

[david.moravek] #! Init Euphoria 0.5.0

[david.moravek] #! minor code cleanup

[david.moravek] #! Fix dead lock when executing many tasks

[david.moravek] #! Split partition description from its reader

[david.moravek] #! Call Reader#close upon end-of-stream

[david.moravek] #! Initial draft of KafkaStreamSource

[david.moravek] #! Correct typo in classname

[david.moravek] #! Upgrade PrintStreamSink to a general purpose utility

[david.moravek] #! Revise comments in example code

[david.moravek] #! Allow kafka configuration through properties resource

[david.moravek] #! Fix compilation error in IDEA

[david.moravek] #! Propose readable variable/parameter name

[david.moravek] #! Hadoop input formats adapter

[david.moravek] #! Hadoop input format - clone Writable instances between

[david.moravek] #! Unify input/output creation

[david.moravek] #! Provide easy access to nested configuration settings

[david.moravek] #! Make dataset aware of its consumers

[david.moravek] #! added basic test for retrieving dataset's consumers

[david.moravek] #! fix typo in comment

[david.moravek] #! Make kafka source configurable through settings

[david.moravek] #! Make StdoutSink#dump-partition-id parameter optional again

[david.moravek] #! DataSink API polishing

[david.moravek] #! Do not close stdout through StdoutSink

[david.moravek] #! Log swallowed exceptions

[david.moravek] #! InMemExecutor - fix potential concurrency issue

[david.moravek] #! InMemExecutor - rollback all sinks when any of the tasks 

[david.moravek] #! Add inmemory filesystem skeleton

[david.moravek] #! Apply InMemFileSystem as SoR in test

[david.moravek] #! Drop obsolete/unused method

[david.moravek] #! Rework iteration towards java8 streams

[david.moravek] #! Remove unused imports

[david.moravek] #! Working join operator

[david.moravek] #! git pull --rebase origin master

[david.moravek] #! minor polishing and removing of warnings

[david.moravek] #! polishing after code review

[david.moravek] #! correct calling of constructor of ReduceStateByKey from

[david.moravek] #! pair moved package

[david.moravek] #! Hadoop output format adapter

[david.moravek] #! clone datasets to all consumers in inmem executor

[david.moravek] #! KafkaStreamSource -> KafkaSource

[david.moravek] #! Initial draft of a non-tx-aware kafka-sink

[david.moravek] #! Correct Pair class reference

[david.moravek] #! comment typo

[david.moravek] #! first part of code review changes

[david.moravek] #! core of realtime stats

[david.moravek] #! Ensure writing out EOS token

[david.moravek] #! DRY on computing sum

[david.moravek] #! implemented remarks from code review

[david.moravek] #! Get reasonable logging output during tests

[david.moravek] #! InMemFileSystem.Factory -> InMemFileSystem.SourceFactory

[david.moravek] #! Sink into the InMemFileSystem for unit testing purposes

[david.moravek] #! Drop CompositeKey#equals implementation

[david.moravek] #! Avoid eye-bleeding

[david.moravek] #! Avoid doubled output

[david.moravek] #! added tests for flatmap, repartition and union, slightly 
cleaned code

[david.moravek] #! more correct commit of ListDataSink's Writer

[david.moravek] #! get rid of batch code in client API

[david.moravek] #! changes after review

[david.moravek] #! Staless Windowing (Windowing.Count working; others commented 

[david.moravek] #! Attempt at merging

[david.moravek] #! Fix state merging

[david.moravek] #! Drop Window#add/getState

[david.moravek] #! Shorten test code

[david.moravek] #! Aligned count window

[david.moravek] #! Add Join implementation

[david.moravek] #! Finish up join implementation

[david.moravek] #! fixed test for sort in reducestatebykey

[david.moravek] #! Various styling issue; thanks to review feedback

[david.moravek] #! Add more debugging support through stdout-sink

[david.moravek] #! Correct output format

[david.moravek] #! added tests for reducestatebykey - non aggregating and 

[david.moravek] #! changes after review

[david.moravek] #! Provide more debugging info through stdout-sink

[david.moravek] #! Add (failing) proof-of-concept test

[david.moravek] #! Allowing windowing by item specific event-item

[david.moravek] #! Add VoidSink for debugging purposes

[david.moravek] #! Prefer UnaryFunction over EventTimeFn

[david.moravek] #! Prevent timer thread to die

[david.moravek] #! Prepare window storage

[david.moravek] #! Faster retrieval of active windows

[david.moravek] #! added tests for inmem, added sliding window

[david.moravek] #! fixed copying inputs in multi consumer pipeline

[david.moravek] #! SlidingWindow constructor made private

[david.moravek] #! Fix import

[david.moravek] #! Fix type reference

[david.moravek] #! changed triggering to allow event time

[david.moravek] #! added watermark triggering with basic test

[david.moravek] #! fixed tests, code polishing

[david.moravek] #! simplified tests, added element discarding on closed windows

[david.moravek] #! better handling of bounded inputs with triggering

[david.moravek] #! API - refactor operator builders + unit tests

[david.moravek] #! Propage window labels to operator output

[david.moravek] #! Drop needles consistency methods

[david.moravek] #! Correct variable name

[david.moravek] #! Attached/DefaultWindowing emission

[david.moravek] #! Add test

[david.moravek] #! EndOfPane -> EndOfWindow

[david.moravek] #! Put State#collector behind a getter

[david.moravek] #! Move EndOfWindow skiping directly into InMemExecutor

[david.moravek] #! Drop DatumCleanupSink

[david.moravek] #! Move InMemExecutor into a dedicated package

[david.moravek] #! Drop obsolete PersistableDataset

[david.moravek] #! Tighten test condition; provide explanation

[david.moravek] #! Drop prepared logging in test

[david.moravek] #! Tune test

[david.moravek] #! Forward end-of-window only when arriving on all input 

[david.moravek] #! Broadcast EoW to every output partition

[david.moravek] #! Drop forgotten debug message

[david.moravek] #! Fix emitting EoW too frequently

[david.moravek] #! Do not synchronize when invoking

[david.moravek] #! Prepare for EoW tracking

[david.moravek] #! Avoid broadcasting too many times

[david.moravek] #! Drop debugging log messages

[david.moravek] #! Fix trigger rescheduling in WatermarkTriggering

[david.moravek] #! Style changes

[david.moravek] #! Resolve merging of obsolete windows

[david.moravek] #! added tests applicable on all executors

[david.moravek] #! removed operator Mapwindow

[david.moravek] #! added simple wordcloud application

[david.moravek] #! Use attached windowing in Stats

[david.moravek] #! Enable watermarking in Stats again

[david.moravek] #! compilability after rebase

[david.moravek] #! Attempt at nailing down random test failure

[david.moravek] #! Allow unified access to .output()

[david.moravek] #! Fluent flow builder (proof-of-concept)

[david.moravek] #! Fluent example

[david.moravek] #! Move fluent api to a submodule

[david.moravek] #! Rename OutputProvider to OutputBuilder

[david.moravek] #! Another attempt at nailing down random test failure

[david.moravek] #! Attempt at fixing flipping test

[david.moravek] #! polishing after review

[david.moravek] #! Update maven repo pointers

[david.moravek] #! Fix maven-project-info-reports-plugin version

[david.moravek] #! early triggering of window (replaces aggregating windows)

[david.moravek] #! Thread-safe access to #activeTasks

[david.moravek] #! Javadoc improvement and minor bug fixes after review

[david.moravek] #! Windowing API requires fixed order of builder methods

[david.moravek] #! Allow reading kafka a whole topic as one partition (for 

[david.moravek] #! Utilize eventTime and earlyTriggering in Stats 

[david.moravek] #! Revert back to time-sliding

[david.moravek] #! Allowing limiting the RSBK key space

[david.moravek] #! Drop verbose debug message

[david.moravek] #! Hide implementation details and make public input based on 

[david.moravek] #! Fix evaluating optional setting

[david.moravek] #! Introduce session windowing

[david.moravek] #! Rename span -> createSpanned

[david.moravek] #! Fix merging fully enclosed windows

[david.moravek] #! Speed up ordering

[david.moravek] #! Test for session window labels

[david.moravek] #! Fix time-sliding and session-windowing in combination with

[david.moravek] #! Allow consuming kafka topics from any earlier offset

[david.moravek] #! Print debug to log instead of stderr

[david.moravek] #! Add failing proof-of-bug test

[david.moravek] #! Fix DAG traversal

[david.moravek] #! Prefer duration over millis in time based APIs

[david.moravek] #! Required TimeSliding step to be a duration in favor of millis

[david.moravek] #! Make up session across searches and clicks

[david.moravek] #! Resuse Either#lift

[david.moravek] #! Make TopPerKey a proper operator

[david.moravek] #! Suppress unchecked warnings; Fix "grouped" flag in RBK

[david.moravek] #! Fix indentation

[david.moravek] #! Fix typo

[david.moravek] #! Make CompositeKey public and reuse inside inmem executor

[david.moravek] #! Fix inmem executing R(S)BK on a grouped dataset

[david.moravek] #! Flink executor skeleton

[david.moravek] #! fix compilation error

[david.moravek] #! refactoring after review

[david.moravek] #! DataSource adapter for Flink executor

[david.moravek] #! DataSink adapter for Flink executor

[david.moravek] #! Support logging during flink tests

[david.moravek] #! DataSink#rollback throws IOException

[david.moravek] #! fix test

[david.moravek] #! ListDataSink stores data in static context

[david.moravek] #! Favor cz.seznam.euphoria:guava-shaded over

[david.moravek] #! Rebase on FlinkIO

[david.moravek] #! ListDataSink review

[david.moravek] #! Flink implementation of ReduceByKey (no windowing)

[david.moravek] #! ReduceByKey has isCombinable() method

[david.moravek] #! ReduceByKey uses custom partitioner just in case it's 
different from

[david.moravek] #! testapps - WordCount implementation

[david.moravek] #! Remove explicit parallelism from OperatorTranslator interface

[david.moravek] #! Comment

[david.moravek] #! Avoid casts for readability reasons

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Dump execution plan prio to flow execution

[david.moravek] #! Type-safe HadoopInputFormatAdapter.

[david.moravek] #! Type-safe HadoopOutputFormatAdapter.

[david.moravek] #! Refactoring.

[david.moravek] #! Make HadoopDataSource public.

[david.moravek] #! Add SequenceFile factories.

[david.moravek] #! Add proof-of-concept test

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix operator-input-dataset-mapping

[david.moravek] #! Add printing element type for debugging purposes

[david.moravek] #! Avoid non-implemented windowing in proof-of-concept test

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Separation of streaming and batch executors

[david.moravek] #! Rename items for clarity reasons

[david.moravek] #! Tighten method signature to expected operator type

[david.moravek] #! Javadoc

[david.moravek] #! Move #getExecutionEnvironment to parent class

[david.moravek] #! Remove garbage

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] batch input format adapter (without data 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] batch output format adapter

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] batch ReduceByKey implementation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-hadoop] Make HadoopDataSource serializable

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Make batch-word-count work (on

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Add an upper bound to parallelism on 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Conditional partitioning in fluent style

[david.moravek] #! refactored window to windowcontext and windowid

[david.moravek] #! fixed test for time sliding window

[david.moravek] #! moved Datum to public API and changed its name

[david.moravek] #! likvidace unchecked warningu

[david.moravek] #! refactored windowing stuff to separate package

[david.moravek] #! refactored windowing types to separate classes

[david.moravek] #! unified AttachedWindowing with all other windowings

[david.moravek] #! unified ElementWindowing and Windowing

[david.moravek] #! refactored data passing inside inmem pipelines, failing 
tests related

[david.moravek] #! rebased on master

[david.moravek] #! inmem working on watermarks and regular attached windowing

[david.moravek] #! incorporated changes after review

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Emit watermarks with every input item

[david.moravek] #! Extract diff of jenda/16255-add-watermarking-to-inmem and 

[david.moravek] #! Make euphoria-flink compile (temporary work-around)

[david.moravek] #! Increase read-timeout way over watermarking triggering in 
the inmem

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Drop obsolete field

[david.moravek] #! fix watermark triggering and associated tests

[david.moravek] #! code polishing

[david.moravek] #! removed unneeded synchronization

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Partial progress on window-element envelopes

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Handle window-element envelopes in 

[david.moravek] #! tuned generic windowing for use with sliding windows

[david.moravek] #! code formatting

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Handle window-element envelopes in batch 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Perform conversion to/from window-elements 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Attempt fixing window leak

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix emiting label to windowed-pairs.

[david.moravek] #! Split operator

[david.moravek] #! commit kafka consumer offsets

[david.moravek] #! Split operator

[david.moravek] #! post-review cleanup

[david.moravek] #! refactoring

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Add context to error message

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testapps] WordCloud Server/Client/Sink

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Initial sketch of JoinTranslator

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Correctly emit Pair instances out of join

[david.moravek] #! add support for state backend to flink

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Handle windowed-element in join operator

[david.moravek] #! tuned stats for inmem and new windowing

[david.moravek] #! stats tuned on inmem for event time, latecomers and correct 

[david.moravek] #! fixed ReduceWindow operator

[david.moravek] #! simplified stats flow, fixed some bugs and minor refactored 
code and

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] implementation of ReduceStateByKey for 
streaming API

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] avoid "Invalid lambda deserialization" in

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] RSBK closes state after flush()

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] implementation of ReduceStateByKey for 
batch API

[david.moravek] #! codestyle after review

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix NPE due to ReduceWindow

[david.moravek] #! validate that no two operators use the same sink

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix class-cast-exception

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Have StreamingWindowedElement flow through 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Drop support for processing time

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Add support for transfering window emission

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Add support for attached windowing to 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Suppress unchecked warnings

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix attached window emission (was too early)

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Stabilize test

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix label for time-sliding windows on flink

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Add TODO

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Allow tuning window emission parameters

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Align flink and euphoria-core time sliding 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix streaming MapElements

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Tune windowing parameters for test

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Descrease presure for jenkins

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Descrease presure for jenkins

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Correct test setting

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Correct auto-watermark-interval setting

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Have StreamingWindowedElement flow through 
RSBK impl

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Integrate attached-windowing into RSBK impl

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Handle negative watermarks

[david.moravek] #! Move TimeInterval out of Time

[david.moravek] #! Make TimeSliding using TimeInterval as a window label

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] WindowedElement to StreamingWindowedElement 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Drop native join translator (rely on RBSK)

[david.moravek] #! Drop dead comments

[david.moravek] #! Centralize flink version

[david.moravek] #! review

[david.moravek] #! moved flink operator testkit to the euphoria-flink package

[david.moravek] #! implemented state storage for states in inmem executor

[david.moravek] #! implemented state storage in flink, not well tested

[david.moravek] #! small polishing

[david.moravek] #! code polishing after review

[david.moravek] #! State is not required to be Serializable

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] implementation of non-combining ReduceByKey 

[david.moravek] #! small formatting changes

[david.moravek] #! refactored statestorage to work on storage descriptors

[david.moravek] #! changes after review

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Upgrade flink to 1.1.2

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Switch time and time-sliding to euphoria

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Correct forwarding operator parallelism

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testapps] Emit only top-200 words from word-count

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix memory leak on window triggers

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Attempt to fix clear-window-state leak in 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core, euphoria-flink] Align trigger behavior in 
inmem and

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Testify early triggering

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Schedule window only once

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Rename FlinkTrigger to FlinkWindowTrigger

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fully integrate generic windowing

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix type annotation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix after rebase

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Reduce noise on unchecked warnings

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Small refactoring

[david.moravek] #! Stabilize flipping test

[david.moravek] #! distinct operator test from testkit moved on event time

[david.moravek] #! countByKey tested by operator test in flink

[david.moravek] #! sumbykey and reducebykey on event time windows

[david.moravek] #! tuned operator testkit for flink, passes on batch inputs

[david.moravek] #! flink keys have to be comparable or exception is thrown

[david.moravek] #! TimeInterval is Comparable

[david.moravek] #! functional all operator tests on flink

[david.moravek] #! changes after review

[david.moravek] #! WIP: #16426 Remove GROUP from Windowing

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Avoid needless allocation during 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Make inmem RSBK handle groupless windows

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-operator-testkit] Remove GROUP from windowing

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Drop global count window test (feature 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Remove GROUP from windowing

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] code style

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Rename Collector -> Context

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Provide Context#getWindow

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Provide Context#getWindow

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-*] Drop WindowedPair

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-*] Avoid using the term "windowed pair"

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix windowing for batched based R(S)BK 

[david.moravek] #! forward stamp with each element in inmem executor

[david.moravek] #! [eurphoria-core] Added tests for earlytriggered session 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] FIXME: overridden time windowing for 

[david.moravek] #! Passing element time within pipelines in inmem executor

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] added IOS application module

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] refactored module structure, separated server 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] added core for demonstration of lambda 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios review] removed several FIXMEs added test for

[david.moravek] #! Trigger API redesigned

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] ReduceStateByKey against new trigger api

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Implement MergingWindowing support

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Enable sort-state test

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Attempt to fix fliping test

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Make Windowing#trigger not return null

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Executor uses new Trigger API

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Minor cleanup

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] Get compilation right

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Forward element timestamp

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Fix trigger state merging

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Create a new instance of trigger state 
during merge

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] PeriodicTimeTrigger is aligned with window 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Fixed timer registration in 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Drop logging in periodic-time-triggering

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-inmem] Ensure calling onElement on merged windows

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] added serializable Supplier #! 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-kafka], [euphoria-core], [euphoria-hadoop] changed 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] review and tuning

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-kafka] renamed all euphoria kafka artifact 
references to

[david.moravek] #! Upgrade to Flink 1.1.3

[david.moravek] #! [euphodia-ios] remove the module from parent pom

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] RBK: Support for merging windows (streaming)

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] RSBK: Verify correct behaviour during

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Require MergingWindowing#W being Comparable

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-hadoop] Fix TaskID retrieval from Hadoop context

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] correct discarding of latecomers

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Code style; apply diamond operator

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix non-combining RBK on bounded input

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] fixed latecomers - review

[david.moravek] #! small fixes

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-hadoop] DataSourceInputFormat/DataSinkOutputFormat 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-spark] Spark executor implementation for bounded 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Add operator type annotations

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] state complexity and number of repartitions 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] added module for command line tools

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] added description of lambda and kappa 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] added support for spark, finished presentation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] performance tuning of Trends application

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] slightly optimized spark RSBK, IOS 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] rebased on master

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-ios] review and removed duplicate code

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Support window merging in batch mode

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core/flink] Align element timestamp with window 

[david.moravek] #! flink batch repartition + repartition batch tests

[david.moravek] #! partitioning with default partitioner

[david.moravek] #! Executor API

[david.moravek] #! inmem and flink executor implementation

[david.moravek] #! spark executor

[david.moravek] #! cleaning

[david.moravek] #! DefaultPartitioner as its own type

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Required explicit windowing if not joining 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Fix logic in evaluating RBK translation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Make WindowingRequiredException a top-level 
class for

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Javadoc; Remove reference to seznam internal

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Javadoc; Make promise about failing upon

[david.moravek] #! Event time extractor function at operator level

[david.moravek] #! minor refactoring after review

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testkit] Demo testkit junit integration

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testkit] Processing annotation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testkit] Add more tests to demo testkit

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] ModuloSplitAssigner for testkit

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testkit] Use NG jUnit runner

[david.moravek] #! Spark executor - full support of ReduceByKey/ReduceStateByKey

[david.moravek] #! Remove GroupBy operator

[david.moravek] #! Avoid flink stream hanging upon cancellation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-spark] Fix partitioner when partitionId is negative

[david.moravek] #! TimeInterval windows are right-open intervals (not 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-hadoop] Remove MultiReader from HadoopDataSource

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-hadoop] Remove SerializableWritable from public 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Use LocatableInputSplitAssigner for batch 

[david.moravek] #! proposal

[david.moravek] #! Prevent windowing with zero duration

[david.moravek] #! Drop KafkaSource#batchSize #! #! The same effect is 

[david.moravek] #! Provide easy-to-use hadoop based data-source/-sinks

[david.moravek] #! Update README

[david.moravek] #! Fix few TODOs

[david.moravek] #! Add convenience hadoop data sink around text files

[david.moravek] #! Provide simple-hadoop-text-file-data-source

[david.moravek] #! Javadoc

[david.moravek] #! Drop "Data" from the name of hadoop data-sources/-sinks

[david.moravek] #! Imperative to functional style

[david.moravek] #! Extract inmem executor into a dedicated module

[david.moravek] #! Drop unneccessary dependency on commons-io

[david.moravek] #! Upgrade to guava 21.0

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-testapps] Resolve conflict on kryo

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Use key type Tuple2 instead of 

[david.moravek] #! benchmarks unification

[david.moravek] #! Add LICENSE (APLv2.0)

[david.moravek] #! Ensure LICENSE/NOTICE files in produced artifacts/jars

[david.moravek] #! Drop guava shading

[david.moravek] #! Move euphoria-testapps to a dedicated, top-level repo

[david.moravek] #! Remove obsolete dependency definitions

[david.moravek] #! Upgrade maven jar plugin; Cleanup debian package 
dependencies #! #!

[david.moravek] #! Polish README

[david.moravek] #! Get rid of szn specific stuff

[david.moravek] #! Integrate licensing headers mechanism

[david.moravek] #! Apply license headers

[david.moravek] #! Update new SCM information; Drop obsolete SZN specifics

[david.moravek] #! Support custom artifact deployments

[david.moravek] #! Correct spelling

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-kafka] Properly quit read loop when interrupted

[david.moravek] #! Correct name of copyright owner

[david.moravek] #! Temporarily remove documentation section

[david.moravek] [WIP] Prepare maven central deploy (#3)

[david.moravek] #! Link documentation from within README

[david.moravek] #! Add self-contained euphoria-examples module for demoing 

[david.moravek] #! Add link to examples

[david.moravek] WIP: Integration with (#6)

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-spark] Upgrade to Spark 2.1.0

[david.moravek] #! Drop obsolete "hudson" profiles

[david.moravek] #! Cleanup obsolete gitignore patterns

[david.moravek] #! Add Travis CI badge into README

[david.moravek] #! Drop obsolete class

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Cleanup inmem specific classes

[david.moravek] #! Sanitze javadocs

[david.moravek] #! Drop obsolete class

[david.moravek] #16 Replace Dataset#getPartitioning() with 

[david.moravek] #16 Move Partitioning related classes to a dedicated package

[david.moravek] #! Attempt automatic deployments

[david.moravek] #! Exclude continuous-deliver folder from being license 

[david.moravek] #! Set execution flag on deploy scripts

[david.moravek] #! Add missing <name/> <description/>

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release v0.5.0

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[david.moravek] #! Avoid running tests twice

[david.moravek] #! Mention maven dependencies in

[david.moravek] #8 Suppress safe unchecked warnings

[david.moravek] #! Rename StorageDescriptorBase to StorageDescriptor

[david.moravek] #18 Fix a few minor bugs after static code analysis

[david.moravek] #18 Fail build when troubling error is found by FindBugs 

[david.moravek] #18 Use @Nullable annotation

[david.moravek] #10 Improve documentation around URI based data-sources/-sinks

[david.moravek] #10 Fix typos

[david.moravek] #! Add contribution section to README

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Allow enabling object reuse

[david.moravek] #48 Move most maven plugins under the "regular-build" profile 
(active by

[david.moravek] #! Document regular-build profile

[david.moravek] #27 [euphoria-flink] Rewrite windowing to native implementation 

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Avoid extra shuffle when windowing on 

[david.moravek] #47 [euphoria-flink] Alternatively execute windowing/valueOf 
fully after

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Allow specifying latency tracking interval

[david.moravek] #! Make WindowedElement an interface

[david.moravek] #! Drop WindowedElementImpl from euphoria-core

[david.moravek] #! Make window-element-factory use-case specific

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-kafka] No sync commit

[david.moravek] #14 [euphoria-flink] Don't send timestamp along with each 
element. Use

[david.moravek] #! Add link to gitter chat

[david.moravek] #14 review cleanup

[david.moravek] #14 [euphoria-flink] Allow WindowAssigner operator chaining

[david.moravek] #60 Prefer ValueStorage instead of ListStorage for combining 

[david.moravek] #! Register Either for serialization

[david.moravek] #! Suppress safe casts

[david.moravek] #! Add a dedicated interface for event-time extraction to reduce

[david.moravek] #! Register Triple and clean up in TopByKey

[david.moravek] #47 Windowing#assignWindowsToElement returns Iterable instead 
of Set

[david.moravek] #47 [euphoria-core] TimeSliding window assigner generates custom

[david.moravek] #! Make storage descriptors static

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Do not cache states

[david.moravek] #! Drop Supplier from public API

[david.moravek] #67 [euphoria-flink] Avoid descriptors cache infinitely growing

[david.moravek] #67 [euphoria-flink] Avoid flushing empty states due to 

[david.moravek] #67 [euphoria-flink] Fix window merging

[david.moravek] #67 [euphoria-flink] Avoid inlining processTriggerResult

[david.moravek] #! Include link to FAQ wiki page

[david.moravek] #! Add shaded-guava for internal use within euphoria

[david.moravek] #! Add javadoc generation

[david.moravek] #! Switch over to shaded guava

[david.moravek] #51 Do _not_ store storage-provider in states by default

[david.moravek] #51 Move StateFactory to the state package

[david.moravek] #51 StateFactory interface revised

[david.moravek] #51 Replace StateCombiner with StateMerger

[david.moravek] #51 Drop obsolete TODO

[david.moravek] #51 [euphoria-core] Skip processing empty window merge sets

[david.moravek] #19 [euphoria-flink] Avoid extra shuffle (on the batch executor)

[david.moravek] # [euphoria-flink] Fix trigger state clean-up of merged windows

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-examples] Example of web server log aggregation

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-examples] Fix license header

[david.moravek] #61 [euphoria-flink] Unit test covering out-of-order stream 
with allowed

[david.moravek] #79 [euphoria-core] Trigger#onMerge does not return 

[david.moravek] #! InputSplit#toString - especially useful on spark

[david.moravek] #! Add convenience hadoop sink

[david.moravek] #! Generalize HadoopStringSink to accept any type of object

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Warn about failing execution scenario

[david.moravek] #! Update copyright

[david.moravek] #85 Move findbugs plugin execution to the process-classes phase

[david.moravek] #77 Import trends benchmarks

[david.moravek] #77 Drop obsolete shell script

[david.moravek] #77 - parsing fix

[david.moravek] #! Variable year in license header

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-core] Avoid clearing count state twice

[david.moravek] #! Fix typo

[david.moravek] #95 Rename Batch to GlobalWindowing

[david.moravek] #! Drop Map.Entry from Pair

[david.moravek] #! Add @Experimental for easier API evolution

[david.moravek] #21 [euphoria-core] Code/Javadoc style

[david.moravek] #21 [euphoria-core] Javadocs for FlatMap

[david.moravek] #21 [euphoria-core] Javadocs for Union

[david.moravek] #! Add contact information to

[david.moravek] #99 Sort operator support

[david.moravek] #21 [euphoria-core] Javadocs for Repartition

[david.moravek] #21 [euphoria-core] Javadocs for ReduceStateByKey

[david.moravek] Update

[david.moravek] Update

[david.moravek] #! Remove obsolete class

[david.moravek] #! Do not allow derivations from Pair/Triple

[david.moravek] #98 [euphoria-flink] Do not allow object re-use

[david.moravek] #! - javadoc refactoring

[david.moravek] #13 [euphoria-flink] Batch executor uses hash code as a key in 

[david.moravek] #13 [euphoria-flink] Fix bug in batch ReduceByKeyTranslator and 
add unit

[david.moravek] #13 Fix race condition in batch ReduceStateByKeyTranslator

[david.moravek] #13 [euphoria-flink] Copy input instance in 

[david.moravek] #! some corrections/formatting

[david.moravek] #13 [euphoria-flink] Avoid hash code collisions in batch

[david.moravek] #105 Add (failing) proof-of-concept test

[david.moravek] #105 Rework StateFactory API; Stabilize JoinState implementation

[david.moravek] #43 Annotate experimental Session#earlyTriggering

[david.moravek] #105 Do not read entire disk storage into memory

[david.moravek] #105 Provide an experimental "early emitting" join state 

[david.moravek] #105 Simplify closing spilling file

[david.moravek] #105 Document some more experiment dangers

[david.moravek] #! [benchmarks/native-flink] Filter out invalid entries

[david.moravek] #! Upgrade to flink 1.2.1

[david.moravek] #! Prevent deleting wrong timers

[david.moravek]  #! polish: removed unnecessary null check, variable reuse

[david.moravek] #105 Add reference to future solution

[david.moravek] #! Prepare for 0.6.0 release

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release v0.6.0

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[david.moravek] #! Prepare for next dev iteration on master

[david.moravek] #! Update README regarding new release

[david.moravek] #! Fix loading configuration

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-examples] Explain in details the word-count-example

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-examples] Explain in details the access-log-count

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-examples] Correct typos

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-flink] Stabilize test

[david.moravek] #! Stabilize sort-test

[david.moravek] #! Stabilize count-by-key-test

[david.moravek] #119 [euphoria-core/-inmem] Rework event time assignment

[david.moravek] #119 [euphoria-flink] Rework event time assignment

[david.moravek] #119 [euphoria-spark] Rework event time assignment

[david.moravek] #119 Add missing license headers

[david.moravek] #119 [euphoria-examples] Rework event time assignment

[david.moravek] #119 [euphoria-benchmarks] Rework event time assignment

[david.moravek] #! Stabilize inmem-executor join test

[david.moravek]  #121 Allow multiple elements to be emitter from ReduceByKey

[david.moravek]  #121 changes requested by review

[david.moravek]  #121 fixed comment

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-spark] Implement disk splitting list-storage

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-flink] Unify disk spilling implementation for

[david.moravek] #113 Add missing license headers

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-spark] Drop obsolete warning suppression

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-testkit] Enable accidently disabled RBK tests

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-core] Support try-with-resources for

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-testkit] Allow different local spill file 

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-flink] Support a wider area of types during

[david.moravek] #113 [euphoria-core] Testify FsSpillingListStorage

[david.moravek] #113 Add missing license header

[david.moravek] #31 [euphoria-core] Implementation of accumulator API + 
integration with

[david.moravek] #31 Refactored according to review feedback

[david.moravek] #133 [euphoria-spark] Accumulator API supported in Spark 

[david.moravek] #133 [euphoria-inmem] Accumulator API supported in in-mem 

[david.moravek] #133 [euphoria-spark] Collector should be transient in

[david.moravek] #135 Add SingleJvmAccumulatorFactory

[david.moravek] #135 Demostrates usage of accumulators validation in operator 

[david.moravek] #135 Fix histogram accumulation

[david.moravek] #135 GetSnapshot -> Snapshotable

[david.moravek] #135 Add tests covering accumulator usage

[david.moravek] #135 Fix failing tests on the spark executor

[david.moravek] #134 [euphoria-spark] Implemented support for Spark native 

[david.moravek] #134 [euphoria-core] Fix misleading log warning in

[david.moravek] #134 [euphoria-spark] Clone accumulator factory before flow 

[david.moravek] #134 [euphoria-spark] Make SparkAccumulatorHolder thread-safe

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release v0.7.0

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[david.moravek] #! Version up

[david.moravek] #! Fix Javadoc warnings

[david.moravek] #! Fix Findbugs warnings

[david.moravek] #! [euphoria-spark] Correctly transfer global state to executed 

[david.moravek] #! Pete dropping out

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release v0.7.1

[david.moravek] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Propagate exception in SparkFlowTranslator

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] fix SequenceFileSource

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] wrap hadoop config in SequenceFileSource, so 
it cannot

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Remove IORegistry.

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] add links to license-header.txt from subprojects

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] exclude license-header.txt itself from the license 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-flink] #159 fix default parallelism in local flink 
runner to

[david.moravek] add support for Join operator hints

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #160 remove partitioning from stateful 
operators, bump

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #160 drop explicit partitions from ListDataSink

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-operator-testkit] #160 compilable testkit after 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-kafka] #160 module compilable after changes

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-hadoop] #160 module compilable after changes

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-examples] #160 module compilable after changes

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-flink] #160 module compilable after changes

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-fluent] #160 module compilable after change

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #160 removed partitioning and repartition 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-inmem] #160 compilable, but with failing tests

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-inmem] #160 more tests working after code change

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-inmem] #160 build passing tests after changes

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-spark], [euphoria-flink] #160 modules compilable 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] #160 build passing including tests

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] #160 remove mentions of partitions where no longer 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-hadoop] remove sneakythrows

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-kafka] remove groupid from kafkasource

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-benchmarks] make benchmarks part of the build

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-operator-testkit] activate mistakenly ignored test

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] add Audience annotation

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] remove checkpointing from datasets - unusable 

[david.moravek] added IOUtils to help iterate over methods throwing IOException

[david.moravek] added license

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #158 add `withSortedValues` to `ReduceByKey` 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #158 basic non configurable implementation of 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #158 add StateContext and validate on inmem 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] #158 implemented external sorter for flink and spark

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #157 implement possibility for DataSink to 

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #157 review

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-local] #173 changed InMemExecutor to LocalExecutor

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] #177 added MultiDataSink

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] #177 MultiDataSink renamed vars

[david.moravek] Move to gradle.

[david.moravek] Add euphoria-examples module to gradle

[david.moravek] Do not ignore spotbugs failures.

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] add maxTimestamp to generic Window

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-local] fix findbug warning regarding random reuse

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] #156 distinguish batch and stream sources

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #156 Add split to boundedsource

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] #161 replace Iterable with Stream in reducing

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-local] fix non deterministic test

[david.moravek] Fix javadoc.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] DataSinkWrapper is now Serializable

[david.moravek] Shade guava

[david.moravek] Fix shadow jar publishing.

[david.moravek] Fix guava

[david.moravek] [euphoria-build] remove unused protobuf plugin

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-core] bugfix building of RBK with no windowing

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-hbase] #181 add HBase module

[david.moravek] #181 Code review.

[david.moravek]  [euphoria] add compileOnly to testCompile

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Union can accept more than two data sets

[david.moravek] Update readme.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-operator-testkit] Reduce by key bounded parallel test.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-operator-testkit] Code review.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Join operator API improvements.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Join operator hint tests.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Join operator hint tests - equals, hash code.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Join operator. Cleanup.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Code review.

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-hbase] #181 add bulk loading to hbase sink

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] broadcast join.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] broadcast join code review.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Publish test jar.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] wrapping hadoopConfig in SequenceFileSink

[david.moravek] Added outputValues() to operators producing pairs

[david.moravek] Updated tests for outputValues

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Test ouputValues on all executors.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] make sure that windowBy() can be appliedIf()

[david.moravek]  [euphoria-hbase] HFileSink uses raw types

[david.moravek] Fix javadoc.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hbase] add windowing to hfilesink

[david.moravek] [euphoria-flink] move to flink 1.4

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Optimize ReduceWindow operator for attached 

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] add failing test case

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Refactoring, tests and fixes.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Check output specs during HadoopSink 

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Update exception and hadoop utils.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-sink] Fix test.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Test DataSinkOutputFormat.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Make sure initialize is called only once.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Make sure initialize is called exactly once.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Code review.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] Code review.

[david.moravek] Bump gradle version

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] remove getDefaultParallelism from 

[david.moravek] [euphoria-testing] Init.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-testing] Add comments.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-testing] Code review.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] performance tuning

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] add test for applyIfNot

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] small fixes

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hbase] fix bulkloading

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] register default classes

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Introduce executor builder.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Simplify.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-flink] register common classes by default

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] fix build

[david.moravek] Update

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Add hash map to default classes for kryo.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Add default parallelism to local mode.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] #21 add builder javadocs to operators

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] Fix javadoc.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] InputSplit doesn't have to be Writable

[david.moravek] [euphoria-examples] add hfileloader

[david.moravek] [euphoria-examples] Code review

[david.moravek] Happy new year!!

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] SequenceFileSink builder

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] SequenceFileSink builder refactor

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] sequencefilesink builder consistent with other

[david.moravek] added api example

[david.moravek] [thirdparty-guava] use shaded jar with shadow classifier

[david.moravek] [euphoria] fix javadoc and unchecked warnings

[david.moravek] [euphoria-build] add maven build for releasing

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hadoop] fix build

[david.moravek] [euphoria-hbase] make sure hfiles have correct permissions 

[david.moravek] Hbase bulk load add ALL permissions for Hbase user

[david.moravek] [euphoria-flink] flink register classes with serializers

[david.moravek] check kafka partitions availability

[david.moravek] Check if leader is available in KafkaSource

[david.moravek] Correct indentation

[david.moravek] Test KafkaSource reaction to no consumer partitions

[david.moravek] add licence to KafkaSourceTest

[david.moravek] Add tests in KafkaSourceTest

[david.moravek] Add tests in KafkaSourceTest 2

[david.moravek] Fix KafkaSourceTest

[david.moravek] [euphoria-flink] #260 Flink - broadcast hash join

[david.moravek] [euphoria-flink] #260 reformatting and corrections

[david.moravek] [euphoria-flink] #260 small changes

[david.moravek] Upgrade kafka to 1.0.0

[david.moravek] javadoc fixes

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] #243 RDD are cached when used more than once 
in flow

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] #259 Hints are not runtime specific. Hints 

[david.moravek] [euphoria-core] #259 Hints are now in operator, not Dataset

[david.moravek] broadcastHashJoin fix

[david.moravek] broadcastHashJoin fix - util class renamed

[david.moravek] AVRO read example

[david.moravek] sq

[david.moravek] Fix code in

[david.moravek] [euphoria-examples] better exception handling in 
SimpleWordCount and

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Optimize kryo serialization.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Singleton serializer test.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Synchronize singleton serializer.

[david.moravek] Add support for expensive computation hint.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Fix RDDCaching test.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Improved RBK translation.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Fix cache RDD test.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Remove timestamped element.

[david.moravek] Core changes.

[david.moravek] beam wip

[david.moravek] Rebase on master

[david.moravek] wip

[david.moravek] wip

[david.moravek] wip

[david.moravek] WIP: RBK non deterministic, need tuning of FlowUnfolder

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] PoC of beam integration

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] add Dataset#persist() listener

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] cleanup

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] correctly pass coders from inputs

[david.moravek] sq

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] BeamFlow is forced to be backed up by Pipeline

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] add trigger to window in RBK (missing correct 

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] bump beam to 2.4.0

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] annotations are provided

[david.moravek] Missing test dependencies added. Beam version updated to last 

[david.moravek] Small change to fix error InteliJ Idea is wrongly reporting.

[david.moravek] Wrong merge during rebasing fix.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] wip

[david.moravek] First attempts to run ReduceByKey tests in 
BeamOperatorsTestSuite. Some

[david.moravek] Small typo fix. ReduceByKeyTest in BeamOperatorsSuite disabled 

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] beamphoria corrections

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] Avoid unneccessary lamda allocation with each 
element in

[david.moravek] [euphoria-beam] Add tranformation names.

[david.moravek] [euphoria-spark] Fix windowing signature in RBK translator.

[david.moravek] beamphoria integration part 1

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] removed old licenses

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] integrating to gradle build system

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3901] code reformat to comply beam code standard

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3901] findbugs fixes

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3902] euphoria-core checkstyle corrections

[david.moravek] BEAM-3900 Code in euphoria-local package modified to comply with

[david.moravek] BEAM-3900 Code in euphoria-testing package modified to comply 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3902] euphoria-core checkstyle corrections 2

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3902] euphoria-fluent checkstyle corrections

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Code in euphoria-operator-testkit package modified 
to comply

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Code in euphoria-operator-testkit package modified 
to comply

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Code in euphoria-beam package modified to comply 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3902] Fix license headers and remove unused poms.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3902] Move euphoria to apache namespace.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3902] Move euphoria to apache namespace.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Allow for Beam windowing to be set through Euphoria 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Missing licence header added.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] Join translator empty shell added.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] Crude Join operator translation implemented. Still 
work in

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] Inner join translation implemented.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] Left, right and full joins implemeted.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] BeamOperatorsSuite now includes tests of Join 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4360] ReduceStateByKey tests adaptation to beam. - Work in

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4360] Most tests are passing. Some are still ignored 
mostly due to

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] [BEAM-4360] Join translation and ReduceByKey test 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] [BEAM-4360] Checkstyle warning fixes.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4394] Pull request review fixes.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] [BEAM-4360] Pull request review fixes. 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] [BEAM-4360] Circular dependency fix.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] [BEAM-4360] Missing licenses added.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4294] [BEAM-4360] Fix of local executor module compile 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4410] added BroadcastJoinTranslator

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4410] checkstyle fix

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4419] Update Operator Testkit Testkit was moved into

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4366] Two sources of test flipps found and fixed. First 
was wrong

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4366] Dynamic dependency versions.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4366] Fully serializable `Pair` (including key and value)

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of Join operators extended to be able to 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of ReduceByKey operators extended to be 
able to

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of ReduceStateByKey operators extended to 
be able

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Windowing builders now implements Builders.* 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of CountByKey and SumByKey operators 
extended to be

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Windowing in parameters of operator builders 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of Distinct operator extended to be able 
to expose

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of ReduceWindow operator extended to be 
able to

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Builders of TopPerKey operator extended to be able 
to expose

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Euphoria to Beam translators updated to reflect 
changes in

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Tests adapted to new windowing API.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Euphoria's local executor removed.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Build fixes (checkstyle, failing tests, findbugs).

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] All `WindowBy` builders now contains backward 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] All `windowBy` builders now implements

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4443] Javadods updates. Several classes moved to more 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4478] Code review fixes.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4478] Accumulators translation to Beam Metrics

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4478] added operator name as namespace

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4478] corrections

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4478] Second review fixes.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4529] MapElementsTest, DistinctTest, CountByKeyTest, 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4560] `PTransform` can now be described in Euphoria API

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4529] Typo fix.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4530] Executors concept removed.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4530] The `BeamMetricsTranslationTest` modified to run 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4530] Code review fixes.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4428] added Javadoc and updated README

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4428] `BeamFlow.create()` renamed to `BeamFlow.of()`.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4428] `euphoria-beam` -> `euphoria-core` package merge. 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4429] add type hint

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4429] added typeHints to valueBy

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4429] TypeHint changed to TypeDescriptor

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4609] Race condition was removed from translation of 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Circular dependency fix.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Adaptation of build process after rebase above 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Formating changes done by `./gradlew 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Compilation warnings resolved. Some remnants of 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] `testArtifact` configuration swapped for 
`shadowTest` as

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Fix javadocs.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4478] Accumulators translation to Beam Metrics

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4585] New `RegisterCoders` class introduced to allow 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4585] `BeamFlow` now exposes new methods to register 

[david.moravek] classAwareKryoCoder failing test

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4705] `ClassAwareKryoCoder` fixed to not colide with 
other coders.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4585] Some changes required by code review. Other items 
will be

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4585] Spotless autoformating.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Spotless autoformating.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4705] Kryo integration was enhanced. Api needs review 
since it is

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4705] Failing test added to prove bug in functionality of

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4705] `KryoRegistrar` wrapped into `IdentifiedRegistrar` 
in order

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4705] Spotless auto formatting.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4851] All operators now carry their output and key (if 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4851] All operators now carry their value type (if 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4851] So far unsucessfull attempt to use return type 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4851] Test to assert type parameters propagation added.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-4851] Spotless auto formatting. Compilaion warnings fixed.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5077] Translators now use type information from 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5099] `Pair` and `PairCoder` removed in favor of `KV`. 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5123] Wrong implicit classes imports from the same 
package in

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5124] Documentation examples added. Join windowing check 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5124] Minor redeability improvement.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5160] Failing test fixed. Another test to confirm the fix 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5161] FindBugs enabled. All warnings sorted out. Some 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5124] Minor redeability improvement.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Cleanup, spotless formating and test adaptation.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5195] Decomposition of `TopPerKey` was fixed. 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5205] `KryoCoder` now use Kryo's chunked input and output.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5205] Improved logging to make it easier to debug 
problems with

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5220] TODOs resolved whenever possible withing several 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5245] Error message improved. New tests added.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5248] Translators modified so they do not set coders to 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5276] `ListDataSource` now supports data supplier to lazy 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5287] Attempt to build `ReduceByKey` operator with sorted 

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5263] `SingleValueCollector` now supports accumulators.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Javadoc, typos, formatting, missing file fixes.

[david.moravek] [BEAM-5306] User defined join functions now can ouputs more 
than one

[david.moravek] [BEAM-3900] Cleanup before merge.

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-3900] Auto formating, CheckStyle and FindBugs fixes.

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-5124] Documentation examples update.

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-3900] Build and test fixes.

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-5124] Euphoria API documentation updated.

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-5124] Readme update.

[marek.simunek] [BEAM-3900] CountByKey TypeDescriptor fix

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-3900] Compilation warning fixes.

[vaclav.plajt] [BEAM-3900] Unwanted edits removed.

[mike] Regression test WithDefaultPreserversesSideInputs

[mike] Fixed withDefaults and withFanout removing side inputs

[...truncated 52.56 KB...]

> Task :beam-sdks-python:validatesRunnerStreamingTests
Caching disabled for task ':beam-sdks-python:validatesRunnerStreamingTests': 
Caching has not been enabled for the task
Task ':beam-sdks-python:validatesRunnerStreamingTests' is not up-to-date 
  Task has not declared any outputs despite executing actions.
Starting process 'command 'sh''. Working directory: 
 Command: sh -c . 
 && ./scripts/ ValidatesRunner,'!sickbay-streaming' streaming
Successfully started process 'command 'sh''

# Build tarball and set pipeline options.

# Check that the script is running in a known directory.
if [[ $PWD != *sdks/python* ]]; then
  echo 'Unable to locate Apache Beam Python SDK root directory'
  exit 1

# Go to the Apache Beam Python SDK root
if [[ "*sdks/python" != $PWD ]]; then
  cd $(pwd | sed 's/sdks\/python.*/sdks\/python/')
pwd | sed 's/sdks\/python.*/sdks\/python/'


# Where to store integration test outputs.


# Create a tarball
python -q sdist
 UserWarning: Normalizing '' to '2.9.0.dev0'
warning: no files found matching ''
warning: no files found matching 'NOTICE'
warning: no files found matching 'LICENSE'
warning: cmd: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.rst, 

SDK_LOCATION=$(find dist/apache-beam-*.tar.gz)
find dist/apache-beam-*.tar.gz

# Install test dependencies for ValidatesRunner tests.
echo "pyhamcrest" > postcommit_requirements.txt
echo "mock" >> postcommit_requirements.txt

# Options used to run testing pipeline on Cloud Dataflow Service. Also used for
# running on DirectRunner (some options ignored).

# Add streaming flag if specified.
if [[ "$2" = "streaming" ]]; then
>>> Set test pipeline to streaming
  echo ">>> Set test pipeline to streaming"
  echo ">>> Set test pipeline to batch"

if [[ "$3" = "TestDirectRunner" ]]; then
  if [[ "$2" = "streaming" ]]; then

# Run tests and validate that jobs finish successfully.

IFS=" " ; echo "${PIPELINE_OPTIONS[*]}"

echo ">>> RUNNING $RUNNER $1 tests"
python nosetests \
  --attr $1 \
>>> RUNNING TestDataflowRunner ValidatesRunner,!sickbay-streaming tests
  --nologcapture \
  --processes=8 \
  --process-timeout=3000 \
  --test-pipeline-options="$JOINED_OPTS" \
 UserWarning: Normalizing '' to '2.9.0.dev0'
running nosetests
running egg_info
writing requirements to apache_beam.egg-info/requires.txt
writing apache_beam.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to apache_beam.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing dependency_links to apache_beam.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing entry points to apache_beam.egg-info/entry_points.txt
reading manifest file 'apache_beam.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no files found matching ''
warning: no files found matching 'NOTICE'
warning: no files found matching 'LICENSE'
writing manifest file 'apache_beam.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
WARNING:root:snappy is not installed; some tests will be skipped.
WARNING:root:Tensorflow is not installed, so skipping some tests.
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  options = pbegin.pipeline.options.view_as(DebugOptions)
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mock (from -r 
postcommit_requirements.txt (line 2)) (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for mock (from -r postcommit_requirements.txt 
(line 2))
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ERROR
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
 DeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. 
References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
  print('Found: %s.' % self.build_console_url(pipeline.options))
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
(apache_beam.transforms.ptransform_test.PTransformTest) ... ok
(apache_beam.transforms.ptransform_test.PTransformTest) ... ok
test_as_list_twice (apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... 
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ok
test_as_dict_twice (apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... 
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
(apache_beam.transforms.ptransform_test.PTransformTest) ... ok
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
(apache_beam.transforms.ptransform_test.PTransformTest) ... ok
WARNING:root:Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.
test_undeclared_outputs (apache_beam.transforms.ptransform_test.PTransformTest) 
... ok
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ok
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ok
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ok
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ok
(apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs_test.SideInputsTest) ... ok

ERROR: test_as_list_and_as_dict_side_inputs 
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 205, in test_as_list_and_as_dict_side_inputs
 line 104, in run
    result = super(TestPipeline, self).run(test_runner_api)
 line 403, in run
    self.to_runner_api(), self.runner, self._options).run(False)
 line 416, in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self)
 line 50, in run_pipeline
    self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner, self).run_pipeline(pipeline)
 line 390, in run_pipeline
    self.dataflow_client.create_job(self.job), self)
 line 184, in wrapper
    return fun(*args, **kwargs)
 line 490, in create_job
 line 519, in create_job_description
    resources = self._stage_resources(job.options)
 line 452, in _stage_resources
 line 161, in stage_job_resources
 line 411, in _populate_requirements_cache
 line 52, in check_output
    return subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 574, in check_output
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
CalledProcessError: Command 
 '-m', 'pip', 'download', '--dest', '/tmp/dataflow-requirements-cache', '-r', 
'postcommit_requirements.txt', '--exists-action', 'i', '--no-binary', ':all:']' 
returned non-zero exit status 1

Ran 14 tests in 912.832s

FAILED (errors=1)

> Task :beam-sdks-python:validatesRunnerStreamingTests FAILED
:beam-sdks-python:validatesRunnerStreamingTests (Thread[Task worker for ':' 
Thread 11,5,main]) completed. Took 15 mins 14.47 secs.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 
 line: 326

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':beam-sdks-python:validatesRunnerStreamingTests'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --debug option to 
get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with 
Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 32m 17s
4 actionable tasks: 4 executed

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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