ATLAS-2913 : 0.8.3 Api documentation from swagger


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: 2f6afcd85576fe4290522c8add277213cff3fe65
Parents: 2d4dc1a
Author: nixonrodrigues <>
Authored: Thu Nov 1 20:07:42 2018 +0530
Committer: nixonrodrigues <>
Committed: Thu Nov 1 20:09:14 2018 +0530

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index 1e0e573..0000000
--- a/0.8.3/api/v2/apidocs/application.wadl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<?enunciate-assumed-base-uri ./?>
-<wadl:application xmlns:wadl=""; 
-  <wadl:doc xmlns:enunciate=""; 
-  <wadl:grammars>
-    <wadl:include href="ns0.xsd"/>
-  </wadl:grammars>
-  <wadl:resources base="./">
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create new entity or update existing entity in 
-Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique 
attributes eg: qualifiedName]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[EntityMutationResponse]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to retrieve list of entities identified by 
its GUIDs.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="minExtInfo" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to create new entities or update existing 
entities in Atlas.
-Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique 
attributes eg: qualifiedName]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to delete list of entities identified by 
its GUIDs]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/lineage/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Returns lineage info about entity.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="depth" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- number of hops for lineage]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="direction" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- input, output or both]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bad query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If no lineage is found for the given 
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasLineageInfo]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- unique entity id]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/attribute">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified attribute search 
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="attrName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute name]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="attrValuePrefix" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attibute value to search on]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the 
specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for 
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="typeName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities of specified 
type or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid wildcard or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/basic">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified fulltext 
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="classification" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities tagged with 
the given classification or or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="excludeDeletedEntities" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the 
specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for 
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fulltext query]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="typeName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities of specified 
type or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid fulltext or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/basic">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute based search for entities satisfying the 
search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Tag/Entity doesn't exist or Tag/entity filter is 
present without tag/type name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/dsl">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified DSL]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="classification" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities tagged with 
the given classification or or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the 
specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for 
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[DSL query]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="typeName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities of specified 
type or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid DSL or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/fulltext">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified fulltext 
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="excludeDeletedEntities" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the 
specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for 
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fulltext query]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid fulltext or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/relationship">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Relationship search to search for related entities 
satisfying the search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="excludeDeletedEntities" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute name]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the 
specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for 
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="relation" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[relationName]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sortBy" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[sort the result using this attribute name, 
default value is 'name']]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sortOrder" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[sorting order]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[guid is not a valid entity type or attributeName 
is not a valid relationship attribute]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the saved search-object]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the updated search-object]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="user" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[User for whom the search is 
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[list of all saved searches for given 
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk retrieval API for retrieving all type 
definitions in Atlas]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite wrapper object with lists of all type 
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk create APIs for all atlas type definitions, 
only new definitions will be created.
-Any changes to the existing definitions will be discarded]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite wrapper object with corresponding 
lists of the type definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type 
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite wrapper object with lists of type 
definitions that were successfully
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk update API for all types, changes detected in 
the type definitions would be persisted]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite object that captures all type 
definition changes]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type 
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite object with lists of type definitions 
that were updated]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk delete API for all types]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite object that captures all types to be 
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type 
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk/classification">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to associate a tag to multiple 
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetch complete definition of an entity given its 
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="minExtInfo" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasEntity]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity Partial Update - Add/Update entity attribute 
identified by its GUID.
-Supports only uprimitive attribute type and entity references.
-does not support updation of complex types like arrays, maps
-Null updates are not possible]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:param name="name" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete an entity identified by its 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[EntityMutationResponse]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Name of the saved search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="user" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[User for whom the search is 
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Name of the saved search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs/headers">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk retrieval API for all type definitions 
returned as a list of minimal information header]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of AtlasTypeDefHeader 
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classifications">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Gets the list of classifications for a given entity 
represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[a list of classifications for the given entity 
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the 
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classifications">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Adds classifications to an existing entity 
represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the 
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classifications">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updates classifications to an existing entity 
represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/xml" 
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the 
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/header">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get entity header given its GUID.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasEntity]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetch complete definition of an entity given its 
type and unique attribute.
-In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be 
provided in the following format
-NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. 
-The REST request would look something like this
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="minExtInfo" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasEntityWithExtInfo]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity Partial Update - Allows a subset of 
attributes to be updated on
-an entity which is identified by its type and unique attribute  eg: 
-Null updates are not possible
-In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be 
provided in the following format
-NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. 
-The REST request would look something like this
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete an entity identified by its type and unique 
-In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be 
provided in the following format
-NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. 
-The REST request would look something like this
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[EntityMutationResponse]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- entity type to be deleted]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/execute/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute based search for entities satisfying the 
search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="user" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[saved-search owner]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of saved-search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/classificationdef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the classification definition for the given 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/classificationdef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the classification definition by it's name 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/entitydef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the Entity definition for the given 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[entity guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/entitydef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the entity definition by it's name 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[entity name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/enumdef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the enum definition for the given 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/enumdef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the enum definition by it's name 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/structdef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the struct definition for the given 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[struct definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[struct guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/structdef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the struct definition by it's name 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[struct definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[struct name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Failed lookup]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Type definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID of the type]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get type definition by it's name]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Failed lookup by name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Type definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Type name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedef/name/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete API for type identified by its 
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type 
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Name of the type to be deleted.]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource 
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Gets the list of classifications for a given entity 
represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification for the given entity 
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="classificationName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the 
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource 
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Deletes a given classification from an existing 
entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="classificationName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of the classifcation]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the 
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource 
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Adds classification to the entity identified by its 
type and unique attributes.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource 
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updates classification on an entity identified by 
its type and unique attributes.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/execute/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute based search for entities satisfying the 
search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Guid identifying saved search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource 
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Deletes a given classification from an entity 
identified by its type and unique attributes.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="classificationName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of the classification]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-  </wadl:resources>
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-          <li class="dropdown"><a href="data.html">Data Types</a></li>
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-  <h1 class="page-header" id="data">Data Types</h1>
-  <h3 id="syntax_json">JSON</h3>
-  <table class="table table-hover data-types">
-  <thead>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="center">type</th>
-      <th align="center">description</th>
-    </tr>
-  </thead>
-  <tbody data-link="row" class="rowlink">
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasAttributeDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasAttributeDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
a struct-attribute.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasBaseModelObject.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasBaseModelObject</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasBaseTypeDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasBaseTypeDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Base class that captures 
common-attributes for all Atlas types.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasClassification.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasClassification</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of a 
classification; it doesn't have an identity, this object exists only when 
associated with an entity.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasClassificationDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasClassificationDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
a classification-type.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasClassifications.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasClassifications</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">REST serialization friendly 
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasConstraintDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasConstraintDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
a constraint.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of an entity along 
with extended info - like hive_table, hive_database.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEntity.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEntity</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of an entity - like 
hive_table, hive_database.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEntityDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEntityDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
a entity-type.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEntityExtInfo.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEntityExtInfo</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of an entity along 
with extended info - like hive_table, hive_database.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEntityHeader.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEntityHeader</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of an entity - like 
hive_table, hive_database.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEntityWithExtInfo.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEntityWithExtInfo</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of an entity along 
with extended info - like hive_table, hive_database.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEnumDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEnumDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
an enum-type.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasEnumElementDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasEnumElementDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
an enum-element.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasFullTextResult.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasFullTextResult</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasLineageInfo.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasLineageInfo</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasQueryType.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasQueryType</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasSearchResult.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasSearchResult</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasStruct.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasStruct</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Captures details of struct 
contents. Not instantiated directly, used only via AtlasEntity, 
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasStructDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasStructDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">class that captures details of 
a struct-type.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasTypeDefHeader.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasTypeDefHeader</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasTypesDef.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasTypesDef</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AtlasUserSavedSearch.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AtlasUserSavedSearch</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_AttributeSearchResult.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">AttributeSearchResult</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Cardinality.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Cardinality</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">single-valued attribute or 
multi-valued attribute.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" 
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">ClassificationAssociateRequest</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Condition.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Condition</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Currency.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Currency</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_DateFormat.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">DateFormat</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_EntityMutationResponse.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">EntityMutationResponse</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_EntityOperation.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">EntityOperation</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_FilterCriteria.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">FilterCriteria</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Format.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Format</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_LineageDirection.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">LineageDirection</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_LineageRelation.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">LineageRelation</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Locale.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Locale</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_NumberFormat.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">NumberFormat</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Operator.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Operator</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Supported search operations
-Logical comparision operators can only be used with numbers or dates
-IN, LIKE, startsWith, endsWith, CONTAINS can only be used with strings or 
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_PList.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">PList</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Paginated-list, for returning 
search results.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_RoundingMode.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">RoundingMode</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_SavedSearchType.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">SavedSearchType</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_SearchParameters.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">SearchParameters</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_SortType.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">SortType</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">to specify whether the result 
should be sorted? If yes, whether asc or desc.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_Status.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">Status</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Status of the entity - can be 
active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_TimeZone.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">TimeZone</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="json_TypeCategory.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">TypeCategory</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-  </tbody>
-  </table>
-  <h3 id="syntax_xml">XML</h3>
-  <table class="table table-hover data-types">
-  <caption>Default Namespace  (<a href="ns0.xsd">schema</a>)</caption>
-  <thead>
-    <tr>
-      <th align="center">type</th>
-      <th align="center">description</th>
-    </tr>
-  </thead>
-  <tbody data-link="row" class="rowlink">
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="xml_ns0_atlasBaseModelObject.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">atlasBaseModelObject</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description"></span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="xml_ns0_PList.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">PList</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Paginated-list, for returning 
search results.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="xml_ns0_searchFilter.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">searchFilter</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Generic filter, to specify 
search criteria using name/value pairs.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="xml_ns0_sortType.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">sortType</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">to specify whether the result 
should be sorted? If yes, whether asc or desc.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="xml_ns0_atlasClassification.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">atlasClassification</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">An instance of a 
classification; it doesn't have an identity, this object exists only when 
associated with an entity.</span>
-    </tr>
-    <tr class="clickable-row" data-href="xml_ns0_atlasStruct.html">
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-name">atlasStruct</span>
-      <td>  <span class="datatype-description">Captures details of struct 
contents. Not instantiated directly, used only via AtlasEntity, 
-    </tr>
-  </tbody>
-  </table>
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