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commit 7d6b15c4e664556a0d1d6c6d3cbfd32a629d24d4
Author: Eugene Kirpichov <>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 15 17:56:16 2017 -0700

    Splittable DoFn blog post.
 src/_data/authors.yml                              |   5 +-
 src/_posts/          | 523 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/blocks.png        | Bin 0 -> 19493 bytes
 .../blog/splittable-do-fn/jdbcio-expansion.png     | Bin 0 -> 31429 bytes
 .../blog/splittable-do-fn/kafka-splitting.png      | Bin 0 -> 27762 bytes
 src/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/restrictions.png  | Bin 0 -> 34229 bytes
 .../blog/splittable-do-fn/transform-expansion.png  | Bin 0 -> 18690 bytes
 7 files changed, 527 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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index f66a69a..d8cd836 100644
--- a/src/_data/authors.yml
+++ b/src/_data/authors.yml
@@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ thw:
     name: Thomas Weise
     twitter: thweise
+    name: Eugene Kirpichov
+    email:
+    twitter:
diff --git a/src/_posts/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5379fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+layout: post
+title:  "Powerful and modular IO connectors with Splittable DoFn in Apache 
+date:   2017-08-16 00:00:01 -0800
+excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
+categories: blog
+  - jkff
+One of the most important parts of the Apache Beam ecosystem is its quickly
+growing set of connectors that allow Beam pipelines to read and write data to
+various data storage systems ("IOs"). Currently, Beam ships [over 20 IO
+connectors]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/io/built-in/) with many more in
+active development. As user demands for IO connectors grew, our work on
+improving the related Beam APIs (in particular, the Source API) produced an
+unexpected result: a generalization of Beam's most basic primitive, `DoFn`.
+## Connectors as mini-pipelines
+One of the main reasons for this vibrant IO connector ecosystem is that
+developing a basic IO is relatively straightforward: many connector
+implementations are simply mini-pipelines (composite `PTransform`s) made of the
+basic Beam `ParDo` and `GroupByKey` primitives. For example,
+into a single `ParDo` with some batching for performance; ``
+into `Create.of(query)`, a reshuffle to [prevent
+and `ParDo(execute sub-query)`.  Some IOs
+considerably more complicated pipelines.
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/jdbcio-expansion.png"
+    alt="Expansion of the composite transform"
+    width="600">
+This "mini-pipeline" approach is flexible, modular, and generalizes to data
+sources that read from a dynamically computed `PCollection` of locations, such
+which reads the results of a `PCollection` of queries from Cloud Spanner,
+compared to
+which executes a single query. We believe such dynamic data sources are a very
+useful capability, often overlooked by other data processing frameworks.
+## When ParDo and GroupByKey are not enough
+Despite the flexibility of `ParDo`, `GroupByKey` and their derivatives, in some
+cases building an efficient IO connector requires extra capabilities.
+For example, imagine reading files using the sequence `ParDo(filepattern →
+expand into files)`, `ParDo(filename → read records)`, or reading a Kafka topic
+using `ParDo(topic → list partitions)`, `ParDo(topic, partition → read
+records)`. This approach has two big issues:
+* In the file example, some files might be much larger than others, so the
+second `ParDo` may have very long individual `@ProcessElement` calls. As a
+result, the pipeline can suffer from poor performance due to stragglers.
+* In the Kafka example, implementing the second `ParDo` is *simply impossible*
+with a regular `DoFn`, because it would need to output an infinite number of
+records per each input element `topic, partition` *([stateful processing]({{
+site.baseurl }}/blog/2017/02/13/stateful-processing.html) comes close, but it
+has other limitations that make it insufficient for this task*).
+## Beam Source API
+Apache Beam historically provides a Source API
+([BoundedSource]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/sdks/javadoc/{{ 
site.release_latest }}/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/BoundedSource.html)
+[UnboundedSource]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/sdks/javadoc/{{
+site.release_latest }}/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/UnboundedSource.html)) which does
+not have these limitations and allows development of efficient data sources for
+batch and streaming systems. Pipelines use this API via the
+[`Read.from(Source)`]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/sdks/javadoc/{{
+site.release_latest }}/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/Read.html) built-in `PTransform`.
+The Source API is largely similar to that of most other data processing
+frameworks, and allows the system to read data in parallel using multiple
+workers, as well as checkpoint and resume reading from an unbounded data 
+Additionally, the Beam
+[`BoundedSource`]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/sdks/javadoc/{{ 
site.release_latest }}/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/BoundedSource.html)
+API provides advanced features such as progress reporting and [dynamic
+rebalancing]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2016/05/18/splitAtFraction-method.html)
+(which together enable autoscaling), and
+[`UnboundedSource`]({{ site.baseurl }}/documentation/sdks/javadoc/{{
+site.release_latest }}/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/UnboundedSource.html) supports
+reporting the source's watermark and backlog *(until SDF, we believed that
+"batch" and "streaming" data sources are fundamentally different and thus
+require fundamentally different APIs)*. 
+Unfortunately, these features come at a price. Coding against the Source API
+involves a lot of boilerplate and is error-prone, and it does not compose well
+with the rest of the Beam model because a `Source` can appear only at the root
+of a pipeline. For example:
+* Using the Source API, it is not possible to read a `PCollection` of
+* A `Source` can not read a side input, or wait on another pipeline step to
+produce the data.
+* A `Source` can not emit an additional output (for example, records that 
failed to
+parse) and so on.
+The Source API is not composable even with itself. For example, suppose Alice
+implements an unbounded `Source` that watches a directory for new matching
+files, and Bob implements an unbounded `Source` that tails a file. The Source
+API does not let them simply chain the sources together and obtain a `Source`
+that returns new records in new log files in a directory (a very common user
+request). Instead, such a source would have to be developed mostly from
+scratch, and our experience shows that a full-featured monolithic
+implementation of such a `Source` is incredibly difficult and error-prone.
+Another class of issues with the `Source` API comes from its strict
+bounded/unbounded dichotomy:
+* It is difficult or impossible to reuse code between seemingly very similar
+bounded and unbounded sources, for example, the `BoundedSource` that generates
+a sequence `[a, b)` and the `UnboundedSource` that generates a sequence `[a,
+inf)` [don't share any
+in the Beam Java SDK.
+* It is not clear how to classify the ingestion of a very large and
+continuously growing dataset. Ingesting its "already available" part seems to
+require a `BoundedSource`: the runner could benefit from knowing its size, and
+could perform dynamic rebalancing. However, ingesting the continuously arriving
+new data seems to require an `UnboundedSource` for providing watermarks. From
+this angle, the `Source` API has [the same issues as Lambda
+About two years ago we began thinking about how to address the limitations of
+the Source API, and ended up, surprisingly, addressing the limitations of
+`DoFn` instead.
+## Enter Splittable DoFn
+[Splittable DoFn]( (SDF) is a
+generalization of `DoFn` that gives it the core capabilities of `Source` while
+retaining `DoFn`'s syntax, flexibility, modularity, and ease of coding.  As a
+result, it becomes possible to develop more powerful IO connectors than before,
+with shorter, simpler, more reusable code.
+Note that, unlike `Source`, SDF *does not* have distinct bounded/unbounded 
+just as regular `DoFn`s don't: there is only one API, which covers both of 
+use cases and anything in between. Thus, SDF closes the final gap in the 
+batch/streaming programming model of Apache Beam.
+When reading the explanation of SDF below, keep in mind the running example of 
+`DoFn` that takes a filename as input and outputs the records in that file.
+People familiar with the `Source` API may find it useful to think of SDF as a
+way to read a `PCollection` of sources, treating the source itself as just
+another piece of data in the pipeline *(this, in fact, was one of the early
+design iterations among the work that led to creation of SDF)*.
+The two aspects where `Source` has an advantage over a regular `DoFn` are:
+* **Splittability:** applying a `DoFn` to a single element is *monolithic*, but
+reading from a `Source` is *non-monolithic*. The whole `Source` doesn't have to
+be read at once; rather, it is read in parts, called *bundles*. For example, a
+large file is usually read in several bundles, each reading some sub-range of
+offsets within the file. Likewise, a Kafka topic (which, of course, can never
+be read "fully") is read over an infinite number of bundles, each reading some
+finite number of elements.
+* **Interaction with the runner:** runners apply a `DoFn` to a single element 
+a "black box", but interact quite richly with `Source`. `Source` provides the
+runner with information such as its estimated size (or its generalization,
+"backlog"), progress through reading the bundle, watermarks etc. The runner
+uses this information to tune the execution and control the breakdown of the
+`Source` into bundles. For example, a slowly progressing large bundle of a file
+may be [dynamically
+by a batch-focused runner before it becomes a straggler, and a latency-focused
+streaming runner may control how many elements it reads from a source in each
+bundle to optimize for latency vs. per-bundle overhead.
+### Non-monolithic element processing with restrictions
+Splittable `DoFn` supports `Source`-like features by allowing the processing of
+a single element to be non-monolithic.
+The processing of one element by an SDF is decomposed into a (potentially
+infinite) number of *restrictions*, each describing some part of the work to be
+done for the whole element. The input to an SDF's `@ProcessElement` call is a
+pair of an element and a restriction (compared to a regular `DoFn`, which takes
+just the element).
+Processing of every element starts by creating an *initial restriction* that
+describes the entire work, and the initial restriction is then split further
+into sub-restrictions which must logically add up to the original. For example,
+for a splittable `DoFn` called `ReadFn` that takes a filename and outputs
+records in the file, the restriction may be a pair of starting and ending byte
+offset, and `ReadFn` may interpret it as *read records whose starting offsets
+are in the given range*.
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/restrictions.png"
+    alt="Specifying parts of work for an element using restrictions"
+    width="600">
+The idea of restrictions provides non-monolithic execution - the first
+ingredient for parity with `Source`. The other ingredient is *interaction with
+the runner*: the runner has access to the restriction of each active
+`@ProcessElement` call of an SDF, can inquire about the progress of the call,
+and most importantly, can *split* the restriction while it is being processed
+(hence the name *Splittable DoFn*).
+Splitting produces a *primary* and *residual* restriction that add up to the
+original restriction being split: the current `@ProcessElement` call keeps
+processing the primary, and the residual will be processed by another
+`@ProcessElement` call. For example, a runner may schedule the residual to be
+processed in parallel on another worker.
+Splitting of a running `@ProcessElement` call has two critically important 
+* **Supporting infinite work per element.** A restriction is, in general, not
+required to describe a finite amount of work. For example, reading from a Kafka
+topic starting from offset *100* can be represented by the
+restriction *[100, inf)*. A `@ProcessElement` call processing this
+entire restriction would, of course, never complete. However, while such a call
+runs, a runner can split the restriction into a *finite* primary *[100, 150)*
+(letting the current call complete this part) and an *infinite* residual *[150,
+inf)* to be processed later, effectively checkpointing and resuming the call;
+this can be repeated forever.
+<img class="center-block" 
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/kafka-splitting.png" 
+    alt="Splitting an infinite restriction into a finite primary and infinite 
+    width="400">
+* **Dynamic rebalancing.** When a (typically batch-focused) runner detects that
+a `@ProcessElement` call is going to take too long and become a straggler, it
+can split the restriction in some proportion so that the primary is short 
+to not be a straggler, and can schedule the residual in parallel on another
+worker. For details, see [No Shard Left
+Logically, the execution of an SDF on an element works according to the
+following diagram, where "magic" stands for the runner-specific ability to 
+the restrictions and schedule processing of residuals.
+<img class="center-block" 
+    src="{{ site.baseurl 
+    alt="Execution of an SDF - pairing with a restriction, splitting
+    restrictions, processing element/restriction pairs"
+    width="600">
+This diagram emphasizes that splittability is an implementation detail of the
+particular `DoFn`: a splittable `DoFn` still looks like a `DoFn<A, B>` to its
+user, and can be applied via a `ParDo` to a `PCollection<A>` producing a
+### Which DoFns need to be splittable
+Note that decomposition of an element into element/restriction pairs is not
+automatic or "magical": SDF is a new API for *authoring* a `DoFn`, rather than 
+new way to *execute* an existing `DoFn`. When making a `DoFn` splittable, the
+author needs to:
+* Consider the structure of the work it does for every element.
+* Come up with a scheme for describing parts of this work using restrictions.
+* Write code for creating the initial restriction, splitting it, and executing
+an element/restriction pair.
+An overwhelming majority of `DoFn`s found in user pipelines do not need to be
+made splittable: SDF is an advanced, powerful API, primarily targeting authors
+of new IO connectors *(though it has interesting non-IO applications as well:
+see [Non-IO 
+### Execution of a restriction and data consistency
+One of the most important parts of the Splittable `DoFn` design is related to
+how it achieves data consistency while splitting. For example, while the runner
+is preparing to split the restriction of an active `@ProcessElement` call, how
+can it be sure that the call has not concurrently progressed past the point of
+This is achieved by requiring the processing of a restriction to follow a
+certain pattern. We think of a restriction as a sequence of *blocks* -
+elementary indivisible units of work, identified by a *position*. A
+`@ProcessElement` call processes the blocks one by one, first *claiming* the
+block's position to atomically check if it's still within the range of the
+restriction, until the whole restriction is processed.
+The diagram below illustrates this for `ReadFn` (a splittable `DoFn` that reads
+Avro files) processing the element `foo.avro` with restriction `[30, 70)`. This
+`@ProcessElement` call scans the Avro file for [data
+starting from offset `30` and claims the position of each block in this range.
+If a block is claimed successfully, then the call outputs all records in this
+data block, otherwise, it terminates.
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/blocks.png"
+    alt="Processing a restriction by claiming blocks inside it"
+    width="400">
+For more details, see [Restrictions, blocks and
+positions]( in the
+design proposal document.
+### Code example
+Let us look at some examples of SDF code. The examples use the Beam Java SDK,
+which [represents splittable
+as part of the flexible [annotation-based
+`DoFn`]( machinery, and the [proposed SDF syntax
+for Python](
+* A splittable `DoFn` is a `DoFn` - no new base class needed. Any SDF derives
+from the `DoFn` class and has a `@ProcessElement` method.
+* The `@ProcessElement` method takes an additional
+parameter that gives access to the current restriction in addition to the
+current element.
+* An SDF needs to define a `@GetInitialRestriction` method that can create a
+restriction describing the complete work for a given element.
+* There are several less important optional methods, such as
+`@SplitRestriction` for pre-splitting the initial restriction into several
+smaller restrictions, and a few others.
+The "Hello World" of SDF is a counter, which takes pairs *(x, N)* as input and
+produces pairs *(x, 0), (x, 1), …, (x, N-1)* as output.
+class CountFn<T> extends DoFn<KV<T, Long>, KV<T, Long>> {
+  @ProcessElement
+  public void process(ProcessContext c, OffsetRangeTracker tracker) {
+    for (long i = tracker.currentRestriction().getFrom(); tracker.tryClaim(i); 
++i) {
+      c.output(KV.of(c.element().getKey(), i));
+    }
+  }
+  @GetInitialRestriction
+  public OffsetRange getInitialRange(KV<T, Long> element) {
+    return new OffsetRange(0L, element.getValue());
+  }
+PCollection<KV<String, Long>> input = …;
+PCollection<KV<String, Long>> output = input.apply(
+    ParDo.of(new CountFn<String>());
+class CountFn(DoFn):
+  def process(element, tracker=DoFn.RestrictionTrackerParam)
+    for i in xrange(*tracker.current_restriction()):
+      if not tracker.try_claim(i):
+        return
+      yield element[0], i
+  def get_initial_restriction(element):
+    return (0, element[1])
+This short `DoFn` subsumes the functionality of
+but is more flexible: `CountingSource` generates only one sequence specified at
+pipeline construction time, while this `DoFn` can generate a dynamic family of
+sequences, one per element in the input collection (it does not matter whether
+the input collection is bounded or unbounded).
+However, the `Source`-specific capabilities of `CountingSource` are still
+available in `CountFn`. For example, if a sequence has a lot of elements, a
+batch-focused runner can still apply dynamic rebalancing to it and generate
+different subranges of the sequence in parallel by splitting the `OffsetRange`.
+Likewise, a streaming-focused runner can use the same splitting logic to
+checkpoint and resume the generation of the sequence even if it is, for
+practical purposes, infinite (for example, when applied to a `KV(...,
+A slightly more complex example is the `ReadFn` considered above, which reads
+data from Avro files and illustrates the idea of *blocks*: we provide 
+to illustrate the approach.
+class ReadFn extends DoFn<String, AvroRecord> {
+  @ProcessElement
+  void process(ProcessContext c, OffsetRangeTracker tracker) {
+    try (AvroReader reader = {
+      // Seek to the first block starting at or after the start offset.
+      while (reader.readNextBlock()) {
+        // Claim the position of the current Avro block
+        if (!tracker.tryClaim(reader.currentBlockOffset())) {
+          // Out of range of the current restriction - we're done.
+          return;
+        }
+        // Emit all records in this block
+        for (AvroRecord record : reader.currentBlock()) {
+          c.output(record);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @GetInitialRestriction
+  OffsetRange getInitialRestriction(String filename) {
+    return new OffsetRange(0, new File(filename).getSize());
+  }
+class AvroReader(DoFn):
+  def process(filename, tracker=DoFn.RestrictionTrackerParam)
+    with as file:
+      start, stop = tracker.current_restriction()
+      # Seek to the first block starting at or after the start offset.
+      block = AvroUtils.get_next_block(file)
+      while block:
+        # Claim the position of the current Avro block
+        if not tracker.try_claim(block.start()):
+          # Out of range of the current restriction - we're done.
+          return
+        # Emit all records in this block
+        for record in block.records():
+          yield record
+        block = AvroUtils.get_next_block(file)
+  def get_initial_restriction(self, filename):
+    return (0, fileio.ChannelFactory.size_in_bytes(filename))
+This hypothetical `DoFn` reads records from a single Avro file. Notably missing
+is the code for expanding a filepattern: it no longer needs to be part of this
+`DoFn`! Instead, the SDK includes a
+transform for expanding a filepattern into a `PCollection` of filenames, and
+different file format IOs can reuse the same transform, reading the files with
+different `DoFn`s.
+This example demonstrates the benefits of increased modularity allowed by SDF:
+`Match` supports continuous ingestion of new files in streaming pipelines using
+`.continuously()`, and this functionality becomes automatically available to
+various file format IOs. For example, `` [uses
+`Match` under the
+## Current status
+Splittable `DoFn` is a major new API, and its delivery and widespread adoption
+involves a lot of work in different parts of the Apache Beam ecosystem.  Some
+of that work is already complete and provides direct benefit to users via new
+IO connectors. However, a large amount of work is in progress or planned.
+As of August 2017, SDF is available for use in the Beam Java Direct runner and
+Dataflow Streaming runner, and implementation is in progress in the Flink and
+Apex runners; see [capability matrix]({{ site.baseurl
+}}/documentation/runners/capability-matrix/) for the current status. Support
+for SDF in the Python SDK is [in active
+Several SDF-based transforms and IO connectors are available for Beam users at
+HEAD and will be included in Beam 2.2.0. `TextIO` and `AvroIO` finally provide
+continuous ingestion of files (one of the most frequently requested features)
+via `.watchForNewFiles()` which is backed by the utility transforms
+`Match.filepatterns().continuously()` and the more general
+These utility transforms are also independently useful for "power user" use 
+To enable more flexible use cases for IOs currently based on the Source API, we
+will change them to use SDF. This transition is [pioneered by
+TextIO]( and involves temporarily [executing SDF
+via the Source API]( to support runners
+lacking the ability to run SDF directly.
+In addition to enabling new IOs, work on SDF has influenced our thinking about
+other parts of the Beam programming model:
+* SDF unified the final remaining part of the Beam programming model that was
+not batch/streaming agnostic (the `Source` API). This led us to consider use
+cases that cannot be described as purely batch or streaming (for example,
+ingesting a large amount of historical data and carrying on with more data
+arriving in real time) and to develop a [unified notion of "progress" and
+* The [Fn API]( - the foundation of Beam's
+future support for cross-language pipelines - uses SDF as *the only* concept
+representing data ingestion.
+* Implementation of SDF has lead to [formalizing pipeline termination
+and making it consistent between runners.
+* SDF set a new standard for how modular IO connectors can be, inspiring
+creation of similar APIs for some non-SDF-based connectors (for example,
+`SpannerIO.readAll()` and the
+[planned]( `JdbcIO.readAll()`).
+## Call to action
+Apache Beam thrives on having a large community of contributors. Here are some
+ways you can get involved in the SDF effort and help make the Beam IO connector
+ecosystem more modular:
+* Use the currently available SDF-based IO connectors, provide feedback, file
+bugs, and suggest or implement improvements.
+* Propose or develop a new IO connector based on SDF.
+* Implement or improve support for SDF in your favorite runner.
+* Subscribe and contribute to the occasional SDF-related discussions on
+[]( (mailing list for Beam
+users) and []( (mailing list 
+Beam developers)!
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9820d07
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/blocks.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d11b032
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index 0000000..24a930f
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index 0000000..867a8d9
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce87c5
Binary files /dev/null and 
b/src/images/blog/splittable-do-fn/transform-expansion.png differ

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