diff --git a/guide/ops/troubleshooting/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a66ce0..0000000
--- a/guide/ops/troubleshooting/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-layout: website-normal
-title: "Troubleshooting: Going Deep in Java and Logs"
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-This guide takes a deep look at the Java and log messages for some failure 
-giving common steps used to identify the issues.
-## Script Failure
-Many blueprints run bash scripts as part of the installation. This section 
highlights how to identify a problem with
-a bash script.
-First let's take a look at the `customize()` method of the Tomcat server 
-{% highlight java %}
-public void customize() {
-    newScript(CUSTOMIZING)
-        .body.append("mkdir -p conf logs webapps temp")
-        .failOnNonZeroResultCode()
-        .execute();
-    copyTemplate(entity.getConfig(TomcatServer.SERVER_XML_RESOURCE), 
Os.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "conf", "server.xml"));
-    copyTemplate(entity.getConfig(TomcatServer.WEB_XML_RESOURCE), 
Os.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "conf", "web.xml"));
-    if (isProtocolEnabled("HTTPS")) {
-        String keystoreUrl = Preconditions.checkNotNull(getSslKeystoreUrl(), 
"keystore URL must be specified if using HTTPS for " + entity);
-        String destinationSslKeystoreFile = getHttpsSslKeystoreFile();
-        InputStream keystoreStream = resource.getResourceFromUrl(keystoreUrl);
-        getMachine().copyTo(keystoreStream, destinationSslKeystoreFile);
-    }
-    getEntity().deployInitialWars();
-{% endhighlight %}
-Here we can see that it's running a script to create four directories before 
continuing with the customization. Let's
-introduce an error by changing `mkdir` to `mkrid`:
-{% highlight java %}
-    .body.append("mkrid -p conf logs webapps temp") // `mkdir` changed to 
-    .failOnNonZeroResultCode()
-    .execute();
-{% endhighlight %}
-Now let's try deploying this using the following YAML:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-name: Tomcat failure test
-location: localhost
-- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat.TomcatServer
-{% endhighlight %}
-Shortly after deployment, the entity fails with the following error:
-`Failure running task ssh: customizing TomcatServerImpl{id=e1HP2s8x} 
-Execution failed, invalid result 127 for customizing 
-[![Script failure error in the Brooklyn debug 
-By selecting the `Activities` tab, we can drill into the task that failed. The 
list of tasks shown (where the 
-effectors are shown as top-level tasks) are clickable links. Selecting that 
row will show the details of
-that particular task, including its sub-tasks. We can eventually get to the 
specific sub-task that failed:
-[![Task failure error in the Brooklyn debug 
-By clicking on the `stderr` link, we can see the script failed with the 
following error:
-{% highlight console %}
-/tmp/ line 
10: mkrid: command not found
-{% endhighlight %}
-This tells us *what* went wrong, but doesn't tell us *where*. In order to find 
that, we'll need to look at the
-stack trace that was logged when the exception was thrown.
-It's always worth looking at the Detailed Status section as sometimes this 
will give you the information you need.
-In this case, the stack trace is limited to the thread that was used to 
execute the task that ran the script:
-{% highlight console %}
-Failed after 40ms
-/tmp/ line 
10: mkrid: command not found
/tmp/, result 
127: Execution failed, invalid result 127 for customizing 
-java.lang.IllegalStateException: Execution failed, invalid result 127 for 
customizing TomcatServerImpl{id=e1HP2s8x}
-    at
-    at
-    at$
-    at$
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-{% endhighlight %}
-In order to find the exception, we'll need to look in Brooklyn's debug log 
file. By default, the debug log file
-is named `brooklyn.debug.log`. Usually the easiest way to navigate the log 
file is to use `less`, e.g.
-`less brooklyn.debug.log`. We can quickly find find the stack trace by first 
navigating to the end of the log file
-with `Shift-G`, then performing a reverse-lookup by typing `?Tomcat` and 
pressing `Enter`. If searching for the 
-blueprint type (in this case Tomcat) simply matches tasks unrelated to the 
exception, you can also search for 
-the text of the error message, in this case `? invalid result 127`. You can 
make the search case-insensitivity by
-typing `-i` before performing the search. To skip the current match and move 
to the next one (i.e. 'up' as we're
-performing a reverse-lookup), simply press `n`
-In this case, the `?Tomcat` search takes us directly to the full stack trace 
(Only the last part of the trace
-is shown here):
-{% highlight console %}
-... at
-    at org.apache.brooklyn.core.util.task.BasicTask.get( 
-    at 
-    ... 9 common frames omitted
-Caused by: brooklyn.util.exceptions.PropagatedRuntimeException: 
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-    at 
-    at$
-    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ 
-    at 
-    ... 5 common frames omitted
-Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Execution failed, invalid result 127 for 
customizing TomcatServerImpl{id=e1HP2s8x}
-    at 
-    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get( [na:1.7.0_71]
-    at
-    at org.apache.brooklyn.core.util.task.BasicTask.get( 
-    at 
-    ... 10 common frames omitted
-Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Execution failed, invalid result 
127 for customizing TomcatServerImpl{id=e1HP2s8x}
-    at
-    at
-    at$
-    at$
-    ... 6 common frames omitted
-{% endhighlight %}
-Brooklyn's use of tasks and helper classes can make the stack trace a little 
harder than usual to follow, but a good
-place to start is to look through the stack trace for the node's 
implementation or ssh driver classes (usually
-named `FooNodeImpl` or `FooSshDriver`). In this case we can see the following:
-{% highlight console %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Combining this with the error message of `mkrid: command not found` we can see 
that indeed `mkdir` has been
-misspelled `mkrid` on line 72 of ``.
-## Non-Script Failure
-The section above gives an example of a failure that occurs when a script is 
run. In this section we will look at
-a failure in a non-script related part of the code. We'll use the 
`customize()` method of the Tomcat server again,
-but this time, we'll correct the spelling of 'mkdir' and add a line that 
attempts to copy a nonexistent resource 
-to the remote server:
-{% highlight java %}
-    .body.append("mkdir -p conf logs webapps temp")
-    .failOnNonZeroResultCode()
-    .execute();
Os.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "conf", "server.xml"));
Os.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "conf", "web.xml"));
-copyTemplate("classpath://nonexistent.xml", Os.mergePaths(getRunDir(), "conf", 
"nonexistent.xml")); // Resource does not exist!
-{% endhighlight %}
-Let's deploy this using the same YAML from above. Here's the resulting error 
in the Brooklyn debug console:
-[![Resource exception in the Brooklyn debug 
-Again, this tells us *what* the error is, but we need to find *where* the code 
is that attempts to copy this file. In
-this case it's shown in the Detailed Status section, and we don't need to go 
to the log file:
-{% highlight console %}
-Failed after 221ms: Error getting resource 'classpath://nonexistent.xml' for 
TomcatServerImpl{id=PVZxDKU1}: Error accessing 
classpath://nonexistent.xml: nonexistent.xml not found on 
-java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting resource 
'classpath://nonexistent.xml' for TomcatServerImpl{id=PVZxDKU1}: Error accessing classpath://nonexistent.xml: nonexistent.xml not found on classpath
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at 
-    at$
-    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-Caused by: Error accessing classpath://nonexistent.xml: nonexistent.xml not found on classpath
-    at 
-    ... 14 more
-Caused by: nonexistent.xml not found on classpath
-    at 
-    at 
-    ... 14 more
-{% endhighlight %}
-Looking for `Tomcat` in the stack trace, we can see in this case the problem 
lies at line 79 of ``
-## External Failure
-Sometimes an entity will fail outside the direct commands issues by Brooklyn. 
When installing and launching an entity,
-Brooklyn will check the return code of scripts that were run to ensure that 
they completed successfully (i.e. the
-return code of the script is zero). It is possible, for example, that a launch 
script completes successfully, but
-the entity fails to start.
-We can simulate this type of failure by launching Tomcat with an invalid 
configuration file. As seen in the previous
-examples, Brooklyn copies two xml configuration files to the server: 
`server.xml` and `web.xml`
-The first few non-comment lines of `server.xml` are as follows (you can see 
the full file [here]({{ site.brooklyn.url.git 
-{% highlight xml %}
-<Server port="${driver.shutdownPort?c}" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
-     <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" 
SSLEngine="on" />
-     <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />
-{% endhighlight%}
-Let's add an unmatched XML element, which will make this XML file invalid:
-{% highlight xml %}
-<Server port="${driver.shutdownPort?c}" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
-     <unmatched-element> <!-- This is invalid XML as we won't add 
</unmatched-element> -->
-     <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" 
SSLEngine="on" />
-     <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />
-{% endhighlight%}
-As Brooklyn doesn't know how these types of resources are used, they're not 
validated as they're copied to the remote machine.
-As far as Brooklyn is concerned, the file will have copied successfully.
-Let's deploy Tomcat again, using the same YAML as before. This time, the 
deployment runs for a few minutes before failing
-with `Timeout waiting for SERVICE_UP`:
-[![External error in the Brooklyn debug 
-If we drill down into the tasks in the `Activities` tab, we can see that all 
of the installation and launch tasks
-completed successfully, and stdout of the `launch` script is as follows:
-{% highlight console %}
/tmp/, result 0
-{% endhighlight %}
-The task that failed was the `post-start` task, and the stack trace from the 
Detailed Status section is as follows:
-{% highlight console %}
-Failed after 5m 1s: Timeout waiting for SERVICE_UP from 
-java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timeout waiting for SERVICE_UP from 
-    at 
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at$
-    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
-    at 
-    at 
-    at
-    at 
-    at 
-{% endhighlight %}
-This doesn't really tell us what we need to know, and looking in the 
`brooklyn.debug.log` file yields no further
-clues. The key here is the error message `Timeout waiting for SERVICE_UP`. 
After running the installation and
-launch scripts, assuming all scripts completed successfully, Brooklyn will 
periodically check the health of the node
-and will set the node on fire if the health check does not pass within a 
pre-prescribed period (the default is
-two minutes, and can be configured using the `start.timeout` config key). The 
periodic health check also continues
-after the successful launch in order to check continued operation of the node, 
but in this case it fails to pass
-at all.
-The first thing we need to do is to find out how Brooklyn determines the 
health of the node. The health-check is 
-often implemented in the `isRunning()` method in the entity's ssh driver. 
Tomcat's implementation of `isRunning()`
-is as follows:
-{% highlight java %}
-public boolean isRunning() {
-    return newScript(MutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, "pid.txt"), 
CHECK_RUNNING).execute() == 0;
-{% endhighlight %}
-The `newScript` method has conveniences for default scripts to check if a 
process is running based on its PID. In this
-case, it will look for Tomcat's PID in the `pid.txt` file and check if the PID 
is the PID of a running process
-It's worth a quick sanity check at this point to check if the PID file exists, 
and if the process is running.
-By default, the pid file is located in the run directory of the entity. You 
can find the location of the entity's run
-directory by looking at the `run.dir` sensor. In this case it is 
-To find the pid, you simply cat the pid.txt file in this directory:
-{% highlight console %}
-$ cat /tmp/brooklyn-martin/apps/jIzIHXtP/entities/TomcatServer_BUHgQeOs/pid.txt
-{% endhighlight %}
-In this case, the PID in the file is 73714. You can then check if the process 
is running using `ps`. You can also
-pipe the output to `fold` so the full launch command is visible:
-{% highlight console %}
-$ ps -p 73714 | fold -w 120
-PID TTY           TIME CMD
-73714 ??         0:08.03 
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -Dnop 
-HgQeOs/brooklyn-jmxmp-agent-shaded-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -Xms200m -Xmx800m 
-ote -Dbrooklyn.jmxmp.rmi-port=1099 -Dbrooklyn.jmxmp.port=31001 -Dcom.sun.manage
-.0.56/endorsed -classpath 
-na.startup.Bootstrap start
-{% endhighlight %}
-This confirms that the process is running. The next thing we can look at is 
the `service.notUp.indicators` sensor. This
-reads as follows:
-{% highlight json %}
-{"service.process.isRunning":"The software process for this entity does not 
appear to be running"}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This confirms that the problem is indeed due to the 
`service.process.isRunning` sensor. We assumed earlier that this was
-set by the `isRunning()` method in ``, but this isn't 
always the case. The `service.process.isRunning`
-sensor is wired up by the `connectSensors()` method in the node's 
implementation class, in this case 
-``. Tomcat's implementation of `connectSensors()` is as 
-{% highlight java %}
-public void connectSensors() {
-    super.connectSensors();
-    if (getDriver().isJmxEnabled()) {
-        String requestProcessorMbeanName = 
-        Integer port = isHttpsEnabled() ? getAttribute(HTTPS_PORT) : 
-        String connectorMbeanName = format("Catalina:type=Connector,port=%s", 
-        jmxWebFeed = JmxFeed.builder()
-            .entity(this)
-            .period(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
-            .pollAttribute(new JmxAttributePollConfig<Integer>(ERROR_COUNT)
-                    .objectName(requestProcessorMbeanName)
-                    .attributeName("errorCount"))
-            .pollAttribute(new JmxAttributePollConfig<Integer>(REQUEST_COUNT)
-                    .objectName(requestProcessorMbeanName)
-                    .attributeName("requestCount"))
-            .pollAttribute(new 
-                    .objectName(requestProcessorMbeanName)
-                    .attributeName("processingTime"))
-            .pollAttribute(new JmxAttributePollConfig<String>(CONNECTOR_STATUS)
-                    .objectName(connectorMbeanName)
-                    .attributeName("stateName"))
-            .pollAttribute(new 
-                    .objectName(connectorMbeanName)
-                    .attributeName("stateName")
-                    .setOnFailureOrException(false))
-            .build();
-        jmxAppFeed = JavaAppUtils.connectMXBeanSensors(this);
-    } else {
-        // if not using JMX
-        LOG.warn("Tomcat running without JMX monitoring; limited visibility of 
service available");
-        connectServiceUpIsRunning();
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-We can see here that if jmx is not enabled, the method will call 
`connectServiceUpIsRunning()` which will use the
-default PID-based method of determining if a process is running. However, as 
JMX *is* running, the `service.process.isRunning`
-sensor (denoted here by the `SERVICE_PROCESS_IS_RUNNING` variable) is set to 
true if and only if the
-`stateName` JMX attribute equals `STARTED`. We can see from the previous call 
to `.pollAttribute` that this
-attribute is also published to the `CONNECTOR_STATUS` sensor. The 
`CONNECTOR_STATUS` sensor is defined as follows:
-{% highlight java %}
-AttributeSensor<String> CONNECTOR_STATUS =
-    new BasicAttributeSensor<String>(String.class, 
"webapp.tomcat.connectorStatus", "Catalina connector state name");
-{% endhighlight %}
-Let's go back to the Brooklyn debug console and look for the 
-[![Sensors view in the Brooklyn debug 
-As the sensor is not shown, it's likely that it's simply null or not set. We 
can check this by clicking
-the "Show/hide empty records" icon (highlighted in yellow above):
-[![All sensors view in the Brooklyn debug 
-We know from previous steps that the installation and launch scripts 
completed, and we know the procecess is running,
-but we can see here that the server is not responding to JMX requests. A good 
thing to check here would be that the
-JMX port is not being blocked by iptables, firewalls or security groups
-(see the [troubleshooting connectivity guide](connectivity.html)). 
-Let's assume that we've checked that and they're all open. There is still one 
more thing that Brooklyn can tell us.
-Still on the `Sensors` tab, let's take a look at the `log.location` sensor:
-{% highlight console %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This is the location of Tomcat's own log file. The location of the log file 
will differ from process to process
-and when writing a custom entity you will need to check the software's own 
documentation. If your blueprint's
-ssh driver extends `JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver`, the value returned by the 
`getLogFileLocation()` method will
-automatically be published to the `log.location` sensor. Otherwise, you can 
publish the value yourself by calling
-`entity.setAttribute(Attributes.LOG_FILE_LOCATION, getLogFileLocation());` in 
your ssh driver
-**Note:** The log file will be on the server to which you have deployed 
Tomcat, and not on the Brooklyn server.
-Let's take a look in the log file:
-{% highlight console %}
-$ less 
-Jul 21, 2015 4:12:12 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester fatalError
-SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 143 column 3: The element type 
"unmatched-element" must be terminated by the matching end-tag 
-    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: 
 lineNumber: 143; columnNumber: 3; The element type "unmatched-element" must be 
terminated by the matching end-tag "</unmatched-element>".
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at$
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at
-    at$JAXPSAXParser.parse(
-    at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.parse(
-    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
-    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
-    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
-    at 
-    at 
-    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
-    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
-    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
-Jul 21, 2015 4:12:12 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
-WARNING: Catalina.start using conf/server.xml: The element type 
"unmatched-element" must be terminated by the matching end-tag 
-Jul 21, 2015 4:12:12 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
-SEVERE: Cannot start server. Server instance is not configured.
-{% endhighlight %}
-As expected, we can see here that the `unmatched-element` element has not been 
terminated in the `server.xml` file
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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index ff81806..0000000
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and /dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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/dev/null differ
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@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-layout: website-normal
-title: Increase Entropy
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-### Checking entropy level
-A lack of entropy can cause random number generation to be extremely slow.
-This results in tasks like ssh to also be extremely slow.
-One can check the available entropy on a machine by running the command:
-{% highlight bash %}
-cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
-{% endhighlight %}
-It should be a value above 2000.
-If you are installing Apache Brooklyn on a virtual machine, you may find that 
it has insufficient 
-entropy. You may need to increase the Linux kernel entropy in order to speed 
up the ssh connections 
-to the managed entities. You can install and configure `rng-tools`, or just 
use /dev/urandom`.
-### Installing rng-tool
-If you are using a RHEL 6 based OS:
-{% highlight bash %}
-sudo -i
-yum -y -q install rng-tools
-echo "EXTRAOPTIONS=\"-r /dev/urandom\"" | cat >> /etc/sysconfig/rngd
-/etc/init.d/rngd start
-{% endhighlight %}
-If you are using a RHEL 7 or a systemd based system:
-{% highlight bash %}
-sudo yum -y -q install rng-tools
-# Configure rng to use /dev/urandom
-# Change the "ExecStart" line to:
-# ExecStart=/sbin/rngd -f -r /dev/urandom
-sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/
-sudo systemctl daemon-reload
-sudo systemctl start rngd
-{% endhighlight %}
-If you are using a Debian-based OS:
-{% highlight bash %}
-sudo -i
-apt-get -y install rng-tools
-echo "HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom" | cat >> /etc/default/rng-tools
-/etc/init.d/rng-tools start
-{% endhighlight %}
-### Using /dev/urandom
-You can also just `mv /dev/random` then create it again linked to 
-{% highlight bash %}
-sudo mv /dev/random /dev/random-real
-sudo ln -s /dev/urandom /dev/random
-{% endhighlight %}
-Notice! If you map `/dev/random` to use `/dev/urandom` you will need to 
restart the Apache Brooklyn java process in order for the change to take place.
-### More Information
-The following links contain further information:
-* [haveged (another solution) and general info from Digital 
-* for specific OSs:
-  * [for RHEL or 
-  * [for 
-  * [for Alpine](
diff --git a/guide/ops/troubleshooting/ 
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index 8ef721b..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-layout: website-normal
-title: Increase System Resource Limits
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-If you encounter the following error:
-    Caused by: Too many open files
-            at 
-Please check the limit for opened files `cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max` and 
increase it.
-You can increase the maximum limit of opened files by setting `fs.file-max` in 
-and then running `sudo sysctl -p` to apply the changes.
-If you encounter the error below, e.g. when running with many entities, please 
consider **increasing the ulimit**:
-    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
-On the VM running Apache Brooklyn, it is recommended that nproc and nofile are 
reasonably high 
-(e.g. 16384 or higher; a value of 1024 is often the default).
-If you want to check the current limits run `ulimit -a`. Alternatively, if 
Brooklyn is run as a 
-different user (e.g. with user name "brooklyn"), then instead run `ulimit -a 
-u brooklyn`.
-For RHEL (and CentOS) distributions, you can increase the limits by running
-`sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf` and adding (if it is "brooklyn" user 
running Apache Brooklyn):
-    brooklyn           soft    nproc           16384
-    brooklyn           hard    nproc           16384
-    brooklyn           soft    nofile          16384
-    brooklyn           hard    nofile          16384
-Generally you do not have to reboot to apply ulimit values. They are set per 
-So after you have the correct values, quit the ssh session and log back in.
-For more details, see one of the many posts such as 
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-title: Troubleshooting
-layout: website-normal
-- { path:, title: Overview }
-- { path:, title: Web Console Issues }
-- { path:, title: Deployment }
-- { path:, title: Server Connectivity }
-- { path:, title: Brooklyn Slow or Unresponsive }
-- { path:, title: Increase Entropy }
-- { path:, title: Increase System Resource 
Limits }
-- { path:, title:  Detailed Support Report }
-- { path:, title: SoftwareProcess Entities }
-- { path:, title: Going Deep in Java and Logs }
-- { path:, title: Monitoring Memory Usage }
-{% include list-children.html %}
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-layout: website-normal
-title: "Troubleshooting: Monitoring Memory Usage"
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-## Memory Usage
-Brooklyn tries to keep in memory as much history of its activity as possible,
-for displaying through the UI, so it is normal for it to consume as much memory
-as it can.  It uses "soft references" so these objects will be cleared if 
-but **it is not a sign of anything unusual if Brooklyn is using all its 
available memory**.
-The number of active tasks, CPU usage, thread counts, and 
-retention of soft reference objects are a much better indication of load.
-This information can be found by looking in the log for lines containing
-`brooklyn gc`, such as:
-    2016-09-16 16:19:43,337 DEBUG o.a.b.c.m.i.BrooklynGarbageCollector 
[brooklyn-gc]: brooklyn gc (before) - using 910 MB / 3.76 GB memory; 98% 
soft-reference maybe retention (of 362); 35 threads; tasks: 0 active, 2 
unfinished; 31 remembered, 1013 total submitted) 
-The soft-reference figure is indicative, but the lower this is, the more
-the JVM has decided to get rid of items that were desired to be kept but 
-It only tracks some soft-references (those wrapped in `Maybe`),
-and of course if there are many many such items the JVM will have to get rid
-of some, so a lower figure does not necessarily mean a problem.
-Typically however if there's no `OutOfMemoryError` (OOME) reported,
-there's no problem.
-## Problem Indicators and Resolutions
-Two things that *do* normally indicate a problem with memory are:
-* `OutOfMemoryError` exceptions being thrown
-* Memory usage high *and* CPU high, where the CPU is spent doing full garbage 
-One possible cause is the JVM doing a poorly-selected GC strategy,
-as described in [Oracle Java bug 
-This can be confirmed by running the "analyzing soft reference usage" 
technique below;
-memory should shrink dramatically then increase until the problem recurs.
-This can be fixed by passing `-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1` to the JVM,
-as described in [Brooklyn issue 
-Other common JVM options include `-Xms256m -Xmx1g`
-(depending on JVM provider and version) to set the right balance of memory 
-In some cases a larger `-Xmx` value may simply be the fix
-(but this should not be the case unless many or large blueprints are being 
-If the problem is not with soft references but with real memory usage,
-the culprit is likely a memory leak, typically in blueprint design.
-An early warning of this situation is the "soft-reference maybe retention" 
level decreasing.
-In these situations, follow the steps as described below for "Investigating 
-## Analyzing Soft Reference Usage
-If you are concerned about memory usage, or doing evaluation on test 
-the following method (in the Groovy console) can be invoked to force the 
system to
-reclaim as much memory as possible, including *all* soft references:
-In good situations, memory usage should return to a small level.  
-This call can be disruptive to the system however so use with care.
-The above method can also be configured to run automatically when memory usage 
-is detected to hit a certain level.  That can be useful if external policies 
-being used to warn on high memory usage, and you want to keep some headroom.
-Many JVM authorities discourage interfering with its garbage collector, 
-so use with care and study the particular JVM you are using.
-See the class `BrooklynGarbageCollector` for more information.
-## Investigating Leaks
-If a memory leak is found, the first place to look should be the WARN/ERROR 
-Many common causes of leaks, including as runaway tasks and cyclic dependent 
-will show their own log errors prior to the memory error.
-You should also note the task counts in the `brooklyn gc` messages described 
-and if there are an exceptional number of tasks or tasks are not clearing,
-other log messages will describe what is happening, and the in-product task
-view can indicate issues. 
-Sometimes slow leaks can occur if blueprints do not clean up entities or 
-These can be diagnosed by noting the number of files written to the 
persistence location,
-if persistence is being used.  Deploying then destroying a blueprint should 
not leave
-anything behind in the persistence directory.
-Where problems have been encountered in the past, we have resolved them and/or
-worked to improve logging and early identification.
-Please report any issues so that we can improve this further.
-In many cases we can also give advice on what other log `grep` patterns can be 
-### Standard Java Techniques
-Useful standard Java techniques for tracking memory leaks include:
-* `jstack <pid>` to see what tasks are running
-* `jmap -histo:live <pid>` to see what objects are using memory (see below)
-* Memory profilers such as VisualVM or Eclipse MAT, either connected to a 
running system or
-  against a heap dump generated on an OOME
-More information is available on [the Oracle Java web 
-Note that some of the above techniques will often include soft and weak 
references that are irrelevant
-to the problem (and will be cleared on an OOME). Objects that may be cached in 
that way include:
-* `BasicConfigKey` (used for the web server and many blueprints)
-* `DslComponent` and `*Task` (used for Brooklyn activities and dependent 
-* `jclouds` items including `ImageImpl` (to cache data on cloud service 
-On the other hand any of the above may also indicate a leak.
-Taking snapshots after a `forceClearSoftReferences()` (above) invocation and 
comparing those
-is one technique to filter out noise.  Another is to wait until there is an 
-and look just after, because that will clear all non-essential data from 
-(The `forceClearSoftReferences()` actually works by triggering an OOME, in as 
-a way as possible.)
-If leaked items are found, a profiler will normally let you see their content
-and walk backwards along their references to find out why they are being 
-### Summary of Techniques
-The following sequence of techniques is a common approach to investigating and 
fixing memory issues:
-* Note the log lines about `brooklyn gc`, including memory and tasks
-* Do not assume high memory usage alone is an error, as soft reference caches 
are deliberate; 
-  use `forceClearSoftReferences()` to clear these
-* Note any WARN/ERROR messages in the log
-* Tune JVM memory allocation and GC
-* Look for leaking locations or references by creating then destroying a 
-* Use standard JVM profilers
-* Inform the Apache Brooklyn community
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-layout: website-normal
-title: Troubleshooting Overview
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-This guide describes sources of information for understanding when things go 
-Whether you're customizing out-of-the-box blueprints, or developing your own 
custom blueprints, you will
-inevitably have to deal with entity failure. Thankfully Brooklyn provides 
plenty of information to help 
-you locate and resolve any issues you may encounter.
-## Web-console Runtime Error Information
-### Entity Hierarchy
-The Brooklyn web-console includes a tree view of the entities within an 
application. Errors within the
-application are represented visually, showing a "fire" image on the entity.
-When an error causes an entire application to be unexpectedly down, the error 
is generally propagated to the
-top-level entity - i.e. marking it as "on fire". To find the underlying error, 
one should expand the entity
-hierarchy tree to find the specific entities that have actually failed.
-### Entity's Error Status
-Many entities have some common sensors (i.e. attributes) that give details of 
the error status:
-* `service.isUp` (often referred to as "service up") is a boolean, saying 
whether the service is up. For many 
-  software processes, this is inferred from whether the 
"service.notUp.indicators" is empty. It is also
-  possible for some entities to set this attribute directly.
-* `service.notUp.indicators` is a map of errors. This often gives much more 
information than the single 
-  `service.isUp` attribute. For example, there may be many health-check 
indicators for a component: 
-  is the root URL reachable, it the management api reporting healthy, is the 
process running, etc.
-* `service.problems` is a map of namespaced indicators of problems with a 
-* `service.state` is the actual state of the service - e.g. CREATED, STARTING, 
-* `service.state.expected` indicates the state the service is expected to be 
in (and when it transitioned to that).
-  For example, is the service expected to be starting, running, stopping, etc.
-These sensor values are shown in the "sensors" tab - see below.
-### Sensors View
-The "Sensors" tab in the Brooklyn web-console shows the attribute values of a 
particular entity.
-This gives lots of runtime information, including about the health of the 
entity - the 
-set of attributes will vary between different entity types.
-[![Sensors view in the Brooklyn debug 
-Note that null (or not set) sensors are hidden by default. You can click on 
the `Show/hide empty records` 
-icon (highlighted in yellow above) to see these sensors as well.
-The sensors view is also tabulated. You can configure the numbers of sensors 
shown per page 
-(at the bottom). There is also a search bar (at the top) to filter the sensors 
-### Activity View
-The activity view shows the tasks executed by a given entity. The top-level 
tasks are the effectors
-(i.e. operations) invoked on that entity. This view allows one to drill into 
the task, to 
-see details of errors.
-Select the entity, and then click on the `Activities` tab.
-In the table showing the tasks, each row is a link - clicking on the row will 
drill into the details of that task, 
-including sub-tasks:
-[![Task failure error in the Brooklyn debug 
-For ssh tasks, this allows one to drill down to see the env, stdin, stdout and 
stderr. That is, you can see the
-commands executed (stdin) and environment variables (env), and the output from 
executing that (stdout and stderr). 
-For tasks that did not fail, one can still drill into the tasks to see what 
was done.
-It's always worth looking at the Detailed Status section as sometimes that 
will give you the information you need.
-For example, it can show the exception stack trace in the thread that was 
executing the task that failed.
-## Log Files
-Brooklyn's logging is configurable, for the files created, the logging levels, 
-See [Logging docs]({{ }}/ops/logging.html).
-With out-of-the-box logging, `` and `brooklyn.debug.log` 
files are created. These are by default 
-rolling log files: when the log reaches a given size, it is compressed and a 
new log file is started.
-Therefore check the timestamps of the log files to ensure you are looking in 
the correct file for the 
-time of your error.
-With out-of-the-box logging, info, warnings and errors are written to the 
`` file. This gives
-a summary of the important actions and errors. However, it does not contain 
full stacktraces for errors.
-To find the exception, we'll need to look in Brooklyn's debug log file. By 
default, the debug log file
-is named `brooklyn.debug.log`. You can use your favourite tools for viewing 
large text files. 
-One possible tool is `less`, e.g. `less brooklyn.debug.log`. We can quickly 
find the last exception 
-by navigating to the end of the log file (using `Shift-G`), then performing a 
reverse-lookup by typing `?Exception` 
-and pressing `Enter`. Sometimes an error results in multiple exceptions being 
logged (e.g. first for the
-entity, then for the cluster, then for the app). If you know the text of the 
error message (e.g. copy-pasted
-from the Activities view of the web-console) then one can search explicitly 
for that text.
-The `grep` command is also extremely helpful. Useful things to grep for 
-* The entity id (see the "summary" tab of the entity in the web-console for 
the id).
-* The entity type name (if there are only a small number of entities of that 
-* The VM IP address.
-* A particular error message (e.g. copy-pasted from the Activities view of the 
-* The word WARN etc, such as `grep -E "WARN|ERROR"`.
-Grep'ing for particular log messages is also useful. Some examples are shown 
-* INFO: "Started application", "Stopping application" and "Stopped application"
-* INFO: "Creating VM "
-* DEBUG: "Finished VM "
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-layout: website-normal
-title: Brooklyn Slow or Unresponsive
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-There are many possible causes for a Brooklyn server becoming slow or 
unresponsive. This guide 
-describes some possible reasons, and some commands and tools that can help 
diagnose the problem.
-Possible reasons include:
-* CPU is max'ed out
-* Memory usage is extremely high
-* SSH'ing is very slow due (e.g. due to lack of entropy)
-* Out of disk space
-See [Brooklyn Requirements]({{ }}/ops/requirements.html) for 
details of server 
-## Machine Diagnostics
-The following commands will collect OS-level diagnostics about the machine, 
and about the Brooklyn 
-process. The commands below assume use of CentOS 6.x. Minor adjustments may be 
required for
-other platforms.
-#### OS and Machine Details
-To display system information, run:
-{% highlight bash %}
-uname -a
-{% endhighlight %}
-To show details of the CPU and memory available to the machine, run:
-{% highlight bash %}
-cat /proc/cpuinfo
-cat /proc/meminfo
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### User Limits
-To display information about user limits, run the command below (while logged 
in as the same user
-who runs Brooklyn):
-{% highlight bash %}
-ulimit -a
-{% endhighlight %}
-If Brooklyn is run as a different user (e.g. with user name "adalovelace"), 
then instead run:
-{% highlight bash %}
-ulimit -a -u adalovelace
-{% endhighlight %}
-Of particular interest is the limit for "open files".
-See [Increase System Resource Limits]({{ 
-for more information.
-#### Disk Space
-The command below will list the disk size for each partition, including the 
amount used and 
-available. If the Brooklyn base directory, persistence directory or logging 
directory are close 
-to 0% available, this can cause serious problems:
-{% highlight bash %}
-df -h
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### CPU and Memory Usage
-To view the CPU and memory usage of all processes, and of the machine as a 
whole, one can use the 
-`top` command. This runs interactively, updating every few seconds. To collect 
the output once 
-(e.g. to share diagnostic information in a bug report), run:
-{% highlight bash %}
-top -n 1 -b > top.txt
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### File and Network Usage
-To count the number of open files for the Brooklyn process (which includes 
open socket connections):
-{% highlight bash %}
-lsof -p $BROOKLYN_PID | wc -l
-{% endhighlight %}
-To count (or view the number of "established" internet connections, run:
-{% highlight bash %}
-netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Linux Kernel Entropy
-A lack of entropy can cause random number generation to be extremely slow. 
This can cause
-tasks like ssh to also be extremely slow. See 
-[linux kernel entropy]({{ 
-for details of how to work around this.
-## Process Diagnostics
-#### Thread and Memory Usage
-To get memory and thread usage for the Brooklyn (Java) process, two useful 
tools are `jstack` 
-and `jmap`. These require the "development kit" to also be installed 
-(e.g. `yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel`). Some useful commands are shown 
-{% highlight bash %}
-jmap -histo:live $BROOKLYN_PID
-jmap -heap $BROOKLYN_PID
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Runnable Threads
-script is a convenient light-weight way to quickly see which threads of a 
running Brooklyn
-server are attempting to consume the CPU. It filters the output of `jstack`, 
to show only the
-"really-runnable" threads (as opposed to those that are blocked).
-{% highlight bash %}
-curl -O
-jstack-active $BROOKLYN_PID
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Profiling
-If an in-depth investigation of the CPU usage (and/or object creation) of a 
Brooklyn Server is
-requiring, there are many profiling tools designed specifically for this 
purpose. These generally
-require that the process be launched in such a way that a profiler can attach, 
which may not be
-appropriate for a production server.
-#### Remote Debugging
-If the Brooklyn Server was originally run to allow a remote debugger to 
connect (strongly 
-discouraged in production!), then this provides a convenient way to 
investigate why Brooklyn
-is being slow or unresponsive. See the Debugging Tips in the 
-tip [Debugging Remote Brooklyn]({{ 
-and the [IDE docs]({{ }}/dev/env/ide/) for more information.
-## Log Files
-Apache Brooklyn will by default create and 
brooklyn.debug.log files. See the
-[Logging]({{ }}/ops/logging.html) docs for more information.
-The following are useful log messages to search for (e.g. using `grep`). Note 
the wording of
-these messages (or their very presence) may change in future version of 
-#### Normal Logging
-The lines below are commonly logged, and can be useful to search for when 
finding the start of a section of logging.
-{% highlight text %}
-2016-05-30 17:05:51,458 INFO  o.a.b.l.BrooklynWebServer [main]: Started 
Brooklyn console at, running classpath://brooklyn.war
-2016-05-30 17:06:04,098 INFO  o.a.b.c.m.h.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl [main]: 
Management node tF3GPvQ5 running as HA MASTER autodetected
-2016-05-30 17:06:08,982 INFO  o.a.b.c.m.r.InitialFullRebindIteration 
[brooklyn-execmanager-rvpnFTeL-0]: Rebinding from 
/home/compose/compose-amp-state/brooklyn-persisted-state/data for master 
-2016-05-30 17:06:11,105 INFO  o.a.b.c.m.r.RebindIteration 
[brooklyn-execmanager-rvpnFTeL-0]: Rebind complete (MASTER) in 2s: 19 apps, 54 
entities, 50 locations, 46 policies, 704 enrichers, 0 feeds, 160 catalog items
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Memory Usage
-The debug log includes (every minute) a log statement about the memory usage 
and task activity. For example:
-{% highlight text %}
-2016-05-27 12:20:19,395 DEBUG o.a.b.c.m.i.BrooklynGarbageCollector 
[brooklyn-gc]: brooklyn gc (before) - using 328 MB / 496 MB memory (5.58 kB 
soft); 69 threads; storage: {datagrid={size=7, createCount=7}, refsMapSize=0, 
listsMapSize=0}; tasks: 10 active, 33 unfinished; 78 remembered, 1696906 total 
-2016-05-27 12:20:19,395 DEBUG o.a.b.c.m.i.BrooklynGarbageCollector 
[brooklyn-gc]: brooklyn gc (after) - using 328 MB / 496 MB memory (5.58 kB 
soft); 69 threads; storage: {datagrid={size=7, createCount=7}, refsMapSize=0, 
listsMapSize=0}; tasks: 10 active, 33 unfinished; 78 remembered, 1696906 total 
-{% endhighlight %}
-These can be extremely useful if investigating a memory or thread leak, or to 
determine whether a 
-surprisingly high number of tasks are being executed.
-#### Subscriptions
-One source of high CPU in Brooklyn is when a subscription (e.g. for a policy 
or enricher) is being 
-triggered many times (i.e. handling many events). A log message like that 
below will be logged on 
-every 1000 events handled by a given single subscription.
-{% highlight text %}
-2016-05-30 17:29:09,125 DEBUG o.a.b.c.m.i.LocalSubscriptionManager 
[brooklyn-execmanager-rvpnFTeL-8]: 1000 events for subscriber 
-{% endhighlight %}
-If a subscription is handling a huge number of events, there are a couple of 
common reasons:
-* first, it could be subscribing to too much activity - e.g. a wildcard 
subscription for all 
-  events from all entities.
-* second it could be an infinite loop (e.g. where an enricher responds to a 
sensor-changed event
-  by setting that same sensor, thus triggering another sensor-changed event).
-#### User Activity
-All activity triggered by the REST API or web-console will be logged. Some 
examples are shown below:
-{% highlight text %}
-2016-05-19 17:52:30,150 INFO  o.a.b.r.r.ApplicationResource 
[brooklyn-jetty-server-8081-qtp1058726153-17473]: Launched from YAML: name: My 
Example App
-location: aws-ec2:us-east-1
-- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat.TomcatServer
-2016-05-30 14:46:19,516 DEBUG brooklyn.REST 
[brooklyn-jetty-server-8081-qtp1104967201-20881]: Request Tisj14 starting: POST 
/v1/applications/NiBy0v8Q/entities/NiBy0v8Q/expunge from
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Entity Activity
-If investigating the behaviour of a particular entity (e.g. on failure), it 
can be very useful to 
-`grep` the info and debug log for the entity's id. For a software process, the 
debug log will 
-include the stdout and stderr of all the commands executed by that entity.
-It can also be very useful to search for all effector invocations, to see 
where the behaviour
-has been triggered:
-{% highlight text %}
-2016-05-27 12:45:43,529 DEBUG o.a.b.c.m.i.EffectorUtils 
[brooklyn-execmanager-gvP7MuZF-14364]: Invoking effector stop on 
-{% endhighlight %}
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-layout: website-normal
-title: Troubleshooting SoftwareProcess Entities
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-The [troubleshooting overview](overview.html) in Brooklyn gives 
-information for how to find more information about errors.
-If that doesn't give enough information to diagnose, fix or workaround the 
problem, then it can be required
-to login to the machine, to investigate further. This guide applies to 
entities that are types
-of "SoftwareProcess" in Brooklyn, or that follows those conventions.
-## VM connection details
-The ssh connection details for an entity is published to a sensor 
`host.sshAddress`. The login 
-credentials will depend on the Brooklyn configuration. The default is to use 
the `~/.ssh/id_rsa` 
-or `~/.ssh/id_dsa` on the Brooklyn host (uploading the associated 
`~/.ssh/` to the machine's 
-authorised_keys). However, this can be overridden (e.g. with specific 
passwords etc) in the 
-location's configuration.
-For Windows, there is a similar sensor with the name `host.winrmAddress`. 
-<!-- TODO similar sensor for password? --> 
-## Install and Run Directories
-For ssh-based software processes, the install directory and the run directory 
are published as sensors
-`install.dir` and `run.dir` respectively.
-For some entities, files are unpacked into the install dir; configuration 
files are written to the
-run dir along with log files. For some other entities, these directories may 
be mostly empty - 
-e.g. if installing RPMs, and that software writes its logs to a different 
standard location.
-Most entities have a sensor `log.location`. It is generally worth checking 
this, along with other files
-in the run directory (such as console output).
-## Process and OS Health
-It is worth checking that the process is running, e.g. using `ps aux` to look 
for the desired process.
-Some entities also write the pid of the process to `pid.txt` in the run 
-It is also worth checking if the required port is accessible. This is 
discussed in the guide 
-"Troubleshooting Server Connectivity Issues in the Cloud", including listing 
the ports in use:
-execute `netstat -antp` (or on OS X `netstat -antp TCP`) to list the TCP ports 
in use (or use
-`-anup` for UDP).
-It is also worth checking the disk space on the server, e.g. using `df -m`, to 
check that there
-is sufficient space on each of the required partitions.
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-layout: website-normal
-title: Web Console Issues
-toc: /guide/toc.json
-## Page Does Not Load in Chrome, Saying ""Waiting for available socket..."
-If you find that the Web Console does not load in Chrome (giving a message 
"Waiting for available 
-socket..."), there are two possible explanations.
-The first reason is that another tab for the same host:port has a login dialog 
that is prompting  
-for a username and password. This will block other tabs that are also trying 
to connect. The 
-solution is to login at the first tab, or to close that tab.
-A second possible reason is that there are too many open connections in Chrome 
to that domain. 
-There is a limit in Chrome for the number of open socket connections to a 
given domain. If this
-is exceeded, subsequent tabs that try to connect will wait for an available 
-For more information, see 
-[chrome://net-internals/#sockets](chrome://net-internals/#sockets) is also a 
useful diagnostic tool.
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-title: Upgrade
-layout: website-normal
-This guide provides all necessary information to upgrade Apache Brooklyn for 
both the RPM/DEB and Tarball packages.
-## Backwards Compatibility
-Apache Brooklyn version 0.12.0 onward runs primarily inside a Karaf container. 
When upgrading from 0.11.0 or below,
-this update changes the mechanisms for launching Brooklyn.
-This will impact any custom scripting around the launching of Brooklyn, and 
the supplying of command line arguments.
-Use of the `lib/dropins` and `lib/patch` folders will no longer work (because 
Karaf does not support that kind of classloading).
-Instead, code must be built and installed as [OSGi 
-## Upgrading
-* Use of RPM and DEB is now recommended where possible, rather than the 
tar.gz. This entirely replaces the previous install.
-* CentOS 7.x is recommended over CentOS 6.x (note: the RPM **will not work** 
on CentOS 6.x)
-### Upgrade from Apache Brooklyn 0.12.0 onward
-{::options parse_block_html="true" /}
-<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-    <li class="active impl-1-tab"><a data-target="#impl-1, .impl-1-tab" 
data-toggle="tab" href="#">RPM / DEB Packages</a></li>
-    <li class="impl-2-tab"><a data-target="#impl-2, .impl-2-tab" 
data-toggle="tab" href="#">Tarball</a></li>
-<div class="tab-content">
-<div id="impl-1" class="tab-pane fade in active">
-1. **Important!** Backup persisted state and custom configuration, in case you 
need to rollback to a previous version.
-   1. By default, persisted state is located at `/var/lib/brooklyn`.
-      The `persistenceDir` and `persistenceLocation` are configured in the 
file `/etc/brooklyn/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg`.
-      The persistence details will be logged in 
`/var/log/brooklyn/` at startup time.
-   2. Configuration files are in `/etc/brooklyn`.
-2. Upgrade Apache Brooklyn:
-   1. [Download](../misc/download.html) the new RPM/DEB package
-   2. Upgrade Apache Brooklyn:
-          # CentOS / RHEL
-          sudo yum upgrade apache-brooklyn-xxxx.noarch.rpm
-          # Ubuntu / Debian
-          sudo dpkg -i apache-brooklyn-xxxx.deb
-      If there are conflicts in configuration files (located in 
`/etc/brooklyn`), the upgrade will behave differently based 
-      on the package you are using:
-      * RPM: the upgrade will keep the previously installed one and save the 
new version, with the suffix `.rpmsave`.
-        You will then need to check and manually resolve those.
-      * DEB: the upgrade will ask you what to do.
-3. Start Apache Brooklyn:
-       # CentOS 7 / RHEL
-       sudo systemctl start brooklyn
-       # CentOS 6 and older
-       sudo initctl start brooklyn
-       # Ubuntu / Debian
-       start brooklyn
-   Wait for Brooklyn to be running (i.e. its web-console is responsive)
-<div id="impl-2" class="tab-pane fade">
-1. Stop Apache Brooklyn:
-       ./bin/stop brooklyn
-   If this does not stop it within a few seconds (as checked with `sudo ps aux 
| grep karaf`), then use `sudo kill <JAVA_PID>`
-2. **Important!** Backup persisted state and custom configuration.
-   1. By default, persisted state is located at 
-      The `persistenceDir` and `persistenceLocation` are configured in the 
file `./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg`.
-      The persistence details will be logged in `./log/` at 
startup time.
-   2. Configuration files are in `./etc/`.
-      Any changes to these configuration files will need to be re-applied 
after reinstalling Brooklyn.
-3. Install new version of Apache Brooklyn:
-   1. [Download](../misc/download.html) the new tarball zip package.
-   2. Install Brooklyn:
-          tar -zxf apache-brooklyn-xxxx.tar.gz
-          cd apache-brooklyn-xxxx
-4. Restore any changes to the configuration files (see step 2).
-5. Validate that the new release works, by starting in "HOT_BACKUP" mode.
-   1. Before starting Brooklyn, reconfigure 
`./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg` and set 
-      This way when Brooklyn is started, it will only read and validate the 
persisted state and will not write into it.
-   2. Start Apache Brooklyn:
-          ./bin/start brooklyn
-   3. Check whether you have rebind ERROR messages in 
`./log/`, e.g. `sudo grep -E "WARN|ERROR" 
-      If you do not have such errors you can proceed.
-   4. Stop Apache Brooklyn:
-          ./bin/stop brooklyn
-   5. Change the `highAvailabilityMode` to the default (AUTO) by commenting it 
out in `./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg`.
-6. Start Apache Brooklyn:
-       ./bin/start brooklyn
-   Wait for Brooklyn to be running (i.e. its web-console is responsive).
-7. Update the catalog, using the br command:
-   1. 
the br tool.
-   2. Login with br: `br login http://localhost:8081 <user> <password>`.
-   3. Update the catalog: `br catalog add /opt/brooklyn/catalog/`.
-### Upgrade from Apache Brooklyn 0.11.0 and below
-<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-    <li class="active impl-1-tab"><a data-target="#impl-1, .impl-1-tab" 
data-toggle="tab" href="#">RPM / DEB Packages</a></li>
-    <li class="impl-2-tab"><a data-target="#impl-2, .impl-2-tab" 
data-toggle="tab" href="#">Tarball</a></li>
-<div class="tab-content">
-<div id="impl-1" class="tab-pane fade in active">
-1. Stop Apache Brooklyn:
-       # CentOS 7 / RHEL
-       sudo systemctl stop brooklyn
-       # CentOS6 and older
-       sudo initctl stop brooklyn
-       # Ubuntu / Debian
-       stop brooklyn
-   If this does not stop it within a few seconds (as checked with `sudo ps aux 
| grep brooklyn`), then use `sudo kill <JAVA_PID>`.
-2. **Important!** Backup persisted state and custom configuration.
-   1. By default, persisted state is located at `/opt/brooklyn/.brooklyn/`..
-      The `persistenceDir` and `persistenceLocation` are configured in the 
file `./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg`.
-      The persistence details will be logged in `./log/` at 
startup time.
-   2. Configuration files are in `./etc/`.
-      Any changes to these configuration files will need to be re-applied 
after reinstalling Brooklyn.
-3. Delete the existing Apache Brooklyn install:
-   1. Remove Brooklyn package:
-          # CentOS / RHEL
-          sudo yum erase apache-brooklyn
-          # Ubuntu / Debian
-          sudo dpkg -r apache-brooklyn
-    2. On CentOS 7 run `sudo systemctl daemon-reload`.
-    3. Confirm that Brooklyn is definitely not running (see step 1 above).
-    4. Delete the Brooklyn install directory: `sudo rm -r /opt/brooklyn` as 
well as the Brooklyn log directory:
-       `sudo rm -r /var/log/brooklyn/`
-4. Make sure you have Java 8.
-   By default CentOS images come with JRE6 which is incompatible version for 
-   If CentOS is prior to 6.8 upgrade nss: `yum -y upgrade nss`
-5. Install new version of Apache Brooklyn:
-   1. [Download](../misc/download.html) the new RPM/DEB package.
-   2. Install Apache Brooklyn:
-          # CentOS / RHEL
-          sudo yum install apache-brooklyn-xxxx.noarch.rpm
-          # Ubuntu / Debian
-          sudo dpkg -i apache-brooklyn-xxxx.deb
-6. Restore the persisted state and configuration.
-   1. Stop the Brooklyn service:
-          # CentOS 7 / RHEL 
-          sudo systemctl stop brooklyn
-          # CentOS 6 and older
-          sudo initctl stop brooklyn
-          # Ubuntu / Debian
-          stop brooklyn
-      Confirm that Brooklyn is no longer running (see step 1).
-   2. Restore the persisted state directory into `/var/lib/brooklyn` and any 
changes to the configuration files (see step 2).
-      Ensure owner/permissions are correct for the persisted state directory, 
-      `sudo chown -r brooklyn:brooklyn /var/lib/brooklyn`
-7. Validate that the new release works, by starting in "HOT_BACKUP" mode.
-   1. Before starting Brooklyn, reconfigure 
`/etc/brooklyn/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg` and set 
-      This way when Brooklyn is started, it will only read and validate the 
persisted state and will not write into it.
-   2. Start Apache Brooklyn:
-          # CentOS 7 / RHEL
-          sudo systemctl start brooklyn
-          # CentOS 6 and older
-          sudo initctl start brooklyn
-          # Ubuntu / Debian
-          start brooklyn
-   3. Check whether you have rebind ERROR messages in the Brooklyn logs, e.g. 
`sudo grep -E "Rebind|WARN|ERROR" /var/log/brooklyn/brooklyn.debug.log`.
-      If you do not have such errors you can proceed.
-   4. Stop Brooklyn:
-          # CentOS 7 / RHEL 
-          sudo systemctl stop brooklyn
-          # CentOS 6 and older
-          sudo initctl stop brooklyn
-          # Ubuntu / Debian
-          stop brooklyn
-   5. Change the `highAvailabilityMode` to the default (AUTO) by commenting it 
out in `./etc/org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg`.
-8. Start Apache Brooklyn:
-       # CentOS 7 / RHEL
-       sudo systemctl start brooklyn
-       # CentOS 6 and older
-       sudo initctl start brooklyn
-       # Ubuntu / Debian
-       start brooklyn
-   Wait for Brooklyn to be running (i.e. its web-console is responsive).
-9. Update the catalog, using the br command:
-   1. Download the br tool (i.e. from the "CLI Download" link in the 
-   2. Login with br: `br login http://localhost:8081 <user> <password>`.
-   3. Update the catalog: `br catalog add /opt/brooklyn/catalog/`.
-<div id="impl-2" class="tab-pane fade">
-Same instructions as above.
-## Rollback
-This section applies only with you are using the RPM/DEB packages. To perform 
a rollback, please follow these instructions:
-{% highlight bash %}
-# CentOS / RHEL
-yum downgrade apache-brooklyn.noarch
-# Ubuntu Debian
-dpkg -i apache-brooklyn-xxxx.deb
-{% endhighlight %}
-*Note that to downgrade a DEB package is essentially installing a previous 
version therefore you need to [download](../misc/download.html)
-the version you want to downgrade to before hand.*
-## How to stop your service
-On systemd: 
-{% highlight bash %}
-systemctl stop brooklyn 
-{% endhighlight %}
-On upstart: 
-{% highlight bash %}
-stop brooklyn
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Web login credentials
-* User credentials should now be recorded in [`brooklyn.cfg`](paths.html).
-* Brooklyn will still read them from both [`brooklyn.cfg`](paths.html) and 
-* Configure a username/password by modifying [`brooklyn.cfg`](paths.html). An 
example entry is:
-{% highlight bash %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Persistence
-If you have persisted state you wish to rebind to, persistence is now 
configured in the following files:
-* [`brooklyn.cfg`](paths.html)
-* [`org.apache.brooklyn.osgilauncher.cfg`](paths.html)
-For example, to use S3 for the persisted state, add the following to 
-{% highlight bash %}<ADD CREDS><ADD CREDS>
-{% endhighlight %}
-To continue the S3 example, for the persisted state, add the following to 
-{% highlight bash %}
-persistenceDir=<ADD HERE>
-{% endhighlight %}
-Apache Brooklyn should be stopped before this file is modified, and then 
restarted with the new configuration.
-***Note that you can not store the credentials (for e.g. aws-s3-eu-west-1) in 
the catalog because that catalog is stored
-in the persisted state. Apache Brooklyn needs to know it in order to read the 
persisted state at startup time.***
-If binding to existing persisted state, an additional command is required to 
update the existing catalog with the Brooklyn
-0.12.0 versions. Assuming Brooklyn has been installed to 
[`/opt/brooklyn`](paths.html) (as is done by the RPM and DEB):
-  {% highlight bash %}
-    br catalog add /opt/brooklyn/catalog/
-  {% endhighlight %}
-All existing custom jars previously added to lib/plugins (e.g. for Java-based 
entities) need to be converted to OSGi bundles,
-and installed in Karaf. The use of the "brooklyn.libraries" section in files will continue to work.
diff --git a/guide/start/_my-web-cluster.yaml b/guide/start/_my-web-cluster.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a00949e..0000000
--- a/guide/start/_my-web-cluster.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-name: My Web Cluster
-  jclouds:aws-ec2:
-    credential: s3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3l
-- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
-  name: My Web
-  id: webappcluster
-  brooklyn.config:
-    wars.root:
-    java.sysprops:
-      brooklyn.example.db.url: >
-        $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s&password=%s",
-        component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"),
-        "visitors", "brooklyn", $brooklyn:external("brooklyn-demo-sample", 
-- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
-  name: My DB
-  id: db
-  brooklyn.config:
-    creation.script.password: $brooklyn:external("brooklyn-demo-sample", 
-    datastore.creation.script.url:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guide/start/_my-web-cluster2.yaml 
deleted file mode 100644
index bef8d1a..0000000
--- a/guide/start/_my-web-cluster2.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-name: My Web Cluster
-location: localhost
-- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
-  name: My Web
-  brooklyn.config:
-    wars.root:
-    java.sysprops:
-      brooklyn.example.db.url: >
-        $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s&password=%s",
-        component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"),
-        "visitors", "brooklyn", $brooklyn:external("brooklyn-demo-sample", 
-  brooklyn.policies:
-  - type: org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy
-    brooklyn.config:
-      metric: webapp.reqs.perSec.windowed.perNode
-      metricLowerBound: 0.1
-      metricUpperBound: 10
-      minPoolSize: 1
-      maxPoolSize: 4
-      resizeUpStabilizationDelay: 10s
-      resizeDownStabilizationDelay: 1m
-- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
-  id: db
-  name: My DB
-  brooklyn.config:
-    creation.script.password: $brooklyn:external("brooklyn-demo-sample", 
-    datastore.creation.script.url:

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