre-specified part of 
datatype's schema as long as their type is specified at index create time and 
and the _enforced_ keyword is provided at the end of the index definition.  
(The _enforced_ keyword asks the system to ensure that the indexed field or 
fields conform to this specified type in all of the dataset's record instances 
where they are present.)  Additionally, indexed fields may be nested 
arbitrarily deep within a dataset's records as long as the nesting does not go 
pass through a list (be it ordered or unordered) along the way.
+The only fields that _must_ be specified a priori are the primary key fields 
of each dataset.
 ### Creating Datasets and Indexes ###
@@ -179,52 +175,50 @@ We can do this as follows, utilizing the DDL capabilities 
of AsterixDB.
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        create dataset FacebookUsers(FacebookUserType)
-        primary key id;
+        create dataset GleambookUsers(GleambookUserType)
+            primary key id;
-        create dataset FacebookMessages(FacebookMessageType)
-        primary key message-id;
+        create dataset GleambookMessages(GleambookMessageType)
+            primary key messageId;
-        create dataset TwitterUsers(TwitterUserType)
-        primary key screen-name;
+        create dataset ChirpUsers(ChirpUserType)
+            primary key screenName;
-        create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
-        primary key tweetid
-        hints(cardinality=100);
+        create dataset ChirpMessages(ChirpMessageType)
+            primary key chirpId
+            hints(cardinality=100);
-        create index fbUserSinceIdx on FacebookUsers(user-since);
-        create index fbAuthorIdx on FacebookMessages(author-id) type btree;
-        create index fbSenderLocIndex on FacebookMessages(sender-location) 
type rtree;
-        create index fbMessageIdx on FacebookMessages(message) type keyword;
+        create index gbUserSinceIdx on GleambookUsers(userSince);
+        create index gbAuthorIdx on GleambookMessages(authorId) type btree;
+        create index gbSenderLocIndex on GleambookMessages(senderLocation) 
type rtree;
+        create index gbMessageIdx on GleambookMessages(message) type keyword;
         for $ds in dataset Metadata.Dataset return $ds;
         for $ix in dataset Metadata.Index return $ix;
-The ADM DDL statements above create four datasets for holding our social data 
in the TinySocial
-dataverse: FacebookUsers, FacebookMessages, TwitterUsers, and TweetMessages.
-The first statement creates the FacebookUsers data set.
-It specifies that this dataset will store data instances conforming to 
FacebookUserType and that
+The DDL statements above create four datasets for holding our social data in 
the TinySocial
+dataverse: GleambookUsers, GleambookMessages, ChirpUsers, and ChirpMessages.
+The first _create dataset_ statement creates the GleambookUsers data set.
+It specifies that this dataset will store data instances conforming to 
GleambookUserType and that
 it has a primary key which is the id field of each instance.
 The primary key information is used by AsterixDB to uniquely identify 
instances for the purpose
 of later lookup and for use in secondary indexes.
 Each AsterixDB dataset is stored (and indexed) in the form of a B+ tree on 
primary key;
 secondary indexes point to their indexed data by primary key.
-In AsterixDB clusters, the primary key is also used to hash-partition (a.k.a. 
shard) the
+In AsterixDB clusters, the primary key is also used to hash-partition 
(*a.k.a.* shard) the
 dataset across the nodes of the cluster.
-The next three create dataset statements are similar.
+The next three _create dataset_ statements are similar.
 The last one illustrates an optional clause for providing useful hints to 
 In this case, the hint tells AsterixDB that the dataset definer is 
anticipating that the
-TweetMessages dataset will contain roughly 100 objects; knowing this can help 
+ChirpMessages dataset will contain roughly 100 objects; knowing this can help 
 to more efficiently manage and query this dataset.
 (AsterixDB does not yet gather and maintain data statistics; it will 
currently, abitrarily,
 assume a cardinality of one million objects per dataset in the absence of such 
an optional
 definition-time hint.)
-The create dataset statements above are followed by four more DDL statements, 
each of which
+The _create dataset_ statements above are followed by four more DDL 
statements, each of which
 creates a secondary index on a field of one of the datasets.
-The first one indexes the FacebookUsers dataset on its user-since field.
+The first one indexes the GleambookUsers dataset on its userSince field.
 This index will be a B+ tree index; its type is unspecified and _btree_ is the 
default type.
 The other three illustrate how you can explicitly specify the desired type of 
 In addition to btree, _rtree_ and inverted _keyword_ indexes are supported by 
@@ -246,9 +240,8 @@ of fully-qualified dataset names (i.e., 
 to reference datasets that live in a dataverse other than the one that
 was named in the most recently executed _use dataverse_ directive.
 ## Loading Data Into AsterixDB ##
-Okay, so far so good---AsterixDB is now ready for data, so let's give it some 
data to store
+Okay, so far so good---AsterixDB is now ready for data, so let's give it some 
data to store.
 Our next task will be to load some sample data into the four datasets that we 
just defined.
 Here we will load a tiny set of records, defined in ADM format (a superset of 
JSON), into each dataset.
 In the boxes below you can see the actual data instances contained in each of 
the provided sample files.
@@ -261,61 +254,60 @@ We should note that ADM format is a textual serialization 
of what AsterixDB will
 when persisted in AsterixDB, the data format will be binary and the data in 
the predefined fields
 of the data instances will be stored separately from their associated field 
name and type metadata.
-[Twitter Users](../data/twu.adm)
-[Tweet Messages](../data/twm.adm)
 love t-mobile its customization is good:)"}
 like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
 like motorola the speed is good:)"}
 like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"}
 can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:("}
 like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)"}
 like samsung the platform is good"}
 like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
 love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome"}
 hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:("}
 can't stand iphone its platform is terrible"}
 like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)"}
-[Facebook Users](../data/fbu.adm)
-[Facebook Messages](../data/fbm.adm)
 love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
 dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"}
 like samsung the plan is amazing"}
 can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("}
 love sprint the customization is mind-blowing"}
 like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"}
 dislike sprint the speed is horrible"}
 like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"}
 love verizon its wireless is good"}
 can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"}
 can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"}
 can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:("}
 dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:("}
 love at&t its 3G is good:)"}
 like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
-It's loading time! We can use AQL _load_ statements to populate our datasets 
with the sample records shown above.
+[Chirp Users](../data/chu.adm)
+[Chirp Messages](../data/chm.adm)
 love t-mobile its customization is good:)"}
 like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
 like motorola the speed is good:)"}
 like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"}
 can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:("}
 like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)"}
 like samsung the platform is good"}
 like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
 love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome"}
 hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:("}
 can't stand iphone its platform is terrible"}
 like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)"}
+[Gleambook Users](../data/gbu.adm)
+[Gleambook Messages](../data/gbm.adm)
 love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
 dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"}
 like samsung the plan is amazing"}
 can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("}
 love sprint the customization is mind-blowing"}
 like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"}
 dislike sprint the speed is horrible"}
 like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"}
 love verizon its wireless is good"}
 can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"}
 can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"}
 can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:("}
 dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:("}
 love at&t its 3G is good:)"}
 like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
+It's loading time! We can use AQL _LOAD_ statements to populate our datasets 
with the sample records shown above.
 The following shows how loading can be done for data stored in `.adm` files in 
your local filesystem.
 *Note:* You _MUST_ replace the `<Host Name>` and `<Absolute File Path>` 
placeholders in each load
 statement below with valid values based on the host IP address (or host name) 
for the machine and
@@ -325,23 +317,20 @@ do not delete the two slashes that appear in front of the 
absolute path to your
 (This will lead to a three-slash character sequence at the start of each load 
statement's file
 input path specification.)
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        load dataset FacebookUsers using localfs
-        (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
-        load dataset FacebookMessages using localfs
-        (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
+        load dataset GleambookUsers using localfs
+            (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
-        load dataset TwitterUsers using localfs
-        (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
+        load dataset GleambookMessages using localfs
+            (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
-        load dataset TweetMessages using localfs
-        (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
+        load dataset ChirpUsers using localfs
+            (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
+        load dataset ChirpMessages using localfs
+            (("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File 
 ## AQL: Querying Your AsterixDB Data ##
 Congratulations! You now have sample social data stored (and indexed) in 
 (You are part of an elite and adventurous group of individuals. :-))
@@ -384,83 +373,96 @@ the _return_ clause in AQL is like the _select_ clause in 
SQL (but appears at th
 the beginning of a query), the _let_ clause in AQL is like SQL's _with_ 
clause, and the _where_
 and _order by_ clauses in both languages are similar.
+Based on user demand, in order to let SQL afficiandos to write AQL queries in 
their favored ways,
+AQL supports a few synonyms:  _from_ for _for_, _select_ for _return_,  _with_ 
for _let_, and
+_keeping_ for _with_ in the group by clause.
+These have been found to help die-hard SQL fans to feel a little more at home 
in AQL and to be less
+likely to (mis)interpret _for_ as imperative looping, _return_ as returning 
from a function call,
+and so on.
 Enough talk!
 Let's go ahead and try writing some queries and see about learning AQL by 
 ### Query 0-A - Exact-Match Lookup ###
-For our first query, let's find a Facebook user based on his or her user id.
+For our first query, let's find a Gleambook user based on his or her user id.
 Suppose the user we want is the user whose id is 8:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+        for $user in dataset GleambookUsers
         where $ = 8
         return $user;
 The query's _for_ clause  binds the variable `$user` incrementally to the data 
instances residing in
-the dataset named FacebookUsers.
+the dataset named GleambookUsers.
 Its _where_ clause selects only those bindings having a user id of interest, 
filtering out the rest.
 The _return_ clause returns the (entire) data instance for each binding that 
satisfies the predicate.
 Since this dataset is indexed on user id (its primary key), this query will be 
done via a quick index lookup.
 The expected result for our sample data is as follows:
-        { "id": 8, "alias": "Nila", "name": "NilaMilliron", "user-since": 
datetime("2008-01-01T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 3 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organization-name": "Plexlane", "start-date": date("2010-02-28"), "end-date": 
null } ] }
+        { "id": 8, "alias": "Nila", "name": "NilaMilliron", "userSince": 
datetime("2008-01-01T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organizationName": "Plexlane", "startDate": date("2010-02-28") } ] }
+Note the using the SQL keyword synonyms, another way of phrasing the same 
query would be:
+        use dataverse TinySocial;
+        from $user in dataset GleambookUsers
+        where $ = 8
+        select $user;
 ### Query 0-B - Range Scan ###
 AQL, like SQL, supports a variety of different predicates.
-For example, for our next query, let's find the Facebook users whose ids are 
in the range between 2 and 4:
+For example, for our next query, let's find the Gleambook users whose ids are 
in the range between 2 and 4:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+        for $user in dataset GleambookUsers
         where $ >= 2 and $ <= 4
         return $user;
 This query's expected result, also evaluable using the primary index on user 
id, is:
-        { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "user-since": 
datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organization-name": "Hexviafind", "start-date": date("2010-04-27"), 
"end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": 
datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": 
date("2010-06-17"), "end-date": date("2010-01-26") } ] }
-        { "id": 4, "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "user-since": 
datetime("2010-12-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 2 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organization-name": "Zamcorporation", "start-date": date("2010-06-08"), 
"end-date": null } ] }
+        { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": 
datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], 
"nickname": "Izzy" }
+        { "id": 4, "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "userSince": 
datetime("2010-12-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organizationName": "Zamcorporation", "startDate": date("2010-06-08") } ] }
+        { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": 
datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": 
date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }
 ### Query 1 - Other Query Filters ###
 AQL can do range queries on any data type that supports the appropriate set of 
-As an example, this next query retrieves the Facebook users who joined between 
July 22, 2010 and July 29, 2012:
+As an example, this next query retrieves the Gleambook users who joined 
between July 22, 2010 and July 29, 2012:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
-        where $user.user-since >= datetime('2010-07-22T00:00:00')
-          and $user.user-since <= datetime('2012-07-29T23:59:59')
+        for $user in dataset GleambookUsers
+        where $user.userSince >= datetime('2010-07-22T00:00:00')
+          and $user.userSince <= datetime('2012-07-29T23:59:59')
         return $user;
 The expected result for this query, also an indexable query, is as follows:
-        { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "user-since": 
datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organization-name": "Hexviafind", "start-date": date("2010-04-27"), 
"end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": 
datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": 
date("2010-06-17"), "end-date": date("2010-01-26") } ] }
-        { "id": 4, "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "user-since": 
datetime("2010-12-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 2 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organization-name": "Zamcorporation", "start-date": date("2010-06-08"), 
"end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "user-since": 
datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "physcane", "start-date": 
date("2007-06-05"), "end-date": date("2011-11-05") } ] }
+        { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": 
datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], 
"nickname": "Izzy" }
+        { "id": 4, "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "userSince": 
datetime("2010-12-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organizationName": "Zamcorporation", "startDate": date("2010-06-08") } ] }
+        { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "userSince": 
datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, "employment": 
[ { "organizationName": "physcane", "startDate": date("2007-06-05"), "endDate": 
date("2011-11-05") } ] }
+        { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": 
datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": 
date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }
 ### Query 2-A - Equijoin ###
 In addition to simply binding variables to data instances and returning them 
 an AQL query can construct new ADM instances to return based on combinations 
of its variable bindings.
 This gives AQL the power to do joins much like those done using multi-table 
_from_ clauses in SQL.
-For example, suppose we wanted a list of all Facebook users paired with their 
associated messages,
-with the list enumerating the author name and the message text associated with 
each Facebook message.
+For example, suppose we wanted a list of all Gleambook users paired with their 
associated messages,
+with the list enumerating the author name and the message text associated with 
each Gleambook message.
 We could do this as follows in AQL:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
-        for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
-        where $ = $
+        for $user in dataset GleambookUsers
+        for $message in dataset GleambookMessages
+        where $message.authorId = $
         return {
-        "uname": $,
-        "message": $message.message
+            "uname": $,
+            "message": $message.message
 The result of this query is a sequence of new ADM instances, one for each 
author/message pair.
@@ -472,22 +474,33 @@ a very powerful tool for slicing and dicing 
semistructured data.)
 The expected result of this example AQL join query for our sample data set is:
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization 
is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan 
is terrible" }
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its 
touch-screen is horrible" }
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the 
network is horrible:(" }
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is 
awesome:)" }
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the 
touch-screen is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan 
is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" 
         { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is 
mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" 
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its 
voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command 
is bad:(" }
         { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is 
awesome:)" }
         { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" 
         { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is 
horrible" }
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization 
is mind-blowing" }
         { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the 
voicemail-service is awesome" }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its 
voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command 
is bad:(" }
+Again, as an aside, note that the same query expressed using AQL's SQL keyword 
synonyms would be:
+        use dataverse TinySocial;
+        from $user in dataset GleambookUsers
+        from $message in dataset GleambookMessages
+        where $message.authorId = $
+        select {
+            "uname": $,
+            "message": $message.message
+        };
 ### Query 2-B - Index join ###
 By default, AsterixDB evaluates equijoin queries using hash-based join methods 
that work
@@ -506,12 +519,12 @@ should consider employing an index-based nested-loop join 
technique to process t
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
-        for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
-        where $ /*+ indexnl */  = $
+        for $user in dataset GleambookUsers
+        for $message in dataset GleambookMessages
+        where $message.authorId /*+ indexnl */  = $
         return {
-        "uname": $,
-        "message": $message.message
+            "uname": $,
+            "message": $message.message
@@ -519,22 +532,21 @@ The expected result is (of course) the same as before, 
modulo the order of the i
 Result ordering is (intentionally) undefined in AQL in the absence of an 
_order by_ clause.
 The query result for our sample data in this case is:
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is 
mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan 
is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its 
voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
         { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is 
awesome:)" }
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its 
touch-screen is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" 
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the 
network is horrible:(" }
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization 
is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is 
mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is 
horrible" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command 
is bad:(" }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the 
voicemail-service is awesome" }
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is 
awesome:)" }
         { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" 
         { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the 
touch-screen is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan 
is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its 
voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command 
is bad:(" }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the 
voicemail-service is awesome" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" 
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization 
is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is 
horrible" }
 (It is worth knowing, with respect to influencing AsterixDB's query 
evaluation, that nested _for_
 clauses---a.k.a. joins--- are currently evaluated with the "outer" clause 
probing the data of the "inner"
@@ -549,7 +561,7 @@ grouped by customer, without omitting those customers who 
haven't placed any ord
 The AQL language supports nesting, both of queries and of query results, and 
the combination allows for
 an arguably cleaner/more natural approach to such queries.
-As an example, supposed we wanted, for each Facebook user, to produce a record 
that has his/her name
+As an example, supposed we wanted, for each Gleambook user, to produce a 
record that has his/her name
 plus a list of the messages written by that user.
 In SQL, this would involve a left outer join between users and messages, 
grouping by user, and having
 the user name repeated along side each message.
@@ -557,15 +569,15 @@ In AQL, this sort of use case can be handled (more 
naturally) as follows:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+        for $user in dataset GleambookUsers
         return {
-        "uname": $,
-        "messages": for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
-                where $ = $
-                return $message.message
+            "uname": $,
+            "messages": for $message in dataset GleambookMessages
+                        where $message.authorId = $
+                        return $message.message
-This AQL query binds the variable `$user` to the data instances in 
+This AQL query binds the variable `$user` to the data instances in 
 for each user, it constructs a result record containing a "uname" field with 
the user's
 name and a "messages" field with a nested collection of all messages for that 
 The nested collection for each user is specified by using a correlated 
@@ -575,17 +587,16 @@ use an efficient hash-based strategy when actually 
computing the query's result.
 Here is this example query's expected output:
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": [ " dislike iphone its 
touch-screen is horrible", " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(", " 
like verizon the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is 
terrible", " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" ] }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": [ " like samsung the plan is 
amazing", " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" ] }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": [ " love sprint its shortcut-menu 
is awesome:)", " love verizon its wireless is good" ] }
-        { "uname": "NicholasStroh", "messages": [  ] }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": [ " dislike sprint the speed is 
horrible" ] }
         { "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": [ " love sprint the 
customization is mind-blowing" ] }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": [ " like iphone the 
voicemail-service is awesome" ] }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": [ " can't stand at&t its 
plan is terrible", " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible", " can't 
stand at&t the network is horrible:(", " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)", " 
can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" ] }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": [ " like t-mobile its platform is 
mind-blowing", " like samsung the plan is amazing" ] }
+        { "uname": "NicholasStroh", "messages": [  ] }
         { "uname": "NilaMilliron", "messages": [  ] }
         { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": [ " love at&t its 3G is 
good:)" ] }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": [ " dislike iphone the 
voice-command is bad:(", " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" 
] }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": [ " can't stand t-mobile its 
voicemail-service is OMG:(", " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" ] }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": [ " love sprint its shortcut-menu 
is awesome:)", " love verizon its wireless is good" ] }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": [ " dislike sprint the speed is 
horrible" ] }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": [ " like iphone the 
voicemail-service is awesome" ] }
 ### Query 4 - Theta Join ###
 Not all joins are expressible as equijoins and computable using 
equijoin-oriented algorithms.
@@ -593,40 +604,40 @@ The join predicates for some use cases involve predicates 
with functions; Asteri
 expression of such queries and will still evaluate them as best it can using 
nested loop based
 techniques (and broadcast joins in the parallel case).
-As an example of such a use case, suppose that we wanted, for each tweet T, to 
find all of the
-other tweets that originated from within a circle of radius of 1 surrounding 
tweet T's location.
+As an example of such a use case, suppose that we wanted, for each chirp T, to 
find all of the
+other chirps that originated from within a circle of radius of 1 surrounding 
chirp T's location.
 In AQL, this can be specified in a manner similar to the previous query using 
one of the built-in
 functions on the spatial data type instead of id equality in the correlated 
query's _where_ clause:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+        for $cm in dataset ChirpMessages
         return {
-        "message": $t.message-text,
-        "nearby-messages": for $t2 in dataset TweetMessages
-                    where spatial-distance($t.sender-location, 
$t2.sender-location) <= 1
-                    return { "msgtxt":$t2.message-text}
+            "message": $cm.messageText,
+            "nearbyMessages": for $cm2 in dataset ChirpMessages
+                              where spatial-distance($cm.senderLocation, 
$cm2.senderLocation) <= 1
+                              return { "msgtxt":$cm2.messageText}
 Here is the expected result for this query:
-        { "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" } 
] }
-        { "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, { 
"msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
-        { "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" 
} ] }
-        { "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" 
} ] }
-        { "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" 
} ] }
-        { "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)", "nearby-messages": 
[ { "msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like 
motorola the speed is good:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " like sprint the voice-command is 
mind-blowing:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand motorola its speed is 
terrible:(" } ] }
-        { "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ] 
-        { "message": " like samsung the platform is good", "nearby-messages": 
[ { "msgtxt": " like samsung the platform is good" } ] }
-        { "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is 
awesome:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome", 
"nearby-messages": [ { "msgtxt": " love verizon its voicemail-service is 
awesome" } ] }
+        { "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" 
} ] }
+        { "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" 
} ] }
+        { "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like sprint the voice-command is 
mind-blowing:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " love verizon its voicemail-service is 
awesome" } ] }
+        { "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" } 
] }
+        { "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" 
} ] }
+        { "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ 
{ "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, { "msgtxt": " hate verizon 
its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
+        { "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " like samsung the platform is good", "nearbyMessages": [ 
{ "msgtxt": " like samsung the platform is good" } ] }
+        { "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, { 
"msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
+        { "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" 
} ] }
+        { "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", 
"nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" 
} ] }
 ### Query 5 - Fuzzy Join ###
-As another example of a non-equijoin use case, we could ask AsterixDB to find, 
for each Facebook user,
-all Twitter users with names "similar" to their name.
+As another example of a non-equijoin use case, we could ask AsterixDB to find, 
for each Gleambook user,
+all Chirp users with names "similar" to their name.
 AsterixDB supports a variety of "fuzzy match" functions for use with textual 
and set-based data.
 As one example, we could choose to use edit distance with a threshold of 3 as 
the definition of name
 similarity, in which case we could write the following query using AQL's 
operator-based syntax (~=)
@@ -637,125 +648,118 @@ for testing whether or not two values are similar:
         set simfunction "edit-distance";
         set simthreshold "3";
-        for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
+        for $gbu in dataset GleambookUsers
         return {
-            "id": $,
-            "name": $,
-            "similar-users": for $t in dataset TweetMessages
-                    let $tu := $t.user
-                    where $ ~= $
-                    return {
-                    "twitter-screenname": $tu.screen-name,
-                    "twitter-name": $
-                    }
+            "id": $,
+            "name": $,
+            "similarUsers": for $cm in dataset ChirpMessages
+                            let $cu := $cm.user
+                            where $ ~= $
+                            return {
+                                "chirpScreenname": $cu.screenName,
+                                "chirpName": $
+                            }
 The expected result for this query against our sample data is:
-        { "id": 1, "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 2, "name": "IsbelDull", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 3, "name": "EmoryUnk", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 4, "name": "NicholasStroh", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 5, "name": "VonKemble", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 6, "name": "WillisWynne", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 7, "name": "SuzannaTillson", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 8, "name": "NilaMilliron", "similar-users": [ { 
"twitter-screenname": "NilaMilliron_tw", "twitter-name": "Nila Milliron" } ] }
-        { "id": 9, "name": "WoodrowNehling", "similar-users": [  ] }
-        { "id": 10, "name": "BramHatch", "similar-users": [  ] }
+        { "id": 6, "name": "WillisWynne", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 1, "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 2, "name": "IsbelDull", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 4, "name": "NicholasStroh", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 8, "name": "NilaMilliron", "similarUsers": [ { 
"chirpScreenname": "NilaMilliron_tw", "chirpName": "Nila Milliron" } ] }
+        { "id": 9, "name": "WoodrowNehling", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 10, "name": "BramHatch", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 3, "name": "EmoryUnk", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 5, "name": "VonKemble", "similarUsers": [  ] }
+        { "id": 7, "name": "SuzannaTillson", "similarUsers": [  ] }
 ### Query 6 - Existential Quantification ###
 The expressive power of AQL includes support for queries involving "some" 
(existentially quantified)
 and "all" (universally quantified) query semantics.
-As an example of an existential AQL query, here we show a query to list the 
Facebook users who are currently employed.
-Such employees will have an employment history containing a record with the 
end-date value missing, which leads us to the
+As an example of an existential AQL query, here we show a query to list the 
Gleambook users who are currently employed.
+Such employees will have an employment history containing a record with the 
endDate value missing, which leads us to the
 following AQL query:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
-        where (some $e in $fbu.employment satisfies is-missing($e.end-date))
-        return $fbu;
+        for $gbu in dataset GleambookUsers
+        where (some $e in $gbu.employment satisfies is-missing($e.endDate))
+        return $gbu;
 The expected result in this case is:
-        { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", 
"user-since": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 2, 3, 6, 
10 }}, "employment": [ { "organization-name": "Codetechno", "start-date": 
date("2006-08-06"), "end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "user-since": 
datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organization-name": "Hexviafind", "start-date": date("2010-04-27"), 
"end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 4, "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "user-since": 
datetime("2010-12-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 2 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organization-name": "Zamcorporation", "start-date": date("2010-06-08"), 
"end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 5, "alias": "Von", "name": "VonKemble", "user-since": 
datetime("2010-01-05T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 3, 6, 10 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "Kongreen", "start-date": 
date("2010-11-27"), "end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 6, "alias": "Willis", "name": "WillisWynne", "user-since": 
datetime("2005-01-17T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 3, 7 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "jaydax", "start-date": 
date("2009-05-15"), "end-date": null } ] }
-        { "id": 7, "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "user-since": 
datetime("2012-08-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 6 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organization-name": "Labzatron", "start-date": date("2011-04-19"), "end-date": 
null } ] }
-        { "id": 8, "alias": "Nila", "name": "NilaMilliron", "user-since": 
datetime("2008-01-01T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 3 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organization-name": "Plexlane", "start-date": date("2010-02-28"), "end-date": 
null } ] }
+        { "id": 6, "alias": "Willis", "name": "WillisWynne", "userSince": 
datetime("2005-01-17T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 3, 7 }}, "employment": 
[ { "organizationName": "jaydax", "startDate": date("2009-05-15") } ] }
+        { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", 
"userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 
}}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": 
date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": 
date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", 
"gender": "F" }
+        { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": 
datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], 
"nickname": "Izzy" }
+        { "id": 4, "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "userSince": 
datetime("2010-12-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organizationName": "Zamcorporation", "startDate": date("2010-06-08") } ] }
+        { "id": 8, "alias": "Nila", "name": "NilaMilliron", "userSince": 
datetime("2008-01-01T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organizationName": "Plexlane", "startDate": date("2010-02-28") } ] }
+        { "id": 5, "alias": "Von", "name": "VonKemble", "userSince": 
datetime("2010-01-05T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3, 6, 10 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organizationName": "Kongreen", "startDate": 
date("2010-11-27") } ] }
+        { "id": 7, "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "userSince": 
datetime("2012-08-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 6 }}, "employment": [ { 
"organizationName": "Labzatron", "startDate": date("2011-04-19") } ] }
 ### Query 7 - Universal Quantification ###
-As an example of a universal AQL query, here we show a query to list the 
Facebook users who are currently unemployed.
-Such employees will have an employment history containing no records that miss 
end-date values, leading us to the
+As an example of a universal AQL query, here we show a query to list the 
Gleambook users who are currently unemployed.
+Such employees will have an employment history containing no records that miss 
endDate values, leading us to the
 following AQL query:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
-        where (every $e in $fbu.employment satisfies 
-        return $fbu;
+        for $gbu in dataset GleambookUsers
+        where (every $e in $gbu.employment satisfies 
+        return $gbu;
 Here is the expected result for our sample data:
-        { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": 
datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": 
date("2010-06-17"), "end-date": date("2010-01-26") } ] }
-        { "id": 9, "alias": "Woodrow", "name": "WoodrowNehling", "user-since": 
datetime("2005-09-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 3, 10 }}, "employment": 
[ { "organization-name": "Zuncan", "start-date": date("2003-04-22"), 
"end-date": date("2009-12-13") } ] }
-        { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "user-since": 
datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organization-name": "physcane", "start-date": 
date("2007-06-05"), "end-date": date("2011-11-05") } ] }
+        { "id": 9, "alias": "Woodrow", "name": "WoodrowNehling", "userSince": 
datetime("2005-09-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3, 10 }}, "employment": [ 
{ "organizationName": "Zuncan", "startDate": date("2003-04-22"), "endDate": 
date("2009-12-13") } ], "nickname": "Woody" }
+        { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "userSince": 
datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, "employment": 
[ { "organizationName": "physcane", "startDate": date("2007-06-05"), "endDate": 
date("2011-11-05") } ] }
+        { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": 
datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, 
"employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": 
date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }
 ### Query 8 - Simple Aggregation ###
 Like SQL, the AQL language of AsterixDB provides support for computing 
aggregates over large amounts of data.
-As a very simple example, the following AQL query computes the total number of 
Facebook users:
+As a very simple example, the following AQL query computes the total number of 
Gleambook users:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        count(for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers return $fbu);
+        count(for $gbu in dataset GleambookUsers return $gbu);
 In AQL, aggregate functions can be applied to arbitrary subquery results; in 
this case, the count function
-is applied to the result of a query that enumerates the Facebook users.  The 
expected result here is:
+is applied to the result of a query that enumerates the Gleambook users.  The 
expected result here is:
 ### Query 9-A - Grouping and Aggregation ###
 Also like SQL, AQL supports grouped aggregation.
-For every Twitter user, the following group-by/aggregate query counts the 
number of tweets sent by that user:
+For every Chirp user, the following group-by/aggregate query counts the number 
of chirps sent by that user:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $t in dataset TweetMessages
-        group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
+        for $cm in dataset ChirpMessages
+        group by $uid := $cm.user.screenName with $cm
         return {
-        "user": $uid,
-        "count": count($t)
+            "user": $uid,
+            "count": count($cm)
-The _for_ clause incrementally binds $t to tweets, and the _group by_ clause 
groups the tweets by its
-issuer's Twitter screen-name.
+The _for_ clause incrementally binds $cm to chirps, and the _group by_ clause 
groups the chirps by its
+issuer's Chirp screenName.
 Unlike SQL, where data is tabular---flat---the data model underlying AQL 
allows for nesting.
-Thus, following the _group by_ clause, the _return_ clause in this query sees 
a sequence of $t groups,
-with each such group having an associated $uid variable value (i.e., the 
tweeting user's screen name).
-In the context of the return clause, due to "... with $t ...", $uid is bound 
to the tweeter's id and $t
-is bound to the _set_ of tweets issued by that tweeter.
-The return clause constructs a result record containing the tweeter's user id 
and the count of the items
-in the associated tweet set.
+Thus, following the _group by_ clause, the _return_ clause in this query sees 
a sequence of $cm groups,
+with each such group having an associated $uid variable value (i.e., the 
chirping user's screen name).
+In the context of the return clause, due to "... with $cm ...", $uid is bound 
to the chirper's id and $cm
+is bound to the _set_ of chirps issued by that chirper.
+The return clause constructs a result record containing the chirper's user id 
and the count of the items
+in the associated chirp set.
 The query result will contain one such record per screen name.
 This query also illustrates another feature of AQL; notice that each user's 
screen name is accessed via a
-path syntax that traverses each tweet's nested record structure.
+path syntax that traverses each chirp's nested record structure.
 Here is the expected result for this query over the sample data:
+        { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
         { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1 }
         { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3 }
         { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6 }
         { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1 }
-        { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
 ### Query 9-B - (Hash-Based) Grouping and Aggregation ###
 As for joins, AsterixDB has multiple evaluation strategies available for 
processing grouped aggregate queries.
@@ -767,36 +771,34 @@ The following query is similar to Query 9-A, but adds a 
hash-based aggregation h
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+        for $cm in dataset ChirpMessages
         /*+ hash*/
-        group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
+        group by $uid := $cm.user.screenName with $cm
         return {
-        "user": $uid,
-        "count": count($t)
+            "user": $uid,
+            "count": count($cm)
 Here is the expected result:
         { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
+        { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1 }
         { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3 }
         { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6 }
         { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1 }
-        { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1 }
 ### Query 10 - Grouping and Limits ###
 In some use cases it is not necessary to compute the entire answer to a query.
 In some cases, just having the first _N_ or top _N_ results is sufficient.
 This is expressible in AQL using the _limit_ clause combined with the _order 
by_ clause.
-The following AQL  query returns the top 3 Twitter users based on who has 
issued the most tweets:
+The following AQL  query returns the top 3 Chirp users based on who has issued 
the most chirps:
         use dataverse TinySocial;
-        for $t in dataset TweetMessages
-        group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
-        let $c := count($t)
+        for $cm in dataset ChirpMessages
+        group by $uid := $cm.user.screenName with $cm
+        let $c := count($cm)
         order by $c desc
         limit 3
         return {
@@ -808,74 +810,72 @@ The expected result for this query is:
         { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6 }
         { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3 }
-        { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1 }
+        { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
 ### Query 11 - Left Outer Fuzzy Join ###
-As a last example of AQL and its query power, the following query, for each 
-finds all of the tweets that are similar based on the topics that they refer 
+As a last example of AQL and its query power, the following query, for each 
+finds all of the chirps that are similar based on the topics that they refer 
         use dataverse TinySocial;
         set simfunction "jaccard";
         set simthreshold "0.3";
-        for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+        for $cm in dataset ChirpMessages
         return {
-            "tweet": $t,
-            "similar-tweets": for $t2 in dataset TweetMessages
-                    where  $t2.referred-topics ~= $t.referred-topics
-                    and $t2.tweetid != $t.tweetid
-                    return $t2.referred-topics
+            "chirp": $cm,
+            "similarChirps": for $cm2 in dataset ChirpMessages
+                             where  $cm2.referredTopics ~= $cm.referredTopics
+                             and $cm2.chirpId != $cm.chirpId
+                             return $cm2.referredTopics
 This query illustrates several things worth knowing in order to write fuzzy 
queries in AQL.
 First, as mentioned earlier, AQL offers an operator-based syntax for seeing 
whether two values are "similar" to one another or not.
-Second, recall that the referred-topics field of records of datatype 
TweetMessageType is a bag of strings.
+Second, recall that the referredTopics field of records of datatype 
ChirpMessageType is a bag of strings.
 This query sets the context for its similarity join by requesting that 
Jaccard-based similarity semantics
 be used for the query's similarity operator and that a similarity index of 0.3 
be used as its similarity threshold.
 The expected result for this fuzzy join query is:
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "1", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 
473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": 
point("47.44,80.65"), "send-time": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "customization" }}, "message-text": " love 
t-mobile its customization is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "t-mobile", 
"shortcut-menu" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "10", "user": { "screen-name": 
"ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 121, "statuses_count": 362, 
"name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": 17159 }, "sender-location": 
point("29.15,76.53"), "send-time": datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, "message-text": " hate 
verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "iphone", 
"voice-clarity" }}, {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ "verizon", 
"shortcut-menu" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "11", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 445, "statuses_count": 164, 
"name": "Nila Milliron", "followers_count": 22649 }, "sender-location": 
point("37.59,68.42"), "send-time": datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, "message-text": " can't stand 
iphone its platform is terrible" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "iphone", 
"voice-clarity" }}, {{ "samsung", "platform" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "12", "user": { "screen-name": 
"OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 445, "statuses_count": 164, 
"name": "Oli Jackson", "followers_count": 22649 }, "sender-location": 
point("24.82,94.63"), "send-time": datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " like 
samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "samsung", 
"platform" }}, {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "2", "user": { "screen-name": 
"ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 121, "statuses_count": 362, 
"name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": 17159 }, "sender-location": 
point("32.84,67.14"), "send-time": datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, "message-text": " like 
verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "verizon", 
"voicemail-service" }}, {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, {{ "t-mobile", 
"shortcut-menu" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "3", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 
473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": 
point("29.72,75.8"), "send-time": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "message-text": " like motorola 
the speed is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "motorola", "speed" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "4", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 
473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": 
point("39.28,70.48"), "send-time": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " like 
sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ 
"samsung", "voice-command" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "5", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 
473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": 
point("40.09,92.69"), "send-time": datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "message-text": " can't stand 
motorola its speed is terrible:(" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "motorola", "speed" 
}} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "6", "user": { "screen-name": 
"ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 121, "statuses_count": 362, 
"name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": 17159 }, "sender-location": 
point("47.51,83.99"), "send-time": datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "voice-clarity" }}, "message-text": " like 
iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "verizon", 
"voice-clarity" }}, {{ "iphone", "platform" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "7", "user": { "screen-name": 
"ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 182, "statuses_count": 394, 
"name": "Chang Ewing", "followers_count": 32136 }, "sender-location": 
point("36.21,72.6"), "send-time": datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "platform" }}, "message-text": " like samsung 
the platform is good" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, {{ 
"samsung", "voice-command" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "8", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 
473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": 
point("46.05,93.34"), "send-time": datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" }}, "message-text": " like 
t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "t-mobile", 
"customization" }}, {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
-        { "tweet": { "tweetid": "9", "user": { "screen-name": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 
473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": 
point("36.86,74.62"), "send-time": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " love 
verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similar-tweets": [ {{ "verizon", 
"voice-clarity" }}, {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "11", "user": { "screenName": 
"NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, 
"name": "Nila Milliron", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": 
point("37.59,68.42"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, "messageText": " can't stand 
iphone its platform is terrible" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "iphone", 
"voice-clarity" }}, {{ "samsung", "platform" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "2", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", 
"lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline 
Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("32.84,67.14"), 
"sendTime": datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ 
"verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like verizon its shortcut-menu 
is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ 
"verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, {{ "t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "4", "user": { "screenName": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, 
"name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": 
point("39.28,70.48"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like sprint 
the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "samsung", 
"voice-command" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "9", "user": { "screenName": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, 
"name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": 
point("36.86,74.62"), "sendTime": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, "messageText": " love 
verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", 
"shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "1", "user": { "screenName": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, 
"name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": 
point("47.44,80.65"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "t-mobile", "customization" }}, "messageText": " love 
t-mobile its customization is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "t-mobile", 
"shortcut-menu" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "5", "user": { "screenName": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, 
"name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": 
point("40.09,92.69"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "messageText": " can't stand 
motorola its speed is terrible:(" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "motorola", "speed" 
}} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "3", "user": { "screenName": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, 
"name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": 
point("29.72,75.8"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "messageText": " like motorola the 
speed is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "motorola", "speed" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "6", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", 
"lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline 
Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("47.51,83.99"), 
"sendTime": datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ 
"iphone", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " like iphone the voice-clarity is 
good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, {{ "verizon", 
"voice-clarity" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "7", "user": { "screenName": "ChangEwing_573", 
"lang": "en", "friendsCount": 182, "statusesCount": 394, "name": "Chang Ewing", 
"followersCount": 32136 }, "senderLocation": point("36.21,72.6"), "sendTime": 
datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "samsung", 
"platform" }}, "messageText": " like samsung the platform is good" }, 
"similarChirps": [ {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }} 
] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "10", "user": { "screenName": 
"ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, 
"name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": 
point("29.15,76.53"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " hate 
verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", 
"shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ "iphone", 
"voice-clarity" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "12", "user": { "screenName": 
"OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, 
"name": "Oli Jackson", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": 
point("24.82,94.63"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00.000Z"), 
"referredTopics": {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like 
samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "sprint", 
"voice-command" }}, {{ "samsung", "platform" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "8", "user": { "screenName": 
"NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339,


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