Add Proto Definitions for the Artifact API

Update the Job API to permit a "prepare" phase of executing a pipeline,
where prerequisite work like staging artifacts can be performed before
the job is executed.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1e21f453721cb7aef0783cb73d72f6b928685515
Parents: 0f77af8
Author: Thomas Groh <>
Authored: Thu Aug 17 17:45:09 2017 -0700
Committer: Thomas Groh <>
Committed: Fri Aug 25 19:03:37 2017 -0700

 .../src/main/proto/beam_artifact_api.proto      | 122 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/main/proto/beam_job_api.proto           |  46 +++++--
 2 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sdks/common/runner-api/src/main/proto/beam_artifact_api.proto 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e39d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/common/runner-api/src/main/proto/beam_artifact_api.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Protocol Buffers describing the Artifact API, for communicating with a 
+ * for artifact staging and retrieval over GRPC.
+ */
+syntax = "proto3";
+package org.apache.beam.runner_api.v1;
+option java_package = "org.apache.beam.sdk.common.runner.v1";
+option java_outer_classname = "ArtifactApi";
+// A service to stage artifacts for use in a Job.
+// RPCs made to an ArtifactStagingService endpoint should include some form of 
identification for
+// the job as a header.
+service ArtifactStagingService {
+  // Stage an artifact to be available during job execution. The first request 
must contain the
+  // name of the artifact. All future requests must contain sequential chunks 
of the content of
+  // the artifact.
+  rpc PutArtifact(stream PutArtifactRequest) returns (PutArtifactResponse);
+  // Commit the manifest for a Job. All artifacts must have been successfully 
+  // before this call is made.
+  //
+  // Throws error INVALID_ARGUMENT if not all of the members of the manifest 
are present
+  rpc CommitManifest(CommitManifestRequest) returns (CommitManifestResponse);
+// A service to retrieve artifacts for use in a Job.
+service ArtifactRetrievalService {
+  // Get the manifest for the job
+  rpc GetManifest(GetManifestRequest) returns (GetManifestResponse);
+  // Get an artifact staged for the job. The requested artifact must be within 
the manifest
+  rpc GetArtifact(GetArtifactRequest) returns (stream ArtifactChunk);
+// An artifact identifier and associated metadata.
+message Artifact {
+  // (Required) The name of the artifact.
+  string name = 1;
+  // (Optional) The Unix-like permissions of the artifact
+  int32 permissions = 2;
+  // (Optional) The md5 checksum of the artifact.
+  string md5 = 3;
+// A collection of artifacts.
+message Manifest {
+  repeated Artifact artifact = 1;
+// A request to get the manifest of a Job.
+message GetManifestRequest {}
+// A response containing a job manifest.
+message GetManifestResponse {
+  Manifest manifest = 1;
+// A request to get an artifact. The artifact must be present in the manifest 
for the job.
+message GetArtifactRequest {
+  // (Required) The name of the artifact to retrieve.
+  string name = 1;
+// Part of an artifact.
+message ArtifactChunk {
+  bytes data = 1;
+// A request to stage an artifact.
+message PutArtifactRequest {
+  // (Required)
+  oneof content {
+    // The name of the artifact. The first message in a PutArtifact call must 
contain the name
+    // of the artifact.
+    string name = 1;
+    // A chunk of the artifact. All messages after the first in a PutArtifact 
call must contain a
+    // chunk.
+    ArtifactChunk data = 2;
+  }
+message PutArtifactResponse {
+// A request to commit the manifest for a Job. All artifacts must have been 
successfully uploaded
+// before this call is made.
+message CommitManifestRequest {
+  // (Required) The manifest to commit.
+  Manifest manifest = 1;
+// The result of committing a manifest.
+message CommitManifestResponse {
+  // (Required) An opaque token representing the entirety of the staged 
+  string staging_token = 1;
diff --git a/sdks/common/runner-api/src/main/proto/beam_job_api.proto 
index 7be14cc..8946d2a 100644
--- a/sdks/common/runner-api/src/main/proto/beam_job_api.proto
+++ b/sdks/common/runner-api/src/main/proto/beam_job_api.proto
@@ -34,36 +34,60 @@ import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
 // Job Service for running RunnerAPI pipelines
 service JobService {
+  // Prepare a job for execution. The job will not be executed until a call is 
made to run with the
+  // returned preparationId.
+  rpc prepare (PrepareJobRequest) returns (PrepareJobResponse);
   // Submit the job for execution
-  rpc run (SubmitJobRequest) returns (SubmitJobResponse) {}
+  rpc run (RunJobRequest) returns (RunJobResponse);
   // Get the current state of the job
-  rpc getState (GetJobStateRequest) returns (GetJobStateResponse) {}
+  rpc getState (GetJobStateRequest) returns (GetJobStateResponse);
   // Cancel the job
-  rpc cancel (CancelJobRequest) returns (CancelJobResponse) {}
+  rpc cancel (CancelJobRequest) returns (CancelJobResponse);
   // Subscribe to a stream of state changes of the job, will immediately 
return the current state of the job as the first response.
-  rpc getStateStream (GetJobStateRequest) returns (stream GetJobStateResponse) 
+  rpc getStateStream (GetJobStateRequest) returns (stream GetJobStateResponse);
   // Subscribe to a stream of state changes and messages from the job
-  rpc getMessageStream (JobMessagesRequest) returns (stream 
JobMessagesResponse) {}
+  rpc getMessageStream (JobMessagesRequest) returns (stream 
-// Submit is a synchronus request that returns a jobId back
+// Prepare is a synchronous request that returns a preparationId back
 // Throws error GRPC_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE if server is down
-// Throws error ALREADY_EXISTS if the jobName is reused as runners are 
permitted to deduplicate based on the name of the job.
+// Throws error ALREADY_EXISTS if the jobName is reused. Runners are permitted 
to deduplicate based on the name of the job.
 // Throws error UNKNOWN for all other issues
-message SubmitJobRequest {
+message PrepareJobRequest {
   org.apache.beam.runner_api.v1.Pipeline pipeline = 1; // (required)
   google.protobuf.Struct pipelineOptions = 2; // (required)
   string jobName = 3;  // (required)
-message SubmitJobResponse {
-  // JobId is used as an identifier for the job in all future calls.
-  string jobId = 1; // (required)
+message PrepareJobResponse {
+  // (required) The ID used to associate calls made while preparing the job. 
preparationId is used
+  // to run the job, as well as in other pre-execution APIs such as Artifact 
+  string preparationId = 1;
+// Run is a synchronous request that returns a jobId back.
+// Throws error GRPC_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE if server is down
+// Throws error NOT_FOUND if the preparation ID does not exist
+// Throws error UNKNOWN for all other issues
+message RunJobRequest {
+  // (required) The ID provided by an earlier call to prepare. Runs the job. 
All prerequisite tasks
+  // must have been completed.
+  string preparationId = 1;
+  // (optional) If any artifacts have been staged for this job, contains the 
staging_token returned
+  // from the CommitManifestResponse.
+  string stagingToken = 2;
+message RunJobResponse {
+  string jobId = 1; // (required) The ID for the executing job

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