Page "BloodhoundReleaseProcess" was changed by rjollos
Diff URL: 
Revision 45
Comment: Use new-style markup on the page.
Index: BloodhoundReleaseProcess
--- BloodhoundReleaseProcess (version: 44)
+++ BloodhoundReleaseProcess (version: 45)
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-= Bloodhound Release Process =
+= Bloodhound Release Process
-=== Prerequisites ===
+=== Prerequisites
 1. Commit access to {{{}}} and {{{}}} 
repositories (in particular the bloodhound parts of these referred to below)
 1. PGP code signing key uploaded to a public keyserver and added to your 
account details at Details for creating such a key can 
be found here:
-=== Prepare the release ===
+=== Prepare the release
 1. Update files in trunk to reflect the current status:
   1. Check out the trunk of bloodhound. For example:
 svn co bh_trunk
   1. Review the tickets that have been resolved since the last release, and 
update the RELEASE_NOTES file highlighting new features and issues fixed, 
optionally including major known issues that remain. The relevant tickets will 
usually be associated with a single milestone. However, check for tickets that 
are part of this release but have been closed 
[query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=&component!=siteadmin without 
the milestone set]. All of the tickets in the milestone should be resolved when 
the release is started. Unresolved tickets that are still part of this 
milestone should be unassociated by moving them to another milestone.
@@ -18,8 +17,7 @@
   1. Update packages version numbers in {{{bloodhound_<package>/}}} 
files to reflect the current overall version number (if required). The package 
version numbers should have been updated at the start of the release cycle.
   1. Commit changes back to trunk.
 1. If this is a to be a new x.y release, create a new branch named <version 
 svn copy<version number> -m 
"branching for new release"
 1. Switch the working copy to the new branch.
@@ -27,8 +25,7 @@
 svn switch<version 
 1. On the branch, for each {{{bloodhound_<package>/setup.cfg}}} file set:
- {{{
- #!ini
+ {{{#!ini
  tag_build =
  tag_date = 0
@@ -36,19 +33,16 @@
  Commit changes back to the branch.
 1. Export branch to separate directory, named apache-bloodhound-<version 
 svn export<version 
number> apache-bloodhound-<version number>
 1. Check for open tickets requiring the exclusion of files and directories for 
the current release and remove them.
 1. Create a tar.gz of that directory:
 tar -pvczf apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz /path/to/directory
 1. Create a detached signature file for the tar.gz file. For example, on the 
command line with gpg:
 gpg --armor --output apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz.asc 
--detach-sig apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz
 1. You may want to verify the signature, particularly if this is the first 
time you are signing a release with this key. Look for //Good signature// in 
the output:
@@ -56,39 +50,34 @@
 $ gpg --verify apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz.asc 
apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz
 1. Create an md5 file for the tar.gz file. For example with gpg:
 gpg --print-md MD5 apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz > 
apache-bloodhound-<version number>.tar.gz.md5
 1. Checkout the `bloodhound-dist` directory, remove artifacts from previous 
releases and check in the changes.
 svn co bloodhound_dist_dev
 svn rm apache-bloodhound-*
 svn ci bloodhound_dist_dev -m "removing artifacts from previous release"
 1. Copy the {{{.tar.gz}}}, {{{.tar.gz.md5}}} and {{{.tar.gz.asc}}} files 
[release files] to the `bloodhound-dist` directory. Add your PGP key to the 
`KEYS` file in this directory if it has not been previously added.
 cp apache-bloodhound-<version number>.* bloodhound_dist_dev/
 svn add bloodhound_dist_dev/apache-bloodhound-<version number>*
 svn commit bloodhound_dist_dev -m "adding <version number> artifacts to the 
Bloodhound dist/dev area for release votes"
 1. Create a tag for the release
 svn copy<version number><version number> -m "tagging 
 1. On the trunk, update the packages version numbers in 
{{{bloodhound_<package>/}}} files to the next development version. 
Commit changes back to the trunk.
-=== Voting process ===
+=== Voting process
 1. Call for a vote on the ! mailing list. You can 
use the [#InitialVoteTemplate initial call to vote template] below for this.
  1. Wait at least 72 hours before announcing a result
  1. A minimum of three positive binding votes are required to succeed - 
currently binding votes are those given by Bloodhound committers.
 1. On replying to announce the results, the subject of the email should be 
changed to [RESULT]. The [#InitialResultTemplate Initial result email template] 
can be used for this purpose.
 1. If the votes were successful, copy the release files to the release 
 svn co 
 cp bloodhound_dist_dev/* bloodhound_dist_release/
 svn add bloodhound_dist_release/apache-bloodhound-<version number>*
@@ -145,7 +134,7 @@
 The vote therefore <passed|failed> with <sum of binding votes> binding votes.
-=== Announcing the release ===
+=== Announcing the release
 1. Wait about 24 hours after moving the release artifacts to the release 
location to ensure that mirrors are updated, and then send an announcement 
email '''from your email account'''. The 
[#ReleaseAnnouncementTemplate Release announcement template] below can be used 
for the announcement. In order to post to trac-users, the sender's email 
address must be subscribed to the list. If the release manager does not 
subscribe to the trac-users mailing list through their email, the 
release announcement could be forwarded from another email address.
 1. Update other locations that mention a specific release:
   1. (Download link and 

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