Repository: beam-site
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/asf-site 3ad83aefd -> d583b25d8

Delete jobs due to move to main repo.

Signed-off-by: Jason Kuster <>


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: b6ef4e4c9f73248c0ffc1d1732612bcd0da6662d
Parents: 3ad83ae
Author: Jason Kuster <>
Authored: Wed Feb 1 16:45:33 2017 -0800
Committer: Davor Bonaci <>
Committed: Thu Feb 2 16:41:13 2017 -0800

 .jenkins/common_job_properties.groovy | 106 -----------------------------
 .jenkins/job_precommit_stage.groovy   |  62 -----------------
 .jenkins/job_precommit_test.groovy    |  47 -------------
 .jenkins/job_seed.groovy              |  32 ---------
 4 files changed, 247 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.jenkins/common_job_properties.groovy 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bc3d14..0000000
--- a/.jenkins/common_job_properties.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Contains functions that help build Jenkins projects. Functions typically set
-// common properties that are shared among all Jenkins projects.
-class common_job_properties {
-  // Sets common top-level job properties.
-  static def setTopLevelJobProperties(def context) {
-    // GitHub project.
- {
-      githubProjectUrl('')
-    }
-    // Restrict this project to run only on Jenkins executors dedicated to the
-    // Apache Beam project.
-    context.label('beam')
-    // Discard old builds. Build records are only kept up to this number of 
-    context.logRotator {
-      daysToKeep(14)
-    }
-    // Source code management.
-    context.scm {
-      git {
-        remote {
-          url('')
-          refspec('+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* ' +
-                  '+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*')
-        }
-        branch('${sha1}')
-        extensions {
-          cleanAfterCheckout()
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    context.parameters {
-      // This is a recommended setup if you want to run the job manually. The
-      // ${sha1} parameter needs to be provided, and defaults to the main 
-      stringParam(
-          'sha1',
-          'asf-site',
-          'Commit id or refname (eg: origin/pr/9/head) you want to build.')
-    }
-    context.wrappers {
-      // Abort the build if it's stuck for more minutes than specified.
-      timeout {
-        absolute(30)
-        abortBuild()
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Sets the pull request build trigger.
-  static def setPullRequestBuildTrigger(def context,
-                                        def commitStatusContext,
-                                        def successComment = '--none--') {
-    context.triggers {
-      githubPullRequest {
-        admins(['asfbot'])
-        useGitHubHooks()
-        orgWhitelist(['apache'])
-        allowMembersOfWhitelistedOrgsAsAdmin()
-        permitAll()
-        extensions {
-          commitStatus {
-            // This is the name that will show up in the GitHub pull request UI
-            // for this Jenkins project.
-            delegate.context(commitStatusContext)
-          }
-          /*
-            This section is disabled, because of jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin#417 
-            For the time being, an equivalent configure section below is added.
-          // Comment messages after build completes.
-          buildStatus {
-            completedStatus('SUCCESS', successComment)
-            completedStatus('FAILURE', '--none--')
-            completedStatus('ERROR', '--none--')
-          }
-          */
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Comment messages after build completes.
-    context.configure {
-      def messages = it / triggers / 
'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbTrigger' / extensions / 
'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.comments.GhprbBuildStatus' / messages
-      messages << 
'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.comments.GhprbBuildResultMessage' {
-        message(successComment)
-        result('SUCCESS')
-      }
-      messages << 
'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.comments.GhprbBuildResultMessage' {
-        message('--none--')
-        result('ERROR')
-      }
-      messages << 
'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.comments.GhprbBuildResultMessage' {
-        message('--none--')
-        result('FAILURE')
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/.jenkins/job_precommit_stage.groovy 
deleted file mode 100644
index 398b8e6..0000000
--- a/.jenkins/job_precommit_stage.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import common_job_properties
-// Defines a job.
-job('beam_PreCommit_Website_Stage') {
-  description('Stages the pull requests proposed for the Apache Beam ' +
-              'website to a temporary location to ease reviews.')
-  // Set common parameters.
-  common_job_properties.setTopLevelJobProperties(delegate)
-  // Set pull request build trigger.
-  common_job_properties.setPullRequestBuildTrigger(
-      delegate,
-      'Jenkins: automatic staging of pull requests',
-      '\nJenkins built the site at commit id ${ghprbActualCommit} with ' +
-      'Jekyll and staged it [here](http://apache-beam-website-pull-' +
-      '${ghprbPullId}/index.html). ' +
-      'Happy reviewing.\n\nNote that any previous site has been deleted. ' +
-      'This staged site will be automatically deleted after its TTL ' +
-      'expires. Push any commit to the pull request branch or re-trigger ' +
-      'the build to get it staged again.')
-  steps {
-    // Run the following shell script as a build step.
-    shell '''
-        # Install RVM.
-        gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys \\
-            409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
-        \\curl -sSL | bash
-        source /home/jenkins/.rvm/scripts/rvm
-        # Install Ruby.
-        RUBY_VERSION_NUM=2.3.0
-        rvm install ruby $RUBY_VERSION_NUM --autolibs=read-only
-        # Install Bundler gem
-        PATH=~/.gem/ruby/$RUBY_VERSION_NUM/bin:$PATH
-        GEM_PATH=~/.gem/ruby/$RUBY_VERSION_NUM/:$GEM_PATH
-        gem install bundler --user-install
-        # Install all needed gems.
-        bundle install --path ~/.gem/
-        # Remove current site if it exists.
-        GCS_PATH="gs://apache-beam-website-pull-requests/${ghprbPullId}/"
-        gsutil -m rm -r -f ${GCS_PATH} || true
-        # Build the new site with the baseurl specified.
-        rm -fr ./content/
-        bundle exec jekyll build --baseurl=/${ghprbPullId}
-        # Install BeautifulSoup HTML Parser for python.
-        pip install --user beautifulsoup4
-        # Fix links on staged website.
-        python .jenkins/
-        # Upload the new site.
-        gsutil -m cp -R ./content/* ${GCS_PATH}
-    '''.stripIndent().trim()
-  }
diff --git a/.jenkins/job_precommit_test.groovy 
deleted file mode 100644
index c6128a8..0000000
--- a/.jenkins/job_precommit_test.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import common_job_properties
-// Defines a job.
-job('beam_PreCommit_Website_Test') {
-  description('Runs tests on the pull requests proposed for the Apache Beam ' +
-              'website.')
-  // Set common parameters.
-  common_job_properties.setTopLevelJobProperties(delegate)
-  // Execute concurrent builds. Multiple builds of this project may be executed
-  // in parallel. This is safe because this build does not require exclusive
-  // access to any shared resources.
-  concurrentBuild()
-  // Set pull request build trigger.
-  common_job_properties.setPullRequestBuildTrigger(
-      delegate,
-      'Jenkins: test website (dead links, etc.)')
-  steps {
-    // Run the following shell script as a build step.
-    shell '''
-        # Install RVM.
-        gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys \\
-            409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
-        \\curl -sSL | bash
-        source /home/jenkins/.rvm/scripts/rvm
-        # Install Ruby.
-        RUBY_VERSION_NUM=2.3.0
-        rvm install ruby $RUBY_VERSION_NUM --autolibs=read-only
-        # Install Bundler gem
-        PATH=~/.gem/ruby/$RUBY_VERSION_NUM/bin:$PATH
-        GEM_PATH=~/.gem/ruby/$RUBY_VERSION_NUM/:$GEM_PATH
-        gem install bundler --user-install
-        # Install all needed gems.
-        bundle install --path ~/.gem/
-        # Build the new site and test it.
-        rm -fr ./content/
-        bundle exec rake test
-    '''.stripIndent().trim()
-  }
diff --git a/.jenkins/job_seed.groovy b/.jenkins/job_seed.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 92522d2..0000000
--- a/.jenkins/job_seed.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import common_job_properties
-// Defines the seed job, which creates or updates all other Jenkins projects.
-job('beam_SeedJob_Website') {
-  description('Automatically configures all Apache Beam website Jenkins ' +
-              'projects based on Jenkins DSL groovy files checked into the ' +
-              'code repository.')
-  // Set common parameters.
-  common_job_properties.setTopLevelJobProperties(delegate)
-  // Run this job every night to revert back any accidental changes to the
-  // configuration.
-  triggers {
-    cron('0 6 * * *')
-  }
-  steps {
-    dsl {
-      // A list or a glob of other groovy files to process.
-      external('.jenkins/job_*.groovy')
-      // If a job is removed from the script, disable it (rather than 
-      removeAction('DISABLE')
-    }
-  }
-  publishers {
-    // Notify the mailing list for each failed build.
-    mailer('', false, false)
-  }

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